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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 17, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 17, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Crawford Crawford of 103 Street died May 8 in Terrace Convalescent was 87 years old. was born June in Minneapolis, She had lived in 40 years, and was a Catholic Church. her are a daughter, Fmdsell of Shelton; a L Gosser, Shelton; randchildren; 39 Irandchildren; two ; and two ton O'Neil and both of Seattle. Placidus officiated at a held at 1 p.m. Memorial Park. IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Nettle Schwietering Nettie E. Schwietering of Shelton died Saturday in Mason General Hospital. Born July 30, 1883 in Buffalo, Minnesota, 89-year-old Mrs. Schwietering had resided in this area since 1946. She was a member of the Methodist Church and of the Spanish-American War Auxiliary John R. Thompson Post of Tacoma. Survivors include her son and his wife, Ray and Pauline Schwietering of Shelton; a daughter and her husband, Thelma and Adam Zielinski of Tacoma; a daughter, Dorothy Schwietering of Shelton; and a grandson, Paul Schwietering of McChord Field. The Reverend William Andrews officiated at a graveside service held at 1 p.m. Monday in Shelton Memorial Park. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 5H~gh Low P(~cip. 38 . 62 34 -- 75 42 -- 82 46 -- 90 53 -- 89 53 -- 79 49 -- outlook calls for morning cloudiness clearing on Friday with a chance of on Sunday. High in the 70s are to drop about five the weekend with from 45 to 55 IIIiiiiiiinllllll Mason General Hospital A son to Mr. and Mrs. James J. Rutledge, 1025 Franklin, May 10. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey O. Moore, 107 North 12th Street, May 11. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. James F. Lowery, 1203 Franklin, May 13. A son to Mr. and Mrs. James D. Edwards, Route 10, Box 570, May i 3. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keyzers, 1307 Dickinson, May 15. for marriage licenses County Auditor's were: Dean, 33, Shelton, De Bora, 18, 22, Seattle. 21, Shelton. rts, 21, Shelton, 20, Shelton. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1|111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Bowling News IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SUMMER MIXED 4's Men's Hi Game: Jug Gallenger 199 Men's Hi Series: Jug Gallenger 522 Women's Hi Game: Sonja Pearson 199 Women's Hi Series: Sonja Pearson 574 Standings: Hobbits 3-1, Untouchables 3-1, No-names 2-2, Drivers 2-2, Musketeers 1-3, Tibbs 1-3. Musketeers 1, Ken Homer 475; Untouchables 3, Jim Hutchison 499; Drivers 2, Sonja Pearson 574; No-names 2, Debi Harvey 480; Hobbits 3, Lana tides are for the Johnson 530 Tibbs 1, Linda I. For Shelton and Tibbits 416. ' Bay add an hour TUESDAY SUMMER TRIO and 2.4 feet. Women's Hi Game: Marge Witcraft & Sonja Pearson 216 Y4:4217 a m 10.6 ft. W#smen's Hi Series: Betty Dean [1:51 a'm" -0.9 ft.Jackie Brown 3-4-7, Marge 7:23 p~ml 11.7 ft.Witcraft 5-7-10, Daidre Hibbert 18 2-7-10. L-2:26 a.m. 7.2 ft. Standings: Bugs 12-4, Dums ~:09 a.m. 10.4 