May 15, 1942 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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May 15, 1942 |
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Pest: Eight
Nellie Frost, Pioneer ,
lwas the daughter of a pioneer‘
Of Oi 1 i. ‘ , i
P.?’._buccumbs ‘1 merchant, Robert Frost, born Nov. .
‘24, 1863. She is survived by her
sister. Mrs. John Aldrich of Lin-
coln, Nebraska. Funeral services
Will be held on her arrival.
.spent her entire life there.
Nellie Frost. 78. one of
oldest native. daughters of
Olympic. died at ‘irr old home in
that city Sunday morning, having
Hoodsport Club 3
Hears Forestry l
Dept. Educatori
By Yvonne Bartels
Ioodsport, May lZA—On Mth
day evening the Commercial Club}
met in the Hoodsport Club roomsg
for their regular meeting. It wasi
; the last meeting to be held untill
1’ ,Septe fiber. Stanley Suiter, Statel
Forestry Department educator,l
" ‘3 attended the gathering to form a!
Before we take our
Semi Annual aven-
tory we are going to
Clc House of all
Odds and Ends of
Dresses. All of this
merchandise is up to
the minute styles.
you want to make a
real saving it will
more than pay you to.
pick up several of
these dresses.
tor the price of one. They are all late styled and
“ill worth the regular price, but we must clear
:n to make room for summer merchandise.
Sizes 12 to 44
To go for
Regular price $14.75
With prices going up, here is a real news item,
vhcn we tell you weare closing out a large group
of Better Dresses in latest styles, at a reduction
of over 50%. If’you arc in need of a nice dress,
don’t overlook this sale.
They come in sizes 12 to 44
.Ne Refunds, No Exchanges or Aprovals
" on Sunday visiting friends.
‘as janitor for the school follow-,
ling the resignation of D. C. Ma-
3 from
‘coma spent the week end with
T, Follette.
Shirley owl Margy and Mrs. Glbu
H‘ou‘s mother. Mrs. .VV. R. ‘McDonHI
Civil Defense fire organization ini
this precinct. Lunch foliOWed the;
short business meeting, served by
Mrs. F. M. Smith and Mrs. Bill,
Mrs. Don Soule and Mrs. Claude i
Smith spent the week end in Se-_
attle to attend the wedding of a;
friend. 3
Mr. and Mrs. Chriswell andl
family motored to Seattle Satur-1
day to spend Mother‘s Day with:
his mother. ‘
Sergeant \Villets DeAi'mrind.,
stationed in Spokane, spent from;
Wednesday to Monday at the Ter- ,
ry Pagel home. Mrs. Pagel, who
is employed in Chehalis, was home
for the week end. They all en—
joyed a drive to Port Angeles
P. T. Allard is now employed
Mrs. Layman returned Saturday
Wisconsin where she flew
several weeks ago to attend the
wedding of her brother-in-law. }
Mrs. Jocrs and family of Ta—
hez' rarents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Floyd Gibson. ,
Mr. and Mrs.
5: )cnt l
l , .'“.d, all of Port Angcles,
, _ ,. Sunrisv l'iirc vitli Mr. and Mrs;
Spec“. at 1J. c. McKiel.
Petra Norbv of Port Townsend.
jenioved visiting old friends herel
2 n
l a 3 Mr. and Mrs. Roland Ogden or!
i Regular price $2.98 «‘7 S Grand Rapids. Michigan. visited!
. ,her sister. Mrs. Harry Follctte a}
,._, r. , . ' few days last Week.
gszgse: “in galxgu‘sasig Mrs. Art .‘Heath of Vashon Is—l
7; able They come in tam ‘_ g laud. spent Saturday and Sunday!
4 mud. and dressy Styles in "f ; here With her mother. Mrs. Kllby.‘
i m; popular 90,0” 0. I; Mr. and Mrs. w. G. Peterson,
; _______ Rose CopemEeige Green {pf rLake Cushm'an. motored to
7:v H , . ,; . ; .,re__,on early thlS week to stay
and Clay. Size.) 1.. to 41. , in fnw days on their ranch.
