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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 14, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 14, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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• -x ~j" ' • 'x Pioneers Home Here ;i! ..... y u're on the • o, so. mee. e oratio from Oltma Stro wo.e au .tor ' '!iiiilJ; RIGHT COURSE ILLIWAuP ,, Pearl Schmidt's beach home atDaughters of the Pioneers will be the new Forest Festival and family, and Faith's mother, [ ~!i~:;I ~ ~aairm~ -mrs. Les AgerPotlatch. Guests at her home had luncheon were left for the Lion's President Mrs. Florence Ross All the '" ~T~"~r~ ..... ~ ........ leDaugllte~r..:he luncheon kept Mrs. Schmidt from attending Club entertainment that evening, ' mothers had a happy day ..... ~. ~ ~. :~: ~i..~.. ....... ::?::i:.::.:: .................. : ......... L. .;:. ":"i.. |was h*Ta '",me l'ioneers the luncheon. Les Ager is honoring Forest Festival Orthopedic Guild together. ~ . ,.::-~d ¢ ,'~ .................. . l%el.e~';,,~aY7 at Millo's recouperating at home from his Princesses Mary Tabor, Chris More than 100 people California Vacation ~/fl "":"" at. Tables - ~ members short sojourn m the hospital in Systma and Lmda Knebs. The attended the annual Bazaar and ~ .,~a ~ ~,~ P~,t~,,~ ~f/' ~hite -were attractive April Both he and Mrs Ager princesses were presented by Art Show sponsored by the .... ", "'" . ...... ~""~. ....... IF/I _ _ [abl ' ' v " . . recentty returnee Iron an .: , b~ roses .eclothes andenjoyed Sunday guests, Rev. Billy Forest Festl al lmmedmte Past Blanch Radtke Orthopedic Gudd enjoyable two weeks trip ~o (~; • tPiec yellow roses as ears from pu allu and Mrs also told the gathering about the Clubhouse Guild members wer ...... were [/~ ET S [L Fo r,t, of '- With two large Brooks, friends of many, manyPresident, Rocky Hembroff, who on May 1, at Holiday Beach ~ ,~ I ; £ t~ r . i ~ T h ~ v t ~ ) 011 ~" Y " Y P'" " FO val ast • . e accompanied by Mrs. Cotter's . .. f owing 1" Ager s nephew Carl Gneg and hisrest Fesh s, p and present,very pleased w~th the success of .... ~ r~ Unian Richara~o- ~,¢ ~' ,~ .... • uncheon, the wife Darlene, from Monroe. Other guests were Mrs. R. W. the event. ~. .......... ~. "~o~" ..o., ~. i!~ ..~" • mm m ~ == m =,=m =m= m== A ~. Besides the many local folks income. In e, L tters t~rougl~t ~I~ t |it I T~l~i~l~il ~. ~, du_ ' -- attendin three carloads . ~]rs. mez rlems oI ~o rasaoena '~.t ' li~lli~ IMl~"ii~ / LI IlM~I~I,,L g, ot .... b ck with them to be th " " m~'llmmili ~ 111 ~11 women from Panorama City LanI., a .... fir ~1 • W" notlse guest ior a time. .....,:. • • ~ arrived ; along ]th several , L- ~ carloads from Bellevue Ther Mother's Day M ond our famous, delicious From I --= A**=-,4 were also several carloads of Visitors atOlsons I~V._ Inql~ mlil li I~I lintel IlIMI • women attending from out of Arlene and David Webb