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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 15, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 15, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,....p. lief-'rtxi'.~r9\r'$l;i.§,».;.5 litafii en‘s-Hi gage nip EW.W--_E_____-- wm'A‘b'”“"'flf Girl Grads Will 5W -——, Get Lane Chestsl ‘1' ,E‘jut 6W8 ’ i This week, every girl in thel ‘Irene S. Reed High School class SHELTON ,. TROOP 5 ; Nancy Nutt, Scribe 1 Troop of the Girl Scouts en—I tertained for their Mothers at the Little House in the park Tues- day afternoon. Two folk dancesl Lane Cedar Chest free. These l iof 1942 is being given a miniature l i chests are the gift of Mr. 01-; sen of the Olsen Furniture Co. 1were given by the girls. They, Those girls who have already served tea and cookies to the; reCeived these lovely miniature Mothers. | The guests were Mrs. W. T: ideal place to keep the souvenirs R. C. Nutt, Mrs.l Weyand, Mrs. hit t h t th | Sponsored by l C 9‘55 Sate t a ey are an Shelton Eagles. ,and keepsakes of high school White, Mrs. Archie Lemke, Mrs.’ ‘days. Hall, Mrs. Fitz, Mrs. Donaldson,‘ Mr. Olsen says that if any of.Mrs. William Stevenson, Mrs.‘ Rau’s Orchestra ,the girls in this graduating class Case, Mrs. Connolly, Mrs. Manke, have not received their cards for Mrs. Latham, Mrs. A. S. Viger ‘the chests, to please come in and‘ and Kay Levett. '9 see him and he will see that new cards are sent. Admission 25¢ -— Tax 59.“ Total 30¢ per person Dancing 9:30 to 1:30 ‘_IIII-”I . . aWn Mowers —~———— ' Gail Alilskog, Scribe BOY BORN WEDNESDAY Brownie Troop 7 met with Mrs. ‘ A baby son was born Wednes- 1 Lloyd Morgan and finished the day to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fer-.last of the Mother Day gifts. guson 0f Shelton at Shelton hos- Brownie cookies were brought by pital. Geraldine Carlson. l l . :t: l TROOP 7 3 l l l l » TROOP 6 Troop 6 met this week with Josephine Avery at her home. Games were played and refresh— ,ments were served by the hosetss i‘mother, Mrs. Vera Huntington; Seventeen Girl Scouts were pres- ent and plans were made for the inext year’s work. Girl Scout Council Holds Monday Meeting 1 The Girl Scout Council met on Monday at the home of Mrs. C. H. Kreienbaum. Definite plans were made for shingling and. painting the exterior of the Little House. A city wide summer camp was discussed and will be carried [out if enough public interest war- rants it. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. .William Mc- Kenzie on Monday, May 25 at 2 P~m~ . . Mother Of Local Women Succumbs Mrs. M. E. Kennedy and Mrs? Mabel Hollis have returned toi Shelton from Seattle where they} were called three weeks ago by‘ the illness which resulted in the , death last week of their mother, Mé‘s. Mary Ann Godfrey, 91 years 01 . Mrs. Godfrey had been a visi- itor in Shelton at various times and was one.of the few living persons who traveled in a cover- IF YOU DON’T WANT TO EXERCISE— BUY A POWER MOWER AND MOW YOUR LAWN THE EASY WAY Eclipse Rocket $ .00 ed wagon and had been in Seattle Power Mower smce 1900- Two other daughters, Mrs“ Mary Weller and Mrs. Gertrude, Offield of Seattle, 17 grandchil- dren and eleven great grandchil-l Remember we Expertly Sharpen Mowers dren surVive' t A NEW SHIPMENT OF TRICYCLES AND WAGONS - JUST IN Also Many Models of Pennsylvania and Eclipse Lawn Mowers MY SINCERE APPRECIATION Many thanks to all my friends! ‘ (1 fly, ‘1 . county audience. l -SHET- TONMASON COUNTY. .JQUBNAE u.