3: Mrs. Leo Johnson motored to
jTacoma on Monday on a business
"” . a ; trip. :
1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ahl of
i Camp 5 spent the week end with
E, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
we . .
‘7‘ n 'ol Sidney Jarvis. who is cmp oye'
OIL/CL" 9 Eat Boeing’s in Seattle. was. home;
Regular Price $8.50 Iwith his wife and family over.
ESaturdav and Sunday.
Im- ~ ~ v . 1 v w w ' Rav Peterson and Maxine Bit—
l-c.c 1o an. opportunity for you to get two Desses zmy’ both of Lake
Cushman‘ and
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith, of Shel-
ton, all motored to Grand Cou—
lee Dam over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Johnson
H i and Nancy of Port Angeles, spent
from Friday to Sunday with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Les John-
William P. James, 28. Fort Lew—
is. and Carroll Lorretta Thomp-
‘ icon, 38, Shelton, at Shelton, May
5 12.
i Fred. W. Steiner. 48, and Elsie
{May Huyber. 41, both of Brem-
ierton. at Shelton, May 12.
l Luther Treet Lytle, 38, and
v iKatherine Merrit Huyghe, 32,
:both of Portland, at Shelton on
v : May 11.
" Edgar Ogneff. 27. San Francis-
lco, and Virginia Holt..21, Port-
filand. at Shelton, May 7.
f. Jerry Clyde Cole, 19, Bremer-
ton, and Eileen Tough, 15, Shel-
ton, at Shelton, May 7.
Melvin Gamble. 26, Hoquiam,
and Elizabeth Middleton, 17, Ab-
9: Eerdeen, at Shelton, May 7.
. Elmer A. Nelson, 57, and Mary
'Isaacson, 63, both of Aberdeen,
at Shelton, May 7.
New Delivery Schedule
is necessary for us
changes will go into effect FRIDAY, MAY 15. Times given
are for departure from store. Orders should be in early.
Due to government war-time regulations it
to make certain changes in our delivery service.
Down Town Delivery
10 a. m. Daily
All Customers East of 5th Street
2 p. m. Daily
All Customers West of 5th Street
2:30 p. m. Daily
""e: 1: end with Mr. and Mrs. J.
M. Peterson.
M". and Mrs. Claude Ila elf-u
‘sliort leave with home-
Homemakers Air
Sugarless C o o k
llethods At Meetl
By Virtue E. “anion
Pickering, May 11——The Picker-
ing Homemakers Club met with;
Mrs. Maldox Lundquist Thursday
afternoon with eleven members
present. Sugar rationing and su-!
garless baking was a main topic
of conversation but no complaints
were heard as each member wasr
more than willing to do her bit
along that line.
Refreshments were served be—
fore adjournment. Mrs. J. M. Pet—
erson will be hostess at the next
naeting on May 21.
Mr. Bisesi. of Bremerton, for—
mer owner of the Evergreen Inn,
has recently purchased the L..-
Page place on Pickering Passage
and is now settled in his new
home together with Mr. and ".irs.
Klock, also of Bremerton.
Mr. and Mrs. LaPage have mov-
ed to Tillicuni Beach on Hood
Canal near Cushman Dam. _whcre
Mr. LaPage is employed as a
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Anderson.
George and James Anderson and
Mrs. Helen Harrell and 30113,;
Johnnie and Ernest spent lasti
Sunday in Aberdeen visiting rela-i
tives. ,
Mrs. Em Welty, of Seattle. is
now at the home of Mr. and Mrsl
Frank Wylie, where. she expects:
to stay for the summer.
Guests on Mother’s Day at thel
,Elmer VViss home were Mr. andi
Mrs. Charles Droscher and son.
Jerry. of Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs!
