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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 17, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 17, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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wrl Patsy Batstone, a Shelton student, is in Australia as a student under the Rotary International program. The Rotary Club recently received a letter from her. Dear Sheltonians, Since my last report I've been very busy settling down to the easy life of an Australian. i'm beginning to like tea at every meal and meat pies are really yummy once you get to like them. I moved in with my second family of the year on April 15 and have been busy every since going back and forth to Sydney. My new parents are l)r. and Mr,. Kim Fields. They have h,ur children: Roslyn /21 l, t:Jsic (1~.,!, Adrian (1 7) and Fenella (14). I~. Fields is employed by hc,th 'il: Commonwealth and New Soulh Wales as a medical officer. Mrs. Fields is a housewife and spend, most of her time dashing ba.:i~ and forth to Syndey where al! the Mds are either in uriiver~,ity ~r boarding school. The only ti~r.,~ we're all toge|hcr is al holiday,s. During Easter I had 6 days ,If from school. One of th~,;e day', I spent in Sydney visiting :he Rov:,l Easter Show. The kaste~ ~hc,w ~, pretty much like the Puyallup e IS yours, e FRI. 8= SAT. KANSAS CiTY -- Co-Feature _ Appearing Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Nights from 9:30 - 1:30 a.m. In the ROUND-UP ROOM II I IIII II Fair but bigger. Everyday there is a grande parade in the arena and a Wool Fashion Show. You could spend hours and days there but not see everything. There was one thing I missed during Easter and that was colored Easter eggs. What they do here is have chocolate ones. No 1:aster egg hunt either. On the 25th of April was Anzac Day. Anzac Day is Australia and New Zealand's Memorial Day for those who have served in WWI and II and the Vietnam war. There was a parade down main street and a ceremony in the city park during which two minutes silence was given for those dead. There is one thing Australia still doesn't have and that's the colored television set. Television has only been in Australia since about 1955 and colored won't come until 1975. The TV programs are mostly British and the Australian ones are a bit hard to explain - I just call them "typical Aussie show." If a person wants a radio and TV in his home, he must pay a license fee of $26 a year for both. This goes to pay for the TV stations. Some stations don't have commercials - they're owned by Public Invited FUN NIGHT At the Airport Every Saturday 8 P.M. You missed your free breakfast. Check daily at the Ph. 426-4468 7th & Railroad At Thunderbird Motel This Week-End urns playing live music Friday & Saturday 9:30-1:30 [. Seafare Friday night buffet, 6 - 9 ............. .... ! "Dancing Every night, from 10 p.m. Excellent Food steaks, seafood, etc. "Cocktails In Hoodsport on Hood Canal In the Mill Room the government. Those that do have commercials have cigarette and sheep, land, cattle advertisements. There is one thing that all Australians like to do and that is to bet on horses. Every Saturday morning the TAB (government owned) is filled with people placing their bets. If it's not horses they it's football - Rugby League, Australian Rules, Soccer and rugby. All I've gotten out of their football is that it's completely insane - and they think gridirons crazy. In another week I'I1 be going on another holiday. This time it's May holiday. We'll have ten days off from school - a break between first and second term. My family is going to Canberra - capital of Australia. Canberra is only about 70 years old and it's a planned city. Suppose to be very beautiful with the fountains and trees with their autumn leaves. After May holidays my feUowmates at school will be taking half-yearly exams. Since I'm not sitting for exams while over here I'll have an extended holiday. All my mates will be studying during holiday so they won't find it much of a holiday. This exam will go on mark with the final exam at the end of the year so it's very important. This October the Sydney Opera House is to be opened. The Queen will be coming over to open it. The Opera House was started in 1959 and it's costing over $100 million to build. The opening night seats will cost $100 - don't think 1'11 be going! I The Journal is now compiling its eighth annual Visitor's Guide to Mason County. Here is a unique opportunity for you to tell the story of your business, product or service to the thou- sands of summer visitors who will soon arrive enjoy our beau- tiful woods and water. don't know what it looks like from the inside, but the outside is really unique. It looks somewhat like seashells in a row. Everyone has been asking me what Australians are like - very outgoing and easy to get along with. Any Australian will talk to you - but they sure like to tease! The typical Australian boy and girl goes out for sports - football, tennis, swimming, baseball - anything. The parents like their dances every Saturday night and the Sunday B-B-Q. They seem to have a much more relaxed life than we do, but they're always busy. I received my first Journal last week and my family and friends had a good time reading and comparing food prices -thanks very much for sending it. If anyone has about anything in to me and I'll try answer. That's about it TRUTH IS out life; yet if a ma~ attention on a truth and apply alone for a long becomes distorted, but falseh'ood wearisome the phrenologist, th¢ religions fanatic, possessed mortal, is lost by the single topic. It insanity. Ralph NO LIMIT as long as they last (.;OLONEL SANDERS' RECIPE 4 Locations To Serve You LACEY VISIT THE COLONEL Page 16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 17, 1973 Everybody Welcome mm Dining and Dancing Overlooking lake. fl.m.- Serving sandwiches and short orders. Friday and Saturday Night Clyde Landsaw Sr., 9-1 a.m. SPANISH GUITAR Dining Room & Lounge open 4 p.m. Open Sundays from noon. For reservations & banquets-- Call Paul Sanchez, eenl. Mgr. at 426-3581 A call to us at 426-4412 will provide you with information about this pictorial supplementto the Journal which for seven years has received wide acclaim and distribution throughout the world. Or, if YoU prefer" you may use the COupon below. Shelton-Mason County Journal . Box 430 Shelton, Washington 98584 Yes, I am ,interested in telling the story of my business in the eighth annual Visitor's Guide to Mason County. Please provide me with the particulars. Name ........................................................ Position .................................. Business ..... ' ................................................... Address ..................................................................................................... t I I Phone .........................................................................................................