spent r~1 " L ____ _i i~ JlJl m ~£aLLEy Pharmaceutical Ass'n. Virgil Mr. and Mrs. Justin TaylorstatAll roceeds from this event M:/ehnet'2 DtY:t EZe ~e:/hi~ /i I rs a bUrlier e/MISH-" h,,,^_ . She ard said the increase in and famil of O ster Ba and Mr P P , i U ay C"=nellge OII ' pp ~, I I " Ysizes up Yto laD Y.... l" ~ " e,, over to the . . • 9" ' : "::~ J ~11,._Walk Era" , ...... crimes of youth can be traced to and Mrs. Harold Hunter drove to will be turn.d . . ~ary L, 111W aup, wh ere Ed ~s ~-r the 7a.--a~ me ed to sunnort . " n,n ..... ~,, a ,, Bridge tmlarens rtosp~tal in recouperatmg froma bout of :~ , --,~. a ..... ~ the ne ,.,- a druo habit ............. r,~a~ afternoon and ~:~ ~i~"_°t the W~t.7-"Y"'It costsadruguser $30perday to had dinner with the Sam Squire Tacoma. pneumonia and tonsillitis. (It's J!!~ Due to the heavy summer traffic, we are canceling the [..~yetat~l Wo ,,~,mngton support his habit and he would famil- From there they went to The entire membership of the been that kind of a wintert) ~ Thursda'" Buffet We would like to thank all of those who ~Yaki~a Maye~ s C!ub have to steal $150 worth of goods Kino~'Garden in Seattle to see a Guild wishes to express their deep Phone calls from other members ~!i~ Y " ,. . ~a~,M .... -~. mrs. ,,~....v ~ ~ ........ annreciation to all of those who -f the famil,, added to the ~ attended these highly successful events, and we invite you to • "o. harold ........ ~enior pJay in wmcn ~tamey ~,- . ,~ ~ ~/~ Carl Gle- Drake Most of the lar-e awards were ................... -r~..attended and contributed to the pleasure of the day for Vivien ~ enid our re ular menu and our fine bevera es We are lannin .t;~tt ,,, ason t th,= ' ~ ttunter nap me [eau.,s e,~- .... . Y g g P g i~'~ "ornan'a c,,,° ..... won by the very active Junior,~t ......... titlod "Cheaner h~, the success of the project. Olson Daughter Sharon Davidson : nn" enniinu no #ha, Thllr~¢]av Ruffo# ann n in fho fall The l~tt ' me 6 - -.,uu were v.--: .............. r ~ . . : ............... = ............ ~ ....... = ........................ le~lt,a 00 delegates ,,,~. Clubs. Hood Canal Woman's Club Dozen" . .....n called from Centraha. As did ~..**.... :,, ~... ~.^,a ,.:. -r~....a... ,.^_ ~ _ _ .- ~ _ _ rn .,,v .... • Morner s uay . f :: DU//I~I. Will Ul~ III~IU tlll~ /IIU/~UOy l/gill O IJ,III, LU O p,III, ~t0a o. ore than 7 nonr e c~ e v e d r e c o gn ] t 1 o n in Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley ....... daughter Nancy Locklar, rom ~lut;flfate club mem~,~'~" Conservation and Community accompanied Mr. and Mrs. George Pal!h and Lewis ~vansfipent Weep, Texas, and son Wallace : _:,~n~ to enf- . o~,~. Improvement activities Van ...... d Jan for a Mother's Da~, Mother s Day at tile none ot their Webb from Pacifica Two year old he ws to - , Wa " " • t bse urce la Mrs Du er was" .e: ,,, ~ daughter, Sharon hi,ot randdau hter Jesslca Rose added IM _ of dan,, ..... • gg appomted dinner at Lees Steak House in _ g g ILl Uhhl~l~hl~q~ I ,Pr°~ote ,~ ..... ? .... ~ State chairman of Consumer (~[vmnin e " av hev Tacoma Also present Ior the day her greetings I1~ n%#~,n,~r~l~l~,| I lOr ,, e,,ut.