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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 17, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 17, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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" Legal Publications Legal Puldkations Legal Publications I.egal Publkations Legal Publkations Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal CITY OF NOTICE OF SALE OF N A T I O N A L F O R E S T CALL FOR BIDS COUNTY ROAD NOTICE OF HEARING CITY OF SHELTON, ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS VALUABLE MATERIALON TIMBER for sale, Olympic MASON COUNTY HIGHWAY PROJECT No. 765 ORDINANCE REGARDING WASHINGTON PO RT OF ALLYN FO R RESOLUTION Nc STATE LAND National Forest, Wynoochee 72-8 D E P A R T M E N T S T E E L In the matter of C.R.P. No. F I R E H Y D R A N T S -- RESOLUTION No. 300 INSTALLATION OF AIDS TO A RESOLUTI( STATE OF WASHINGTON, Timber Sale located within T. REINFORCING BARS MASON 765 to be constructed on Mason UNINCORPORATED MASON A RESOLUTION of the N A V I G A T I O N A N D City Commission 0 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL 22N., R. 7W; T. 22 and 23N., R. COUNTY BRIDGE 7039 - 3.77 County Road No. 5180 known COUNTY City Commission of the City ILLUMINATION FIXTURES of Shelton, Wa RESOURCES, BERT L. COLE, 8 W., W.M., unsurveyed. PublicSealed bids will be received locally as the McEwans Prairie NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of Shelton, Washington, Notice is hereby given that declaring its in| COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC notice is hereby given that for furnishing Mason County Road, and more specifically THAT: The Board of County declaring its intention tothe Port of Allyn, Mason County, improve various str, LANDS pursuant to the provisions of H i g h w a y D • p a r t m e n t located in Sec. 6, Township 20, Commissioners of Mason County, construct and install sanitary Washington, will receive sealed the City by const Notice is hereby given that on Section 5 of Public Law 273, approximately 13,000 pounds Range 3 WWM & Secs. 32, 33, 34, Washington, will hold a public sewer lines and other relative bids for Installation of Aids to grading, graveling, Tuesday the 12th day of June,78th Congress (58 Stat. 132-16, Steel Reinforcing Bars for Mason TS 21, Range 3 WWM. Hearing in their office at the work as may be necessary in Navigation and Illumination a 22-foot width s~ 1973, commencing at ten o'clock U.S.C. 583-583i) and the County Bridge No. 7039 - 3.77 IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED Courthouse in Shelton, connection therewith on Fixtures until 2:00 P.M., Pacificminor drainage .i in the forenoon of said day, atthe Cooperative Agreement for the (Rendsland Bridqe), until 10:45BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY Washington, on Tuesday, May29, various streets in the Daylight Savings Time, on the and other such rel South Puget Sound Area Management of the Participating A.M. Tuesday, May 29, 1973. COMMISSIONERS that it istheir1973, at the hour of 11:00 A.M., Northcliff Area Within the22nd day of May, 1973, at the as may be nec Headquarters, located at Forest. Properties, in the Shelton Plans including specifications and intention to apply Bituminousfor the purpose of discussing theCity, and to create a local offices of Port of Allyn, located in connection therewl Enumclaw, County of King, State Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit proposal forms, are available at Surface Treatment 22' wide toproposed adoption of an improvement district to assess the Belfair Fire Station, Belfair, create a local imp of Washington, by the Area entered into by and between the the Mason County Engineer's 2.4 miles. Ord i nance relating to the a part of the cost and expense Washington, at which time and district to assess a Manager of said Area, the timber United States of America and the Office. and that said work is to be installation of fire hydrants ando f . ca r r y i ng o u t such place all bids will be opened andcost and expense 0 on the following described state Simpson Timber Company, dated The County Commissioners performed by (day labor) in w a t e r m a i n s i n t h e improvement against the publicly read aloud. Bids may be out such improvem(~ land will be sold at public auction December 12, 1946, an estimated reserve the right to reject any and accordance with the Washington unincorporated area of Mason properties specially benefited mailed to: Port of Allyn, P.O. t he properties to the highest bidder, to wit: 15,100 M board feet of timber all bids and to accept only those State Standard Specifications for County, Washington, for the thereby; and notifying allBox 686, Belfair, Washington benefited there MASON COUNTY marked or otherwise designatedbids deemed most advantageous Road and Bridge Construction as purpose of fire protection, persons who desire to object 98528. The Contract shall be for notifying all per~ Application No. 34895 for cutting will be sold to to the County. adopted by Mason County. Included are certain commercial, to the project to appear and furnishing all labor, material and desire to object tott B E I T F U R T H E R industrial, institutional and present their objections at a equipment and _performing all to appear and pr~ Section 28 Thinning located Simpson Timber Company, DATED this14th day of May, RESOLVED that the above multiple dwelling buildings, and meeting of the City work necessary tor a complete objectionsatam~t~ approximately 14 miles by road Seattle, Washington, on June 18, 1973. west of Shelton. The sale is 1973. The minimum acceptable MASON COUNTY described County Road Project is areas of plats and subdivisions. Commission to be held on installation, ready for use, for the City Commission to composed of all timber markedbid per M board feet is: COMMISSIONERS necessary and proper, and the Any interested person may May29,1973. following: on May29, 1973. with blue paint bounded by sale Douglas-fir $117.02; western /s/By Ruth E. Boysen estimated costs of said project are appear at said Hearing to be heard BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Aids to Navigation and BE IT RESOLVED area boundary taqs and property hemlock and other coniferous Clerk of the Board herewith set out in detail as either for or against the adoption CITY COMMISSION OF THE Illumination Fixtures along with CITY COMMISSION 1 lines in Unit No. 1 on part Sl/2Sl/2; species, $33.83; Pacific silver fir, 5/17-24-2t follows: ...... of such proposed Ordinance. C I T Y O F S H E L T O N, t h e n e cessary distribution C I T Y O F S H E in Unit No. 2 on part SW=/~NE~; $34.44. Additional despoit ~ Road Construction$~,uuu.uu D AT E D a t S h e I t o n,WASHINGTON, as follows: equipment and meter. WASHINGTON, as foll~ all timber bounde