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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 15, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 15, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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OLDER HOME remodeled 2-BEDROOM fixer-upper. A HOT one -- insulated for 2-BEDROOM 50x12' trailer 4-BEDROOM, Angleside area. 3 3 ROOMS and bath, partly 7 ACRES -- Creek, close in, a throughout. 1,680 square feet, 3 Attractive lot, garage, close in. Alaska. This immaculate house on 100x60' cleared lot. bedrooms, Vz bath upstairs. Bath furnished. $8,950 terms. Accessgood investment. Only $8,750, MTI bedrooms, family room, rec. Only $10,500. Shelton Land and double-wide mobile home is New septic tank and drainage and bedroom down. Larc~e formal to salt water. Owner will carryterms. Shelton Land and Homes, room, 1~ baths, fenced yard, Homes, 426-5555. S5/15 available at $18,500, terms, system, city water, power, justliving room with fireplace, contract. 426-4775. W5/1-22 426-5555.$5/15 ICF large garden area. 426-1076. -- ........ Really deluxe insideand out. outside city limits. $7,000, terms. Separate dining room. Newly ~1 O5/1-22 PRICE REDUCED. Must sell. S helton Land and Homes, Call owner. 426-3837. N5/15 decorated. New roof. 1700 sq. ft. r I $68 Ar I ~----- 3 -bed room, 1 l/z bath near 426-5555. $5/15 -'--~-------~ 3.BEDROOMhome,oneyear old, Potlatch. Country living. Huge .... FIXER-UPPER 3-bedroom on an °f living area" F°rced'air heat'Extra lot next door included in SPENCER 5%oCe / I one acre, 3 miles out of town. recreation room is 27x24 with COUNTRY LIVING. Flowing extra-large Iot. Completely fenced the price. $22,900. Ad 290. West with newchainlink. Great for the Realty, 426-5521. 275-2826, / , LAKE I mmti=mP R'"'°"/ NoClu u $2,500 down. 426-5279. 5/1-22 forfireplace'a horseG°°d'sizedor a wholel°t'bunchR°°mof creek right through the front children while you pound nails 877-5236. W5/15 ~r Shelton / 15 OR 20 acres, house, barn, kids. $25,850. Ad 247. West bedrooms,yard" Modernl¥4 ramblerbaths, fireplace.With 3 and swing a paint brush. $8,500.~ | 8/z acres. $3,500 down, will I 42s.3361 I No Swimming p001 terms. Matlock. 426-3648. Realty, 426-5521, 275-2826, Good floor plan. All on 1-1/3 Ad 312. West Realty, 426-5521, ROOMY 4-bedroom rambler. 10 | carry contract at 7%. No I ~ No Golf Courses 877-5236. W5/15 acres of land plus a new 20x30 275-2826, 877-5236. W5/15 acres, pasture, creek, all for only | middle man. I own the land I / No Trees $24,500, substantial cash down.| and make my own deal. Call I barn. $37,500. Fun way of life BIG VALUE. 8 acres in town, More acreage available. Shelton| Bremerton collect 373-2604 I 14 level acres in Matlock. Very | No Steak Dinners AH2/2OtfnSPARKLING creek, winding G~ING~~~. and close to the city. Ad 241. city water and sewer. Excellent Land and Homes, 426-5555. | after6 p.m. / secluded, ½ mile to Satsop/ 16 Miles From Tow through majestic evergreens on Yummy2-bedroom, right out of a West Realty, 426-5521, investment. $25,500 cash. S5/15 21/= acres, is the setting for this storybook. In town, only 275-2826, 877-5236. W5/15 | 5/ltfn j River. 3 miles north of/ $14,950, terms. Shelton Land and Shelton Land and Homes, Schaefer Park. $9,800. $150 / Bordering BlacktOP 426-5555. S5/15 down, $100 per month. 9%/ verYFireplace,attractiVecarport2-bedrOOmand shop.h°me'Total Homes, 426-5555. S5/15 VIEW OF Mt. Rainier, Case Inlet, ~ Just range land price only $24,950, terms, plus 143/4 acres -- 1]/2 miles south LAK~ waterfront interest. / near hunting Shelton Land and Homes, RURAL LIVING on the Old of AIlyn. $14,950, terms. Shelton home. 2bedrooms, excelientview JUST LISTED. . SALTWATER | water no prob 426-5555.