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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 15, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 15, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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W. Railroad Phone 426-4486 ,!'NEW&USEDHOMES r Land- Waterfront i REALTOR' WATERFRONT $3,100 TO $8,950 - FAWN LAKE . All have access to the lake or are waterfront. The underground power Iandle water lines go to each lot. Security gate at front entrance to exc ud public thoroughfare. Terms available. Justa few miles from town out ColeRoad. $12,950- 60 FT. SALTWATER ' Cute16x 20 cabin across from Shelton. Perfect for the weekender and summer hideway. Electric heating, good water, loads of clams. Owner will carry contract, terms. :i$12,950 - 100 FT. SALT WATERFRONT - Over 1,000 feet deep, high bank with a nice slope of the land. Located in the Agate area on • Hammersley Inlet. On county road with power and telphone lines to ' the tract. Owner will carry contract. $12,950 -- 103 FT. ON TOTTEN SHORES - ]-1/3 acres. Terms available, •and owner will carry contract. $23,950 -- WIDOW MUST SELL - Spacious 1969 20x56 double-wide on Oakland Bay property. Two baths, two large bedrooms and a 20-ft. living room. Automatic electric furnace. Excellent condition and terms available. Well-kept mobile home. 90 ft. frontage x 300. $ 000 -- 375 FT. ON COVE -- OVER 5 LEVEL ACRES -- Easy terms available on this fully-usable waterfront on protected cove near Allyn. 360 ft.. of county road frontage with power lines and phone. View of k Mt. Rainier and North Bay. Easy to subdivide, or ownerwilli I sell 1/2 or ~. 1/3 separately. ' HOMES . $12,500 _ MOBILE ON 1/3 ACRE - Located in the Timberlakes area. Almost brand new, 12 x 46. New drapes and app iances ncluded. Use •of both lakes, swimming, fishing and salt water ramp included also. Move right in! Owner says bring me an offer. $13,500 - WALK TO SHOPPING - 2-BEDROOM - Fully carpeted, drapes, i large dining room, big utility. Paneled and appliances included. Located on level lot and easy walk to all Stores. i$ ' 14,500 - HILLCREST - TWO-BEDROOM - $105 PER MONTH - Cottage style home, fenced yard, and large separate garage. All new ~' bath, sparkling kitchen, utility and paneled living room. Easy terms. $ 15,000 , SOUTH OF TOWN - FIX-UP FARM - Almost 3 acres on Phillips Road partially fenced and on a creek. Two-bedroom older home on concrete foundation. Wood heat, new septic system and various outbuildings. Only cash offers will be considered. Here's your little place in the country. " ...... ' 19,000 _ NEW BASEMENT HOME ON YOUR LAND - $142 MO. - Beat high heating costs with double insulated windows included at no extra , charge You provide the land and the water system and Shelton C " onstruction, Inc. will build you a complete 1700 sq. ft. home. i. Completely finished with two bedrooms on maTn floor. Daylight lower !~' !evel for you to finish later. All painting, carpet and septic tank }~:~, included. Ready to move in. 100% loans available. On your land, paid [!~!, .for or not. Model home at 1347 Railroad. $19,500 _ YOU FINISH - 2,000 SQ; FT. - Huge unfinished one-floor rambler with space for 3 baths. It s all framed up and the roof is on. _Rough wiring and plumbing are in. All this plus double garage on ! ~32x145 grounds near Parkwood off Springs Road. Heatilator fireplace. ~eady for handyman to complete. i¢ • ~,250 -- TOWARDS BREMERTON - Only one year old. 3-bedroom rambler with a built-in bar and sliding glass doors off this superb : kitchen. Loads of extra closets, oversized garage and rear yard with nice .big trees. Get back to the country with a low down payment, easy terms or trade. $450 total cash for Rural Housing