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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 15, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 15, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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P utioas Legal PuMkations Legal Publications Legal Publkations Legal Publkations Legal Publkations Legal Publications Iqld ~NNOUNCEMENT claim will be barred, except under Bicentennial Committee has been(1) Cushman No. 2 Dam, a deceased are hereby required toManager of said Area, the timber checks, money orders, etc. are to claim will be barred, except under ICATION FOR those provisions included in RCW named towork out the particulars 230-foot high, 320-foot long serve the same, duly verified, on on the following described state be made payable to the those provisions included in RCW DISCHARGE 11.40.011. of the Celebration in Mason concrete arch dam flanked by a the undersigned or his attorney of land will be sold at public auction Commissioner of Public Lands. 11.40.011. WATERS Date of filing copy of notice County, which will be in need of low, gravity section on the left record at the address below stated to the highest bidder, to wit:A C C E S S R O A D Date' of filing copy of notice NO.: to creditors: April 25, 1975. funds to carry out their abutment and a thrust block on and file the same with the Clerk MASON COUNTY REVOLVING FUND: $1,020.00 to creditors: May9, 1975. Date of first publication: May objectives; the right abutment; (2) a narrow of the said court, together with Application No. 36836 to be paid on day of sale. Date of first publication: May : C ity of 1, 1975. THEREFORE, NOTICE IS reservoir with normal elevation at proof of such service within four Goat Ranch Pond located Accessibility: Via Department 15, 1975. all, Shelton, WA /s/Alice M. Landis HEREBY GIVEN : That the 480 feet extending approximately (4) months after the date of first approximately 6 miles by road of Natural Resources access. /s/Beverly A. Rank ed for a National ALICE M. LANDIS Board of County Commissioners two miles upstream to the publication of this notice or the northwest of Belfair. The sale is Complete contract and BEVERLY A. RANK arge Elimination Personal Representative will hold a public Hearing in their Cushman No. 1 powerhouse; (3) asame will be barred, composed of all timber boundedspecifications may be examined at Personal Representative ES) permit in JOE L SNYDER Office in the County Courthouse, power intake structure located on Date of first publication: May by clearcut boundary tags in Unit South Puget Sound Area c/o Robert L. Snyder the provisions of Attorney for Personal at the hour of 11:30 A.M., the left abutment; (4) a 17-foot 8,1975. No. 1 on part NEX/4 of SectionHeadquarters located at Attorneyatlaw Revised Code of Representative, 125 North Monday, May 19, 1975, to diameter pressure tunnel /s/TOD F. CARTER 22, Dart Wl/zNWn/4 of Section23; Enumclaw, County Auditor's 125~N. 5thStreet =nd the Federal Water 5th, P.O. Box 26 consider establishing the extending 2.5 miles from the Personal Representative in Ur~it No. 2 on part SEI/4NE¥4, office, and office of the Shelton, Washington 98584 n c o n t rol Act Shelton, WA 98584 following budget in amount intake to three 12-foot diameter GLENN E. CORREA part NEV4SEV4 of Section 22; in Commissioner of Public Lands, 5/15-22-29-3t s of 1972, Public Law 5/1-8-15-3t $11,500.00 for this purpose, and steel penstocks which lead to the Attorney for Estate Unit No. 3 on part SWI/4NWI/4,Olympia. "~--~ any interested person may appear Cushman No. 2 powerhouse; Bell Building part NWV4SWV4 of Section 23; all To be sold at South Puget pli(ant proposes to at said Hearing to be heard either (5) Cushman No. 2 powerhouse 121 South Fourth Street timber bounded by right of wayS ou nd Area Headquarters NOTICE OF APPLICATION dis :harging sewage er treatment by. an NOTICE OF for or against the establishment of which is approximately 181 feetShelton, Washington boundary tags on parts of the (Enumclaw), on