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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 17, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 17, 1973
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I l Matlock party at By DORA HEARING MATLOCK - Matlock Pinochle Club met at the grange hall Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Max Cash host and hostess. High score went to Edward Townsend and Kathy Barnes, pinochle to I.C. Ford and Carl Portman and low score went to Carl Portman and Lottie Ford. The club will vacation until September 8. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Asche will be host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. lind Rossmaier, Mr. and Mrs. I.C. Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Adams, Mae Pierce, Mrs. Grant Siehl and Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hearing attended the grange friendship meeting at the Skokomish Grange Friday night. Matlock Grange will meet this Friday night with a potluck supper at 6:30 p.m. It will also be a birthday celebration for two members. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Townsend spent the past week visiting their daughter and family, the Gary Knudsons in Redding, FROM CANCER IMMUNITY Studies of schizophrenics indicate that they are particularly resistant to cancer, with a death rate as low as 0.1%. Doctors hypothesize that schizophrenia may be a type of self-allergy. Nell's Phamaty Emer~ltcy Ph. 42G-21G,5 F|tth & Franklin St.--~6-332~ .... Open Daily 9:30 toni'30 Saturdays -- 9:30 to 6:00 California. The weather was beautiful and they enjoyed seeing their granddaughters, Danielle and Katia, again. Mr. and Mrs. William Barnes Jr. and son of Mercer Island were Mother's Day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Barnes Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Evers and Roy were Wednesday evening and Mr. and Mrs. William Barnes ST. were Thursday evening guests at the Elvin Hearing home. Mrs. Cassie Sherwood of Shelton and her daugnter, Mrs. Ruth Drury of Seattle, were visitors at the Elvin Hearing home Sunday. Mrs. Grant Siehl and Douglas spent Sunday afternoon at the Don Siehl home near Belfair. Weekend guests at the Earl Walker home were Mr. and Mrs. Pat Walker and sons of Seattle. Mother's Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Walker and girls of Tacoma and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Walker and David and Mr. and Mrs. Jim DeSilda and family, the latter of Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin were callers at the R.E. Bradberry home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Shirley Goodburn of Shelton spent Sunday at the Bradberry home. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Scales, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Zander and family and Mrs. Molly Cocker and family, all of Auburn, and Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier were Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wells Mayer. Mrs. Paul Johnston and children of Satsop and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Brehmeyer and boys of • Grisdale and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Brehmeyer and children were Sunday dinner guests of their folks, the Herbert Brehmeyer Srs. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rossmaier and girls of Tumwater, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Goodburn and children of Port Orchard and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Goodburn and family of Shelton were Mother's Day dinner guests at the Lud Rossmaier home. Mrs. James K, Gribble spent Wednesday in Tacoma on business and visited with friends. Mrs. ]ameB K. Gribb~e was a dinner guest of her tw@,daughters in Chehalis Tuesday to celebrate Mother's Day. Lake Li Couple By CAROLYN FISHER LAKE LIMERICK - Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ambercrombie had an interesting experience when" they traveled to Port Townsend with sons Wade and Justin. The wind was so swift that Karen says her new hairdo stood right on end, but the wind afforded them an awesome spectacle. New railroad cars were being transported via raft from Port Angeles this weekend and afforded a comical sight as the tug boats tried in vain to keep them from swaying to and fro like an elephant ballet. Mrs. Lorene Sevedge had a lovely surprise when her sister, Gaff Pitsenburger, dropped in for a visit and stayed a few days. Gall is from Tacoma, and while she was visiting chanced to meet close neighbors, the Howlands, who informed her that their parents' house in Tacoma would be going on sale and sounded just like what she wanted. By the way, the Waring puppies have been found by the watchful eye of Mrs. Rita Minor who lives on the Mikelson Road and is a member of our hobby group. She told us of seeing the puppies across Cranberry Creek, by the Yeck's and called Mrs. Waring while our meeting was in session. The Minors live quite a way down the creek from Shirley so we figure they