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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 15, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 15, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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"So . ) May 15, 1 “.72; 94.2. ADS ‘NOT GUILTY’ I» O 7 ‘- w‘t David Peregoy ofI 18 was released in cus-‘ ' ,1 Army authorities Sat- fifter entering a plea of t)” to a charge of bigamy 40th Anniversary Of Cunninghams fitasonable Rates v' I "I, N0 DELAY Loan Association Title Insurance Bldg. 2 FRESH MEATS FRUITS FINEST FOODS AT beer PRICES -HOODSPORT kes it a, Tome of years ’ nallpot sils an I as are m sis. . be cut I day are ‘ tChl‘Oflic , ' m some health. ‘. [‘he dl: lazy ility ist ' al'raigned before Judge D. ht in Superior court Sat- 1” 1 County Savings I i 1 l ATTENTION MEMBERS or “ML 38 I. w. A. Election of officers for local union and district council is in progress. The polls will lbe Open in union office from now to May 23 2 P. m. There is a ballot for every member ‘ ‘ I)Oll’t leave your ballot blank! SHIP voun TT BY BOAT FAST FREIGHT SERVICE WITH DOOR DELIVERY IN SHELTON ‘ we Freight should be routed via Str. Indian, Ferry Dock. I ' 318. Freight via Str. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee Dock, No. Time Schedule as follows: I“Eaves Tacoma daily, execept Sunday, at 5 p.m. for Olympia and Shelton Arrives Shelton daily, except Sunday CLARENCE CARLANDER, President T so MIGHT INS when arraigned before Justice W. Shelton Valley By Una Winsor Shelton Valley, May 12‘The IMay meeting of the Grange auxi- Iliary will be held next week on ,Thursday, the 2lst, at the home :of Mrs. Oliver Constable in Isa- .1 bella Valley. Members present last Thursday Dewatto, May 12~Last Sunday A--._. ._____ LL IGeorge Cunningham, was cele- lbrated their 40th anniversary. It ter of Mr. and Mrs. Cunningham, l l l l l l l i l I Iat the regular meeting of the Mrs. Elva Price of Shelton; IHome Sewing Club were Mrs. daughter of Mrs. Cunningham, IJames McIlquaham, Mrs. MyrvantMr. and Mrs. Gordon Cunning- ham, Mr. Monroe Nance, brother of Mrs. Cunningham. They pre— sented the couple with a set of pyrex baking dishes and a sewing Irocker. Another son, Kenneth Cunningham, lives in California and was not able to attend. The last meeting of the advanc- ed class of the Red Cross first aid training was held Wednesday evening. Mrs. Huson, the instruc- IVVivell. Mrs. Oliver Constable,i aMrs. C. M. Mercer, Mrs. Emmai IMcGee, Mrs. Mell Saeger and IMrs. Pete Bolling from the Isa— I bella Valley and Mrs. H. A. Win-l ‘sor, Mrs. Dewey Bennett and‘ Ava and Una Winsor. A visitor greatly welcomed at the meeting was Corporal Richard Bolling, of' Camp Roberts. Calif, who is here on a 15—day furlough for a visit, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. tor? seemed very we“ pleased Pete Bolling and his brothers, with the outcome, Sam and Dale. Roy Beebe made a business The home of Mr. and Mrs. E. EA. Rutledge is having its face, lifted. so to speak, with a new coat of paint. Mr. Rutledge is also making other repairs, such as new underpinning, cement stairs to the I basement and others. At the meeting called by a state fire warden here Thursday‘ evening the appointments of E.’ A. Rutledge and Ned Wivell as trip to Seattle last week. He is new power boat and also getting his fishing gear and license. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mercer have moved into William Mark— wells house at the head of the bay. Harold is operating the log— ging donkey for Mr. Looney. Mr. Harry Burt is a very bus‘ man these days. He made another for the C.M.C. logging company. He has also hauled several houses and some machinery to Seattle. Last Thursday Miss Eva Bar- law, Mrs. Bess Carney and Mrs. Williams drove to the home of and children, Earlyne and Bill, returned from a few day’s busi-i ness trip to Vancouver, Wash., the fore part of the week. Illlewal Liquor Sale ‘ '. I ~ ‘Tahuya road for Fine the afternoon. Illegal