Tuesday, May TO APPROPRIATE ~k and disenrecuon. TRUSTEE'S SALE said budget. I o ng an d 1 01 feet wide, 5/8-15-22-3tfollowing: SEV4NEV4 of Section27, 1975, at 10 o'clock a.m. PUBLIC WATERS containing three generating units ~ 22, SW]/4NW]/4, NWI/4SW]/4 of Additional information on STATE OF WASHINGTON, )nsdailYandfl°Wthe receivingiS about thatNOTICEthe undersignedIS HEREBYtrusteeGIVENwill 1975.DATED this 6th day of May, each rated 27,000 kW; (6) a Section 23, all Ln Township 23terms and procedures of sale are DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY inner Oakland Bay, on June 6, 1975, at the hour of BOARD OF COUNTY switchyard containing two North, Range 2 West, W.M., contained in the "Public Auction TAKE NOTICE: lass B waters. A fact 10:00 o'clock, A.M., at the Mason COMMISSlONERSOF 12.6-115 kV step-up transformer NOTICEOF containing 58 acres, more or less, Sale ' pamphlet. That CLIFFORD C. available. County Courthouse, in the City MASON COUNTY banks and four 115 kV circuit WARRANT CALL comprising approximately Said timber on said land will JOHNSON of Seattle, Washington ENTATIVE of Shelton, State of Washington, WASHINGTON. ' breakers; (7) two 115 kV Notice is hereby given that 890,000 bd. ft. of Douglas fir, be sold for not less than the on January 31, 1975 under :RMINATIONS sell at public auction to the/s/Ruth E. Boysen transmission lines extending the following Mason County 250,000 bd. ft. of Iodgepole and appraised value, as appraised by Application No. S 2-23707 filed basis of preliminaryhighest bidder, payable at time of Auditor & Clerk approximately 37 miles from Warrants are called for payment white pine, and 5,000 bd. ft. of the Commissioner of Public Lands for permit to appropriate public ew the Department sale, the following described real of the Board. Cushman No. 2to the Pearl Street at the office of the Treasurer of hemlock, cedar and hardwoods, in the manner provided by law, a waters, subject to existing rights, issue a permit that p r o pe r t y, situated in the 5/8-15-2t Substation located within the said County, and that interest will or a total of 1,145,000 bd. ft. notice of which is now on file in from Benson Lake in the amount ~aPplicant to intercept County(ies) of Mason, State of ~ City of Tacoma; and (8) cease May 15, 1975: Minimum acceptable bid: the office of the Auditor of of 0.01 cubic feet per second, and pipe it into theWashington, to-wit: . appurtenant facilities. Power EQUIPMENT RENTAL & $93,422.50. Mason County, and in the office continuously each year, for produced by this project is REVOLVING FUND, Warrant Timber will be sold on a cash of the Area Manager of South domestic supply. The source of ~0n municipal sewer Lot 1 in Block 19 of Hillcres¢ ORDINANCE NO. 882 integrated into Applicant's Nos. 8474 to 8478 inclusive; or installment plan basis. Timber Puget Sound Area. the proposed appropriation is ~n as possible. A final Addition to Shelton as recordedAN ORDINANCE ANNEXING electric system for use in the City DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC must be removed prior to May 31, /s/Bert L. Cole located within Tract 35 of Benson ~"* Will not be made in Volume 2 of Plats, page 39, CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY of Tacoma, Washington. 928 acres WORKS, Warrant Nos. 73 to 84 1978. BERT L. COLE Lake No. 2 of Section 3, Comments received records of Mason County, TO THE CITY OF SHELTON of project lands have been inclusive; On or before May 27, 1975, ) this notice have been Washington. Commissioner of Situate in City of Shelton, W A S H I N G T O N A N I~ Township 21 N., Range 2 W. designated by Applicant for /s/John B. Cole at 10:00 a.m., each bidder must Public Lands W.M., in Mason County. EXTENDING THE CITY LIMITS public recreation and are or will TREASURER OF make a minimum deposit of 5/1-8-15-22-4t Protests or objections to C COMMENT Mason County, Washington. OF THE CITY TO INCLUDE be developed, operated and MASON COUNTY $9,342.25 in the form of cash, ~ approval of this application must EXCEPT those