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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 17, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 17, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Hospital "port construction Contracts have been awarded Helicopter pilots will be able by the Mason County Hospital District Commission for the construction of a heliport adjoining the hospital. Contractors are Smith Electric, Shelton, electric contract, $7,400; T and T Concrete, Shelton, concrete work, $2,500; and Pacific Sand and Gravel, Lacey, asphalt surfacing, $2,3O0. The project includes a concrete landing area with surrounding blacktop and to land at the hospital helipad anytime, night or day. The design provides for recessed lighting at pad center, perimeter lighting around the pad and general flood lights. There will be a weather vane to indicate general wind direction near the• landing site with this wind sock illuminated for nighttime use. Occasionally, there is a thin fog layer in the general area of the hospital and a high-intensity vertical fog light will help guide pilots to the necessary electrical work for hospital. complete lighting. Harold E.long-range developments at ,, - ~ ~ , ~ Dalke and Associates, Shelton, are the hosDtal have included the • the architects and will be plan for the heliport. ..... ! coordinating the construction Although any helicopter may ~, :' ).' I effort. The Emergency. Medical use the hospital helipad for Services section at the state emer encg y purposes, it is' health department assisted in the i n t e n e qu d d to re est more planning during the past several frequent use of MAST (Military months. Assistance to Safety and Traffic) BOB OWENS, left, president of the newly-formed Kristmastown Kiwanis The, Federal Aviation helicopters The MAST Klub, received the club's charter at a dinner meeting at Lake Limerick Inn Administration has given full heliconters ar'e based at the May 8 Looking on are left to right, Torger Lee K wanis d strict lieutenant a n~,roval for the helinort- , r~ ......... - . ' ' • _ v v v anaty s ~,ray Field at Fort LaZWlS governor" E lott Johnson Kiwanis district secretary and Stan Johnson, including all safety factors aswell ........ ' " ' t Abo and are on alert status z4 nours governor of the Kiwanis Pacific Northwest Distrm . ut 100 persons as clearances for air snace flioht .............. ' r o-- seven nays a week upon attended the event corridors " .................... ~ " - notification of an emergency situation, a MAST helicopter with a four-man crew can be airborn in ~.. / . _ m __e m _e ~_e less than two minutes. One crew Lily awards contract II'eStlVQI a¢lrl itle$ member is a trained entergency I" liP, / I I //,.- onl -- _ -- n medical technician. tar tire hall addition Will start It, saay Mason General Hospital ........... ,., ..... - heliport will compli nent other I h e N h e I t o n t 1 t V solne plan lot llUntlng and 1of .~, .. ..... .i 4" ........ . . . .. .. ~ ,.. , ,- ~,,. = tLOmmUeU--Um page one.) emergency services available at ~ommlsslon, at its nleeung pOllclngano lot parvung. " - ' " for Lad" Fie' ........... " " " " " " " Th " ' . . . . scneduleu p Ju starung oucrdng, tne hospital. ~ne nenport is tuesday, voted to award a ey also asked tile ~roup to ........... . , , , -~ ..... " . " . . "~ r at z a.,n. t'~ew to me logging snow this located near the entrance to the contract tar construction ol an co;/Sl(ler another date than Porest * .... " ' cam .... " " "" ' • • .... . ........ ,. .. , , .. ,. aumi~onal " peutlon In year are r'enny and Lnarles emergency department. Wlten audition !o tne city nan to |'CSllVal since the police " " ' ' le c ..... " "' ~ ...... ' " ' ............ ~ .... . wmcn local peop "an compete~acLan, wno wm perform m me needed, the hosDta~ heliport will Ltncoln LonsTructlon tompany department nan a numoer Ol . . "" --"s " " ' ...... - ~ ,, _ . nave oeen added tnl year. log Dining events• serve those patients who need Spanaway, for $88 790 promems that day .... for .... - , ' " -. " . " . . Himinanons me local The show will conclude with urgent attention because of The firm s bid was the low of lhe students stated they ....... el~ Sa'u ..... " .... .......... contests wm de n u t roay atS-e-er ana Moran f-llin- a tree b,, mgnway accidents, Injuries seven received on the project would chan~e tile date at the , ,~. ,, . ...... ,, ~ u a ~ ~ ...... -- " . . ~ , Loop rletu, wltll the top entrants w,,,,a ~,,a ~h, ,,,.,.,.. ,.¢ *he Io- sustained in recreauonal areas and 'lhe addition is to be built in proposed dance to June 9 and at . . . • .- • .... " ................... ~ ~ , . ........ • . ' . ,.- , ,, in eacn event appearing m mehuckina contest u~ino a nower tram logging and timber oack at the present city nan and tile suggestion ocity OUlCims Will , . ~ ,, "6 " "-"= " ~ ~ . . ~ ragging snow may z . saw operations. is intended to house an additional look into the possibility ol using. ~-'lne events' lnc" lude ski'- " • • ~!i.Somei~ serv ces hmlted on month y or quarterly t:uasJs ii . aaer. 12 Admission5050 to$$ all of the.