sale of liquor resulted in a $250 fine and costs, which he is I c serving out in the Mason County I baby daughter 01 Mr. and Mrs. L. jail, to Tom Bondurant of Shelton l I C. E. Williams to that city Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick King ltook her to Tacoma where she took the bus for Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. King attended some business in Tacoma, A. Magoon last week. The arrest was made April 30 by Police Chief Andy Hansen and state liquor board inspecotrs. I Seattle. Dick returned Sunday. Mr. Russell Horton of Pacific Cleaning in Bremerton. was by Monroe Nance, Ward Straight. ‘Most P0131115}? , Dewatto Couple I By Mrs. P. W. Nance I Dewatto, May 12 one of its most congenial families Beckmann moved back to Lyman, Wash, Monday. They were called to Lyman Friday by the serious :1 stroke. He is better now, but Lief. at the request of his mother, decided to work nearer home. Mr. and'Mrs. Beckmann were the most popular people in the neighbor- hood, having the facility of being Ifriends with both the farmers Iand the loggers, and oldsters, as Well as the youngsters. And that is “something” in this Valley. We ;hope his father will have a com— plete recovery and that Lief and Doris will be back to visit us all soon. The Minute Men were knocking at our doors last week. I have not heard the net result, presume it was satisfactory. This is not ,a rich district and most everyone had invested in victory bonds, all Ithat they could afford. Mrs. Wharton, our sugar regis- trar, was kept busy evenings get- lting everyone registered for their 2 They’ll A sound mind in a strong body is the I most important gift a mother can give to _her family. Plenty of milk, cheese, bdtter, eggs and other dairy products provide the vitamins and energy build- ing minerals that make this possible. always remember “the grand meals Mother made” with these nutri- tious, tasty foods! quota of sugar. Mr. and Mrs. Gervais, of the Belfair District, are putting in a nice big garden on George Mil— bourne’s farm. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mercer moved into 'thc Markwell cabin last week.‘ I understand he is to work for Mr. Looney, who has taken over Fred Randall’s 10g- ging outfit. I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burt made a business trip to Portland last week. George Milbourn was a Brem- crton Visitor Monday. ham celebrated their 40th wed- ding anniversary May 3rd. Most of their family was with them. Mrs. Elva Price of Shelton ‘spent Mother’s Day with her m0- 'ther, Mrs. Cunningham. It was a cold rainy day here the 10th, Mother’s Day, and not so many visitors as we had anti— ness visits to the city over'the week end were Mrs. Bert Carney, Miss Eva Barlow, Mr. George Mil- IMr. and Mrs. ham, Philip Cassidy and Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Nance and Clarence Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wharton’s goats have three little “kids” and are they cute! Look like tiny fawn. {New Resident 01' Shelton Passes George C. Sparks, 83, died at ISheIton hospital Sunday Telght months residence in Shel- Iton. He made his home at 201 l l East Pine street. Funeral services were conduct- Ed Tuesday from Witsiers Chapel _Surviving are his wife, May, lmesons, Williame Shelton and grandchildren; 1 ‘ ‘ He was born at Forestville, .Mr. and Mrs. George Cunning-I Gordon Cunning- 1 after with interment in Odd Fellows ‘dlvision of Shelton Memorial‘ Park. Mich, January 18, 1859. ‘ Feted at Dewatto ‘at the home of Mr. and MrsI was a surprise affair by their chil- , dren. Present were Mr. and Mrs.I R. D. Drain of Tacoma, daugh-= securing permits to operate hisv fire wardens for this vicinity' four—day trip to Oregon with a: were aPPYOVCd- ltruck load of lo ginr machinch Mr. and Mrs. Vearl Bennett ‘ g g " IMrs. D. A. Orcutt on the Belfair—I luncheon and' News of the serious illness of; her granddaughter Susan Hamlin,“ C. Hamlin of Seattle, took Mrs.