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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 15, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 15, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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yI5 Club luncheon, noon, Club, 6:45 a.m., Chapter No. Baptist Church. Club of Mason noon, Senior / Anonymous, 8:30 Library. Softball meeting, 7 rummage sale by JiUs 4-H Club, 3. meeting, 8 Woman's Club, clubhouse. COunty Democratic Board, 7 p.m., Town Rounders, 8 16 of Commerce board Hy-Lond Inn. Orthopedic home of Mrs. Frank 21ub installation of P.m., Elks Lodge. Reed Orthopedic home of Mrs. :rd party, 7:30 Dance, 9 p.m.-2 Community Hall. 18 invite you church of your ~Y 19 o. 3 commission .ha., PUD conference ennial committee r Center. meeting, Club, 7:15 Clinic, 6:30 t. a.m., PUD. Club annual meet 9t 11 a.m. n, noon, meeting, 2 t Women's 6 p.m. cocktails, er, Taylor Town•. Legion and Memorial Hall. P.m., airport Society, 8 and board Inn. lEers, 7:30 p.m., Organics, 7:30 Avenue ub, 8 p.m., ~!f WSNA District ason General KiwanisClub, Inn. Menu =elton Schools Served daily 19-23 ef pie with ng, cinnamon tossed salad, , fresh fruit, lacaroni and Jel o with s and butter, steak Potatoes, ~s, milk. fresh and INC. tWy. I01 Elks, 8 p.m., at the lodge. Mason County Robinettes parents meeting, 7 p.m., Bordeaux School. Children of Simpson employees, swimming, 6:30 p.m.-9 p.m., at the pool. WARC, 8 p.m., ME. View Annex. Beta Zeta Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha, 7 p.m., Nimrod Hall, Dayton. Hillcrest Homemakers, noon, home of Vona Bevington. Public presentation on Transcendental Meditation, 8 p.m., Timberland Library. Thursday, May 22 Golden Age Club, 6 p.m., Memorial Hall. Gran Olympus Council of Camp Fire Girls, Inc. will hold a Grand Council Fire at 3 p.m. Saturday at the Camp Fire building site on Waldrick Road near Olympia. Carolyn Cuzick of Shelton will be the only girl to receive an award this year. She has earned her Torch Bearer rank in water sports, having specialized in swimming. She is a member of Discovery Club. , The final payment on the $121,000 Camp Fire building was made in March, and this will be celebrated. The building is located uncil ire on a 40-acre tract purchased in 1969. Construction was begun in July of 1974 and finished in December. For the past 17 years a portion of funds raised by the mint sale has gone into the building fund. Additional money was raised in the building fund drive held prior to the beginning of construction. Participating from Shelton in leading the Trail Seekers Desire are Melody Wehnes, Kerry Griese and Teresa Rhodes. Leading the Woodgatherers Desire are Sheena sla Hedgers, Cameon Fredson and J Renee Roberts. Lisa Cook, Lisa I Yates and Louisa Waring lead the Fire Makers Desire. ) A large symbolic key will be presented by the oldest Horizon Club girl to the youngest Blue Bird girl as a key to the future of Camp Fire in Olympic Council. On honor roll Susan E. Hamilton of Shelton is listed on the honor roll of Oregon State University. The Cake is now open! CAKES FOR ALL OCCASIONS CAKE DECORATING SUPPLIES HURRY ...... this is your last week to complete your 15 volume set of Singer Sewing Books at SHOP-RITE] MEDIUM SIZE RIBS GREAT BAKED OR BARBIEC)UED • . .LB. BONELESS ROASTS s, U.S. CHOICE BEEF BOTTOM ROUND OR RUMP ........ LB. • STEAKS s, U.S. CHOICE BEEF, BONELESS STEAKS .............. LB. • 1 BAR-S SKILLET SIZE WITH THE GUARANTEE ....... 1 2 OZ. • ARMOUR'S "SUPREME," U.S. GRADE "A'°, 16 to 19 LB. MATURE HENS. COOKING INSTRUCTIONS ON WRAPPER ....... LB. ROUND STEAK U.S. CHOICE BEEF BONELESS STE AKS ......... LB. 'N' SERVE LINKS SWIFT'S PREMIUM... ORIGINAL OR MAPLE ............ 8 OZ. PKG. OSCAR MAYER ALL MEAT OR PURE BEEF ............... 8 OZ. PKG. SLICED SALAMI OSCAR MAYER COTTO OR PURE BEEF ................. 8 OZ. PKG. WE'RE ALL CONCERNED ABOUT INFLATION THESE DAYS...AT SHOP-RITE HELP FIGHT INFLATION 1 WITH EVERYDAY COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS WEEKLY SPECIALS. TAKE THESE: FISHER'S ........... 40 OZ. KINGSFORD $' 19 ................... I0 LB. BAG I MISSION ELBOW 53 ................. 22 OZ. PKG. MAN PLEASERS BANQUET ASSORTED DINNERS ............ 17 OZ. NIBLETS CORN GREENGIANT 39 .................. IO OZ. PKG. E CHINESE MIXED PKG. SUMMIT VEG TABLES ........ 6oz 29 , ORE,DR 53 POTATOES O BRIEN ........... .OZ PKG a LOAF ......... GREEN ONION We specialize in decorated cakes for all occasions -- Phone 426-3377 II ee MILD CHEDDAR 2 LB. LOAF.. • 0000 MEDIUM CHEDDAR 2 LB. LOAF... • SHARP CHEDDAR 2 LB. S LOAF . . . FRESH CARROTS CRISP 'N' CRUNCHY ............. LB./PKG. FRESH TENDER GOLDEN SWEET EARS RIPE DELICIOUS ....................... LB. PARADE ASSORTED FLAVORS ........ HALF GALLON CARNATION OR SHOPRITE ...... HALF GALLON BREAD WHITE AND WHEAT .............. 221/2 OZ. LOAF SPECIAL PASTRY= HOSTESS FAMILT PACK ............... PKG. DUCHESS BLEACH LIQUID BLEACH ..................... GALLON GRANOLA NATURE VALLEY FRUIT & NUT ..... .... 16 OZ. BOX PARADE LIGHT TUNA 6% OZ. TIN 1 LB. ........................... DOZEN DOUBLE LUCK CUT STYLE ............. 16 OZ. TIN BLUE RIBBON ................. 15 OZ. JARS VET'S DOG ASSORTED ................... 1 5V2 0Z. TINS VET'S NUGGETS s DOG FOOD .................... 25 LB. BAG • = MENNEN ..................... 6 OZ. BOTTLE BAYER ASPIRIN PAIN RELIEF ........................... ! OO COUNT COLGATE SHAVE ASSORTED .......................... 11 OZ. AERO NATURE VALLEY ASTD .................... 16 OZ. BOX TOMATO SAUCE HUNTS ............................... 15 OZ. TIN PRICES EFFECTIVE- MAY 15, 16, 17, 18 - LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED RIPE LEMONS ADDS FLAVOR ......................... FRESH PAPAYAS A TROPICAL TREAT .................. EACH GOLDEN NUMBER ONE WE GUARANTEE EVERYTHING EVEN A SMILE! SAUTEE OR BROIL ........................... LB. WHITE SHAFTERS ............................ LB. STORE HOURS: SUNDAY 10 TO 7 - DAILY 9 TO 8 Thursday, May 15, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7