portions SAID PROPERTY. maintained by the State of STATE OF money order or certified check, include a detailed statement of IIFORMATIONpersons are invited thereOfdescribed heretofOreas follows: reconveyed, WHEREAS, a petition has Washington or private interests WASHINGTON Said deposit shall constitute an NOTICE TO CREDITORS the basis for objections; protests written comments heretofore been duly filed withunder leases or use permits. The (Seal~ . . opening bid at the appraised No. 4588 must be accompanied by a two • ' proposed permits." whiChdeed ofiStrustdescHbeddated Septemberin that certain12, the City Commission of the City Washington State Parks and . Dated at Shelton, Wasning~on,price. Upon award of this sale, the IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF dollar ($2.00) recording fee and *ents should be 1972, recorded September 15, of Shelton requesting the Recreation Commission has May15, 1975 5/15 It respective deposits shall be THE STATE OF WASHINGTON filed with the Department of annexation of the hereinafter developed the Lake Cushman returned to the unsuccessful FOR MASON COUNTY Ecology, Southwest Regional thin 30 days of the1972, in volume of Mortgages, at described property to the City of State Park on 565 acres of project bidders. On the day of sale, the In the Matter of the Estate ofOffice, Olympia, WA. 98504 Public notice if they page under Auditor's File No. considered n the 272928, Mortgage records of Snelton, Washington; and land. The Lake Cushman Resort purchaser must pay the balanceW A L T E R H E N D R I C KS,within thirty (30) days from May lion of final WHEREAS the City Company will continue to operate NOTICE OF SALE OF between the bid deposit and theDeceased. 22,1975. 5/15-22-2t Mason County, Washington, from Commission has' held formal its lO-acre development. Another VALUABLE MATERIAL ON full bid price plus a $5.00 bill of T he undersigned is the ns regarding th's SIDNEY L. COOKSON & hearings upon said petition;and it entity, the Lake Cushman STATE LAND sale fee, or may, if the purchaser appointed and qualified Personal ~ents should be JUDITH A. COOKSON, his wife; .rot of Ecology, as Grantor, to TRANSAMERICA appears that all provisions ofCompany, has leases to developSTATE OF WASHINGTON, so elects at the time of sale, pay Representative of said estate. ional Office, TITLE INS. CO. as Trustee, to RCW 35.13, Laws of the State of 307 acres in four recreation areas. DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL an additional amount, to bring Persons having claims against the secure an obligation in favor of Washington in so far as the same Current recreational facilities RESOURCES, Bert L. Cole, the total amount of the deposit, deceased must serve the claim on Obstacle to culture omments received RAINI ER MORTGAGE, f/k/a pertain to this matter have been include camp and picnic units, Commissioner of Public Lands exclusive of fees, to equal 10% of the undersigned, or the attorney complied with; and Notice is hereby given that on the full bid price based on theof record, at the address stated The tendency to a ression is an :ant public interest COAST MORTGAGE CO., as boat ramps, and cabins. permit or if useful Beneficiary. WHEREAS, it appears that itAdditional camp units and boat Tuesday the 27th day of May, cruise estimate. This balance may below and must file an executed innate, independent, instinctual )Uld be produced is to the best interests of the City camp units as well as tennis 1975, commencing at ten o clock be paid by personal check, copy of the claim with the Clerk dispositi0n in man . .. it irector may hold a No action is now pending to of Sheiton and the owners of the courts and snowmobile facilities, in the forenoon of said day, at the Purchaser must also furnish of the Court within four months on the application, seek satisfaction of the obligation property hereinafter describedare planned for these areas andS o u t h P u get Sound Area within 30 days of date of sale a after the date of first publication constitutes the most