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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 17, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 17, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Publications ~MENDED :E OF SURFACE ~TER RIGHT TION No 52-20860 )F WASHINGTON, .ENT OF ECOLOGY ~jCEH D MC KAY of lashington on March filed app cation for INert the public waters • ke tributary of --, in : of 0.02 cubic feet pe ,r =ject to existing rights, orlon season each year 'lOose of irrigation that 'oximate point of located within Lot 23, Plat of Island Lake nds of Section 6, 20 N., Range 3 Vlason County. :s or objections to his application must tailed statement of objections; protests panied by a two recording fee and Department of west Washington fice, Olympia, 504, within thirty May 24, 1973. 5/1____ 7-24-2t NTY ROAD ECT No. 767 matter of C.R.P. No. :onstructed on Mason Dad No. -- known le -- Road, and more Ocated in --. IEREBY RESOLVED 0ARD OF COUNTY )NERS that it is their apply Bituminous • reatment to the ~ds in Commissioner 1 "- Hartstene No-So. - 21, R 2 0.4 mS. !2 - Cronquist Rd. - Z2, R 1 0.6 mS. Ii- Libby Rd. - Sec. 2 0.6 mS. 0 Crestview Dr. - Sec. 3 0.6 mS. _ .1 - Grunert Rd. - 5ec. t 3 0.3 mS. !5 - Shorecrest Dr. - 20, R 3 0.6 mS. L0 - Agate Westside - 20, R 3 0.6 mS. Tote 3.7 aid work is to be by (day labor) in With the Washington | Specifications for Jge Construction as leon County. FURTHER that the above Ity Road Project is proper, and the of said project are out in detail as $14,000.00 $14,000.00 Road Project is HEREBY to be a public the County Road :REBY ORDERED IZED to report thereon as by law this 14th day of COUNTY OF NTY, O. Hunter an 5/17-1t PUBLICATION 11475 COURT OF F WASHINGTON rFE COUNTY OF ~CHARD Plaintiff, BLANCHARD 3F WASH INGTON ,~reby summoned to sixty (60) days of first publication one, to wit, within ! after the 17th day ~, and defend~ the action in the above ,tand answer the he plaintiff, and of your answer on lned attorney for his office below case of your failure Judgment will be st you according to of the complaint ~en filed with the )urt. of this action is for seE'ure a divorce Plaintiff IE2CT L-31-6/7- .-6t PUBLICATION I 1472 __ :IOR COURT u~- = WASHINGTON HE COUNTY OF /VAGES P aintiff, :S Defendant. WASH INGTON -=by summoned to sixty (60) days f first publication is, to wit, within liter the 17th day and defend the orion in the above and answer the he plaint If, and F Your answer on ed attorney for 1is office below lee of your failure =dgment will be You accordincj to r the complaint, 1 filed with the rt. =f this action ts for Secure a divorce Irn Plaintiff Legal Publications Legal Publka Legal Publications I Publications FIRST BAPTIST I CHURCH NOTICE OF SURFACE NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS the exempted volume in the 1973, in the Library of the I 8th and Cote downtown Shelton WATER RIGHT No. 4385 No. 4388 contract will be adjusted Evergreen School, for the APPLICATION No. S2-20949 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE SUPERIOR COURT OF accordingly, so that the following purpose: _ I MAY 20, 1973 STATE OF WASHINGTON, THE STATE OF WASHINGTON WASHINGTON FOR MASON uncommitted export exemption T O R E V I E W T H E DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY FOR MASON COUNTY IN COUNTY may be assigned to one or more PRELIMINARY SCHOOL • I "HOLINESS TAKE NOTICE: PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE subsequent sales. Bidders are BUDGET FOR 1973-74 Any That BEULAH WHALEY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ANDREW JOHN advised that violations of the taxpayer may appear and be I REQUIRED" H ITCHCOCK of Shelton, ESTAT E O F SA N D R A WALKO, Deceased. Domestic Processing requirement heard for or against any part of Washington on April 17, 1973, WINTERS, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN constitute breach of contract and the budget. Copies of the budget I I P.M. V.B.S. filed application mr .permit to NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been m a y result i n contract are available in the Business divert the public wooers of an that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as cancellation or in refusal to Office of the Shelton School I PRESENTATION unnamed stream tributary of appointed and has qualified as the personal representative of thisaward timber sales to the violator, District. • Puqet Sound, in the amount of Personal Representative of the estate. Persons having claims or debarment or suspension from /s/Louis R. Grinnell I 9=30 a.m......... sunday School 0.01 cubic feet per second, Estate of Sandra Winters, against the deceased are required bidding on future timber sales. If LOUIS R. GRINNELL, I *11800a.m..... MornlngWorshlp subject to existing rights, deceased; that all persons having to serve the same, duly verified, requested by the State of Secretary I 7=00 g.m .... Eventng Gospel Hour continuously each yearfor the claims,against said deceased areon the undersigned or the Washington or by Grays Harbor Board of Directors purpose of domestic supply that hereby required to serve the same, attorney of record at the address or Mason Counties, or by any By Order of the Board of I Dr. Arlin M. Halvorsen, Pastor the approximace point of duly verified, on the undersigned stated below and file the same person deemed to have a Directors of Shelton School | Wednesday Bible Study diversion is located within or his attorney of record at thewith the Clerk of this Court, reasonable interest in the District No. 309, May 8th, 