May 14, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Serviceman Visiting Parents Here
HOODSPO RT-Home from
Viet Nam for a short 30 days is
Art Locke, and very happy to
have him here are his parents Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Vanderwaden of
Holiday Beach. Art has extended
his tour of duty for another six
months and when doing so
requested a return trip to Viet
Nam. Art upon his return to
active duty will be Spec. 5. Roy
and Charlette Vanderwaden hope
to be moved and settled into their
new home which is now under
construction at HoUiday Beach by
the time Art is discharged. While
on the subject of the
Vanderwadens, congratulations
are in order for Charlotte, who
has been attending school at the
Clover Park Education Center in
Tacoma. Charlotte is now a
student instructor at the same, in
the food service dept.
Big Birthday
Everyone. who knows
Postmaster Belle Larson at
Potlatch, knows that she is one
gal who really admits to and
enjoys her birthdays and this one
was no exception. A birthday
dinner was given by her friends
April 26. Then on May 1 she was
serenaded several times, with even
a happy birthday sung to her in
Swedish by daughter Nadine, who
recently returned from a vacation
in Sweden. Nadine also served her
mother a Swedish breakfast in
honor of her day. This was far
from the end of Belle's birthday
parties for on May 6 a surprise
dinner party was given by friends.
Hostess at the dinner was Muriel
Jasper, and dinner guests included
Carol Rounds, Mary Turner and
Betty and Johnny Jones from
Seattle. Now one would think this
was enough birthday for a year,
however Belle had another
birthday breakfast when she was
the guest of Lucile Lathams, and
continued her celebration through
mother's day when Belle travelled
to Seattle for still another dinner
with Mr. and Mrs. Williams. As
daughter Nadine says, Mother
grows younger every year, and I
for one believe it, so just one
more time Happy Birthday Belle.
Mother's Day
Many mothers were
entertained by their children at
Lower Skok School, May 8, when
they were invited to a special tea.
Invitations were made by the
children for their parents and a
very entertaining program was
enacted, which included The
Wizard of Oz and was complete
with the children's rendition of
today's commercials.
Proud Parent
Not too often does one hear a
mother-in-law brag, but Josephine
Rau is sure proud of her
daughter's spouse Jerry Lenzi, for
this Friday Jerry is graduating
from St. Martin's in Olympia and
will be a full fledged civil
engineer. Jerry and Ann Lenzi
both have worked and planned
for this day since their wedding
four years ago come June. Jerry
has worked part-time for the
State Highways Dept., and Ann is
employed by Trans America Title
Co. To quote a very proud morn
"These kids have really worked
for this and I'm sure proud of
SOUTIiSIDE--P.T.O. had its
monthly meeting Monday night
presided over by Joan Johnson,
vice president.
Election of officers was held.
The results are president, Billic
Corey; vice president, Kay
Molenaar; secretary, Kathy
lteminger, and treasurer, Marion
Louis Grinnell the
superintendent of Shelton
Schools spoke on the new high
Floyd Jackson, principal at
the junior high accompanied him.
They held a question and answer
period afterwards.
Third graders in Mrs. Dolores
Pappas' class scheduled a visit to
"Apollo 1 I" while it was in
Olympia last week.
May 5 the meeting of the Live
Wires 4-H Club was called to
order by president Lori Goldsby.
Debbie Goldsby led the flag salute
and 4-H pledge, then Debbie took
roll and read the minutes of the
last meeting. Old business was
d~tassion of demonstrations. At
the next meeting May 19, new
business each girl must bring one
fern to decorate the float for the
4-H club in the Mason County
Forest Festival parade.
Suggestions were made for the
theme of 4-H camp and then it
was suggested we have a hot dog
Then the meeting was
Sunday evening Gordon
Palmer andMr. and Mrs. Art
Ketterling, Donna and Peggy
called at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. L. H. Asche and Winston.
Afternoon callers at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Asche and
Winston for Mother's Day were
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Asche and
Friendship Club had a nice
meeting at the home of Mrs.
(;race Wright May 6 with eight
members present.
The next meeting will be held
at Mrs. Ralph Horton's May 20.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuck went
to Tacoma and spent over the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. James
McCord, and Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
Charles McCauley and Opal
Lancaster came over to McCord's
for dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Stuck of
Aberdeen came over during the
week and visited Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Stuck. ....
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kratcha,
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kratcha,
Michael and Shelley, Mr. and Mrs.
John Cookson and Jackie and Mr.
and Mrs. John Kratcha Jr., visited
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha on
various days during the week.
In Hospital
Julie Simmons, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Mick Simmons, is
having a much too long stay in
the Mason General Hospital
fighting an infection which has
kept her fever running high. All in
this area are wishing her a speedy
Out of Towners
Mr. and Mrs. Tom James
entertained friends from
Bremerton this past weekend.