ft.11-5, Team 1 11-5, L's 10-6, ~:23 p.m. -1.0 ft.Family 10-6, Hayseeds 7Vz-81/2, Maes 7-9, Got-Ya 7-9, Peeps 6-10, 6:00 p.m. 11.8 ft. Bats 6-10, Shiners 4]/z-111/2 f 19 f Top-ettes 4-12. ' 1:06 a m. 7.4 t. Family 3, Marge Witcraft 536; 5:44 a:m. 10.2 ft.L's 1, Linda Madison 460; Got-Ya ~:59 p.m. -1.0 ft.1, Frankie Barnes 448; Dums 3, MaryLou Wicken 531; Shiners :(~35 p.m. 11.9 ft. 11/2, Joyce Johnson 473; Hayseeds 2V2, Judy LaMont 467; Maes 3, !:47 a.m. 7.4 ft. Sandy Danford 364; Top-ettes 1, b:15 a.m 9.9 ft. Betty Lamont 445; Bugs 1, Linda 1:36 -0.8 ft.Combs 462; Bats 3, Betty Dean ~:112 p.m.11.9 ft.548; Team 1 3, Donna Coleman 516; Peeps 1, Sonja Pearson 496. 2:37 a.m. 7.4 ft. TUESDAY TRIO b:58 a m 9.6 ft. W?5rnen s Hi Game: Lana Johnson 2:15 p'm" -0.3 ft.Women's Hi Series: 9:54 plm~ 11.8 ft. Lana Johnson bel 22 Standings: Bugs 11-1, L's 9-3 3:28 a.m.7.2 ft. Dums 8-4, Team 1 8-4, Family Z:45 a.m 9.1 ft. 7-5, Got-Ya 6-6, Peeps 5-7, ~:58 p m"0.3 ft. Hayseeds 5-7, Maes 4-8, Top-ettes u:33 p]m~11.8 ft.3-9, Shiners 3-9, Bats 3-9. Shiners 0, Debbie Stites 381; lay 23 Peeps 4, Bev Halvorsen 436; Team 4:26 a.m 6.8 ft. 12, Donna Coleman 491; Maes 2, ~:40 a.m"8.5 ft. Jeri Clark 455; Bugs 4 Linda .~:40 1.1 ft. Combs 472; Top-ettes 0~ Jackie 1:11 p.m.11.7ft. Brown 475; Got-Ya 0, Lana Johnson 581 ; L's 4, Leslie Y 24 ~:24 Cochran 469; Dums 3, Mary Lou a.m 6.1 ft. Wicken 506; Hayseeds 4, Judy • :56 a m" 7.9 ft. LaMont 383; Bats 0, Betty Dean ~:29plm: 2.1 ft. 436; Family 4, Marge Witcraft ~:46 P.m.11.7 ft.501. e We will ED Saturday, May 26th (Forest Festival) -- and Monday, May 28th (Memorial Day) JIM PAULEY, like Mt. View at Kneeland Center Phone 426-8231 ib • • 5 only, white or beige, reg. to $36.00 ............................... Assorted Sportswear, large table ................................ Sh 9 ort Sets 12 only, all polyester with screen print tops, sizes 10-16, reg. $13.00 .... $ 88 Irack ...................................... OFF RETAIL I/2 Reg. sizes 12-20, half sizes 141/z-241/z, reg. $8.00 ........... $500 Room Size Rugs Decorator Rugs 9x12, reg. $39.95 ................................ One large group ......................reduced S Indian peasant look, reg. $22.00 Beach Towels 30xe0fringed ..... $299 Values to $16.98 .................. Values to $21.98 ................ Bath Towel Sets 4 colors, flower pattern Bath Towels $2.29 Hand Towels $1.49 Wash Cloths 69’ Bed Pillows Reg. $3.50 Terry Table Cloths / 1 only, reg. $6.50, then $4.49 ....... 4 only, reg. $8.00, then $5.99 ....... Place Mats set of 6, foam back plastic, reg. 99c ......................... .... 66 Dish Towels Woven stripe, reg. 59c ....................................... 39 27x45 oblong oval, $5 value ............... Waste Baskets Tear, tote, toss, $6.98 value, was $3.44. Gold, green, bronze, white .................... Plastic Refills Bdefs & T-Shirts Assorted group, men and boys' . ......... Men's l~ermapress, assorted group, reg. to $5.59 ........ Men's assorted long & short sleeve, reg. to $20 Men's permapress, small size ................ CrewSox Men's white cotton, stretch sizes ............... Men's Ties Regular styles plus clip on, reg. to $5.00 ............ Price 9 Men's asst. group, cords, dinim, etc., reg. to $10.00 ..... Vest & Sweater Comb Small & medium only, reg. to $15 ............ Sweater Shirts Men's, 8 only, reg. $14.88 ................. Boys', stretch size ............ Jeans and Cords Boys', sizes 8-14, mostly slims, reg. to $16.00 ........... Boys' 8-18, short sleeves ............... 8 99 Men's Sport Coats Double knit polyester. Group 1 $381111 Reg. $45-$50.. • Group 2 Reg. $39.95 .... Group 3 $24" ~eg. $39.95 .... Papa . . Mama . $17I8 Pack of 25 el-,.I.. Famous name lllll ========================= d)IUUI~} Polyester double Baby . . • • I Reg. $22.50 ~n'i'. $14" Assorted ,i ~ Re to $18 00 Sr8 ~ ' /" • 3-lb. dacron 88 • 4-lb. dacron • 3-lb. fiberfill II g" ................ ~ t • Heavy-duty zipper • Heavy duty zipper • Attached hood | • Heavy mountain • Heavy mountain • Designed for cloth wffh cloth, warm back packers | flannel lining flannel lining & cold weather | e Carrying handles ! ----DRESS q EARAN ----- Re $1~99 Reg $1Q99 Reg $9R991 ~-~ AII sizes -- many to choose from, $ $18. 0 = -- $25:00 • $35100 i V ! ;ii 'x.! Reg. to $60.00 ................... NOW $31] '~i Reg. to $42.00 ................... NOW 2~ Samsonite Luggage J ~j~ II*i,~,;\ [{~\ ~' Reg. to $30.00 ................. NOW 1" $15 ,e0. ,o ,,0 00 ................... NOW Ladies Handi-Tote #~:i~ :!~i~~:1~ Reg. to $24.00 ................... NOW $10 Beauty Case O'Nite ~ --.~'- Re. to $20.00 NOW $7 Reg. $30.00 Reg. $35.00 Reg. $38.00 $17.88 21 8 "" ................... ,, $ .8 $23.88 24 Pullman ,, , 26 Pullman Men s , . . . , .' Reg. $45.00 Reg. $55.00 2-suiter, reg. $55.00 $34.88 $38.88 S'. S .. .......... Handbags Onegroup, values to $16.00 ............................. ! 4 I Jewelry Ooe ooo ............................................. /l Pr,ce Double Knit lOOO/o polyester, 54-60" Wide machine wash, tumble dry reg $4 98 yd $388d Belts lilt One group, were $2.49 and $2.88 Panty Hose One size fits all, reg. 68c ....................................... 50 Double Knit 850,0 polyester 15%silk 60" wide print and florals reg $5 s40o' Support Panty Hose Park Avenue, reg.$2.99 ............................ $pIp Remnants - ½ Price Sun Glasses One group . ....................... I/3 Off Beach Bags ................................................... $2so "k" " 50 HI InlS Nylon prints, sizes 5-7 .............................................. Scooter Skirts And Tops Good selection, girls sizes 7-14, reg. $8.00 ... $4°°- Caftans 2 only, reg. $8.00 ........... • ................................... $2~IPII) Pampers Diapers Entire stock ......................... One rack: values $5.00 to $28.00 ...................... 113 To I/2 Off Cotton Dusters Gripper fronts, one group ................................ $~= 5O Boys' sizes 4 to 7, many colors and styles, reg. $5.50 .................. rts And Top Sets lO0, nylon, girls'sizes 7-14, reg. $4.99 ......... $3O0 ~\ Velour Shirts 15only, reg.$5.00 ......................... OPEN FRIDAY "TIL 8:30 Third and Railroad Phone 426-8215 Thursday, May 17, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County, Journal - Page 3