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:Team first
May 16, 2019 - Shelton-Mason
County Journal -
Page, B-7
continued from B-1
limitations stood in the
way of my earning a
root for individuals, spe-
cifically Donovan Mitch-
ell of the Utah Jazz and
Damian Lillard of the
The truth is my bas- Both have a reputation
ketball fandom tailed for being solid citizens
off rapidly 25 years ago off the court. Mitchell is
next month after the from my hometown and
New York Knicks fell went to my high school.
to the Houston Rockets I even introduced myself
in the NBA Finals and and shook Mitchell's
O.J Simpson took a hand after his junior
low-speed tour of Los year-0fhigh school at
Angeles in a white Ford my hometown's Memo-
Bronco TheNBA game rial Day Parade.
changed dramatically Lillard played at
since then. and I'm gen- Weber State University
erally not that great of the Big Sky Confer-
with change, ence while I was in the
From just a casual sports department~ of
observer's standpoint, it the hometown newspa-
appears the object of a per of the University of
typical NBA offense is to Montana, also a Big Sky
isolate a star performer school. We on the sports
for either a one-on-one desk knew Lillard was
drive to the hoop or a a special talent while he
poorly contested deep played college ball, but
3-point shot. Granted, we had no idea just how
the evolution of today's special he was.
NBA player produces Maybe that's at the
a shooting range for heart of my disenchant-
many that was nearly ment with the NBA.
unheard of 25 years ago, I much prefer rooting
and the accuracy from for teams than I do for
long, long distance is individuals. That's the
stunning, way it is for me when I
But individual stars watch nearly every oth-
and popular teams get er sport I can think of.
preferential treatment Unfortunately in my
from referees, stingy de- view, the NBA seems to
fense is an afterthought- take more stock in the
and taking four steps name on the back of the
without a dribble rarely jersey than the team's
draws a traveling call. name on the front I
Players now combine know it's painfully out
Shelton resident
Alex Olson, 28,
right, scored a
8 on the No. 7
hole at Lake
Limerick Golf
Club. Olson's
witness, Scott
Eichhorn, of
Shelton, is on
the left. Journal
photo by Linda
forces to form super
Of fashion these days,
1 Simulates,
as an event
9 Employ
15 Barely
20 Dirigible pilot
21 Cuts into
22 The "O" of
23 Changing
from one
fomq of
' matter to
25 Unrestrained
26 Hollywood's
27 2006
48 Of the study 85 Starter or
of the hair finish judge
and scalp at a meet,
52 Mine e.g.
transports 88 "Woo-hooF
56 Abbr. at the 90 Docking
end of a list site
57 Road groove91 Spanish
58 North wavy mark
Carolinian, 92 27-Across'
informally first name,
60 Puts to work for short
61 "Reward" for 95 Kind of tire
awful service 98 Pack
63 French for animal
"eye" 100 Cooking fat
64 Road 101 Having
66 Annual depth as wel
movie event as length
in Lower and width
- Manhattan 106 Is abrasive
71 U.S. pres. 108 Kiddie-lit
George "pest"
(#41 as 109 Observed
DOWN 34 Flynn of old79 Rice-and-
1 Traitor movies broth dish
2 Suffix with 37 Welsh, e.g. 80 Training unit
cannon 41 Is pounding 81 Luges, e.g.
3 Piece of the 43 Actor's rep.83 Group
past 44 Hollywood's associated
4 Not Vardalos with red
poisonous 45 Tool for fezzes
5 Actor Elgort cutting 84 McCain's
6 Produces decorative 2008. rival
7 Bath locales spgal lines 86 Spoken
8 Holy figures: 47 Snaky shape 87 Salsa herb
Abbr. 49 Not nner 89-- and yang
9 Sphere 50"Excuse me" 92 Drink
10 Bud of Bert 51 Ericson of inserts
11 Real good- exploration 93 Language of
looker 53 On a cruise the Koran
12 Turns of 54 Line winder 94 Brunch drink
p~hrase 55 Old JFKjet 96 Help
13 "Stuck" actor59 Zeno of -- 97 Fat- -
Stephen (philosopher) breakdown
14 Class for 61 Ex (from enzyme
U.S. aliens nothing) 99 Goal getter
15 "Go where 62 Date tree 102 Delaware's
teams the way-LeBron b-at 1 a
James, Dwayne Wade a team-firSt person than
and t~oSi~ ~d With:: a me-firstgt{y.
the Miami Heat or when
Kevin Durant became Reporter Michael
a Golden State War Heinbaeh would lose a
rior. The NBA pushes " ~ one-on-one game to his
me away a little fu~her - 7:year-old nephew if
each year. . ~ ." " :challenged. Heinbach
When I do watch the can be reached at 360-
NBA these days, rather426-4412 or at rhichael@
than to root for teams. I
by Linda Thistle
7 4 3
5 8 2
2 9 5 8
9 6 4
8 3 5
6 7 1
2 9 7
Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way
that each row across, each column down and
each small 9-box square contains all of the
numbers from one to nine.
Moderate 00 Challenging
@2019 King Features Syna Inc,
Solutions are on page B-21
29 "Tapestry"
singer King
32 Ec ns ago
35 Son on
36 ~ -fi movie
38 Fund held in
39 Cow's
40 Kindled
42 Linda of
46 Bongos,
opposed to secretly go"
#43) 110 Minnesota's 16 "What
72 Lou nge state bird excuse for
lazily 111 On top of " "
73 Agatha 112 Action short17 Paradoxical
Christie's of a divorce 18 Capital of
"There Is " or what the Bahamas
74 Voting no occurs in 19 It's rung
75 Loss of six long- outon New
~ecollections answers in Year's Eve
78 Home for this puzzle? 24 Mai
rail. planes 118 More sage 28 Love, in Nice
79 Machines 119 Red-brown 29- blanche
next to mice 120 .Nullified 30 Advisory
82 Actress 121 Wound 31 Piece of the
Sarah of vestiges past
"American 122 Sets foot in32 DVR brand
Crime Story" 123 Exonerated 33 Livy's 1,400
$ 5
37 I
42 I 143 144 145
158 I
75 I
183 184
88 I 189
102 I '
112 1113
119 I
64 Inflexible - capital
65 Morsel -103 Ship of the
66 Fish that's Middle East
a sushi 104 Jays'
staple homes
67 Q-V link 105 Suffix with
68 It might have cannofi
serifs 107 Stockpile
69 Robert 110 Liquid rock
of "The 112 Two plus
Sopranos" one.
70 Groups of in Turin
employees 113 Trot quickly
71 Protestant 114 Mom's mate
denom. 115 Ca++ or CI-
75 Battery end116 Lyrical verse
76 I, in German 117 Beatty of
77 Alias lead-in "Netwo rk"
47- .