‘ later going on toI al , Sunday visitor in the Bay regionI Ion an unsuccessful fishing trip. I I Mr. Russell. a retired school teacher almost burnt out one day last week when his roof caught fire. Mr. Russell, who is near 80,1 suffered from painful injuries toI both knees from a fall from thel ladder. The fire was extinguishedl Roy Beebe andI “18130”- Chang Address Dewatto lost ; this week when Mr. and Mrs. LiefI illness of Lief’s father, who had W _ sin: iiTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL p..-_.___-..~_. ._...._...—._._.._.._...‘_ --___...__ mvvvmwvvvvvvvvvvv’vvw Wanted “AMA‘. 3A “1.; -.A A‘.‘ WANTED: woman for part time housework. 333 Cookson Street. Lillian Simmons, .5-15—-1t. .1 ‘WANTED: a small housc in or, . near town as part payment on I 'VVWE' t' F“"‘ a 9-ro om income-produclugg house with double plumbing,‘ S a e basement, furnace, laundry} ~‘*A‘*“»AAAM‘A‘-wmu trays. ClOUble 8'3‘1'3301 ‘11:": ‘FOR SALE: 7 room house. Close ‘Nalking dlStanrie to I to business district. Full bass- church, school and industries. mom, For particulars can at Will consider Shelton,‘ Olympial Shelton sporting Goods, , or other good locations. See 5-15"th I M. o. ZINTHEO, or Phone 1.57.: ,- . 7-1117,- Shelton’s Only Realtor. ‘FOR SALE: three lots, two 3- ——-—»~» ' room houses. one 7—room house WANTED: 100 01" more New, and barn. Mr. Eli Storts, 347 Hampshire Red pullets as soon South Second, Shelton, as possible. Write particulars 5-15-22-29_3t_ l to Joe Bisesi, Rt 2, Box 143, . . . .. .1. Shelton. 52-13-111. VVATI‘ERFRONT FOR SALE: 5-l I ~—~»7v—v~~—-«— ~ , acres. 213 foot beach, tide lands, 1 WANTED: woman to do light timber: Spring three mom ca- housework, plain cooking for bin. 8. A. powers, Shelton H0- tel. 5—15~22-29—3t. two adults. Mrs. Daisy Bergc«I son, 1325 Railroad Ave, Shel-l .1, . .-. W, FOR SALE: 8143 acres, 1 cleared, balance good timber, 6 room ton, Wn. 5—15—22-7772t. 'VVANTED: drug~ saw in good min-I modern house_ 3 miles frOm dition. Priced reasonable. F. Shelton on hard surface roam! VOSEBL Star Rout/0 NO- mile! telephone line, school bus, daily. 5—15-22-29a—3t4 1 mail. Priced low, easy terms. Inquire J0urnal., B-5-1—15--3t. FOR SALE: '10 acresmHarstinc saw- Rcutc 3. BOX 169; 553119150“; and waterfront, beautiful Wash. \V~~775—15-22—29~-3t. . view, fine sandy soil, 5—room l — s» , . ' ‘1’us sealed w'th floorin , RESPONSIBLE PERSON “MSW-'5! fijrjcplgcecvv'ater pipéd to housi . I to rent wen”k.0pt or 6 N’Omi road, also rock garden. flow- house, unfurnished for l 1,0 2} I. plenty Wood several hum yea Contact Mr. Leray.VCa1’11~I M1 cedar posts: can be cut. CFC“ HOW» 5‘1;-”“1'€-' , 000 terms or $1500 cash. A. M. Strinc, Camp 3, Shelton. 4-24w5-24—1M. . l I . l l 1 l I cast Dayton. V/ANTED: 2 or 3 horsepowm; I garden tractor. also light buzz. l i ~~~s m - »Afirri#- - 1 ‘EXPERIENCED rip and cut-offI sawyers 80c per hour plus ov-I ertimc. Steady light inside work. " Northwest Chair Comp" m“ 1 2.- coma, Wash. S-ilfi—dt. I FOl SALE: two acres on paved Arcadia Road, cabin, garage, acre fine garden soil, shrubs, "'V) flowers. $800 terms or $450 I time job three mug“ cash. A. M. Strinc, Camp 3, A ' ' ~ Shelton. 4—24-—5-24—1M. ton, dragsaw furnished. nghe contra“ Prices Paid- 1112115?“ FOR SALE: 212 acres, 30 cleared, ‘ Journaly Phone 100-, r 9‘ 9 lots of range, river, $2,000.00 0'8‘1d‘rz'fi" t- worth merchantable t i m b e r. , Place support 20 milk cows be-l sides young stock. Price $7,000, half cash. 8 miles from market] Inquire Journal office. S—4-24—5-24—1M. FOR SALE: 10 room house on Mountain View. Suitable for apartments or rooming house.‘ Garage and woodshed, two lots. Reasonable terms or liberal WANTED: two horse, low wheelI wagon. Usable condition. E. R.I Parks, Grapeview. I 5-8-15-22~—3t. WANTED: 2 wood cu ters, furn— ish own tools, for cutting old‘ growth timber. Will pay $4.50 cord. Inquire Journal. D-5-1-15—3t. WANTED AT ONCE, (gag-loads or discount for cash. See or write, truckloads of large, smooth,’ Mrs- Charles Dahlman, Camp 3. sound Alder and Maple logs. Shelton D—4-3tf Higher price. Liberal scale. W FDR SALE I ill-room home near high school. This will make a. good home and beats paying rent. $1600 terms, $300 down. Prompt settlements. Northwest: Chair Company, Tacoma, VVash- 5-1—22~—4t. I EXCELLENT o P P o R TUNITY ‘ ' for ambitious men or women tOl I represent the McNess Co. in ,,. ,, ,,. built up local territories. Write 2 . i I L. Overland, 4613 South J, Ta—l 06:?de 5,511,133 dhigéihafiiimiii. 