Tony Balsalobre and Jim
Litchfield admitted to enjoying
the Canal and it's friendly
residents very much and promise
to spend as many summer
weekends as possible in this area.
Meeting Set
Intermediate School District
113 Board of Education will
meet in the Mason County
Courthouse at 7:30 p.m., May 14.
Thursday, May 14
High ....... 1:11 a.m. 11.3 ft.
l.~w ....... 7:53 a.m. 5.7 ft.
High ...... 12:29 p.m.7.6 ft.
Low ....... 6:35 p.m. 3.5 ft.
Friday, May 15
High ....... 1:47 a.m.11.2 ft.
Low .......8:29 a.m.4.5 ft.
High ....... 2:05 p.m.8.0 ft.
Low .......7:35 p.m.4.4 ft.
Saturday, May 16
High ....... 2:11 a.m.11.1 ft.
Low .......9:05 a.m.3.2 ft.
High... i ... 3:17 p.m. 8.6 ft.
Low ... ~... 8:29 p.m. 5.2 ft.
Sunday, May 17
High ....... 2:35 a.m.11.0 ft.
Low .......9:35 a.m.2.0 ft.
High ....... 4:17 p.m.9.5 ft.
Low .......9:23 p.m.6.0 ft.
Monday, May 18
High ........ 2:59a.m. 11.0 ft.
Low ......10:05 a.m.0.8 ft.
High ....... 5:11 p.m. 10.3 ft.
Low ......10:11 p.m.6.7 ft.
Tuesday, May 19
High ....... 3:23 a.m. I 1.1 ft.
Low ......10:41 a.m.-1.3 ft.
High ....... 5:59p.m. 11.1 ft.
Low ......10:53 p.m.7.2 ft.
Wednesday, May 20
High ....... 3:53 a.m. I 1.1 ft.
Low ......11:17 a.m.-2.3 ft.
High ....... 6:41 p.m. 11.7 ft.
Low ......11:41 p.m.7.7 ft.
Thursday, May 21
High ....... 4:23 a.m. 11.2 ft.
Low ......11:53 a.m.-3.0 ft.
High ....... 7:23 p.m. 12.2 ft.
Student Worker
Is Sought
The Cooperative Extension
Service will take applications for a
Work Study Student for the
possibility of employment this
To be eligible, the student
1. Be accepted for enrollment
at Washington State University
for the fall of 1970.
2. Apply and be accepted as
needing financial aid.
3.1ndicate a desire for part
time work while in school.
For further information,
please call for an appointment at
Teeny The Clown
Will Be Here
Teeny the Clown will be in
Shelton May 23 for the Forest
Festival Paul Bunyan Junior
Parade for youngsters 12 and
The 7th grade band will lead
the parade.
Parade entrants are asked to
be at 5th and Cota at 9:15 a.m.,
for judging before the parade at
l0 a.m.
Too Late to Classify
Ph: 495-3722
or 495-3398
WILL TRADE 1963 Jeep
Wagoneer, four wheel drive, radio,
heater, good condition for
economical car or $850.00. Phone
426-6125. H5/14-6/4
1960 FALCON sedan $250 or
best offer. 426-4907 C5/14
1966 TORONADO, new tires, full
power, sharp, $1850. Phone
426-2025 days or 426-1157 after
6 p.m. M5/14
FOR SALE--1959 Impala car in
good condition. Price $275,-~ell
426-4] 70 $5/14
FOR LEASE--modern
unfurnished 3 bedroom home.
Mt. View, $140 per month.
References required. Hoodsport
877-5786 J5/14
1969 MODEL--3 bedroom mobile
home, $6,500. Contact Dave
Thacher, Himlie Realty, 426-2646
or owner at 124 Roosevelt. 5/14
demonstrate fabulous new wigs.
Call 426-1448 $5/14-6/4
FOR RENT--Duplex apartment,
fireplace, garage, near school,
view. References. Phone
426-4428. J5/14tfn
or female. Apply in person
Alderbrook Inn, Union. A5/14
3 BEDROOM house for rent.
426-6510 B5/14
LARGE LOVELY furnished
home near Union. Boat furnished.
Beautiful view and surroundings.
$250 per mo. to Sept.
Responsible party 898-2428
FOR RENT--Furnished one
bedroom apartment. All electric.
Call 426-3242. B5/14tfn
Our sincere appreciation to all
friends and relatives of our
beloved mother, Catherine
Johnson, for their love,
contributions in her memory,
cards and beautiful flowers. Also,
a kind thank you to the V.F.W.
Auxiliary Ladies for serving the
lovely dinner.
Gertrude E. Talbot
Mary E. Silvers
Pauline R. Coleman
Geraldine E. Archer
(pd. pol. adv. by Bill Werberger)
Page 10 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 14, 1970
First Grade
Sign Up Set
Registration for first grade
and kindergarten students in the
Shelton School District has been
set for May 14.