Rov Long‘acre and Miss Dorothy
Wiss of Shelton. I
Bruce. Willie of Fort Lewis,
spent Sunday afternoon at the
\V/ioq hon-yr
Mr. and Mrs. George I’. V-Jrip'ht
and childrm of Tacoma. spent the
spent Sunda,’ and lVIonC-uy with
relatives: in Olympia.
Sam Cameron is:
folks and
{'"ie‘nr‘v. He arrived Thursday from
San. Francisco.
Mrs. John Bower, of Seattle.
Visited from Friday until Monday
at the home of her niece ,Mrs. L.
. FittS. . .
Mr. and Mrs. Frml: Strou"
! came down from Seattle to Spend
‘Mother's Day with Mrs. Em Wel- .
,ty, Mrs. Strong’s mother.
‘ Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Max
' Hanlon on Mother’s Day were Mr.
and Mrs. Claude Irwin and daugh-
ters, Treva and Be ty, and son,
lJinimie. of Olympia. Truman Nel-' '
son. of Tacoma. Miss Fay Stod-
dard and Miss Lois Forney of Or-
oville. Wash. Mr. and Mrs. John-
Satterfield of Shelton.
i hie
J'mnald Martin, and Sam Camer-
iliome or. o temday leave, was tal-t-l
on to
went by airline to San Luis Obis-
p0, Calif., where he is stationed.
, .
[G‘rapeview Club ,
Lavs Plans For,
Year’s Activity
Grapeview, May 11-'—The regu-
llar meeting of the Community
gClub was held on We’dnesday.
May 6. Various plans for the
summer and coming year were
discussed. They sponsored, as us-
ual. the pinoehle party on Sat-
urday evening. While the attend—
ance was smaller than usual,
those attending enjoyed it. Mrs.
,Cliff Barrett was general chair—
lman, assisted by Mrs. Oscar Sund
with the refreshments. First
iMrs. Cliff Barrett. consolation to
.Robert Young and Mrs.
Hanson. As often happens.
Vwas concentrated and Mr. Booth
'carried away the floating prize,
also, and Mrs. Hanson the door
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ward of Ta-
coma were Sunday guests at the
"Palms home at Mason Lake.
A severe form of flu has been
going around this, as other com—
‘ munities.
seriously ill is Bob Hansen who
was rushed to the hospital on
,Saturday evening. He recovered
nicely and returned home on
Mr. and Mrs. Al Okonek spent
,last week end in Portland, guests
[of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Welch.
We have it on unreliable author—
ity that they enjoyed the roses.
,Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Teats and
Mrs. Graham made the first of
their week end visits to their
summer home on Echo Beach.
Richard Walls has returned
from Pearl Harbor. His wife, who
during his absence had been in
Minnesota, has rejoined him here.
They are living in the Martin
house at Richard’s landing.
Mr. and Mrs. Knutson, their
daughter and Mrs. Knutson’s sis-
ter, came from MinneSota to visit
their aunt nd uncle, Mr. and
Mrs. K. E.’ ronquist. Mr. Knut-
son obtained work in the Navy
Yard the following day and has
joined the commuters‘ group.
Mrs. Orin Buckingham made a
hurried trip to South Bend'on
Saturday and Sunday, helping her
brother and his family move, to
Shelton, where he is employed.
George A. Parker
i Succumbs Sunday
George A. Parker, 81, a resi—
dent of Shelton for 16 years, died
at Shelton hospital Sunday and
was buried in Masonic division of
Shelton Memorial Park Tuesday-
He had made his home at 1220
Birch street.
. Surviving are his wife, Delia,
lone stepdaughter, Mrs. Louise
Clyde of Seattle, and two step-
sons, James H. Leopold of Oak-
land, Calif., and J. S. Drummond
of Poulsbo, and six grandchildren.
Mr. Parker was born at Gales-
ville, Wisconsin, June 24, 1861.