$5/15 Arcadia Road near Shelton. Land and Homes, 426-5555. of the Olympic Mountains. Nearly completed 2-bedroom FRONTAGE .. | the contract 3-bedroom with approximately S5/15 Storage area under the home. Don bnson Bremerton, 3 12x60 MOBILE home, tip-out 1600 ft. of living. Needs some "A-frame" cabin with 60' of 85 of the finest in Completely furnished. Even has a no-bank frontage on Emerald Hammersley Inlet frontage J after 6 p.m. livir~ room with 16x28 addition paint and clean-up. Great gardenMT. VIEW location. Quality builtwood-burning range in the and "1.2x16 storage shed. On 125' area on the large 1VPacre lot. May 3-bedroom on "D" Street. kitchen. Great fishing and Lake. Very best in light with this unique home. Open waterfront wooded lake lot. take contract financing to Hardwood floors, real plaster waterskiing lake. Lot next door fixtures and bathroom beam ceiling construction, Year-round caretaker, golf course, responsible party. $24,900. Ad walls, near-new shake roof. Nicely may be purchased, too. Enjoy hardware already in. Also has hand-split cedar siding, heavy swimming and fishing. 482-4371 257. West Realty, 426-5521, landscaped easy-care lawn. yourself! $25,995. West Realty, new range and refrigerator, shake roof, and cherry wood after 6 p.m. M4/24-5/15 275-2826, 877-5236. W5/15 Fenced patio area. A pleasure to426-5521, 275-2826, 877-5236. Just a couple of weekends walls offer the best in building. -- happy owners! OPE There isn't much that Rose Brown doesn't know about the grocery business. For over 40 years she has been the friendly face behind the counter of Brown's Grocery in Auburn. She's gotten to know an awful lot of people over those four decades and they are going to miss her now that Brown's Grocery has been sold. But Auburn's loss is Mason County's gain because Rose is moving here and has just opened Brown's Grocery in Agate. It wasn't just the woods and water that attracted Rose to our area. She's looking forward to seeing more of her son and ~andchildren who live near Shelton. And there are old friends in lympia that Rose will be able to see more of, too. Rose Brown also has some plans for her new store. Formerly known as the Agate Grocery, Rose plans to keep Brown's Grocery open seven days a week. And, after years of accumulating antiques, she and her son Gene are thinking about opening up an antique shop. Doug Tingvall assisted Rose with her Auburn property and with the purchase of the Agate Store. & Homes 422 North First 426-5555 show and a pleasure to own. Priced way below the replacement cost. $28,900. Ad 202. West Realty, 426-5521, 275-2826, 877-5236. W5/15 W5/15 WATERFRONT LOT at Trails End Lake. $9,000 terms. Call collect Seattle 622-5232. R5/8-29 BE READY FOR SUMMER IN HOOD CANAL COUNTRY! 14 acres -- level, creek, nice trees. Bordered on county road, close to Union. $14,000- terms. Call Tommy Thompson, 877-5287 office or 877-9773 home. View lot -- Olympic Mountains and Hood Canal. 125 footage on highway for easy access. Only $4,000. 2-bedroom, shake roof, 4 years old. Wonderful starter home or retire and raise a garden on this level 1/3 acre. Only $12,900. Indian Beach lot. Southeast exposure. No bank- $17,000. Waterfront -- 200 ft., 4 acres, near Union. $17,900. Fantastic view. Highway access. View lot- water, power, level, trees. $4,900. One-acre parcels. Power, water, road is paved. Close to Shetton, from $4,500. Dick Endicott, Broker Tommy Thompson, Associate Broker Helen Spaulding, Sales Representative Jan Wnukowski, Jr., Sales Representative Waterfront- Recreational Residential- Commercial 877-5287 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK - P.O. BOX 335 Hoodsport, Washington 98548 could finish home. Plenty of trees for seclusion. $16,500 with terms available. TRACTS.. 5- and 10-acre tracts just short drive from town on Arcadia Road. Owner willing to carry contracts and land all surveyed. Does have frontage on the road. Lovely treed building sites. Prices vary, so check with us on these. TOP FAMILY HOME ... With 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces, large recreation room, and fine separate workshop. L0vely plush carpet, delightful kitchen, separate laundry, ar¢l' so much more. Excellent construction. On large landscaped lot. $42,000. ONLY TAKES SMALL DOWN PAYMENT.. To get started on the purchase of this secluded 5-acre tract near Matlock. $6,500 on easy terms. WHO'LL GET IT?? This large wooded and no-bank lot at Lake Limerick can be yours at an attractive price and terms. Includes boating, swimming, tennis, golf, riding, etc. $6,950. 