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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 14, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 14, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Information on the number of persons holding more than one job and the total of hours worked at each job will be collected during a survey to be conducted In this area during the week of May 17, according to John E. Tharaldson, Director of the regional office of the Bureau of the Census in Seattle. Local interviews will be part of a nationwide effort to measure dual job holding in the U.S. They will be conducted in conjunction with the Bureau's monthly survey of employment and unemployment• Employment statistics are gathered monthly by the Bureau for the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics to provide a continuing measure of the economic health of the Nation. Households to be interviewed Legal Publkations CALL FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be received by the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. I of Mason County. Washington, until 8:00 p.m. PDT, Monday, June 8, 1970 at its office in Potlatch, Washington, to furnish material and equipment for one distribution type substation except the steel structure, power transformer and voltage regulator. The material and equipment to be bid in one lot includes three 69 Kv fuse disconnects, three sets of 69 Kv TPST airbreak disconnect switches, three regulator by-pass switches, six 15 Kv recloser by-pass switches, six 15 Kv disconnect switches, three 36 Kv and twelve 9 Kv lightning arrestors, three 15 Kv current transformers, insulators, bus supports and fittings, ground fittings and assembly bolts. Each bidder will be required to submit a bid bond in the amount of 5% of the bid price. Specifications may be obtained from the District's Engineer, Howard Zenier and Associates at their office at 212 West 13th Street, Vancouver, Legal Publications HUEFFED and "JOHN DOE" HUEFFED, husband and wife; BLANCH L. HASTY and "JOHN DOE" HASTY, husband and wife; FRANK E. ROOT, and IDEALIA E. ROOT, husband and wife; LESLIE HENDERSON; EMMA BARKLEY; M.oA'f BETTIS, if living, or if any the named defendants are deceased, the unknown heirs at law of them or Legal Publications Drawings and specifications and contract documents may be obtained by bona fide bidders from the office of William Arild Johnson & Associates, Architect, 3506 Braodway, P. O. Box 1211, Everett, Washington, upon receipt of $50 deposit for Architectural, $25 deposit each for Mechanical or Electrical. Planholders who do not enter a bona fide bid, and any of them; THE STATE OF who do not return unmarked and WASHINGTON; and all other unmutilated drawings and persons or parties unknown specifications at least ten (10) claiming any right, title or estate, days prior to bid opening, will lien or interest in the real estate forfeit their deposits. Sets of drawings and specifications may described in the Complaint herein, Defendants. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, To the said FLORENCE C. McDANIEL and "JOHN DOE" McDANIEL, husband and wife; MARIE HUEFFED and "JOHN DOE" HUEFFED, husband and wife; BLANCH L. HASTY and "JOHN DOE" HASTY, husband and wife; FRANK E. ROOT and IDEALIA E. ROOT, husband and wife; LESLIE HENDERSON; EMMA BARKLEY; M. A. BETTIS, if living, or if any of the named defendants are deceased, be secured at the cost of reproduction. Contractors and subcontractors may also purchase sets of plans and specifications at cost of reproduction. Such sets remain the property of the Architect and shall be returned. Drawings and specifications may be examined at the office of the Architect and at the office of the Superintendent of Schools. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check, or bid bond, made payable to Hood Canal School District No. 404, Shelton, Mason County, Washington, in an Legal Publications NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO.4112 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of BROIER H. BYRD, Deceased. Legal Publications NOTICE OF HEARING Grapeview School District No. 54 of Mason County, Washington will hold a special meeting on Wednesday May 27, 1970 beginning 7:00 p.m. at the Grapeview School for the purpose of reviewing the preliminary budget of 1970-71. Notice is given that the undersigned has been appointed Any taxpayer in the district and has qualified as personal may appear and be heard for or representative ot this estate, against the preliminary budget. Persons having claims against the Hildred M. Bunch deceased are required to serve the Director-Clerk same, duly verified, on the undersigned or the attorney of record at the address stated below and file the same with the Clerk of this Court, together with proof of such service within four months after May 14, 1970, or the same will be forever barred. A. JANE KOLB Personal Representative 1906 No. Fir St. Olympia, Washington 98501 BYRON E. McCLANAHAN Attorney for Estate No. 7 Govey Building Shelton, Washington 98584 Tel. :426-6223 5/14-21-28-3t School Dist. No. 54 5/14-21-2t SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NO. 10410 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. FAIRVlEW ESTATES, INC., a Washington corporation, Plaintiff, VS LEE E. BJORK and PHYLLIS J. BJORK, his wife, Defendants. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO: LEE E. BJORK and PHYLLIS Wash. 98660, upon written the unknown heirs at law of them amount not less than five percent NOTICE OF HEARING J. BJORK, his wife, Defendants: here are part of a scientifically request. Y O U A R E H E R E B Y Dated this 11th day of May, or any of them; THE STATE OF (5%) of the bid. School Board of Kamilche Valley School WASHINTON; and all other Education reserves the right to District No. 401 of Mason SUMMONED TOAPPEARwithin designed sample of the U.S. 1970. persons or parties unknown, waive any informalities or County, Washington, will hold a sixty (60) days after the first population. Public Utility District No. 1 claiming any right, title or estate, irregularities in any bid or in the special meeting on Thursday, May publication of this Summons, Although some of the of Mason County lien or interest in the real estate bidding, and may reject any or all 28, 1970 beginning at 8:00 p.m. to-wit: within sixty (60) days described in the Complaint bids. at the Kamilche Valley School for after the 7th day of May, 1970, Harold Hunter, Secretary Board of Commissioners 5/14-21-2t CALL FOR BIDS The City of Shelton will receive bids for one patrol car until 11:00 a.m. Monday, May 25, 1970 at which time they will be opened and read aloud. questions to be asked are similar to those asked in the l O-year census taken as of April l, Census officials say the monthly survey is essential to provide a continuing picture of current trends. Facts about individuals collected in the survey are held herein, Defendants: YOU AND EACH OF YOU are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days from the day of first publication of this Summons, to-wit: within sixty days from the 23rd day of April, 1970, and defend the above entitled action No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour set for the opening thereof, or before award of the contract, unless said award is delayed for a period exceeding thirty (30) days. HOOD CANAL SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 404. 