powerfu] e regarding any in any Superior Court by reason circulated at least of the grantor's default on thethat the same De annexed to and two additional recreation areas. Headquarters, located at surety bond of $13,000.00 to of this notice or within four obstac|etocu|tuTe. ~nce of the hear ng. obligations or covenants secured become a part of the City of Any person desiring to be heardEnumclaw, County of King, State guarantee compliance with all months after the date of the filing Shelton, Washington. or to make any protest with of Washington, by the Area termsof the billof sale. Allof a copy of this notice or the SigmundFreud ication, proposed by said deed of trust, which NOW, THEREFORE, theCity reference to said application Ited documents aredefault is described as follows: Commission of the City of should on or before June 23, - ' inspection and Failure to pay monthly installments of $129.00, plus late Shelton does ordain as follows: 1975, file with the Federal Power Have you been .n o0 t e, 0 °urs0 °' ,o 0 ,e ON ,T e 'o owo on =e aforementioned Failure to pay when due the described real property situated in 20426, a petition to intervene or • baptized right? • Mason County, Washington, a protest in accordance with the if the Department. following amounts which are nowcontiguous to the City of Shelton, r e q u i r e m e n t s o f t h e If you have not been baptized line is available for in arrears: is hereby annexed to the City of Commissions's Rules of Practice in the name of the Lord Jesus of 10 cents per 4 monthly installments Call 426-5336 rtl er information $129.00@$516.00 Shelton, Washington and included and Procedure (18 C.F.R. ss 1.8 Christ, you have not been .=d by telephoning 4 late charges $2.58 within the city limits thereof and or ss 1.10). All protests filed with baptized scripturally. See Acts or write: Box 884 10.32 is hereby made a part of theCity the Commission will be 2:38, 8:16, 10:48, 19:5, Rom. 5/15-1t TOTALS526.32. of Shelton, said property beingconsidered by it in determining 6:1-5, Col. 2:12, GaL 3:27. The latest date when defaults particularly described as follows: the appropriate action to be taken Mt, View FIRST BAPTIST For more information ton The S½ of the SEI/4, Section but will not serve to make the Shel Church SHERIFF'S OF !STATE NGTON, s~ SHERIFF'S OF Writ of out of the of the State of County, on 1975, by in the case of ~rds versus Hobso0 62799, and to directed and IS HEREBY I Will proceed to auction to the within the by law for ten o'clock day of June, Court House Inty, Fourth in the ton, all of the ~terest of said can be cured is June 6, 1975, at 10:00 a.m. The sum now owing on the obligation secured by the deed of trust is $15,920.22 and such other costs and fees as are provided by statute. The above described real tProperty will be sold to satisfy he expense of sale, and the obligation secured by said deed of trust as provided by state. Said sale will be made without warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possessior~ or encumbrances. Dated this 29th day of January, 1975. /s/Patrick C. Comfort TRUSTEE STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF Pierce, ss. On this day personally appeared before me PATRICK c. COMFORT to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he signed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and 12, Township 20 North, Range 4 West, W.M., lying easterly of SR 101, Cole Road Interchange to North Shelton Interchange. SECTION 2. That the above described property is to be classified under the zoning ordinances of the City of Shelton as C-3. protestants parties to the proceeding. Any person wishing to become a party to a proceeding or to participate as a party in any hearing therein must file a petition to intervene in accordance with the Commission's Rules. The application is on file with the SECTION 3. This ordinance Commission and is available for shall take effect on the 1st day of public inspection. Take further July, 1975. notice that, pursuant to the SECTION 4. The City Engineer is hereby directed to change all maps showing the various zones and boundaries of the City to conform with this ordinance. INTRODUCED in regular authority contained in and conferred upon the Federal Power Commission by Sections 308 and 309 of the Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. ss 825g, ss 825h) and the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure, specifically Commission Meeting this 6th daySection 1.32(b) (18 C.F.R. ss of May, 1975. 