~,tlon In . v.~...v._. Lat r in the d . t . ~r-,, Good ~,.,~ Affairs by the newly elected State visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Marshall • , • '11~0~ Passed ,..~.~tuoor president of the Federated in Tanglewild. tth:ll/otthe resol:;ionn°tot Women's Clubs, Mrs. Horace Mr. and Mrs. Archie Vaughn[ i~,~. inga~ +.~ ,,,, Thomas. Mrs. Harold Drake is and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Evans and ~t~fated d'~cuss~L r;f chairman of Public Parks and family of Lacey joined the Art ~ I;~ ~g delegates o, " Recreation Areas and on the Nicklaus family in Grapeview for [ .. ~ . , o ~ ~;J3 Federated Forest Committee. a Mother's Day picnic. from voting 0 Wl~er,~ol$1d Mornson, a --~" Mason Coun¢ Ill ctea ,. d how orgamzed ~ ra~ SOcial revo " ~ i" ,net ,~ luhon nlnga than collective ~~~~~ Her s most Y llill..nil he feels the ~%iki~n.will Prevent workers ~9'~ya/o the time when ~ent r harvest. of Washmgton State • • ~ ' " ne etrat I ]hl, c onln, on t' uct|on Service Concrete ¢ ar,ans I Complete I | -Ready-mix Conc,ete 1 I AUCTION SERVICE I I -Concrete Culverts & Blocks l [ IE " a • ¢ • vip., A. IFarm Sales Equipment Sales II s,o Gravel Br,ck & Stone I/ . 4 " • I,o Zg, II Screens & Tools I/ ... J__ _ _. - • -- ---- 'mlnn I GARYLEAVlTT II GRAYSTONEofSHELTON I / Idl-lll 1%1 [7 T'/ lolr cx 385 1517 Port Townsend 7th & Park 426 3344 , u t Il Ii k311k, . l. W ,,K qh.41. L.JL L ! ~/i~hi eelik' librarian uto Glass . "~I * * Lent '_~?h~e Shelton r;u~;c I ........ I IcusToM QUAL,TY I / • • I,,II,,IJLLLLL i LI I LL T LL q JLLLL • ~t~_ th of oL . I ~xperilnstaHatlon I IHOME PLANNING ANDI [ ILJ~ ~am,,.. " onelton, I I I COMPLETE BLUE PRINTS. I / "~ ~sllt~'gtaol:°nference°f JIMPAULEY INC M,chaelJ ByrneBIdg Co _~1, ]~y.. Library I ' " I I ' I / Everybody talks about what is happening to our en- the United States It covers air and water pollution; atti- the ~-9 at Ri ' 426-6435 • . , " . . , ~le0f ,,_ chland, l sth & Ra road Ph 426-82311I BONDED AND LICENSED I J voronment- to our a=r and water and land. But how do tudesabout new mdustr tour sm recreation trans orta- ' M me confer " REMODELING CABINS . • . Y, , , P ht a,~l, ena-ha-- _ence, I l i I { Wash ngton ans really feel about the question? And, tion, nuclear and steam ower lants, the zonin of land libr • v sxzea the • • • P P g Mt arians s more ,m ortant, what do the th,nk are the solut,onso .. lone, harethe ..... • .. .. [ P Y • and waterfront property, litter, even whether people want ~t0~l;.~ COncern for the uto epalrlng I.,.,osmettcs I | Early last winter we asked Louis Harris & Associates, to move to new towns .¢%t;:~" lt was the aim I -ialorOverhauls IiHOLIDAYMAGICCOSMETICSI / the nationally known opinion research firm, to explore • ; • • ~llvi~i,,~ace to brino ~ I --Brakes & Ign,tion II Free Demonstrations on I / ........ ;'... .... ,.., ;,, As a public service, we have published a digest of ~,, ua that -- • ~ "I Weldin^ & Tune uns I I Skin Care and Basic I | ~UL/IIL~ attltUU~O UII ~IIVI/UIIIII~IIt(31 ~lUOl~lllO Ill t/l~ ~.~t(;~t~ fk.~ ,,~,,lfe in h,.,-,.,k .... #^.m l+,o ti+l~,~- ,,.... v.... ir ~,.~Odern avcepts the I Spec,a~ Winter,zin% II and Corrective Makeup. I i of Washington. , ou .... . ,,v,, .... ; o ..... ,, o,,v, -uu tt masssociet Feel About Washln ton s Environment On man ues- ~,1~,,._ the full---' I ED'SS .... II DONAWAY ENTERPRISES I / The Harris organization interviewed 835 perso ..................... Serve Y ..... ns g " Y q 1' ?e. a,u I r..r~v ~.= I 1428 Henr St 426 1317 I / ......... ns in W .....t -' rin- th- last w-ek of tlons we ve a v aea tne state into Tour geograpn eel areas 'J I 21950 1st 426-1212| Y • " I n ou ioca[Io asn ng on uu g u u , . . . o;. a owo ..... I / ......... ,wn -1-, ......... :.., .... ; .... ,....+...., ........ so it s poss=ble to compare the athtudes m your area with " ; W"-'" ut [rle { ~Jcl{{ul:l{y~ /~/u, /11~ (:lvl:t/cl~ I/IL~:~/VlC~VV IC:I~L~U UV~/ UII~ "%~, * rungton s oke other parts of the state - _ p Drugs ,| hour Thev asked over 90 questions • "lhe ~'0 all_ Effective BeauW Hel n inste n " " " "" ' If OU want a co of the Washin ton brochure, "ust 10z _ up n.r,, ...... { I - e aRub I ] Thesurvey, accordmg to the Harns group, the most Y PY . g . I ' (2 un human-,dv,.n~pat.ea I --Complete Hair Care I I --Cosmetics I / comprehensive examinat on of DuN c att tudes on envi- clip the coupon at the bottom of th,s adverhsement and t-l~" ~' Tou " ~,mmlcs --Wigs - W=glets - Switches --~'rescript~ons -- -- . • , • ,._ (~rth.. hill of the I .. rl ..... c I I Hypo Allergic Cosmetics i | ronmental problems ever conducted =n any one region of we II be happy to send to you. ,--"wes, • I Me e ~orman Losme[~ - II " I / ,|ge -l~le ~'nvirtnStitute I Free Demonstrations i i ..... --,-,s PHARMACY al~d the ~m:nta! [ ELAINE'S BEAUTY S2~t-ON" ] [ 5th& Franklin Ph. 426-3327 [ / ~o_.,o .o_,o ~,,,,,o.,. dd;,. ~ OI I 6th & Laurel azt,-a~z I I I | k.~ILLLLLJL~., ~I.JLIk,,OLLULL LLULLL ,II.~U~k.I.LO IL~kKI.LLLO ~.,'%.LX v%,,ye ~ii iI c yF~a;;N!2~]:~ rNMiB~/!:n~c i i'o:r~=~:::~rigs CFaorrPme,~;g ] / ~- ~ ~ SWANSON S BIKE SHOP N~rt,. ienee lib I I I REX FLOOR COVERING I / ll~e~t rary I open 7 days week, ~ a.m.-9 p.m. / I Mt View Ph 426 2:)9:) I [ ~._ " 1 3 blocks east of Airport Grocery on 1 1 - • " • / |spr, ng Ro, d Phone 426-49S9 | , I { I Total State Northwe,t Wash. Sou~sh~_I East_ern Wash. ,,.,_County { Ma '" ~k~l Building Supplies • . sonry ] { .mlgll i i i --Sherw,n-Williams II --Fireplace, I/ • I I Paints.Carpets-Wallpaper I I --AlI Brick nd I / 1 I --Complete Build,ng Supplies I I --Block Work I / 1"I Plastering & Supplies II , I / |.. ! I Nye Co. Building Supply I I MASON S MASONRY I / I I F,ee De,,~ew i I P.o.