20 ACRES - CANAL.. 20 acres on Hood Canal South Shore with 165' waterfront. Clams and oysters, room for development. $40,000. Two very attractive fireplaces, 2 bedrooms, large garage, and shop area. Very useful all-purpose room, sweeping view. 350' plus depth with landscaped grounds. Patio out front for entertaining. $69,000. OAKLAND BAY.. Here's 175' of the very best in low bank waterfront available on the bay. Brushed into a park setting and includes tidelands. Just a short drive to town. $24,000 with good contract terms. New bulkhead recently installed. DOWNTOWN.. Here's a 3-bedroom home right in the downtown area with easy walk to stores and churches. Has wall-to-wall carpet throughout, 2 garages, and lovely landscaped yard. $22,000 and owner will consider terms. PARK-LIKE TRACT .. This delightful large tract at Island Lake is so nice. It includes a garage, workshop and storage shed. $6,000. 5-ACRE TRACT.. Very reasonable down payment on this 5-acre tract at Matlock with owner carrying the contract. Other homes in the area but not overpopulated. Check this one out. ke 110 Railroad 426-4447 Eveninqs and Sundays call: DON BROWN ...........426-6388 or 426-8540 REALTOR" JAMES ROUSH .........426-8522 BEAUTIFUL VIEW! LAKE ARROWHEAD - 1025 TURNER - QUALITY CONSTRUCTION! A BRAND-NEW LISTING! This home was custom built in 1950. Two-bedrooms, one bath on main floor, a full basement w ith a partially completed family room and V2 bath and room for two more bedrooms. Double wooded lot overlooking Shelton. Beautiful landscaping, quiet Mt. View location. A truly great buy at $36,000. $15,000 For three-bedroom home with extra-big lot, fruit trees and nice view plus two garages. COMFORT! SECLUSION! A deluxe A-frame with two bedrooms, all carpet, Franklin stove, electric BB heat, on a large 60' X 113' lot. Excellent at $15,500. FENCED PLAY-YARD.. Add up the features: Three bedrooms, fireplace, shake roof, radiant heat on Angleside. Expectto pay $25,000 -- forget it. Yours today for $17,500. ANOTHER FOUR- BEDROOM - With a formal dining room, two baths and a large carpeted living room w/fireplace. An excellent buy at $25,950. 13TH & MAY - YOU NEED ROOM?? How about 2,631 sq. ft. finished living area on a 100' x 132' Angleside lot. Four bedrooms, two baths, double ~arage. Beautiful stone ireplace and open beam ceiling. The only description is ' ' R oomy." The price -- $47,500. TWO LEVELS ON THE BAY.. Not just a summer home, not just a permanent home -- but both of these plus an income producer. A nicer family home up and a complete apartment down. All packaged together for $45,000. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS - Fix it up and create your own personalized estate. Here are the makings of a tasteful three-bedroom rambler. Try it at $12,000. EXTRA NEAT AND CLEAN.. This neat two-bedroom home downtown must be seen to be FAMI LY PLEASER . . Five bedrooms, 21/2 baths, large family room with fireplace and ballfield close by for the kids. Just $29,950. JUST REDUCED - WAS $25,750 - NOW $24,500.. Very convenient to store, school, hospital and playground. Three-bedroom, family room, double garage... Call today. Will not last long. INVESTMENT IN SUMMER .. 1 75' beautiful Hammersley Inlet waterfront. Mobile home, well, septic tank, fruit trees. Cleared, level building site for your year-around home with appreciated -- has fenced yard the mobile home remaining as and garage and price of a rental or guest quarters. Let $14,750 which includes range us drive you out to your and refer, waterfront dream. I 8 ACRES -- AGATE.. About a mile from the Agate Store. Secluded, wooded, recent survey. Contract terms. Priced at only $6,500. JOHN'S CREEK • . 