May 15, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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May 15, 1975 |
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CO-CHAIRMAN of the Chamber of Commerce Membership Committee,
Torger Lee and Vi Stickley, seated, talk over chamber activities with the first
new members they signed up, Walt Rybacki and Katherine Abbott.
The Shelton Chamber of effort is a committee headed by Information can also be
Commerce has started a Vi Stickley and Torger Lee. There obtained from the chamber office
membership drive to get 25 are 12 people on the committee, at426-2021.
additional members by June 12, They will be contacting The membership drive has
which would bring chamber businesses in the community already gotten three new
membership to 200. within the next few weeks to urge members for the chamber.
Heading the membership membership in the chamber.
Amending an earlier decision, Polhamus's father was very ill and
Superior Court Judge Gerry had been placed in a nursing
Alexander approved the release of home because the mother could
Arthur M. Polhamus, Tahuya, not take care of him by herself. If
from the Mason County jail on a the young man was released from
trustee-at-large status, jail, he could return home and his
Polhamus had been sentenced father could be brought back
to a year in the county jail with home from the nursing home, the
review after six months when he court was told.
appeared before Judge AlexanderTestifying that they had
February 18 after pleading guilty observed a change in Polhamus's
to a charge of possession of a attitude since he had been in jail
controlled substance, were Sergeant Nat Stairs of the
Judge Alexander's action Sheriff's Office, Deputy Sheriff
Friday came on a motion by the Leon Smith and Parole Officer
young man's attorney Friday for William Lester.
early release from jail. Judge Alexander stated
T h e c o u rt w a s t o 1 dPolhamus could be released May
The Shelton School Board
Tuesday night voted to accept the
bid of H and H Auto Wrecking to
tear down the football
grandstands at Loop Field.
The board voted to reject all
bids on tearing down the Loop
Field baseball grandstands.
H and H bid $200 to be paid
to the district for the material
which can be salvaged from the
The board set its preliminary
budget hearing for 8 p.m. May 27
at the Evergreen School Library.
The board accepted the
resignations of Allen Hopp,
elementary teacher at Mt. View;
Lorraine Atwood, high school
English teacher; and Richard
Morton, principal of Mt. View
Elementary School.
The board also accepted a
proposed school calendar for the
coming year.
A letter was received from
Northwest Accrediting accepting
the Shelton Middle School for
accreditation. School officials said
they believed the Shelton school
was the first middle school
accepted by Northwest.
plans e
ree vac
The Shelton City Commission
took the first step toward the
possible vacation of one block of
Pine Street requested by the
county commission in its planning
for an anticipated extension to
the courthouse.
The county last week had
requested the vacation of the one
block of Pine Street south of the
~,,ourthouse. The county owned a
half block of property on the
south side of the street.
The proposed courthouse
expansion, being planned by
architect Harold Dalke, would
extend south from the present
courthouse across the street onto
t he now vacant county-owned
City Engineer Howard Godat
told the commission he had
checked the request and that he
would recommend if the vacation
was granted that a water line
presently under the street be
relocated and an easement tar its
maintenance be granted to the
city as part of the vacation.
The city commission
approved the engineer's
recommendation and voted to ask
the city attorney to prepare a
resolution setting a time for a
public hearing on the vacation
Mayor Frank Travis stated he
wanted to have a public hearing
and get comments from the police
and fire chiefs before considering
the vacation request.
The commission voted to
award a contract for wiring in the
city library building to Miklethun
Electric, Shelton, whose bid of
$4,260 was the lower of two
A petition for inclusion of E
Street from Jefferson to Laurel in
the city's street improvement LID
planned for this summer was
presented by Assistant City
Engineer Dennis Calvin.
The commission asked that
the petition from the property
owners on that section of street
be included for consideration
with others received.
A letter was received from the
Department of Ecology, warning
of possible harmful consequences
Wrought Iron
Wide selection
Model pictured
is 3V2 feet tall
and is now
(We have lots of sizes, from $9.95 to $29.95)
Mexican Imports, Pottery, Leather Goods
Wrought Iron, Ceramics
III W. Cota St.
of using waste motor oil as a dust
palliative on city streets.