00 ,.jff‘il‘ifi-"jigffifjf:x miles out on good mad- $125 IWANTED: woman to assist withj caSh‘ * * I housework art t'ne, hom I nights Inquige Jourgal 0. 6~ROOM modern home, hard-wood 'V ' ‘ floors, fireplace, full basement D~4~10—tf.“ WANTED TO Eur: 1153.1 out-I I board motors. Hillcrest Hard- ware, phone 499, Olympic andI and furnace. Also large unfin- ished upstairs. This home isl located on oiled street and has nice yard. Entire property in,I I Fairmont 4-10_tf_1_ excellent condition, and priced, I below present value. Will con- .‘ 1 . +0. I CARD or THANKS 15mm “lmSFO$1:2g(fi?fi .May we eXtSmd. m this way .Ouri 7—roon1 modern suburban home in Sincere apprec1ation for the k111d-= excféuent con‘dition Plasteredj nesscs, sympathies and beautiful floral pieces offered us during 01er bereavement over the death of our beloved husband and father, William C. Sparks, age 83. Mrs. W. C. Sparks George W. Sparks , William L. Spar i LEllAi. antennas i; with fireplace, full'basement. Flowers and shrubs and fruit trees of many varieties. NiceI yard and lawn, all Well kept! Also plenty of excellent gar-I den land. Chicken house and- barn. Gravity water system.‘ Would cost $10,000 to replace, and is a real bargain at $4400, terms. Herbert G. Angie Angle Bldg. Phone 304 (Hi) I . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that! pursuant to and in conicimiiy with an order of hi: Board of County Interest of said Mason County, ox- Commissioners of Mason County, (“filing therefrom. however, all pub- of Washington, duly made tered on the 4th day of M ordering the undersigned to .» 1 In. roads, CCC roads. streets or alley now in use. or rights—of—way for" roads now owned by. or sought to be it the manner provided by law( Duct-1011 upprtqiriatml at this date for public 133. Chapter 263. Laws of ,1: 1), 1.10 roads, CCC roads or streets. by said Tumorsigned Wm on Sal‘u‘d w the muniy. and provided further that pro- 6th day of June. 1042, at, the hour of seeds from sale of forest products ton o‘clock in the forcnoon of said Shall Filll7ly 0“ (‘Ulllrflfilsv in and to day at‘ihe front door of the Court the following described real propor- Housc in the City of Shelton. said 1.3435. situated in said County and County and State. (' v :‘ ‘ Stale, tri—wiL; not less than Description No. 1. Lots 1 and 2, stated pin Block 6, Beverly Heights Addition to below, tn. cruising co . Shelton. Mason County. Washington. best bidders, all tl . ' Offer $10.00. ‘ a...” : ... iption No. 2. Lots 8 to 13 Ill .1511(1,hll~3locl<220; LgtsthtolfO iné ‘HFI TIAN SCIENCE 5 9.1151‘4‘3 0 Wk 1?. an 9 3 an “MLt {Lind Ir,‘m(;rt‘a,sn 4. an,“ 12, Block :21; all 1n the Plat of- De- 01' a h '- l" L: T I trost No. 2. .Mason County, Washing- subjcct of the Lesson-Sermon 1 tom Offer $50.00. which will be read in all Churches: ’4‘?“ PW)“ NO- 3- A” “f Bloc“ 12' 13, 14. 15, 16, 17. 18. 19, 20. 21. and 22; of Christ, Scientist, Sunday. Mal/I Norwood City. M350“ c‘mnty’ was”: 17. Iiim"1v Offer $110.00. I GOldQn Text: “They that are; ption No. 4. Lots 1 to 10 in-: . Block 17, Olympic View Addi— I after the flesh do mind the things1 I", Shplmnv Mason County, Wash_ : of the flesh; but they that are, Luv) ~11. Offer $40.00. d. .af r N I-‘ (1' (m f lhel I Pscriptiru‘l No. 5. SWM NVVi/T an . offi-‘fshipfpu‘i "Lrgndu ' L I SW14, Section 71, Twp. 20 N.,; W311 1- omalb _--7 . I Range 2 \V.V/.lvl. Offer $100.00. , I Among the Citatio , which, BDfifcriplioéi No. 6.18E'IQ/4 Nv12r1/4 ng ‘ comprise the Lesson-Sermon 151 W" 1“ 9‘11"“ 2 v “'19- 1 u l , . ‘ . . ; Run 2 VV.VV.M. Offer 40.00. the following from the Bible... ,1 “on NO_ 7' 14$Acres more cipated. 