1 in
Oil. l j‘:
l James Anderson, who has becn- .‘
Portland Sunday by the: C‘
Anderson family and from there!
i Brevities From
lsons had a happy lvlot'ner‘s
‘ Shelton
John G. Jackson.
lV/ell's brothers and sisters. were
lpl‘CSL‘nt also.
the Sandpoint Naval
Seattle, spent the week end with (.muhwmr' the Chou. features A,
Ml“ B‘Sh‘m'$ Pax'cntb‘v Ml"- ‘md Canpella music, and
will be as-
Mrs- Ea” B‘SI‘OP- islsted by Miss Janet Andersen.
Frank make, wno spent two ermcert pianist, as guest solist.‘
weeks in the Shelton hospital, Other concerts on the week end;
has returned home and has im- tour will be given in Centralia.I
proved greatly.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hchll were rien-ln-service at Fort Lewis on l
presented with a grandson on Sunday evening.
Mother's Day, May 10th. Born The Choir will offer a program
to Mr. and Mm. Amos; Martin oi" varied selections, including an—
of Olympia, who is the former thcms of Palestrina and Durante I
liarjorle Howdl of Camp 3. i from the ancient Church Liturgy.
Mr. Mrs. Victor B. King compositions of Tschaikowsy and
stayed the week end at ‘x‘.’hidby
Island with
King's mother.
The lower grad-3
Camp school gave 2). Mother’s
mothers on Monday, May 11.
entertained Mr. ,
Johnson of Tacoma Sunday. ;
Miss Elaine Lozier and two sis-
Dolores Ferris of Camp, sang on
Mother's Day “Lilly Of the Val-
Tumwater Church.
iA Capella Choir
Camp 3 Scribe Baptist Church
16); June Quor‘iies‘
3', May 13- l Chas.
.‘Naters SUPYl'L Saturdn" in Urcni— ,, "F M‘ . '.
, I ,/ — , a . q ‘3
)mton on business” , inc Seattle Symphonic .A
l 11rd MW FM,” um," 'an pclla Chozr or 40 mixed veices Will
I‘ '. -v‘ G. J .v) \V‘../J..I‘) ( .
M rs.
M 1'.
Ma n y
Of Condurtcd
and Mrs. Leo L’Lshop,
Station 3
‘Olympia. and a concert for
Gretchan inofl‘,
Mrs. Stevens, Mrs.
room of the
hers for antiphonal singing,
the choir and quartet.
program and tea for their
and Mrs. Howard Robinson [
and Mrs. Chas!
and a
Miss Hoffman
. sl wer f r th-Vr
Betty and Carol and Miss 10 0 U
for their mothers at the
The girls in. the upper grade
Mr. '
and Mrs. Martin AuSeth and sort? ,'
went to Ben Booth and-
Sophus 3"
The latest one to be.
Food is as essential to victory as are
planes, guns and tanks because it has
a direct bearing on the health and
morale of the home front. Serve
plenty of good, wholesome foods,
but only for your immediate needs
and buy where daily low prices as-
sure the maximum raving-s, Make
“Thrift for Victory” your slogan for
the duration and put it into prac-
tice by shoooing here daily for fine
foods at the lowest prices.
DUTCH li'JEANSER .... .. 3 for
14-02. ca rton
SHORTENIN G ........... .. 3-lbs.
Crisco, Pure Vegetable Shortening
SHORTENING ............ ._ 3-lbs.
Swift’s J ewel
MARSHMALLOW’S .... .. 2-lbs.
Fresh, delicious, 1-lb. cello bags
71 c
BEEF CUBES ................ .. can 35¢
Haley’s . . . serves 5
CORN BEEF .............. .. 2 cans 45¢
All lean meal. 1.2—02. cans
SCOTT TO'WELS ...... .. 2 rolls
150 sheet
STALEY’S STAR 311.. 2 pkgs.
Corn or Gloss. .l—lb. pkgs.
