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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 15, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 15, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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pJeoq u!;allnq ,$JaquJsuJ 8¢1~ uJoJj spe Pa/;!SSel3 ~o uo!~:)alas e unJ IIJ~W ,,sseduJO..~,, o~# "4/#uou.J q3e3 Fi4 M9 joined save a union." No matter how big the paycheck, most people never seem to be able to set any money aside. And these days it's even tougher. But we can help. Credit unions ur derstand people and people's needs. That's why our credit union offers a lot of different ways to save. Including payroll deduction. With a payroll savnngs plan, one of those deductions on your payroll stub belongs to you. It's deposited in your account at the credit union. And it earns good dividends. Stop by today and let us get you started saving for your future with a payroll deduction plan designed to match your goals. Join your credit union. It's where you Breakfasts... Luncheons... Dinners... featuring the finest in seafood and the World's Greatest Hamburger Highway 101 - 1/4 Mile North of Hama Hama River "ORDERS TO GO" CALL: 877-5850 Thursday thru Tuesday 10-8. Closed Wednesday tl vlt We look the same on the outside... but the inside is different! one of my more challenging capers . . . the case of the crucial APR/ It involved one Matilda Moon, who was shopping for a new set of woofers and tweeters. And, "a way to pay for them. Matilda found the stuff she wanted easily enough, ;" but soon afterward I was called in. Matilda wisely smelled a rat when the salesman said a loan to buy these goodies would only cost 2% (figured on the basis of discounted, add-on, compounded daily dimin- ishing returns methods). A quick look at the figures Matilda showed me revealed that the devious fellow's but what 't ,ualify interest rate was really 381/2 % annually! ,,,,Oqk,,,. After rescuing Matilda ~'~'4~,~ from the brink of financial ~~ Northwest Insured inc. disaster, ,referred her ton mmtr friendly creditunion. There 1621 114TH AVE. S.E. SUITE 217 she learned that buyers ~.~ I ~F~i~ should always ask for and ~R q~i _~,~lj~ BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON 98004 compare only APR's ... /_~/~-~;~ft~' ANNUAL PERCENTAGE I~ ~i~~[~• RATES. (In fact, since ~_~o.i"~ 1969 it's been a Federal ~~l~qJ-i~,l TO inifiate coverage on your present loan Law that anyone lending l~E~;~;;3~ money has to give you ~~1~ contacf Karen at the credif union. these figures!) Find out [,~T/~i~~ what the APR is, then cam- ~'~~ pare loan rates just like (~(~ you compare prices. There ~ ' :~ can be a BIG difference, ~~--I ~---~P- ~ ~- ~te... as valuable to you ~as sun and water to my tender plants! You .~-~~can find out more in a neat booklet on ~~ money called Smart Savings, ~_,~'~" -~,.~LA~'FC~TBorrowing and Budgeting." It's ~~..'?~'~~;.~b free, courtesy of me- Cash ;~ll~'~l~lj~j~ Barrelhead, P.O. Box 391, ~i~m~_~_..-~~Madison, Wis. 53701. Chow! ~~~~~ (And have a happy APR) ORGANIC BASED Cash Barrelhead is brought to you by more than 23,000 credit unions in the U.S. And, by CUNA Inc. and CUNA Mutual Insurance Society. SAVE AT BRAD'S Returnable COKE QUARTS WHILE THEY LAST! ,PURPOSE For Vegetables 40# bag 6.95 20# bag 4.45 PLANT FERTILIZERS ALL MEAT HYGRADE HOTDOGS 1 2-ounce size PLANT FOOD WITH TRACE ELEMENTS for VEGETABLES FRUITS FLOWERS LAWNS 10# box 2.79 5# box 1.49 SHELTON first &pine 4Z6-ZGII Fit Ik~ )11 SAT Ib4 J SUN Iqk4 )O all 1cans estate insurance in -coolin ene squeeze. II pum . It has the unique ability to take heat from outdoor air and use it to help heat your home. The result: super efficient heating, less fuel and energy used. During cooling, the same unit removes heat from indoor air leaving you cool, comfortable. It's clean, dependable, quiet. All electric. Don't settle for less. Get the details. Call: Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal "Since 1948" 1 91 6 Olympic Hwy. No., Shelton, Wa. Finance your purchase at the credit union. II Page S-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 15, 1975 Thursday, May 15, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page S-7