1‘ Among those who made busi-\ bourn, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burt,‘ I l 4 i l I I weeks thereafter. George of Sultan, Wash, and nine 1' and 'Truth; and we realize this like-I ’ urday afternoon, Scoutmaster Earl I “And I, brethren, could not speakj Q" ying in front of Govt. Lot 5. unto you as unto Spiritual, but; Hecticn 27. Twp. 21 N., Range 2 W.W. as unto carnal, even as untOI being 3 mm” M a tract 0‘ babes in Christ. For ye are yet, carnal: for whereas there is am-I ong you envying, and strife, and; NL; . second class tide lands, suitable forI the. cultivation of oysters. formerly! owned by the Staige of Washington, containing: 43 60 ac conveyed by the State of Washington to Thomas J. divisions,. are ye not carnal. andf Iggger by Iit‘éadDdatedb Seiatenigfl" 20. ,, I)" T r). V rceorte eccm er , , in walk a” men' (" cor' 0'1’3)‘ I Volume O. I... Page 161. to-wit: The Lesson—Sermon also in-l eludes the following passage fromI the Christian Science textbook.§ “Science and Health with Key to; the‘ Scriptures” by Mary Baker! Eddy: “The likeness of God we} I. , , , . , lose sight of through sin, which I "N333?'630’tllsé5iegistohi‘ll‘3; “33322.; beclouds the Spiritual sense ofI leaving meander .line, East 6 chainsp Smith R3” 33’ West 27.27 chains-z South 45’ West 16 chains South 215° I,'Wcst 5.95 chains; South 13" West 10.22 IChaTnSL West 6 chains to beginning. I Beginning at the meander corner to fractional Sections 27 and 34, Twp. 21 N.. Range VV.W.M.. which cor- ner 'is 5.63 chains East of corner to Sections 27. 28, 33 and 34; thende along meander line North 13° East 10.22 chains: North 2%° East 5.95 ness only when we subdue sin and prove man’s heritage, the lib- erty of the sons of God” (p. 315: 16-20). containing 43.60 acres, less. Offer $75.00. “Description No. 8. SE14 NEl/i. Sec- Iiion 5, Two. 19 N.. Range 3 [Ofter $40.00. . Description No. 9. NE1/1 NWI/ and Troop 25 T0 Resume {WI/9, NWT; SE14. except an. 12%: W, Collecting Old Paper; ‘9 NT We Description No. 10. E14 NEIA SE14. Boy Scout Troop 25 Will resume , fifctispf 5. N., Range 3 W.W. f . {3.1, . .‘ er 0 . . conecuon O waStepaper thls sa ‘ Description No. 11. Tract No. 14 of Section 18. Twp. 20 N.. Range 3 Sheldon announced thls week, andI.W.W.M.. described as tI‘lollcgvs:t 1Be- ' ginning at a poin on e as me W111 make the rounds every ton 01” \Vashington Street in Mountain View Addition to the Town of Shel— lfm. Washington directly opposite the A . lNOl'ih East corner of Lot No, one (1) p‘Cked up Shouldleave the‘rhames‘ in- Black No. Twenty-four. (24) in addresses with Chairman said addition run them-e Easterly at Walter Magoon of the Mason rurht angles with said East line of County savage Conlmittee or said Washington Street a distance of ' 100 , ~ . l 1191 with The Jimrnal. feet. thence southcr 3 para Wllh said East line of said \Vash—i more 01‘ Persons having paper they wish Page Seven ‘should be obtained from the District MT ADS M Classified Servic m SWEETHEART: if .your future wife graduates in the Class of y 1942, give her the most roman-I tic of all gifts . . . a genuine Lane Hope Chest . . . the gift] that starts the home. Come inl and see the latest Lane models. Sold on easy terms. Olsen Furn- iture Co. 5-15—-1t. HEAR PASTOR BOVEE at the Baptist Church Sunday evening speaking on “Is Pre—millennial- asm a pessimistic belief." All are welcome. 5-15—1t. SEE US for your garden needs. Rose bushes, fertilizers, seeds, tuberous begonias, bulbs, sprays etc. Forrest Flowers and Gifts, 313 Railroad 2-27—tf. FLOOR SANDER FOR RENT by Day or Hour J. L. CATTO HARDWARE m'vvv 'v- vwvvvvvvm Lost and Found m m... T LOST OR TAKEN: red and creaml FOR RENT Pioneer bicycle near senior high school two weeks ago. Re- ward. Bill. Booth, phone 478-.1‘: 5-15-22-29—3t. FOUND: 1.2 gauge hammerlessI shotgun. Owner recover by identifying, pay for this notice. Call Sheriff’s office. 5-15--1t. LOST: Wednesday evening—“neari Graham Theatre, black billfold' belonging to Robert Nutt con-, taining money and driver‘s li-| cense. Reward for return to Journal. 