ClGARE‘l’l’ES 2pkgs. 26c COFFEE . . . lb. 3
Wings, Sensation, Avalons (carton $1.29)
_Camels, Lucky, Chesterfield (carton $1.59)
Quality Foods
VINEGAR ................ ._ i‘ull qt. 13¢
Reliance brand
SYRUP ____________________ ._ 5-lb. jar
Lumberjack Maple flavor
Staley’s corn and cane
CATSUP ______________________ ._ bottle
Seaport. brand
MILK _________ ................. .. 5 cans
Federal, Carnation, Bordens, Pet
Sweetheart Soap
3BARS ..... ....... ..24¢
1BAR ................ _. 1¢
4bars 25¢
Feature Sunday ‘
present the second concert of its
Spring tour in the. Baptist church
"f. 420 Cota St. Sunday morning, ,
May 17, at the 11:00 o’clock serv— j
Loveland Cota..
mustanding Seattle musician and‘
the i
Negro Spirituals,
and songs of modern composers.
An unusual feature of this year‘s
concert will be a group of num-
-‘room of the Camp school gave a l
farewell party for their teacher,
1Daniclson Tuesday night at the
,“Teachers' Cottage.” Games were
enjoyed by the girls and teachers
and then the refreshments were;
Friday. May.1§
I, CARS SEVERELY DAMAGED ;,,,;f,,,.ed danmgo
cstima ,
Cars driven by Vv’eido’n Gallo— spectively at $1.50 and $1
way, Tacoma. shipyard worker, they collided on the
‘and Charles Savage of Shelton, Monday afternoon.
Choose HAPPY HOME for
Serve HAPPY HOME for
Selected, prepared and packed with utmost care
Guaranteed by
the Gold Shield Coffee “Thirty Minutes of Music," and every
Evening at 7:45, MAX DOLIN and “HIS VIOLIN."
a '1‘“. , .l ..,>, .. .5.
Sunkist Navel
CHANGES ................ . .. ........... .. IO-Ibs. 59¢
Sunkist full of juice .
LEMONS ........................... ........... lb. 96‘
Desert Sweet
GRAPEFRUIT ...................... .. 10~lbs. 49C?
AVACODOS ................................ _. 2 for 96:
U. 8. No.1
ASPAR-AGUS ........................... .. ‘2-lbs. 25¢
u. s. NO. 1 Whites
NEW SE’UDS .......................... .. 5~lbs. 25¢
LOCAL SPINACH . 13—le. 14-6:
Long Green
CUCUMBERS .......................... .. each 15¢
Yakima Gem U. S. No. 1
POTATOES .......................... .. 25—lbs. 1.09
,1 ._ J . .2.‘ s... , l-,, .3 I’lyl»...v.i‘....y.i rs .. . A.
Hills Bros. red can
syrup pitcher
Thompson’s with no-drip
BEEF 33¢
Cross Rib and Rump
WHITE/HENS. '. . . . . . . . . . . lb. 29¢”, v
SIRLOIN OR RIB STEAK ........ ._ lb. 38¢
SLAB BACON ............................ .. lb. 40¢
Armour’s Star—all center cuts
SKINNED HAMS ...................... _. lb. 39¢..W'
COLORED FRYERS ................ ea. 1.15
Fresh Frozen
LINK SAUSAGE ........................ _. lb. 33¢
FRESH GROUND BEEF ........ _. lb. 32¢:
PURE PORK SAUSAGE .......... .. lb. 29¢
“FAN or" Fin n D 9'3
SCHWABACHER BROS. & 00., Inc.,Seattle, Was
ENJOY THESE PROGRAMS over KlRO [7|O kc] every Sunday NE“
hue efforts 8;
I , 7’; shown 451
“(Hon fishii:
.‘ 8 moora c,
' “1,30?le puglp
.tashington .
1,00 by Andr
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sales“ in
‘ ebeen greai
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so weeks ag
perfvmzs chat
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.lowlth Bank
V ht“. Postmas
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lei d Rayonie
-'. legs an ind
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i P ‘Slgned
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' 0 edsea sho
.91” its $24,1
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"WithhairMen re
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5 ‘25 wit
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30rd35 with 4'
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200 pu]
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