6V2 acres wooded land with about 500 feet on year 'round stream. A truly lovely spot for recreation or permanent home and it's only a few miles from Shelton. The price is just $7,500. CHRISTMAS TREE LAND Located just a short distance off the Ells Hill Road about 5 m'iles from Shelton. Trees of all sizes cover property. 10 acres for only $7,000 on the best of contract terms. HAMMERSLEY WATERFRONT.. Five acres upland and 220 feet of high bank waterfront. Outstanding view. An investor buy at $13,000. LAKE LIMERICK WATERFRONT • • 80-foot frontage. Close to clubhouse and tennis courts. Lots of fir trees. Contract terms. $10,000. IF YOU DON'T KNOW.... We're gonna tell ya!! Don't pass up this two-bedroom Hillcrest home for just $13,000. REALTOR 7th & Railroad suite Shelton, Wa. 426-3361 MASON AND THURSTON COUNTY LAND 1. INVESTMENT 2. DEVELOPMENT 3. SPECU LATION Homes Ranches Waterfront Olympia area: Rich Greene, eves.: 491-0965 Kathy Coombs, eves.: 357-7541 _ Shelton area: Harry Tokos, eves.: 426-8460 O By John BrUSh Broker-Realt0r Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is working together is success. It is right to be contented with what we have, r a re. ~k ~r ~r Conscience gets a lot of credit that belongs to cold feet" Let your conscience get those feet moving REALTY when you are in the market for any t~ RENTAL! 2 bedrooms, !¥= baths. Most unusual Shorecrest. $120 mo. References. RENTAL! 3-bedroom home. Potlatch. $165 mo. RENTAL! A JEWEL at Shorecrest. 2-bedroom beautY" References. LOOKING FOR A PLACE to build your dream where all your recreation is within walking d LIMERICK IS YOUR ANSWER! The living with your own GOLF RIDING TRAILS, FISHING & WATER PICNIC AREAS, ETC., PLUS CLUBHOUSE, more -- all within 6~ miles of the center properties priced from $1,900, also some nice ho immediate occupancy. SEE US FOR FULL ABOUT LAKE LIMERICK. $1,600 -- TRAILER SPOT. ]/2 acre, Skokomish available. EZ terms. $2,650 -- RIPPLEWOOD! Large recreational lot. etc. Terms. $3,500 -- HIGH ON A HILL-- ¥4 acre. Upper SI Piped water. Contract terms. $3,500 -- ALMOST 2 ACRES -- Agate Road near .A $4,800 -- LAKE FRONT LOT. Some nice treeS, ~¢J~,.~ Ready to use. Underground utilities. EZ terp": " 3.bedr0°0 $7,950 -- FIXER-UPPER on Capitol Hill. Big x 110' corner lot. $9,000 -- LOOK at this beautiful 3 ACRES conveniences yet with country pasture and some wooded. City available. East Hillcrest area. Easy terms. $18,000 -- GOLF WIDOW! Keep him at home. 2-bedroom fronts on No. 4 fairway at Lake $21,500 -- DESPERATE! Seller transferred 1VPbath 4-year-old home. Stone ~arage (insulated and paneled for rec. eat, wall-wall carpet, fenced yard and $22,500 -- MASON LAKE 2-bedroom weekend~ W.F. Concrete boat ramp. Dock, nice attached boathouse. Excellent terms. $23,500 -- PEACE & QUIET can be yours in this 2-bedroom Lake Limerick home. cUST( everything! Fireplace, W-W carpets, Electric heat, appliances. Large shake roof, attached garage and mu forces saie. Immediate occupancy. $32,000 -- COUNTRY FARMHOUSE. 4 six). Large living room, music room, hi dining area, utility room could be basement, attached carport, covered well, PLUS 7½ ACRES, level worked cross-fenced. In Matlock. $33,000 -- DAYLIGHT BASEMENT home on Lake Limerick. 2 bedrooms, dining & kitchen opening for 2 more bedrooms and Fireplace with heatilator. Double park-like lot. If you get cold feet every time you think of don't know what to ask -- call BRUSH current market comparison. New--Bright--Sharp Listing... Completely remodeled !q. ft. three-bedroom home. Located on a ff corner lot. Must see to appreciate. A fast s~ for sure. Page 28 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 15, 1975 CALL EVENINGS & WEEKENDS Corl Johnson 426-8407 Morley Preppernou 426-8676 Ecl Stock 426-1 ] 38 Dave Thocher 426-8635 Torger Lee 426-4653 John Wotkins 426-2678 REALTY CALL "THE ACTION OFFICE" Cor. 1st & Cedar (Opposite Dairy Queen)