5-15—1t. , NOTICE. OF HEARING on petition for vacatlon of portion of public road. BEFORE THE BOARD OF COUNTYI COMMISSIONERS OF MASON, COUNTY. WASHINGTON. ' In the Matter of the Petitlon of I HAROLD CARR et al I For the Vacation of a portion of aI County Road, situated 111 81/9 8% Sec-' tion 20, Twp. 19 N., Range 3 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Harold Carr, et al. have'filed with the Board of County commissnmcrs of. Mason County. Washington. a pet)- tion to have vacated -the iollowmg. described portions of County Road' located in 8% 81/; SCCUOII 20. Tom, 19 N.. Range 3 tO—WTt: Com- mencing at Olympic nghway m 8% 87,41. Section 20. Twp. 19 N.. Range! 3 running thence to an intersection with the present Hurley- Waldrip County Road. and ending at said Hurley Waldrip Road. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN,| that in accordance with said petitioni ’said Board has entered an order fix-i ing the hearing on said petition for' the 8th day of June. 1942. at the hour: of 2:00 o'clock P.M.. said hearing‘ to be held at the office of the Iloaidn of County Commissioners 1n the Court House at Shelton. Washington. at which time any person Interested ml said matter may appear and ‘be heard by the Board {01."01‘ against' the granting of said petition. DATED this 11th dav of May, 1942.I HARRY DEYETTE. Clerk of the Board Commis- sinners of Mason County. Washington 5-15—22— 21. l NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER I FOR SALE BY ESTIMATE Sealed bids will be received ‘by the Forest Supervisor. Box 187. Olympia, Washington. up to 10:00 A. M.. JuncI 22. 1942,‘for all the live timber deSTg- nated for cutting, and all merchant- able dead timber located on an area embracing about 17 acres Within Ell/2 ' NEl/i Sec. 24, T 24 N. R 4 W., Olympic National Forest, Washington. estimated to be 495.130 feet BJM. of Douglas-fir, 190.860 feet B.M. of west- ern hemlock, and 5,110 feet B.M. or, western red cedar. No bid of lessx than $4.45 per M feet, B.M. for Doug- \ lassfir, $2.90 per M feet B.M. for west- ern hemlock. and $3.50 per M feet B.M. for western red cedar will be consid— ered. A cooperative deposit of $0.30 per M feet B. M. for the total. volume of timber as estimated above, in addi- tion to the prices bid for the'stump- age, to cover the cost of plantingand forest improvement will be requlred. The full bid value for the total am— ount of timber by species, as estimat- ed above. must be deposited with eaCh bid, to be applied on the purchase price. refunde , or retained in part as liquidated damages, according. to conditions of sale. The right to reject any and all bids reserved. Before bids are submitted full information_con— cerning the.,timber. the conditions‘of sale. and the submission of bids Ranger, Hoodsport, Washington, _or the Forest— Supervisor.~Post Office Building. Olympia. quhington. 5‘1; and 29—21. |,able for two men. Reasonable. "v'm V'V'VV" V V For Sale 1 QAMA‘ ‘ A“- AAAAAAAAA AA. I FOR SALE: good piano $50.00I cash. Call Journal‘ office. Phone 100 or Union 231. I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 20 words or loss (minimum charge) 3 weeks $1.00. 1 week 50c. Lower rates for larger ads and more insertions. Reader notices 3c per word. ' AH5'15‘22'29—3t- 75c minimum charge on each notice. s "—-~'-—-*~~~~r~r ~- Card 'of Thanks, 750; original FOR SALE: 1936 H. D. Sidecar, goetlry 50% per inch; tclassified - 1sp ay ra es on reques. var.) good condltmn‘ $60' 1927 Advertisements accepted over , BUICk Sedanv rUbberv runnmg the telephone from phone subscrib- condition very good. ers. Cash should accompany all other orders or payment made be- fore the first of the month to save expense of billing. An extra charge of 10c will be made when billing is necessary. PHONE. 100 Melvin Kolmorgan, E. Dickinson St., east Hillcrest.‘ 5-8-29—4t. ’V‘VVVVWV‘ mwvvvvvw‘ For Rent “AA AAAAAAAWAAAAAAAAA‘ FOR RENT: furnished apartment. Cedar Apts., 5th and Cedar. 