loan. ~2,95 M PI k our floor lan to w 0 to $29,500 -- NEW HO ES - c y P day. Some are started and others to start soon. All have carpets, appliances and double glass windows to save on your heating bill: Low interest rates and minimum down payments. Payments as low as $167. ~;~'%950 -- MATLOCK AREA - 1~ ACRE - 2-bedroom mobile home. Bath and a half. Appliances and washer and dryer included. Only 2 years old and a 12x64 patio. There is even a creek on the back of the property. Material included for an addition. |; 7'950 -- CUSTOM BUILT - SHAKE ROOF - Huge one-floor rambler With two baths, large recreation room, double garage attached and Wooded lot. Loads of built-ins and storage closets. Sliding glass door to secluded patio. Situated on dead-end cul-de-sac with no through traffic. '- ' Owner leaving for California and must sell. This three-bedroom beauty Will sell for 5% down! -- SAVE $1,425 TAX REBATE - New 3-bedroom, two baths. Almost 1,300 square feet of real deluxe living available with only 5% down and interest at 8%%. Mt. View in a block of $30,000 homes. bOuble glass windows and well insulated. -- 4 BEDROOMS - 2 BATHS - REC. ROOM - Two bedrooms ~d deluxe bath on main floor plus beautiful kitchen and built-ins. er rooms second fireplace an h I e are two more bed , " , .d plumbing in t e OWer I th~ I basement Large lot on t evel of "s day ight - dead-end with little raffic. Completely finished rec. room. W. Railroad Phone 426-4486 REID "MITCH" MITCHELL, BROKER "Home of the square deal" Don Johnson ..................... 426-5137 Ellen Givens R. Cal Hopper .................... 426-3582 Mary Campbell .................... 426-6787 REALTOR' 7th and Railroad Ave. Shelton 426-336 ] 2-bedroom home with attached garage. All new kitchen, nice carpets. 100% financing available to qualified buyer. Approximately $350 closing costs, priced at $13,950. Don Benson Realty REAL ESTATE I WATERFRONT - R_ES=.?E_N!,AL JI COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL ~ I HFo,:.= _ . -----=--~ F2' ~2~ w. RAILROAD I $21,950 -- MT. VIEW -- This I 3-bedroom, 1V2-ba~h home can I be yours with no down I payment, closing costs only, I with an 8V2%, 33-year I mortgage. Many extras, such as I d ishwasher, range, carpeting, I fireplace, attached garage, I carport and covered patio. I Let's go see it. I 450 FT. OF SHARED I WATERFRONT -- A deep I water dock, boat launching I ramp, PLUS a truly beautiful I custom-built 3-bedroom home I with stone corner fireplace, I formal size dining room, lovely I carpeting and truly a dream I kitchen and combination I utility-sewing room. $39,500 I with 90% financing. Call to see I it and be in for ~his summer's I fun. I $49,500 -- WATERFRONT I HOME -- A 3-bedroom, I 1V2-bath home with all I appliances, 162 ft. on low bank I waterfront, a deep water dock, I a huge workshop, plus a small [ mobile home/guest house and I it's all on 2 wooded acres. It s a I lot for so little. Call today. ] 132 FT. WATERFRONT, ] BAYSHORE -- Fine gravel I beach, Mt. Rainier view, 1V~ I mile from city limits. $16,500. Terms, $3,000 down. I HIGHLAND ESTATES -- 3 I bedrooms, fireplace, carpeting, [ carport and large lot. !f your I gross income is $13,500 or less, I you may qualify for 8Y2% ] financing with no down I payment, closing costs only. 521,950. I SPENCER LAKE, ONE OF I THE FINEST -- 107 ft. of I frontage with an acre and a I half of timbered land, dock, I concrete bulkhead and much, I much more. The owner spent I nearly $7,000 on preparations I to build a lovely retreat and I then he was transferred. Call to I see; you'll be pleasantly I surprised. ILAKE LIMERICK, / SACRIFICE -- Excellent nice / level waterfront lot, 75 ft. by I 246 ft. Reduced by $1,000. | Assume existing 7% contract of / approximately $2,850, payable / at $55 per month. Price now 55,950. / BAYSHORE ROAD, 3 LOTS, / PLUS -- Exceptionally nice / view property, 190 ft. road | frontage with 145 ft. of depth. 