— Hood (‘anal women’s Club 1 Schedule (Taming Events annual Mother-Daughter banquet of the Hood Canal Wo-' The men’s Club will be held on Fri-l day evening, May 15, with a six o'clock planned potluck dinner. The usual candle lighting cere—l mony and interesting program are being arranged by the committee, consisting of Mrs. Vadswortlr, Mrs. Ayers and Mrs. Hill. The usual large crowd is anticipated; On Tuesday, May 19, there will1 be meeting of the executive. board at the Hoodsport club rooms; at p. m. The regular! May meeting will be held on Thursday, May 21, at the usual time and place, with the after- noon devoted to a picnic. To class the year's ac..ivities. the annual Musical Breakfast will l be held at Alderbrook Inn, Mon-i June 1. The co-cl’iairman, Mrs. Lud Andersen and Miss Dor- , otiiy leseleaf have arranged ai program equally as interesting as‘ the one presented last year, andI the musical talent soon to be an- I nounch will be some of the fin- est ever presented to a Mason Vi'.(l.T.U. Slate Friday Meeting i i Belfair School Teacher ‘ and Mrs. . / 7-4“A-~-., ., ._._...~~v_\.__.a...___a A.“ _____._-, __......_.—._~ MM”..- _, .k—m—n ... e Juveniles In Charge 0f Mother‘s Day Program l . o c.» 0.. vo. SOCIAL o Honor were ther’s Day pm i r Honored at Chateau 7—11 Chateau 7-11 on the Scenic; Hood Canal was the scene of a; gay festive party Thursday eve-. ning when 30 friends gatherch for a shower given honoring Miss‘ Thelma Curtis. one of the popu—i ated. Mrs. Vivian Morgan wasf presented a corsago. Ruby Jane and Donna ther‘s Bouquet” by Joyce Storeyy; Sattcrthwaitc, ‘ 11d. Lor— l, l tertainment was a mock wedding. ‘ The part of the bride was played Betty ECU" Judy lNancy Niltt, Elaine. 17‘ch by Mrs. Newkirk; Mrs. Culbert— . g,“ _, I“ , son the groom. minister Miss rains IAzicyeus, Ernestine liming] .chf'om. ring be’arer MW; Rep_.Marylln Dotson and EllZathhi . -, , 0mg. ugh“. Mm VanSWkC. maid, gave a duct, a tabloid, “Memor- H . " f v .’ lie?" was )rcsented in Mrs. Fathel of honor, Miss Stalw1cx, Mrs. ' VIE PM, 10“ d V“! P“ H Sundstrom, the bride’s mother, 110‘“ 1' bf“ n‘m‘,‘ ‘ "Wmml‘l Culbertso,1 the bride‘s l, Romano, moLher: Riley Jane Paul- . . , . . , son, Nancy Nutt and Virginia fmher' Before the bndal {38” Ly ' Harrison, children; and Patty entered M’SS Boydgos Sang Pm' Chase, bride; Gertrude. Silvers, ac- l . . . , 1. mlsev Oh Promlse- The br‘dal'conlpanicd by Bea Larson, sang! i l l l bouquet consisted of skunk cab<, . C. bage and brush for greens. An-lthe V0 8"} other added feature of the eve— ning's program was “Progressive Peanuts,” with prizes going to Refreshments were served at the close and corsagcs were pre— sented to all mothers. Following. Regular Meeting The Homebuilders of the Bap- The Juveniles of the Degree ofltist Church met on Tuesday in in N“ '21- of the Mo- 1 the church parlors 1 presented :l.t§Bible study. There were 25 mem- ,the Odd Fellows hall on Tuesdayibc‘rs present. Mrs. Eugene Brown evening. Nadine Andrews, Ruben i and Mrs. Harold Chase were host- Nutt and Loren Nutt were initi- 'j esses. The meeting next Tuesday will ibc held at Rev. and Mrs. Bovee's Janetplace at Island Lake. A potluck supper and study period will [01- They retumied on Sunday. , Friday. Me If you Wish to to ’l‘ell—»Journal for regular ‘ The Abstratt ’ a . . h OWNi: Mason A. L. i .130 Minn. w o‘ i lar young school teachers of the l “iiiligsza‘ciiloxv the building bee. , Br Belfair school whose marriage to g t,“ "'13: ;3 ‘ 41,11 f : _.