5/7-14-21-3t the purpose of reviewing the preliminary budget of 1970-71. Any taxpayer in the district may appear and be heard for or against the preliminary budget. Dave Whitener, clerk School District No. 401 5/14-21-2t and defend the above entitled action in the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Kitsap County aforesaid; and answer the Complaint of the plaintiff and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned Attorneys for plaintiff at their offices below stated; and in case Legal Publications I N PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO.4105 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON For the County of Mason. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE O F RAYMOND H. WAI D Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as Executrix of the estate of the above named deceased; that all person having claims against said deceased are hereby required to serve the same, duly verified, on said Executrix or her attorney of record at the address below stated, and file the Legal same with the Cle together with within four toOl of first publicat or the same will I Date of first 30, 1970. Dorothy H. Ex Star Route 1, Shelton, Wl Kenneth Attorney KENNETH R. OBERQUELL. 4515 Lacey Lacey, Washington 98501 491-2220 1 GALLON FREE WITH PURCHASE OF 4 GALLONS confidential by law; the results obtained at the office of the City in the Superior Court aforesaid of your failure so to do, judgment OF ANY COLOR. can be published only as Clerk. and answer the Complaint of will be rendered against you statistical totals. The City reserves the right to plaintiffs and serve a copy of your NOTICE OF according to the demand of the = =m=t'rr'r~ .rtmmp ~Ls= v t • reject any and all bids. answer upon the undersigned NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Complaint, which has been filed LIl ll/t.g/II IE MNLI : -~------------------------~-- attorneys for plaintiffs, at their PUBLIC AUCTION SALE Southside School District No. with the Clerk of the Court. =___l ~..Llilr~r[~s Alma K. Catto office below stated; and, in case 91-01-117 42, Mason County, Washington. The purpose of this action is rMIBII City Clerk 5/14-21-2t of your failure to so do, judgmentU . S . T R E A S U R Y Pursuant to law, notice is to forfeit a real estate contract will be rendered against you DEPARTMENT--INTERNAL hereby given that the School and quiet title in plaintiff tothe ~ • • • ~ ~~u -~.-~-----'='--'-='--'-= COU~ECT according to the demands of the REVENUE SERVICE. Directors of Southside School following described real property ~ • • • ~m~ ~m~ ,.u/iL~ NO 675 Complaint in this action which Pursuant to authority District No. 42 will hold a public situated in Mason County, • • • • • • II • U Pursuant to law notice is " (" R P No . . , , _ . . In the matter of ..... have been filed with the Clerk of contained in Section 6331 of thehearing at Southside school at Washington: • • • ~ • • 11 • nereDy given that the t~oara o~ ~.. . ; .... 675 to be constructed on Mason the said Court. Internal Revenue Code, the 7:30 p.m. on the 28th day of Lot 49 of Third Addition to • • 1 • • II1• r ulrecrors or Mary M. Knlgnt rn,,ntv ~nad Nn R(} I~nnwn The object of this action is to property described below has May, 1970 for the following Collins Lake, as recorded in ~ llPllrll SChool District No. 311 will hold "~=~-'~"'*"*~"- ~'~'~"l~erv-e"'6;-~'~" • . . Iu~.o,,y o= t .......... quiet title in plaintiffs to real been seized for nonpayment of p u r p o s e : F I X I N G A N D Volume 6 of Plats, page 132; .,, a pubhc hearing to review the -- - ....... and more specifically located inestate in Mason County, delinquent internal revenue taxes A D O P T I N G T H E situate in Mason County, preummary ouogeL on MonDay, ;^.. ~ "r .... ~.;,,--~n