The commission asked Godat
to look into the question and to
make recommendations for city
supervision of any such use on
city streets.
A letter was received from the
American Water Works
Association, congratulating the
City Water Department for having
an injury accident-free year in
(Continued from page one.)
come and watch the elimination
contests, Andrews said.
Admission for both contestants
and spectators is by Forest
Festival button.
A new feature of the
elimination contest this year,
Andrews said, is the all-around
logger competition.
To be eligible for the
all-~round logger award, the
person must enter four of the ten
events. The winner will be chosen
by how well he does in the four
events he enters.
The all-around logger will be
announced at the Logger's Show
May 31.
The Logger's Show is being
moved to the fairgrounds this
year after being held on Loop
Field since its beginning.
Anyone interested in entering
the competition for any of the
events can come to the
fairgrounds Saturday and
participate. Those interested in
competing for the all-around
logger award must be signed up
by noon.
Further information can be
obtained from Andrews at
Mr, John Doe
EO0 M~tn Street
Anytown U S.A. 00000
You get a U.S. Government
tax rebate of up to $200.00.
You get a $200.00 rebate check
from Chrysler Corporation when
you buy or lease a new
'75 compact from us.
There's more good news at Pauley Motors. And remember that $200.00 rebate you
You can make your tax rebate check go get from Chrysler Corporation when you
farther. We can really deal because the buy one of our new '75 Dart Swingers. This
factory is giving us special cash allowances is a limited time offer on vehicles in stock,
on our entire line of great cars (and trucks), one to a retail customer only.
Page 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 15, 1975
-i 8 On
a trustee-at-large status and
must live at home and assist in the Trash belongs in trash cans, not in our
care of his father, rivers. Do your part to keep America a great pl~
The judge also stated the Woodsy Owl has a list of ways you can
young man must report to the pollution. It's easy for kids to read, and it's free w
Sheriff's Office either in person or you write Woodsy Owl, Forest Service, U S. D.A.,
by telephone twice a week. Washington, D.C. 20250.
Deputy Prosecutor Gary And remember, give a hoot, don't pollute.
Burleson told the court the Don't be a dirty bird, no matter where
prosecutor's office would not
take a position on the request for
early release.
MON.-FRI. 8-5:30
SAT 10-4:30
Tub No. 610, White ............................... ... 76.95
Tab No. 610, Harvest Gold, 1 only ...................... 84.95
Toilet No. 525, White ............................... 47.95
Toilet No. 525, Harvest Gold, 1 only ..................... 60.95
, L
Round Steel Lavatory No. 708, White, 18" less rim .... 13.95 ,
Round Steel lavatory No. 708, Color, 18" less rim ..... 14.95
0val Steel Lavatory NO. 769, 19"x16" white, less rim... 14.95
0val Steel Lavatory No. 769, 19"x16" color, less rim ... 15.95
No. 718, 20"x18" less rim,
Rectangular Steel Lavatory white ............... 15.95
No. 718, Color, 20"x18", less
Rectangular Steel Lavatory .m ............... 16.95
Wall-hung Lavatory.o 110, White ................ 18.95
Wall-hung Lavatory .o 110, Color ................ 22.95
No. 821, ,D, ble. temp.,
Kitchen Sink White, x21", less rim ................ 19.95
No. 821, Dble. comp.,
Kitchen Sink Co,or, 2"x2r,, less rim ................. 21.95
10"-14", reg. 7.99 .............
14"-18", reg. 9.99 .............
New Shipment!
Tuberous Begonias 2, varieties ...........
This Saturday thru May 75
Buy 4 get I
1 for 4 sale applies to all Olympic products, semi-transparen
solid color, latex, overcoat. (Offer excludes sale cans of
and white overcoat).
bainbridse, lynnwood, shelton
first & pine
MON. - FRI. 8-5:30 SAT. 8-4.30