~.~=mm~lLI I l a m s fire truck and quarters h)r Callanan Park instead of Kneeland drivin lowland "-ower saw ..... WHAT THIS connEr,, needsis additional sleepers forthefirePark since the ball field there is . . g' . - . .P .... festival events except the denartment , ,ll I;',,hted an,I oqler nroNems ducking, trucK driving, mgnschool musical and the Queens a good five-cent cigar. t" " vv~J - ~3 u t V u U " " Other bidders were (;raywould be less. ground power saw b~e~kl, ng, Banquet is by Forest Festival Frank McKmney Hubbard • ChoKer semng and a o Keg ..... button Construction, Shehon; (ascade t'ire Chlet Allan Nevltt uttin contest " Construction, Shelton; C.[:.. reporled the siren on city hall is P I.g..tam,.: ,,. th .... vom~ Buttons have been placed in [ Tha T,,~ £h n I Skinner, lncorx~rated Ortin,n , in, tie i th .............................. • ' ' t,' , . g, i )t w~ k g. .sa d e fire severm ...... rang-nine logging show various businesses m the county. I ........... r" I ttoward Peck (.onslructlon, department does not use it any participants will be on hand They They are $1 for adults and 50 ] r-_.--I,..~.. .... , I Seattle; R.C. lledreen, Seattle, more. The commission asked it be • " " H J " " in acents for students through high I v.~ml..~ , u,,.u~ I " B .... ~ include ap onnson I I a no y ra a n o associates checked to see what is the matter demonstration of s fin- board school until the day of the parade I ..... , .. • I P g Inc{;IPt°jaledt~Oly:Plt~;,,h ~hool with it and .report back later to climbing and action on the tall and logging show. I Wear-Redid, ~erwce I gh , ' determine what should be done. . . - • ........ spar tree; Mel Harper with hisThe pnce on that day will be [ _ . . I stuuents appearea al tne • " " • hi~,h links on the tall snar tree, $1.50 for adults and 50 cents for I ., i _ • • •_~ I commission meeting to ask Roe"nJ Dowaia n" rD i ht students I dN I a a.=e a .. " .. -" °i o . ga , w g . .,. " .... I II llilJfft'Ik'l "I % ............. vArl~rl M~rrl= t.arpenter in speed cdmning anda~reet decorauons went upI Illl,~¢ll~w" I 7~e~:ny ;a:~vt.~e ~,uruay nlg,1, ;7 -- 7 " topping the spar trees and Arnold Monday in preparation for the ]~)I' ~'- I Tile group sla~cd the IS honored Saeger and Cal Moran hand festival. pubhcatm{]s departnlent and Vermin L Morris, Shelton. [K-LUX DOORS LUMBER FENCING PAINT STAIN VARNISH TOOLS HARDWARE I journalism class were the sponsors was one of the Washington State I ~ ,~l of the proposed project which is Department of Natural Resources . Am I,-,I intended to raise money for employees who recently received I~,1 n*'u #BA schoolpublications. , meritorious serviceawards at the Iol vr,=n ~ ,,'ili ~lat]l'7,11~ ~ I~1 The commission and cib department's spring conference I I a~ __1 .... / Ira! officials slated there were several banquet. 151 :mnaav ~ I I problems which would have to betie received the award for 10 [ usl - •~- ~-v -~ IV U~A ~===e|-ll=%.-- I~ [ • I ~i - ~" nUlll~ OMIlUlnO IX, overcome such as working OUt years of service. I O'~ ~ I '-' I • tel • r" (Formerly Grant Lumber) Suppl,es lil U-Haul Specials C ..... II R fi b c d G. T 6") • : oo no v ertal n ee ,~i~ .... ' II) $ 4S I_ 1 3/8 CDX plywood .... s5,, I Plaster,, Board" I I , I;I ;-,2 " I 4x x,/ L i' - .._ Visqueen 4 M,II Clear---- II II ~ x ...... _3.25 ~\k~ ,,.~ X~ "--,' I~1% ~--~ ,0x~o ...... $4.10 ~ I!lx. I'l /I/l I I°1 ,- x ...... _4.95 bkJ'" 1-Pre-fin|s"ed ,.ne.~n.--/IH////tH/E¢~//~/I~1 I English Oak @ I o @ I~l~ll//! lilll//fi~l/I I~ I Cl'mrlie Hall says I . , . ,.. " I/I/ll// l/J/I/H/ lEI h n ' safer to t.oI0nlal UaK V ea :~ "W e you re on vacation, don't carry money. It's I _ " ..... /l/l//~],/lll///]ll Iol take Traveler s Cheques. "Capital Savings and Loan will give I U~--&L.. I~--,,---- $'1f95 I/i~'~,HIHJ//III/i Io I them to you free'.' I n=u ruwn Iea I°1 I I We offer you other Into* services too. Like free notary I P.,.IJ,,. gl-- $045 -~,~o~ I~1 public service, free copying of your important documents I UVIUgll I llll .......... I~ 17 | and free money orders. - - I I So you see, it pays,in more than one way when you start I I--.,,~...,al,.~,.,. ,,. ..... - ---ials - I~1 something with the'crew in blue. I--'--- '"""""'T '-'"""""" • [ I "" /~1 • Texolffe Paint Sherw n-W II O____,__ ___ / Enamel-Latex I Kemtone & Kem Glow t~plraloavmgs ~ / 5o% Off I 15% off SHELTON: ,st&Railroad/,26-.2,1 607 South Ist Phone 426 6612 Monclay Thursday--9 30 Io 5 30 [ ],l~ / Fnday 9 30 tO 6 O0 a m to 4 p m c: - / ,our,:,,. m ,o O,,.m.- ~,. 8,..,o,o.m.- Sun. ,0 .... /~/ .... | / Z / / $115 Million Slr~--~ervir~ 10 commumtms ,n weslern Washmglon. ~ ULKI ~ | ROOFING INSULATION DOWN SPOUTS FIBERGLASS GLUE CA ,, NG CLASS I Page 8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 17, 1973