just must have taken to the water and romped their way down there, like children, not minding time or distance. My dog, Mimi, also was found Wednesday afternoon, and rather than sadden you with the tale, 1 will simply say that our fears of dog-nappers in the area have been quelled. Our hobby group meeting at Fern Martinson's was graced by the voices of three little girls this week. Teri and Cricket Ford and a friend of three who kept our little Scotty very busy indeed accompanied their mother, Mrs. Alan Ford. Mrs. Ford displayed about a half dozen of her more than 150 decanters she collects as her hobby and worked on her first bit of knitting, a scarf of course, everyone seems to start out on a scarf. Olie Bieniek, our pro knitter and crocheter,, was at it again, adding interest to our hobbies by displaying as she II e worked on hairpin lace with white yarn which will eventually be a very delicate afghan. Leslie Gray and myself were taught how to make the fringe on our broomstick stoles, and a new member came in just as we were about to leave, Mrs. Shari Mariotti, whom we hope will be coming regularly from now on. The Mariottis had a special weekend recently as they went to Enumclaw where Gina and Christy made their first Holy Communion. The Pioneer PTO Carnival was a great success, $450 worth, according to the community bulletin which is now left at the Deer Creek and Agate stores as a gesture of good will by the school for the supporting community. If you're curious about the doings at the little school, you will enjoy the bulletin and are welcomed to pick one up. Karen Ambercrombie had quite a scare earlier this week when two large dogs which looked the size of bears, one white and one like a doberman, entered her garden and refused to leave at her biddings to shoo, with arched back and growls. If you were watching that huge double-wide trailer down the road from us get up its road, you will be interested in knowing that Mr. Sharer finally used a few of his cats to get it in and the new residents are Mr. and Mrs. Sharpe. Mrs. Sharpe is a teller at Puget Sound National Bank, and the daughter of Calvin Moran. Along the same line, our property has been sold and we wish to say welcome to Lake Limerick to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson, who will be taking possession June 1. Don't forget the healthmobile will be at Pioneer School, just a mile up the Agate cutoff off Route 3, May 23, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. I will be going up myself and would enjoy some company, so give me a ring if you would like to come, at 426-4581. I have heard that there are many children in the Leprechaun area who are concerned about a certain little fawn named "Sweet Pea" and "princess," who seemed to have disappeared. Well, I've solved the mystery, or Mrs. Ginger Dodge has. At one of our hobby group meetings, animal When you order from your Chevron Standard Distributor you can buy in small convenient packages with the exact quantity you need. Or get large quan- tity deliveries up to tank car proportions. With over 100 different petroleum products, your local Chevron Standard Man is a fuel and lubricant inventory expert. We've listed some of these products below. Check your needs, and call him today. FUELS : [] Chevron Gasolines [] Chevron Diesel Fuels [] [] Chevron Starting Fluid [] [] Chevron Heating Fuels [] AUTOMOTIVE LUBRICANTS : [] Chevron DELO 400 Motor Oil [] [] Chevron Heavy Duty[] Truck Grease [] [] Chevron Multi-Service Gear Lubricants [] Chevron Tractor Hydraulic Fluid [] Chevron 2-cycle Blend INDUSTRIAL LUBRICANTS : Chevron EP Hydraulic Oil Chevron Duralith Grease Chevron Pinion Grease MS MAINTENANCE PRODUCTS : Chevron Roof Coatings Chevron Seal Coat Chevron Wood Preservative III SHELTON 426-3123 426-4411 Standard Oil Company of Califomia • Page 20 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 17, 1973 • • ,ng s, stories were told and Sweet Pea's whereabouts were brought up. Ginger mothered the little fawn when it was found without a mother. She sent her boys down for a baby bottle at my store a couple of years ago and I was astounded, not realizing she was pregnant, much less already in need of a baby bottle. Then it came out there was an orphaned fawn about the corral. Well, Ginger nursed it to health, and cared for it to adulthood, during which time it was seen and loved around Lake Leprechaun by our little Leprechauns as well, who named her Princess. Ginger related that the fawn walked right in the house, Marie Kostya says they still have prints of hooves indented in their little trailer floor from her comings and goings. Also, she was a great ecologist. Sweet Pea never went by a cigarette butt and none were to be found around Leprechaun way when she was in residence. Ginger took her to Lake Cushman with her when they were setting up their riding stables up there, to allow her to go back to her natural state. This last year Sweet Pea was seen again, with .two babies of her own and has been adopted by the Ellisons up at Lake Cushman, who put a red collar about her neck during hunting season. Our own little tale of success on the same story line as "Born Free." Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Caesar had a visit and some card shuffling with the Armstrongs of Shdton on Friday night and the Martinsons were awakened in the misty eyed morning by a visit from some old friend who once rented their basement apartment in Seattle before they sold and moved out here. They now have one of their granddaughters for a week. Have you seen that huge, 18 inch long red-headed woodpecker about your place? He seems to be making the rounds and has started a few of us with his raucous tappings and strange call. He visited us and our old stump for termites a few days ago and is now following us to our creek lot. seen That cap is really a bright red, no doubt about it and the bird is a gorgeous specimen of natural beauty with black and white stripes on the side about the neck and head, especially. Mrs. Lorene Sevedge saw another bit of wildlife this past week that I'm glad I missed. She and Omar heard some scratching on the roof of the porch and when they went to investigate jumped back as a bat went flying past them and scared them half to death. There is a first aid class being planned with a qualified teacher through the Red Cross and the sessions will be given in the banquet room , across from the entrance to the restaurant. These plans will be finalized when enough call and show interest in attending here at Lake Limerick. Please contact either Patti Gronseth at 426-6822 or Patsy Jones at 426-4343 if you are interested and you will be contacted as to time and place when the plans are finalized. I hope you read the Mason Lake Meanderings by Inga St. Clair as she has the correct information on the hummingbird feeding syrup. The extension service recommends 7-9-1 ratio of dissolved sugar to water, definitely not honey, as I had read, and put the feeders close to flowers so they aren't dependent upon you for all their nutrition, without the bugs they need for protein. Robert E. Lee, of Division 3, went on a Lake Limerick fishing spree, catching two 15-inch fish and one measuring 16-inches plus three. Since I neglected to plant corn in my garden I thought I'd put it in my column. True story, though, according to Mr. Lee's nephew. Patsy Jones and Patti Gronseth are on the move again, going out today to get a tan, rowing around the lake, cleaning up litter. Patsy says they were out this past week also, painting the picnic tables and benches down at the inn picnic area, and then came the fire call. So off they went, bespeckled with paint, to the fire in the Deer Creek area, and back • • ur, ng r,p again to painting and staining. Patsy says she just played the weekend though, taking hubby Floyd's mother and her! herself out to the inn for Day dinner. NOTE: YOU MUST BRING THIS AD TO QUALIFY FOR THIS A MESSAGE FOR THE HARD OF HEARING The Truth About Hearing Know the Facts-- Before You YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO THROW MONEY AWAY -- HEARING AID YOU'RE NOT SURE YOU CAN USE! MAKE THE SOUND INVESTMENT PAY ONLY A MODEST RENTAL FEE AND WEAR THE 30 DAYS. IF YOU ARE NOT HAPPY WITH IT, RETURN IT PAY NO MORE. IF YOU WISH TO KEEP IT, YOU MAY THEN RENT IT FOR A MONTHLY FEE. IF YOU WISH TO PURCHASE IT, ALL MONIES PREVIOUSLY WILL BE APPLIED TO THE PURCHASE PRICE. and SEND 1 ..... CLIPFREE information on your[ Please send me I Rental plan. [ I NAME ............................... I I ADDRESS. IC,T* ..... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I I STATE .............. z,P ............. I I TELEPHONE ........................... I As total HEARING AID SPECIALIST REMEMBER: Arnold Starr 17 YEARS EXPERIENCE For home HEARING AID SPECIALIST and appt. call with collect- IN THE OFFICE EVERY Telephone 736-3751 THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 Hours 9:30-5:00 Hours 9:30-5:00 CENTRALIA HEARING AID CENTER I I 0 West Main --- Centralla, Washington 98531 You can jog down curved roads, thru green belts of natural landscaping. The whole family can bicycle for fun and healthful exercise without danger of traffic. Tennis court, playfield, community barbecue, covered picnic, a creek to drop a fish line in or to treasure explore its banks. These two bedroom rental units offer the following: • GE range, combination refrigerator- freezer, hood fan. • Carpeting throughout. • Lots of Formica faced cabinets. • Good linen storage. • Guest closet. • Pre-wired for phone. • Pre-wired TV, and antenna. • Washer-dryer rough-in (w/d available needed). • Plastered walls and ceilings. • Huge master bedroom w/walk-in closet, second bedroom. • Drapes included. • Rear living with patio. • Double insulated sound walls. • Each unit has its own carport and storage. we're taking applications for preferred renters who want more and are willing to spend just a little more. Rental $165 per month. OPEN HOUSE Thur. May 17 4 'til dusk and Sat. May 19-noon 'til call 898-2555for more information and~or appointment