54,500. Terms. /gl ,., , ® [$TM[ 121 Railroad Ave. / 426-6592 l Equal Housing Opportunity 7th and Railroad Ave. Shelton 426-3361 155' waterfront with view of Mt. Rainier and Steamboat island. Approximately 2 acres with family orchard. Lots of shrubs and flowers. $39,950. Owner will sell on contract with terms to fit buyer. Don Benson 7th and Railroad Ave. Shelton 426-3361 8-plus acres on both sides of Satsop River. Near Schaefer Park. $23,950. Don Benson GET HIP// READ THE / For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent 2-BEDROOM house, close to HOODSPORT AREA -- Canal OFFICE SPACE- Small office FOR RENT -- Downtown school and store, 426-3880. view, for lease, 5 rooms, 2 on Hillcrest right on 101. Free furnished bachelor apartments, all A5/8-15 bedrooms, 2 baths, large deck desk and chairs. Only $85 per utilities paid, from $80 monthly. ....... overlooking the canal, almost month including water, heat and Simmons Apartments, 234 South 2-BEDROOM house, $85 month, n ew, i m m aculate, modern lights. Call "Mitch at Mason 2nd. 426-3509. O4/17tfn $25 deposit. References required, conveniences but quiet wooded County Realty, 426-4486. 426-6443. G5/8-15 area with wildlife including elk in MS/8tfn FURNISHED STUDIO apartment winter, water access. References TWO-BEDROOM, wall-to-wall carpet, fireplace, fenced yard, garden, $165. Call 426-5164. C5/8-]5 LEASE/OPTION - Large 4-bedroom mobile home, like new. 61/; acres, close in, $250 per month. References required, no pets. Shelton Land and Homes, 426-5555.55/15 COUNTRY LIVING -- Deluxe new 6-plex, 2 bedrooms, carports, fireplaces, appliances and garden plots. Between Shelton and Olympia on Hurley-Waldrep Road. 426-6071 or 426-4226. L4/17tfn MOBILE SPACE available. Quiet, secluded, laundry. Walk to town. Call 426-3242. Bg/Stfn FURNISHED APARTMENTS. 1, 2 and 3-bedrooms. No pets, six months minimum. Reasonable rent. Edgewood, 426-5093, Highway 101 past airport• E11/21tfn, and damage deposit required. Call Olympia 943-]920 weekdays or 491-2624 evenings. D3/27tfn MODERN 2-bedroom duplex apartment, woodsy setting, access to washer and dryer. Covered carport. $150. Adults, no pets. 426-6338. AS/] tfn STUDIO APARTMENT, downtown, quiet. $65. Save money. 426-8802 even ings. P5/1 tfn FOR RENT -- 2-bedroom house, furnished, gas heat, 1 block to bank, grocery, pharmacy. $150 monthly, deposit, references. Please see Rod Olsen, Olsen Furniture, in person. O4/17tfn LOCATED IN a beautiful garden setting, apartment for rent, dowr~town area, unfurnished, 'includes carport, washing facilities• Call between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m. Adults only, no pets. 426-1479. O[1/21tfn MR. AND Mrs. Landlord. Mason County Realty has complete rental management service. We provide all the forms, show the property, check credit and references, collect the rent and deposit to your account. Call "Mitch" at 426-4486 for further details -- we take care of the headaches. MS/8tfn I-BEDROOM furnished house, $75. $25 cleaning deposit, water-garbage paid. 420 Ellinor, 426-5695. L4/24tfn I i One and Two Bedroom Apartments, with carpet, drapes & appliances, no pets. J 2329 Jefferson St. Mgr. Apt. 2 or 426-1916 7/12tfn for single adult with references. Lawton Apartments, 703 Pine. 426-2121 or 426-5811. L1/9tfn FOR RENT -- 2-bedroom furnished house and apartment. Mill Creek Motel, Call 426-4420. W4/24tfn FOR RENT: Trailer space close to downtown. Call 426-4426. 10/Stfn H,. MT. VIEW 2 Bedroom -- Unfurnished Available NOW -- No Pets CONTACT MANAGER 426-3100 tftt Thursday, May 15, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 29