M D .... due from Margaret E. Keary, PRELIMINARY BUDGET OF Washington. May ............... Zb, t'J/u, a~ ~:uu p.m. in me ~,Sect'vw w ..... M v..,,=,,,p .......... ~ Washington, described as follows: Wheatley & Keary Co., 925 May S O U T H S I D E S C H O O L By John A. Bishop I -- -- • School Library. All interested tax " "'i¥"i~ HFRFRY RF_q(3IVFR That part of Lot 2 of St., Shelton, Wa. 98584. The DISTINCT NO. 42 FOR THE Attorney for Plaintiff - - - JLJL I . payers are invited to attend. Ryl'rH;;- R'~--~,'~'n'F--O-(~I~'~V Section 20, Township 22 property will be sold in FISCAL YEAR OF1970-71. Any 3421KitsaoWav SuiteE B~BIIIIII~V¶P • I Cop l~.of the schoo/ budget areCOMMISSIONERS that it is their North, Range 2 West, accordance with the provisions of taxpayer may appear and be BremertonProfessional lliltllwl// 1.1 Section 6335 of the Internal heard for or against any part of Building avanaDle in scnool oTrlce .. .. - intention to replace deteriorated W.M., and of tidelands in uorothyirimble • • Revenue Code, and the thebudget. Bremerton, Washington _ .,,~ ..... bridge with culvert, front thereof described as Clerk of tne t~oaro 8 5 ' ' x 54" 44 ft follows: Beginning at a regulations thereunder, at public VERN L. BEDELL, Clerk 98310 1_'4_'47 I lvmnJt 14wu ¢= 5/14 21 2t " " Galvanized Steel Culvertl point on the North line of auction. School District No. 42 Telephone ESsex 7-7691 ...... P'"I~ ...... • ...... DATE OF SALE May 19, 1970 5/14-21-2t 5/7-14-21-28-6/4-11-6t ._. -- " I Incidental grading and rip said Lot 2, 450 feet East TIME OF SALE 11:00 A.M. I an(~aPhat said work is to be of its Northwest corner: PLACE OF SALE 925 May St., .,J.~J. ........................ -J--,J--,J-~w'dF Thence Easterly 122 feet A I performed by (day labor) in more or less; Thence Shelton, Wa. 98584. ~ i l; --!1 " I accordance with the Washington Southerly along the DESCRIPTIONpRoPERTyOF I SAINT MART|I I[ S COIL[G[ l~ ,~ r.Uil~£ | state Standard Specifications for Westerly line of the East 1) 1952 Chrysler 4 Door Sedan, ~k~Ikel~ n ",~~ I Road a d Bridge Construction as 30 acres of Government ~l ~ ~ ~ I adopted by Mason County. Lot 2, 1,300 feet more or Lic. No. XAC 720, I.D. No. C5233218. i~ J~ IV I BE IT FURTHER less; Thence West112 feet 1)1950 Chevrolet Pick-UpI EVENING LASSES diqlE nnlCnUn,=¢l RESOLVED that the above more or less; Thence Truck, ½ top, Lic. No. U 58312, j l ~ • v,,i described County Road Project isNortherly 1,500 feet more I.D. No. HBA394306. l / IBIAMfl I necessary and proper, and the or less to the point of 1 1P I rla~nlldlI estimated costs of said project are beginning; Excepting The property will be offered 1 •/ I herewith setout in detail as therefrom State highway for saleasseparateitems. 1,=l I follows: 106. Together with all PROPERTY MAY BE ; l. ~ , J Engineering $200.00 tidelands as conveyed by INSPECTED AT: 925 May St., i : i Summer Session 1970 ,-,,,, • ., , : -,| * ,Road Constyuction ~?..800.00 State of Washington lying Shelton, Wa. 98584 TOTAl" $3 000 00 POTATO-The to ;,Part is] , ,.. , . in front of, adjacent to PAYMENT TERMS: FULL I " June 15 I August 7 l l ' l ~ and abutting on said tract,payment required upon ''"~ greenish spots on the tuberI The County Road Project M a s o n C o u n t y , acceptance of highest bid. i Courses offered are contingent upon 10 enrollees, a: (edible portion), shoots, I herein described is HEREBY Washington Dated this TYPE OF REMITTANCE:All sprouts, leaves and stems I DECLARED to be a public 1 5th d a yof April, payments must be by cash, ~ All courses will last 8 weeks except where indicated otherwise. /, n..h, +~,.. +,,k... ^~ +~.~1 necessity, and the L;ounzy P(oaa 1970. certified check, cashier's or I ACCOUNTING -- Acc MARKETING--Mrkt • J,,,y u,~ ~u~,=, u. ~.