__._ Abstracts Re ‘Keimeth Millbrath will take place a g‘ “‘1' wisit Daughter S A H t h i June in the Gran ‘e hall at: ‘09.! figs \‘Jcl'e given y r r one} Mr. anc Mrs. . a 0 er " Buckiey, “rash. They gwiu make l Andrews, Ivory Scott, Robert 1 and. daughter Carol Jean, left on Loans and I ALI; M ‘their home in Tacoma. (SCUtt. Jackie MUXH'O‘ and Judy i Friday for Eugene, Oregon, to BELL BUIL Highlighting the evenings cn_‘iSattcrtllwaitc. A dialogue, "Mow visit their daughter, Helen Mae. SHELTON’ ‘ - Estimate Oi fore We Beg 1 Meet With : held last Thursday with Mrs. An- who gave me their subscriptions in the recent Journal contest. Al-. though I did not win bigyclp,{ I received a-nice cash bonus from: The Journal, which is greatly ap-é l preciated. r l Thanks—PATTY CASE. SleystersFix-lt Shop - Specials for Friday, Saturday DELIVERIES — North of Goldsborough Creek _. p. m. South of Goldsborough Creek .. 3 p. m. i l 6 for .. OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 2 pkgs. ............ .. GRAPE NUTS WHEAT MEAL 16-02. .... ------- -- Beefeate r Corned Beef 2/49¢ ‘ lettuce 2hds. 13¢ Peas . 6 cans 85¢ Pure Grab Apple Jelly .. . . lG—oz. 25¢ Knight’s Prepared—6oz. 440 COUNT Fairmont—lG-oz. SUNNYSIDE 'No. 1 Asparagus lb. we JUICE Mustard. 2 jars 17¢ dill. Thompson’s M A L‘l’E D Milkweed; stain” u .- , V ii Believe It or Not We will have plenty of Bananas for the Week end!!! Thin Chocolate Mints . . . . .. lb. 25¢ Figs . 2 tins 17¢ A Good "Ghewey Candy Smacks . . . . lb. 23¢“ Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Lettuce, Peas, Radishes, Green Onions ...-_ a... V.-..s..~»....4.r “ma- w... ,s... a Oakland and its return to pasture missioners -t0rs appeared in protests to the . Shelton hospital. llDlEENEX pkg. 259 i "83“ 3r'34250 Celery, Spinach, Cauliflower Friday and Saturday The Women’s Christian Temper— Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Sundstrom, Mrs. ' this she “in” drill team per- ancc Union will meet on Friday, Michaels and Miss Jeffers. After: forme ' #7 May 15. at 1:30 for a dessert i the program a dainty lunch was In Bromerton ‘lmc‘l‘im f“ the home 0f Mm served on long tables before that Mr. and Mrs. E. w. Johnson W. M. Elliott. additional fireplace. Lending charm to the tables were spring Dom; Sewing Iflowers in dainty shades of yel- , , . _.low, pink and blue, while small Ongmcvrfillfigfi $§L138833Vl Chinese umbrellas were the place with Mrs. Art Brvneg and then cards. The honored guests receiv- l ed many pretty gifts. Hostesses tgheglzengg cross Room for the evening were Mrs. William ___._ Taylor, Mrs. Lillian Pearson and Mrs. Elvira Kincaid. Altar Society Daughters of Pioneers Annie Frazier The final plans for the State convention to be held in Seattle1 May 12 and 13 at Edward Meanyi Hotel were completed at the Daughters of Pioneers meeting Creel Dickie Surprised tVith Friday Party A group of friends and Dou- ble H Club members surprised Mrs. Bill Dickie with a potluck luncheon at her home on Friday. nie Frazer. Members planning to t: . i the afternoon. Mrs. Dickie re— attend are Mrs. Warren Dickey,I n. _ . . Mrs. B. S. Barger, Mrs. Minnie Gen/ed a birthday glft from the B. Meyers, Mrs. Eva Wivell, Mrs. ladies Warren Earl and Miss Sylvial Those Present were Mrs- L90 Borst. “Martin, Mrs. Lantz Wiss, Mrs. L. ,Two tables of cards were in playv 'Spent Mother's Day in Bremen:— ton with their daughter, Mrs. Charles Thompson, who entertain— ed with a dinner for her mother“ Mrs. Merle Mays, another daugh— ter, was also present. Mr. Thomp-, son recently left for Providence Rhode Island, where he will be foreman of the