Those with last names A
through L will register from 8:30
to 11 a.m. and those with last
names M through Z will register
from 1:30 to 4 p.m. at the
Evergreen School Auditorium.
Those attending kindergarten
in the district now will be
pre-registered in the first grade for
next year.
A child must be 5 before
Sept. 1 to be eligible for
kindergarten and 6 before Sept. 1
to be eligible for first grade.
Proof of age, the child's birth
certificate or hospital record or
baptismal certificate if it gives the
date of birth, is needed. A record
of immunizations and diseases is
helpful also.
Enrollment blanks can be
picked up at any of the three
elementary schools and can be
filled out ahead of the registration
Admission to Shelton High
School graduation will be by
ticket only this year, the school
announced this week.
Graduation is scheduled for
7:30 p.m. June 4 in the High
School Gymnasium.
Each graduating senior will be
given four tickets and only those
who have tickets will be admitted.
The restrictions are being
placed to assure seating and
admittance of the parents and
guests of the senior class.
Any gifts to the graduates
should be given in person or sent
to the graduates's home. There
will be no gift table at the
graduation this year.
BUT PLEASE... can prevent forest fires
Results of Student balloting
for next year's student body
officers for Hood Canal Junior
High are as follows: president,
Mike Lindgren; vice president,
Clayton Molinero; secretary,
Sheryl Sund, treasurer, Patti
The school safety division of
the Washington State Patrol
invited Hood Canal bus patrol
students, as their guests, to the
25th annual Shrine Circus at the
UPS Fieldhouse in Tacoma.
Those able to make the trip
with Supt. John Pill were Fred
Johnson, Brian Tweed, Patrick
Laney, Teresa West, Tony
Molinero, Bonnie Green and
Jeannie Green.
The Polack Bros. Circus,
which put on the three hour
show, has the reputation as the
quality name in the International
Circus World.
Mother's Day
Many mothers and some
fathers enjoyed the Mother's Day
program last Friday which was
presented at the Lower
Skokomish Gym by students of
the intermediate grades. Bryan
Hayes and Eve Nelson were
Masters of Ceremonies for the
The sixth grade class
presented some elaborate
commercials to the delight of the
With Barbara Whitten and
Vickie Velkov as narrators, Mrs.
Vickie Merifields 4th grade class
presented the "Wizard of Oz"
with the following main cast:
Dorothy, Sharlyn York;
scarecrow, Doug LaClair;
woodsman, Louis Miller; wizard,
Bryan Tweed;lion, Billy Bryant;
Toto, Gleen Anderson; Aunt Em,
Judy Collins; Uncle Henry, Pat
Laney; wicked witch, Diana
Olivero; good witch (N) Toby
Frint; good witch (S) Debbie
Twidwell; guardian of the gate,
Stan Bourgault.
The fifth grade choir
entertained with selections from
the "Sound of Music" directed by
donated time of Mr. Chester "My
Favorite Things" featured Doug
Richert and Michael Pavel;
"Edeliveiss", with a solo by Greg
Hunter and "Do-Re-Me" a solo by
Kathy Stevens.
The final presentation by the
5th grade was a skit, all about
"Mothers" and a song, "Mother".
Refreshments were served to
A conservative is a man who is
too cowardly to fight and too fat
to run.
Elbert Hubbard
award for
speed in the
112 Pi
The fathers
on the cars
of 21 cars
pack meets .i
Music by the:
For , , ,
Table Tops, Mirrors, Aluminum
Shower and Tub
Storm Doors and Window
Replacements of all kinds
710 Cedar Leroy Dale
Call for Free Estimates
McGrath Modular Corporation needs qualified
dealers to sell their new Modular Homes. 16 attractive
designs, 2, 3, and 4 bedroom models. Carpeting and
appliances already installed. Prices from $8950. FHA/
VA financing. We deliver from Everett plant to home-
site, and back you up with the strength of the largest
publicly-owned home building firm in the Northwest.
If you've got basic sales know-how and are bold
enough to grow in a growth industry a McGrath Modu-
lar dealership is for you.
For information, call
J. David A. McGrath (206) 455-0790
2255-116th Ave. N.E.--Bellevue,
For the time of their lives
invite your out-of-town friends
26th Annual
...... • ~:i/~:!ii
~ ?~ i i~
~ ~ ~• i~ ~ ~i~il~
Clip this ad and send the entire Pr°Y--~IjP
your friends and relatives so theY el, •
now to attend!
Tuesday, May 19th --
Thursday, May 21st -
Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 8.00 p.ffl.
in the Junior High School Auditorium.
Presented by the Shelton High School Music
Saturday, May 23rd-
10:00 a.m., Junior Parade
0:30 a.m., Paul Bunyan Parade
2:00 p.m., Logging Sports ShoW tc
Loop Field. See Speed
Bucking, Tree Topping,
Felling and many other
Compliments of
ITT Rayonier Incorporated and Simpson Timber