545—11., HOUSE FOR RENT: large gar- FOR SALE: coal burning circu- den spot, plowed ready to lating heater $20.00. C. L. Col- plant. Five miles south on the- lins, 1612 Division Street. Olympic Hiway. J. D. Camper. 5-15-22—29—3t. ______..___._5_15_IEIFOR SALE: 22 large red lay— FOR RENT: large bedroom suit- ing hens. Reasonable. George Franklin, 613 Cota Street. 609 South 7th. Phone 110-R. 5-15—1t. N——5-15--1t. —— . 'FOR SALE: 3 cows, 2 fresh, one FOR RENT: 3-room house, un-| coming fresh this month. D. M. furnished. Call 184-W. Crosswhite, 1 miles north of C—5-15—-1t. Belfair on old highway. ——————— 5-8-15-22—3t. 4 room house, un- furnished, 3 miles from town on I FOR SALE: 3 year old family Lake Isabella waterfront. HasI .cow $80. Home evenings. Mar- lights. Carl Rains, Rt. 3 Box! tin Otto, Rt. 1, Box 64, 21/1 199—A, 5-15-1-tI miles from Olympic highway on Wb.‘,'_1_-v"v wvvvv' McCleary cutoff. 5-15-22--2t. Used Cars 0 F? RSALE: Nev; Hampshire—red vvvvvvvvvvvvv v V fryers 300 pound. Call 198-J. FOR SALE: ’29 Olds. coupe. H—5-1’n1t. new rods ready to put in, also other new accessories, including five almost new tires, size 525.18 $50.00. C. L. Collins,I ,, _ . -_ .. 1612 Division. 5-15-22—2t. FOR SALE: 2 year registered Hereford bull. H. S. Ahern, Sko- WWW- For Sale ‘4 AA‘AAAA‘ AAAMA’ m FOR SALE: Guernsey cow just fresh and calf, 6 gallons milk per day. Albert Nordquist, Rt. 1, Box 37 (Kamilche). 5—15--1t. 'vvvw vvvvvvvvvvv FOR SALES-.1936 Chev. coupe, komish Valley_ 5-15"“; Trade or good condition, 4 practically ..... .. _.._- new tires, radio, heater. Harry FOR SALE: 14 ft. flat bottom AAAAAAAA¢MAAAA-AnsxAAAA Winsor, 2228. 4th. 5-15—1t. boat, inquire J. H. Tice, Shel- WILL TRADE New Hampshire ton- 5-8'15—2t- red hens for good bed springs - ’ H or window sash. Sell $1.50 each. W 0150131, deggyTgx fllclgloo‘iivaigégo .. t1 a‘tlH'll.’ - ' R I S 9‘ 93" C p‘ 0 51_15_1t. Computed for Oakland Say phone 405-1”); 5_8__6_8__1m (Hood Canal tides are one hour we __ _, ,, __ ,, .__ 3c 55 minutes earlier) IFOR SALE: Hereford bull, 7-mos. - l old. Four ood dair cows. an: straits first; “.13.? at Low 1:34 5.2 ft. Camp 3 roadivpper Skyokomish North line of this tract above set; Fri. High 6:54 am. 13.3 ft. Valley. 0. T- Aubol Place. out a distance 9’3 100. feet .to the‘Moy 15 Low 1:50 p.m. -0.6 ft.| 5-1-8-15—3t. pomt of intersection w1th said East High 8:52 pm. 138 ft-I . _ . .1 . gnetgf faldlwashmgtgn guises tfhensgi .WIND o w B ox and Bedding 01‘ er aong as me O sax ' ’w' .. . - recs: bases. 02.22% . w: 32;? 11,-? 15' $50.00. ' {Mat 16 gig“: 0'8 ft'I them away at ygur own price D 't’ N.12.w1/tSt',ay .0 '-'- v . ' éififigl‘iéofi, flange 58w.“v3.M.68t‘r%?n High 9:29 p.m. 14.0 ft. San be gegttgymmflll-S Ngthggg . . ._ 0 care 0 c.. o — .Desm‘ipiion N0. 13- SE‘A- NEW Scc‘l LOW 2256 am. 6.0 ft. cultivator $4.00. Evergreen Gar- 8?;lrl7ggsgggp'cfgfl" Range W‘W‘M' I Sun. High 7:50 am. 12.8 ft. dens, Shelton, 5-1-8-15 . Description No. 14. Nyg SWI/4 swag | May 17 Low 2:55 p.m. -0.9 ft.I ‘ ” . Section 24. Twp. 20 N.. Range 5 W., High 10:08 pm, 14.1 ft, , FOR SALE: separator, horse cul- Wblvf- 9‘?“ 321230-15 NWV NW1, I —-—-r I tivators, hand cultivators, gar- Secéiil 29f°’i~Wp.°'2o Raége 5 1552' Low 3:38 a-m- 6-2 ft, den tools, hay rake, harpoon Ofliéfi‘ $1900.16 Nl/ wa a d M011. High 8121 am. 12.5 If. fork, rope. Phone 217J3 eve— ' . l l n 0. . g l n , , _ _ _-" solil‘iil’vvi’, both in Section 24.4mm. I May 18 13-536 11:1" 123 it nlngs- ‘ J 5 1 8 15 0}- 23DN” B‘Ii‘ge gwi‘éV-“IQ'%O§%6./$12%22' a ' p. l FOR SALE: good milk goats the escri ion 0. . ., .- -- . , 8?? loéangiga. 19 N.. Range 6. Vii-WM. I T $103: aJn- year around. We guarantee sat- er o ,. . ! ues. 1g 2 am. . . isfaction. 50 head to choose Segt‘iiiimgifc’bwlgf’ .2018N..ngri/§e iEi/s‘r: ‘May 19 LOW 4:09 p-m..-0-6 ft.‘ from. R. J. Gallagher, :2. mile W.M. Offer $40.00. ngh 11:33 P-m. 14.2 ft. from Lost Lake. 4-24--5-22-4t. OMER L. DION, ______.. . (SEAL) Treasurer of llgalsgnzizgréungy Low 5217 30m. 65 ft. with incinerator _._.'