Reems Company shipyards. V Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Mays. ispent Wednesday in Shelton. l Spring Luncheon Slated May 19th The Rainbow Mothers Club is having a Spring luncheon at one .o’clock at the Masonic Temple, C. Burrell, Mrs. Ed Lewis, Mrs. E. B. Sutton, Mrs. George Gilmore and Mrs. Frank Willard. Mrs. Willard and Mrs. Lewis won hon- Neighliors of Woodcraft Hold Regular Meeting The [Neighbors of Woodcraft held a regular meeting on Thurs- day evening. Annual Memorial , called To Chehalis services are to be held at the,h Mrs. Hal Briggs was called next meeting in two weeks. i ome on Thursday by the illness Attend Ice Follies of Chehalis. She expects to be Mr. and Mrs. Harold Suther-lgone Several days' land were dinner guests of Mr.’ W“ and Mrs. Ed. Bjork of Bremer- ton on Wednesday evening fol- lowing which the two couples at- tended the Ice Follies in Seattle. Smith, Mrs. Entire Oakland gm Plat Is Vacated Vacation of the entire plat of Mrs. Brynes Entertains Club Members Tuesday {home on Tuesday for the regular' meeting'of her bridge club. Hon— iors were won by Mrs. Elmer Takes Part in Moore? Fuller Wedding Rites Robert Million of Shelton was an usher at the wedding of Miss) Jean Fuller, daughter of Mr. andl and Mrs. John W. Fuller and Ed— war,d C. Moore, son of Mrs. Flora Moore of Spokane, held Saturday} afternoon in the First Christian Church in Olympia. was approved by the county com- Monday 'when the county road engineer submitted a favorable report and no objec- petition submitted by Alden C. Bayley. trustee, at the regularlyi scheduled public hearing on 'the petition. . Monday, June 8, at two o’clock was set as the date for another public hearing in the commision- ers chambers on the petition of Harold Carr et al asking vacation ion. of all of Hal‘dscrabble road from —- Olympic highway {to the intersec- Chapter 8., RED. tion with the Hurley-Waldrip road Holds Monday Meeting l in the Kamilche district. Chapter 8., RED. held a meet- ~—E—~ ————— ing on Monday at the home of In Tacoma, Seattle , ‘ Mrs. W. F. Roberts spent last Thursday in Seattle and Friday, in Tacoma where she attended State Board meetings of the W0- men’s Christian Temperance Un- 1of her father, Clarence Ellingtonlber was held m, the St. Davids Mrs' Brynes entertained at herlChristie of Seattle Mrs. Peterson. [and Mrs. Witt of Bremerton were Carl Hellman, and' l men’s lTucsday, May 19th. All Mothers’ of Rainbow Girls are invited to= I attend. From Seattlew i Mr. and Mrs. Earl Landers of iSeattle spent a few days in Shelton last week with Dr. and Mrs. Glenn Landers. St. David’s Glllld i (new. 1.2;: Meeting ; l The last meeting until Sepem- Guild at the home of Mrs. Bern-l lhard. \Viniecki on Wednesday af-l' ternoon. Fourteen members andl Rev. and Mrs. 1 Mrs. ' Jessett ‘ Wilbur 6 guests, I of Olym pia, and George Cooper. Refresh-i who soo‘re on “Missionar' Edu— ' ments were served by the hostess. ’ " ‘ cation,” and Mrs. Christie, whose; topic was “Five Projects of VVo-E Guild of the Episcopal' Church. The, are Work for Par- ish," Comniu' .y; ‘DiOce‘se, Nation and World.” A short business meeting was held and new officers elected are: president, Mrs. Earl Johnson: president-elect, Mrs. Bernhard 5’ Winiecki; vice-president. Mrs. i Phil Murphy: secretary. Mrs. M.