= . • treasurer's check or by a U.S. I " " . I Enolneer is HEREBY ORDERED OVERLAND, GELMAN postal, bank, express or telegraph I Units No. Course Description Day Time Units No. Course Description DaY, ofp antthelS restedlble'of thelngestl°nplant li andANDproceedAUTHORIZEDthereon ast° byrep°rtlaw Attorneys& SULLIVANfor Plaintiffs money order. Make checks and ; 3 Acc 101 Principles of Accounting Daily7:45-8:45 3 Mrkt 451 Sales Management Daily money orders payable to ~ 3 Acc 102 Principles of Accounting Daily9:00-10:00 provided. may cause mentall .... .... ADOPTED this 12th day of By Herbert Gelman Internal Revenue Service. • MATHEMATICS -- Math '1 LI conTusion, carolac May, 1970 BOARD OF Overland, Gelman&Sullivan TITLE OFFERED: Onlythe ~ ART 4 Math112 Fundamentals of Math Da!IY 1~ depression and clammy COUNTY (~OMMISSIONERS Attorneys at Law right, title, and interest of Suite 505 Rust Building Margaret E. Keary, Wheatley & l 3 Art 101 Beginning Drawing Daily1:00-3:30 4 Math 121 Elementary Functions Da!IY'~,~ a y skin. Has prooved fatal. OF MASON COUNTY, Tacoma, Washington Keary Co., in and to the property ~ 2 Art 332 Arts & Crafts* Daily1:00-4:00 3 Math 311 Structure of Arithmetic D • WASH INGTON Should you experience i Martin Auseth 98402 will be offered for sale. ~ CHEMISTRY -- Chem PH LOSOPHY -- Ph I '1 ,,91 a case of plant poisoning, I Chairman FU 3-4611 District Director of Internal o r s u s pect e d p I ant William O. Hunter 4/23-30-5/7-14-21-28-6tRevenue, Neal S. Warren. By: li 5 Chem 101 Fundamentals of Chemistry Daily9:00-10:00 3 Phil 201 Introduction to Philosophy Da!IY l| poisoning, immediately I Attest: Ruth E. Boysen Revenue Officer, Tal Hamilton.~ Laboratory M-W 1:00-3:30 3 Phil 281 Logic Da!l~ 1] Clerk of the Board 5/14 It notify your physician or I " I~D Date: May 1, 1970. Address for II 3 Phil 332 History of PhilosophyDa~ Y i; Sealed bids will be received by information concerning sale: P.O. I DRAMA -- Dram Y I A E " take the victim to the SUMMONS BY the Clerk in the office of theBox 750, Bremerton, Wa. 98310, i 3 Dram 111 Theatre Production Daily1:00-2:00 PH S C L EDUCATION -- P 1' possiblenearestidentify' " " the be hospital.plant prepared or save tolf[[ F O INn THE T PUBLICATION HNO SU E " PERIl0365S T OR A T COURTE -- O F Superintendent of Schools, Hood CanalcountY,DistrictElementary No.H°°d 404, Star School,canaiRoute SchooIMas°n No. 830 Pacific Ave" Bremert°n' Wa" i 3iPh°ne: ES 7-4628. 5/14 - it iiii ili ~iii! !i~ ii ;iii!ii!lii!il! ! ! !!! ~Seal ~!!!!~iI !!!!! evidence. WASHINGTON IN AND FOR 1, Box 149B, Shelton, THE COUNTYOF MASON Washington 98584, until 8:00 JAMES D. MANKE and P.M. PDST May 27th, 1970, for IIUIC _ ILl ~1~$ mill [ BONNIE MANKE, husband and the architectural, mechanical, and l~H1 ~ lwndllrmRirv / wife, and RAYMOND C. MANKE electrical trades contracts for ~ 3 Ed 330 Educational Psychology Daily 9:00-10:00 PHYSICS -- Phys ................ / and JAN E. MANKE, husband construction of an addition to the and wife Emergency Ph. 426-216S " , ....... Hood Canal Elementary School, l 3 Ed 353 Geography in the PHYSICAL SCIENCE -- Phys Sci _l;pi Qgl[~~)l i Clam. School Daily 11:00-12:00 4 Phys Sci 101 Physical Sci., Lecturelyll i~yTw~ : Fifth & Frlnklin SI.--426-3327 vs. vlaln~irrs, and°n schoolthere bePr°pertY'openedBidSandWillpubliclythen II2 Ed 349 Workshop in the Phys Sci I01L Physical Sci Laboratory I~l~l O.n Daily 9:30 to 7:30 FLORENCE C; McDANIEL read aloud. Bids received after the i : :dd :::: ~::~~ !! ; i2:ii:3:i53 !i;iiii i~pbm~!!~il ~ fYPh s Saturdays-- 9:30 to 6:00 and "JOHN DOE McDANIEL, time fixed for opening will not be L ' husband and wife, MARIE accepted. 0 ~ i~ ~_ G ........ I 3 Engl 201 Survey of" Fiction &" **Drama DailyDaily "y 11 : " :'00 12'00 SULIULO~Y --'--5OC DailY:':i/~ ~. ..... . ................. I 3 Ed 451 Measurements 3 Psy 221 Psychology of AdJustment i"' I in Education Dailyi0:00-11:00 3 Psy 326 Personality Theories***O a,l~l • A 10 *** Ua,- I I $ .00 lab fee for materials will be charged at time of registration 3 Psy 350 Abnormal Psycho ogy __: v~ ~ 3 Psy 420 Adolescent Psychology U=! "":~ I ENGLISH -- Engl ....... ;~ / // I 3 Engl 202 Survey of Poetry Daily10:00~11~00 3 Soc 201 Fundamentals of Sociology Da ~ I DAIRY i 1 3 Engl 391 Novels in Psychological " " 3 Soc 202 Social Problems ~a~l~/ ! lilt l ~ Settings*** 1 00-3.00 3 Soc 361 Urban Sociology ~:'il~/"i ~ 3 Eng 392 Emerson & Thoreau Daily9:00-1():00 3 Soc 385 M nor ty Group Re at one ~" ..... t U.,li 11./ AM. 3 PM I~ .; i 3 Engl 393 H. Garland, Dreiser, - .... I Crane & Porter Daily8:00-9:00 SPAnlIbH -- :>pan ~ailY , ~/' F------S - l~ i l 3 Engl 374 18th Centur Dail 9'00 10 00 5 Span 101 Elementary Spanish ~.ilV J ~ ~ l[ ~" : 1 .... ~;~; I wec~irtgs, T 3 Eng1383 Early19thcYnturyNovel Dail; 10:00-11:00 5 Span102 Intermediate Spanish P .... i~~:ialttes~'Thursa r~l ll , *~"~[~.,/~."! receptions, ~ I 3 Engl 386 Early 19th Century PoetsDaily 11:00-12:00 3 Span 121 Elementary Conversation nalY~ .e 3 Engl 396 Six Modern Novels Daily8:00-9:00 & Composition ~" , : il special parties I FRENCH -- Fren SPEECH -- Spee ~ " ; I'" i' i[rida~, I ~ ' ~ of all ~JRd~. I 5 Fren 101 E ementary French Daily8 00-10.00 3 Spee 289 Phonetics & Anatomy of n. lY'/! . 5 Fren 102 Intermediate French Daily10:00-12:00 Speech ~i I 3 Fren 121 Elementary Conversation 3 Spee 331 Speech Communication or/ nail~ LILY AI |i!~'~i" B- ~ ---~- -\i F~ ' ~~ J~V : &Composition Daily1:00-2:00 Advanced Public Address ~-ilY ' I 3 Spee 333 Intro. to Speech Correction Uo ,. ~,, ~..~:~=~;~ii~il l/rlllll I Vl , GERMAN -- Germ 3 Spee 345 Speech for ~, IY .! CONDmONED " I 5 Germ 101 Elementary German Daily10:00-12:00 Classroom Teachers ~= , F Anl SUMMER! 70 . 5 Germ 102 Intermediate GermanDaily 8:00-10:00 T"'-~--t'v "r"eo The waterfro::~ | 3 Germ 121 Elementary Conversation HI:vLU~. -- .. ~ & Composition Daily1:00-2.00 3 Theo 101 Origins of Judaic-Christian restaurant even/cne's | " Traditions & Culture I ' ~ and talking abo"t! | 3 Gov 101 Intro. to Government Daily10.00-11-00 2-3 Theo 400 Reading Seminar GOVERNMENT -- Gov 3 Theo 301 Christianity & the Arts THE "SOUND CO." ° The new Lawn-Boy MAG 19 is i 3 Gov300 Prin. oflnternational " " ~ ~ d,,,., The Finestin Music I Ente oinmentBOB N/XON °rid aGARYrtSTEEL ° sureeXCellent for the small lawn. Fast, ,starts with exclusive primer, Relations Daily11:00-12:00 *Indic" ' 1"- - E For reservallonst twin-spark ignition and patented I ates st z weeks gear system. With grass catcher ~ HISTORY -- Hist ** Indicates 1st 4 weeks ca11943-7770 and 5 position handle with 1 3 Hist202 U.S. Survey after1865 Daily11:00-12:00 ***lndicates2nd4weeks THE standup lock" for storage. Variable ~ 3 Hist 344 19th Century Europe Daily10:00-11:00 **** Indicates 1st 6 weeks /~~ grassaVailablespeed settings. Model 5269. AlSOcatcher),ts the ModeIMAG ]95239.(withoUtBoth ~ 3 Hast 356 Hispanic America Daily 8:00-9:00 (located after course description) of Woshington Street are available at ..... ~ Registration -- June 12, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Room 325 S.M.C. ,-,,,,,,0 SAEGER ' Classes Begin -- 7:45 a.m., June 15 For further information and/or appointments to pre-register -- Call or address inquiries to" Keith Larkin -- Ph 491-4700 MOTOR SHOP Director of Summer session ! St. Martin's College ! 306 Olympic Hwy. S. t Olympia, Washington 98501 426-4602 (Please be sure to include your phone number on all written inquiries.) Page ]4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 14, 1970