1.32(b)), as amended by Order PASSED in "regular No. 518, a hearing may be held Commission Meeting this 13th without further notice before the day of May, 1975. F. A. Travis Mayor David T. Kneeland Commissioner Michael J. Byrne Comm issioner ATT EST: the followingpurposes therein mentioned. Helen W. Stodden :Y, situated inGIVEN under my hand anU City Clerk Y, State of official seal this 30th day of APPROVED: January, 1975. /s/Kim A. Boyer Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Milton COMFORT, DOLACK, HANSLER, HULSCHER, ROSENOW, BURROWS & BILLETT ;on Lake No. 2, page 110, in Mason levied on as Said defendant to satisfy a to Eleven Dollars, 5/15-1t B. Franklin Heuston City Attorney UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION, City of Tacoma, the cost 1600 One Washington Washington, Project No. 460. of Plaza Building NOTICE OF APPLICATION Fees. Tacoma, Washington 98402 FOR NEW MAJOR LICENSE 5/15-22-29-6/5-4tFOR CONSTRUCTED PROJECT Commission on this application if no issue of substance is raised by any request to be heard, protest or petition filed subsequent to this notice within the time required herein and if the applicant or initial pleader requests that the shortened procedure of ss 1.32(b) be used. If an issue of substance is so raised or applicant or initial pleader fails to request the shortened procedure, further notice of hearing will be given. Under the shortened procedure herein provided for, unless otherwise advised, it willbe unnecessary for applicant or initial pleader to appear or be represented at the hearing before the Commission. Kenneth F. Plumb Secretary Alliance Church Washington & "J" Sts. Sunday School .... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .. 11:00 a.m. Evening Service .... 6:00 p.m. Prayer Hours (Wed.) 7:00 p.m. A.Y.F. (Wed.) ..... 7:00 p.m. EARL EVERS, Pastor Northside Baptist Church 123 W. "C" Street Interim Pastor Dave Beltamy 426-1027 Sunday School ........ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ..... 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship ....... 6:30 p.m. Jesus loves you -- we do, too! S.B.C. CHURCH Sth and Cota downtown Shelton May 18, 1975 A.M. "The Importance of Faith" P.M. "A Concerned Father" 9.'30 a.m ....... Sunday School * 11 :DO a.m... Morning Worship 7:00 p.m.. Evening Gospel Hour Dr. Arlin M. Halvorsen, Pastor 7:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible study & prayer meeting *The Morning Worship is broadcast live over KMAS, 1280 kc. First Church of Christ, Scientist 302 ALDER ST. SHELTON, WA. Sunday School 11:O0 a.m.- Church 11:00 a.m. Wednesday evening testimony meetings 7:30 p.m. Reading Room -- 107 S. 2rid Hours: 12 to 5 p.m. TueSday thru Saturday Child care provided during servioes Seventh-Day Adventist Church SIXTH AND RAILROAD Saturday - 9:30 a.m. --- Sabbath School 11:0e a.m. -- Hour of Worship Wednesday - 7:3e p.m. -- Bible Study and Prayer May, 1975. Sheriff (March 26, 1975). Public notice is 5/1-8-15-22-4t GARETH ELLIS, PASTOR 426-3508 hereby given that application for new major license was filed on CALL FOR BIDS November 5 1974, under the FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH islet MASON COUNTY HIGHWAY Federal Power Act (16 U.S.C. NOTICE TO CREDITORS DEPARTMENT, SHELTON 791a - 825r) by City of Tacoma,No. 4586 0 SPRINGS PROJECT Washington {correspondence to: IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF Arcadia and Lake Boulevard KURT HARDENBROOK, Min" - THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Bible School ..... 