} C. Zintheo ard treasurer, Mrs. E. A. Middlebrooks. . i The meeting was preceded by a potluck luncheon at 1:30 pfm. Tbfiog/imwe ION GIRL FOR LATHAMS Mrs. Carl Macke. Mrs. S. A. Hat- Mr. and Mrs, percy Latham of char was the assisting hostess. Shelton became parents of a baby “The SHOW Goose" by Pam Gal- daughter born Wednesday at the i100 was read by Mrs- 'Phil 1333" ey. A. ‘ ‘Friendship Club ' Sews For Red Cross , The Friendship Club met on ,_ IWednesday for a dessert lunch- !eon with Mrs- George Eads_ .Twelve members and two guests, Shelton, Wash. Mrs. Eshmael. and Mrs. Van Horn, ,mother of Mrs. Eads from Cali- fornia, were present. The after- Inoon was spentsewing for the l, Red Cross. The next meeting will i be held with Mrs. Edna Evans. l Friday — Saturday Two Features Royal Neighbors 'Hold Regular Meet The Royal’ Neighbors held their regular Mother’s Day program 1 last Thursday at the Odd Fellowsl ihall. Several readings were given and Gertrude Silvers and Betty Jo Gardiner sang. Refreshments lwere served at the close of the , meeting. Mrs. C. H. Grunert lEntel-tains Club Mrs. C. H. Grunert entertained the members of her club at aK luncheon last Thursday followed by two tables of bridge. Honors were won by Mrs. Martha Cole and Mrs. Anna. Eacrett. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Entertain on Friday Sunday to Wed. Two Features tertained at their home on Fri- day evening with a dinner party preceding the last meeting of the , Monthly Dance Club. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Mer- ritt G. Kaphingst, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Koch, Mr. and Mrs. Win—i ston Scott, Mrs. Jay Augustin land Gerald Eck. ‘Mrs. Leo Martin ’ Entertains Club 1 Mrs. Leo Martin entertained, the members of the Double H' Club at her home last Thursday. Guests Were Mrs. Vivian McGin- ms and Mrs. A. Almaden, who .won honors. The next meeting, will be held with Mrs. E. B. Sut- g l Plus “TORPEDO BOAT” Thursday Two Features “NO HANDS ON THE CLOCK” —ande— “NORTH OF THE 1 . Mrs. P... B. Dickey Enter-talus Club Mrs. R. B. Dickey entertained} the members of her bridge club lat her home on Thursday after-. ,noon. Mrs. Loui Larson, Mrs.‘ [John L. Dotson and Mrs. Roy’ Poacher won honors at the two: .tables of cards. Mrs. Dotson and. ; ton. “MAN FROM CHEYENNE” “YOKEL BOY” Mr. and Mrs. John Bennett en- 5,» i For years Chevrolet deal- ers have had ‘l'he lorg'es't number of trade-ins and, therefore, the widest op- portunin to service and condition all makes and models. . . . Make sure your car is serviced right —mul<e sure it is serviced by your Chevroler dealer! Peacher were guests of the' (i ll 1. 1st & Grove ' To HElP"KEEP'EM FLYING" Materials—and still more materials—401' p1031 "V ' guns must be delivered to a multitude of , plants. Troops must be transported to mill! ' It's an important job the railroads are doing. Union Pacific is proud to do its share. A lleel "1 . RE tic locomotives—largest ever built—haul present. 1 I Mrs. 'Wllbur introduced the lies of vital war materials and completed , l guest sneakers. Mrs. Peterson I over the Strategic Middle Route. planned bY Lincoln to connect the East with the West. facilities plus thousands of experienced Uni" employees are on the job for Uncle Sam do =; a We’re keeping ’em rolling to “keep ’63“ For information concerning passenger and transportation, cons’ult local representa PACIFIC RAIl 71.. {it For “Service That -—SERVICE THAT 3 1 Check and Rotate Tires '* 2 Get Regular Lubrication 3 Seri'i’ce Engine—Carbui‘ ’ 4 Test Brakes 5 Check Steering and Wind \ Check Clutch, Transmiss ’_ 7 Check Cooling System 8 Protect and Preserve Fine Moll Chevrolet Comp L. R. Phone 132 or .1 ‘ . .Ill p} m ~ °RTENlNG ,‘om th‘ i rang: i "it: [ESUNKIs-l ‘emon