__' ' ‘t'IWed. High 9:40 am. 11.6 ft. J L CATTO May 20 Low 4:52 p.m. -0.1 ft. ' ‘ NNtoricic 01F WbAngliA’gléf &%{.T.theI ___ t HARDWARE O 106 18 lere y . follloginjg Mason Countty t‘Ili’eairxgpfiits an;I Thurs I??? g'rrg' it' For Sale . ce 0 . . . . . . 022‘ Trfigxsuiiggmcfin said Countthy. (initd May 21 High 10:32 am. 11.0 ft. WEDQEWOOD ,seon e a . (tiliiéthdrpfilgfipagiénNgfigianoticc: V 8 Low p'm' 0'5 ft‘ Gas Range '11 Is no 0. arrant . os. . 1097C i): 1105 inclusive: , ngh 1-06 a'm- 14-2 ft' LARGE SIZE School zlgigtrjctl No.843 Warrant Nos. I Frl. 22 Low 7:22 a.m. Duplicating 2038 to . inc “SW May High 11:35 am. 1 . . .. Sb 1 D t ,t N . 41' Warrant Nos. _ 3177? (33 315i; rildclusiove:) , I Low_ 6.28 p.m. 1.2 ft.I SALES BOOKS KDated, at Shelton. Washlngton. May 2 for 4 for OMER L. DION, No. 4111 65¢ per dozen 5-15--1t. Treasurer of Mason County SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION We also take orders for all kinds IN THE SUPERIOR COURT or THE . STATE or WASHINGTON FOR 0f Speaal— T MASON COUNTY PRINTED SALES BOOKS R th L l . PI t'ff. “m” vsim THE JOURNAL Floyd W. Landon, Defendant. State of Washington. to the said Floyd W. Landon, Defendant: You are hereby summoned to ap- pear -within 60 days after the date of the first Publication of this sum— mons, to-wit: within 60 days after the 10th day of April, 1942, and de- fend the above entitled action in the above entitled Court, and Answer the Complaint of the Plaintiff, and serve a copy of your answer upon the Undersigned Attorney for Plaintiff at his Office below stated, and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you accord- ing to the demands of the Complaint which has been filed with the Clerk of the said Court; The Objects of this action are that Plaintiff seeks a divorce from you upon the grounds of non»support. cruelty, and desertion, to secure the care, custody, and con-l trol of Howard Landon. a minor, and to have awarded. distributed. and set aside to her as her sole and separate properly on equity in the NV; of the SW34 of the SW14, Section 13, Town- ship 21 North, tango 2 West. W. M., Mason County.’ Wash, for $25.00 per month for support money from you for the said minor child. for a $75.00 Attorney's foe, and for her costs and disbursements herein incurred. and for such other further and different re- lief as appears from Complaint on file in the above entitled and above numbered Court and Cause. CHAS. R. LEWIS. Plaintiff's Attorney, Office and Post Office ad- dress; Suite 1. Lumber-men's Building, Shelton, M a s o n County. Washington. 4-10-17—24—5-1-8-15-22—7t mvvvvv v" m' V PROFESSIONAL CARDS -AA AAAAAA‘A“ AA1\“MA ALDEN o. BAYLEY ATTORN EY AT LAW Title Insurance Building Opposite First National Bank Phone 23 Shelton INSURANCE HERBERT G. ANGLE Office at Angle Building ELLIOT B. SPRING Accounting Tax Services Bookkeeping System; 123 4th St. Phone 565 NO. 1398 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter the Estate of Anna Imhof. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Esther Imhof, Executrix of the Es- tate of‘Anna Imhof. Deceased, has filed with the Clerk of the above entitled Court. her final Report and Petition for Distribution asking the Court to settle such report, distribute the property to those thereto entitled. and to discharge the said Executrix. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that the said Final Report and Petition for Distribution will be heard on Sat— urday the 13th day of June, 1942. at the hour of 10 o’clock in the fore— noon in the. Court Room in the Court House in Shelton. Washington. Dated this 9th day of May. 1942. CLARE ENGELSEN. Clerk of said Court. CHAS. R. LEWIS, Attorney for said Estate. Suite 1. Lumbermen’s Bldg. WITSIERS FUNERAL HOME Licensed Embalmers W. A. Witsiers, Prop. 0, Phone 180 - - Shelton, Wash. DOANE BRODIE Attorney-At-Law Angle Building Phone 337 CHARLES R. LEWIS I ATTORNEY AT LAW Suite 1 L. M. Bldg. (SEAL) Shelton. Mason County. r Shelton: waShmgton . \‘l’sshinrion. I 5'15 22‘29"{r5-4t. 1.31M an: \e