9:45 a.m .... ~ On ~ (REVISED) - . A.J. Benedetti, Director of Public FOF~ MASON COUNTY (IN Worship .........11.00 a m family ::>ervlce ..... l: u p, ..... 5/15-22-29-6/5-4t Sealed bids will be received Dy Utilities P O Box 1 1007, the Mason County Commissioners ..... at their office in the Courthouse, Tacoma, Washington 98411), for PROBATE) IN THE MATTER OF THE Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer -- 7:00 p.m. Shelton, Washington, until 2:00 Ts constructed Cushman Project E S T A T E O F L U T H E R Child Care Service Available at 11-.00 Service E OF P.M., Monday, June 2, 1975, for No. 460, located in Mason and EARING the following County Road Pierce Counties, Washington, near SCHAMEL, Deceased. )istrict No. 309, Project, at which time tneY WlU the towns and cities .of The undersigned is the Hoodsport Shelton and ~ig appointed and qualified On De publicly opened and read. Harbor o'n the ~l'orth Fork Administrator of said estate. law, notice is Clear, Grub Grade, Drain and !t the Board of Surface Pave with Asphalt Class Skokornish River. The project deceasedPers°ns havingmust serveClaimStheagainStsametheon MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH ~TON SCHOOL B, & Storm Drainage, 0.52 miles affects lands of the United States the undersigned, or the attorney MISSOURI SYNOD $09 will hold aof County Road No. 5081, within Olympic National Forest, of record, at the address stated in said School Shelton Spr ngs Road: Skokomish Indian Reservation,below and must file an executed 206 E. Wyandotte ROLAND HUBER, Pastor ~.m., May 27th, !ry of Evergreen Roadway Excavation 6,447 and Olympic National Park. Thecopy of the claim with the Clerk C Y; Gravel Base 2,890 C.Y.; L.ushman Project has a total "of the Court within four months ne following " " " Top Course Installed capacity of 124,200 kW after the date of the first Crushed Surfaclncl 997C.Y.;StormlSrain204L'F'; and consists of two publication of this notice or Sunday, May 18, 1975 I E W T H E Asphalt Concrete Class B 1,630 developments: Cushman No. 1 within four months after the date Y SCHOOL Tons. . uevelopment consists of: 1975. t6. Any Plans and spec'ificatlons may(1) Cushman No. 1 Dam, a of the filing of a copy of this Sunday School & Bible Class 9:15 a.m. -- Services 10:30 a.m. IPpear and be be obtained in the office of the 260-foot high, 400-foot long notice or the claim will be barred, except under those provisions I ar , part of County Eng neer in Shelton, concrete arch dam (with 45-foot included in RCW 11.40.011. 3f t e budget Washington. Each bid must be high thrust blocks) which is Date of filing copy of notice the Business accompanied by a bid bond or flanked on both sides by to creditors: 6 May 1975. St. Edward's Catholic Church ' k in the amount of School cashier s chec " non-overflow gravity sections, andDate of first publication: 8 five per cent (5%) of the proposed a 180-foot long earthfill dam with May 1975. a core wall on the left bank; (2) a Puget Sound National Father Michael Feeney 3rd and Cedar 1nell bid. County reserves the reservoir extending ninemiles . ~INE .L, Mason Bank, Administrator ors , right to make awards as may be upstream and having a total 1119 Pacific Ave., -- Masses -- storage of 453,350 acre-feet and a of the County, or to reject any or u sable storage of 372,000 B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON, ..__~5/15-22-2t deemed to be in the best interests Tacoma, Wash. 98402 Saturday ................................ 7 p.m. acre-feet at elevation 735 feet; Attorney for Estate, Sunday .................... 8 a.m., 9 a.m., 11 a.m. all bids. D A T E D a t S h e I t on,(3) a power intake structure Angle Bldg., Shelton Summer Mass at Potlatch ~EDITORS Washington this 12th day of May, located upstream from the archWash. 98584. ' dam to the left of the river 76 1975~,~n OF COUNTY channel;(4) a 17-foot diameter 5/8-15-22-3t May 25-Aug. 30-- Clubhouse -- 6p.m. I-COURT OF ~ ..... pressure tunnel which extends ........... FOR MASON COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, 420 feet from the intake to two ........ OF THE WASHINGTON 12-foot diameter penstocks, NOTICE TO CREDITORS RY M. /s/Ruth E. Boysen which lead to Cushman No. I NO. 4585 The church that preaches what the Bible teaches. Clerk of the Board powerhouse; (5) Cushman No. 1 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF Ined is the 5/15-22-2t p o w e r h o us • w h i c h is THE STATE OF WASHINGTON THE UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH approximately 134 feet long and FOR MASON COUNTY IN ified Personal 74 feet wide, containing two PROBATE OF SHELTON said estate, identical generating units each IN THE MATTER OF THE against the NOTICE OF HEARING rated 21,600 kW; (6) a switchyard ESTATES OF DOROTHY A. claim on ESTABLISHMENT OF containing two 13.2-115 kV BRENNAN and JOSEPH W. Our new church meets in its brand-new location at the Island :he attorney 1975 BICENTENNIAL step-up transformer banks and BRENNAN, Both Deceasbd. Lake Firehall every Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. dress stated BUDGET four 115 kV circuit breakers; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in executed WHEREAS, 1976 is the (7) two 115 kV transmission lines that the undersigned has been COME WORSHIP THE LORD WITH US h the Clerk Bicentennial Anniversary of theextending approximately five appointed and has qualified as the IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH our months founding of our Country as a free miles to the two transmission personal representative of the Publicationand independent Nation; and lines extending from Cushman E state of DO R OTHY A. The whole gospel to the whole world. Within four WHEREAS, Mason County No. 2; and (8) appurtenant BRENNAN and JOSEPH W. te of the filing being desirous.of participating in facilities. Cushman No. 2 BRENNAN, deceased; that all Lewey R. Ferris, Director 426-5390 notice or the the National (celebration, a Development consists of: persons having claims aqainst said Ca11426-5390 910 East Dearborn LEWIS B. WYSONG, Pastor Sunday School ....9:45 a.m. Morning Worship.. 11:00 a.m. Evening Service .... 7:00 p.m. Bible Study (Wed.) . 7:00 p.m. of the Nazarene Fairmont & Holman Cad C. Green, Pastor 426-1298 Sunday School....*,. 9:45 a~m~ Morning Worship ... 11:00 Youth Choir ....... 5:30 p.m Evening Service ..... 6:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Thurs. 7:00 p.m. Word of Life Fellowship Services: 7:00 p.m. Sunday, 7:00 p.m. Tuesday Location: Parish Hall, St. David's Episcopal Church, 4th & Cedar Pastor Dennis Teaoue, 426-2758 UNITED METHODIST CHURCH G and King Streets REV. WILLIAM ANDREWS, Minister Church School -- 9:00 a.m. Worship Service -- 10:30 a.m. Youth Groups -- 7 p.m. Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints Connection & 12th Sts., Phone 426-2805 Priesthood Meeting .......................• .... 9:15 a.m. Sunday School .............................. 11:00 a.m. Sacrament Meeting ............................ 5:00 p.m. Episcopal Church Welcomes You St. David s - 4th & Cedar, Shelton, Sunday 8 & 10 a.m. St. Andrew's House - Union, 2:00 p.m. COME AS YOU ARE Faith Lutheran Church 7th and Franklin Family Worship -- 8:00 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. Parish Education Classes -- 9:00 a.m. Christian Worship, Fellowship, Education, Service Kenneth Robinson, Pastor Phone 426-861 I THE FRIENDLY CHURCH M ASSEMBLY 1521 Monroe Street SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 1! 21 Monroe Street M. A. Younglund, Pastor Dale Sutter, Assistant Lanny Me 1 and The Kings Rhyth May 15-18 Week Nights 7:00 p.m., Sunday 10:55 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. Saturday, May 17, Youth Rally (Capital Section) Sunday School (Classes for Everyone) ............. 9:45 a.m. Tuesday, Youth Service ........................7:00 p.m. Wednesday, Share and Prayer .................... 9:00 a.m. Family Night 7:00 p.m. REVIvALTIME, : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 3:00 p.m. (Radio Voice of the Assemblies of God) Thursda' 15, 1975 - Shelton-Mason Journal - Pa(