~ 426-2278 I | . rut |pt¢lAL$ i On Cole Road J It I ] i ~ ;iam:;0nr ~a t?:nr a I i t Y 2298 ~ ;'am::nr ~a t?0:rality 112 ~ ;'am:a~a t?:/ality 22~ ~ ;'am::0nr ~a t?:/ality 105 CT:iam;;nr dtat?:/a lity 44~ I T~ III1.... I Bulldozer Service , Refrigeration Service , i ~Ui~ri. - ' " / I ~u.a,.ng.. I I 20 Years Experience I / 'Y ~40~ I i Leveling . I I 24 Hour Service I / / I II CARL'S REFRIGERATION I / ql, Tb.- / I JOHN MAKOVINEY I i SERVICE I / ,, nl i W[E" i I Bulldozing i i Phone426-8537 I / I ~ . . _ ....................... Se.i - Why dM Paofic Northwest Bell ..... " "" tee Cable TV 7 Pacific Northwest Bell - ~,&. rin. [ I I Almost Anythin~ Anywhere I / sponsor this survey. 416OccidentalS. 'Y~I~)tlty~t;r?:;~!'and I { For Serv,ce Call II I / ~ i?c~Vo~rlrle:i~:sY:{i oaii PtO~,e~i!oe~fPe[~iihi~ge~'!? fuWote~lkoo~ ;::le'cLa~'h;:snh;j; v 1 rt Washingtonians .,.'.: / I Lg&.IA01 IL,,w 4Lth Oympia 357-,73 1 [ .., .... ,p Y re y g g feel about thetr environment. -t~. / I l'i'V IV/ • I I " ' ' I / t,,,~ ,~,u,,. ,. "'" / l , "" " / Bu! we,;ke.many., have been concerned !or several, Pleasesend me the Washingt0n brochure rn~t / Car '"-xi-- " "- / years aDOUt at was nappenlng to our air ann water ann II vva ng :~noes . , tti¢ I I .................... I Famous KNAPP Shoes / land. We dldn t want to see happen here what has pc- ,,,..,, ~,,v,~.#,~,~.~ rr,~,~ur_ vvt'~A avo Saf Test * DreSS * Casual , "' I I o,,u,o, ...,,.,, I " ,oo,.. wo,, / curred In other parts of the country. Name ............................... Ii I I Trailers Cam"ers Boats I Men.$-~Nomen'$--Children'-~ / Three years ago we produced a motion picture titled: ,, / I and ArPanes I rsandFi / WhatWi I Washington Be Like By1976 We showed the Address ........................................ at comparative prices I Personal Shoe counselo. , tters / / I " I ~,',n ~nd~=rson Joe l~.night [ chan qes in our environment. We urged more community i i PHONE 426-6527 I ;22§4 426-1080 / Dlann'inn City ................... State ....... Zip Code ........ ~1 s , , " / ,- -.-"o'_ ...... f II Chain Saws ... . / This LOU Harris survey is merety a continuauon o . , =rave= / that program by providing illuminating new facts on this ..................... I | New and Used - Rentals | --Air - Rail - Steamsh,p | nl,hlir, W/,- hrtn,~ fh~', r,',~tl|f~ mill nrrtv~= nf value IW J Oregon Chains & Accessories I --Bus- Hotels- Tours J "~"" '~'"~ .... .'?"'",7 " '."""'7 ""." ..... .. I I Small motor tune-up & repairs i No E~tra Charge for Our Service | [O Dusinessm n, pUDliC oTricials, eaucators, communlw D tqfit- Mt rl-huu..- & I::t..,ll I ~ours: 8 a.m. to 6 o.m.. dai~y I ..... | grOUDS, and citizens alike • ,.,,,,,.,,,, ,,,v, ,,.,~,~L ,-*~,, q i , i Angle/ravel He$. ~enter i '- " I .Mike S McCulIoch shop I 401 Railroad Ave. 1 i 12215 Olympic Hwy...N 426-4639_ I 426-8272 426-4134 [ Thursday, May 14, ]970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page ].5