1973. I 7:00 p.m. Government Lot 2 of Section 12,address below stated and file the together with proof of such proposed sale, or in its terms, a 5/10-17-2t Township 20 IN., Range 2 same with the Clerk of said court, service within four months afterpublic hearing will be held in the / *The Morning Worship Is broadcast W.W.M., in Mason County. together with proof of such May 10, 1973, or the same will be office of the Forest Supervisor, ~ live over KMAS, 1280 kc. Protests or objections to service within four (4) months forever barred. Federal Building, Olympia, EXECUTION CAUSE approval of this application must after the date of first publication /s/WILLIAM G. WALKO Washington, on the 1st day of No. D22808 include a detailed statement ofof this notice or the same will be WILLIAM G. WALKO June 1973, at 2:00 PM, local NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE the basis for objections; protests barred. Personal Representative time. Requests for public hearing IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF must be accompanied by a two Date of first publication: May JOHN C. RAGAN will not be considered unless THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Northsido dollars ($2.00) recording fee and 17, 1973. Attorney for Estate receivedin the office of the IN AND FOR KING COUNTY filed with the Department of /s/ George J. Brydon Title Ipsurance Building Forest Supervisor, Federal SHERRILL LYNN RABB Baptist Church Ecology, Southwest Washington Personal Representative 122 Railroad Avenue Building, Olympia, Washington, P I a i n t i f f M A S T E R R e gi onal Office, Olympia, GLENN E. CORREA Shelton, Washington 98584 on or before May 24, 1973. DatedMORTGAGES, INC. Assignee vs. 123 w. "c" Street Washington 98504, within thirty Attorney for Estate 5/10-17-24-3t May 4, 1973, Wynne M. Maule ROBERT A. RAAB. Defendant Pastor Paul Butterfiold (30) days from May 24, 1973. 426.2488 " 5/17-24-2t Bell Building --~ Forest Supervisor, Olympic of --UnderExecutionand bYissuedVirtUeoutOf ofaWritthe Bible Study .' ....... 10800 a.m. 121 South Fourth Street National Forest. 5/10-17-24-31-4t Superior Court of the State of Eve. Worship ........ .6=30 p.m. Morning Worship ..... 11800 a.m. Shelt°n'Washingt°n5/17-24-31-3t NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER ~ Washington, holding terms at Agate Sunday School ...2=OOp.m. NOTICE F O R S A L E O L Y M P I C Seattle in and for King County, in SERVICES TO PERSONS ~ NATIONAL FOF~EST, SKOK X9, said State, and dated on the 17th Jesus loves you --we do tool UNABLE TO PAY THEREFOR 72 TI MBER SALE located SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION day of April, 1973, on a judgment S.B.C. CERTIFICATION MASON NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 11458 GENERAL HOSPITAL (RCW 11.40.010) within T. 22 and 23N., R. 6W., rendered in said Court on the W.M., partially surveyed. PublicIN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF 13th day of July, 1970, in favor SHELTON, WASHINGTON PROBATE No. 4389 S U P E R I O R CO U RT O F notice is hereby given that THE STATE OF WASHINGTON of the above named Plaintiff and The Mason General Hospital WASHINGTON FOR MASON pursuant to the provisions of IN AND FOR THECOUNTY OF against the above named MASON Section 5 of Public Law 273, Defendant, for the sum of Four CALL Foursquare has certified that it will notCOUNTY - 78th Congress (58 Stat. 132-16, DUAYN R. KRAMER a/k/a Hundred and 00/100th ($400.00) 426-5336 Church exclude any person from Estate of FRED (~. U.S.C. 583-583i), and the ROBERT ALBERT JONES Dollars, together with an Plaintiff vs. CLEMENSIA C. attorney's fee of $500.00 Dollars admission on the ground that FONTANILLA, Deceased. Cooperative Agreement for the KRAME'R a/k/a CLEMENSIA and costs of suit taxed at $22.60 Write- P O Box 884 910 East Dearborn such person is unable to pay forThe undersigned has been Management of the Participating needed services, and that it will appointed and has qualified as Forest Properties in theI Shelton JONES Defendant. make available to each person so Dollars, with interest at the rate .............. LEWIS B. WYSONG, Pastor Administratrix of the estate of Cooperative Sustained "e d Unit THE STATE OF WASHINGTON of 8 per cent per annum from admitted services provided bytheFRED Q. FONTANILLA~ entered into by and between the tothesaid facility without charge or at a date thereof, or $212.79, and ~ Sunday School ....9:45 a.m. charge which does not exceed deceased. Each person having. United States of ~rm~riCrna and You are hereby summoned to amounting in all to the sum of such person's ability to .pay claim against the above named the Simpson Timbe 4Pany' appear within sixty. (60) days One Thousand One Hundred Morning Worship. . .11:00 a.m. therefor, as determined in [l~;son or the estate must servedated December 12, 19 6, an after the date of first publication thirty-Five and 39/100the Evening Service .... 6:00p.m. claim, duly verified by the timber marked or sixty (60)days after the. 3rd day sale. I- accordance with crLteria claimant, on the undersigned or estimated 21 200 M board feetof of this summons, to wit, within ($1,135.39)Dollars, plus costs of BibleStudy (Wed.) 7:00p.m. established in the Washington me. attorney of record at the designated for cuttingw'~l~herwiseeSold of May, 1973, and detend the Which said writ of -- l SHELTON CHURCH I ConstructionS t a t e M e d i c a I P lan.F a c i I iThist ies ~tcadareSSwith statedthe clerkbel°WofandthemUStcourt,file to Simpson Timber C~mpany, above entitled action in the above Execution was to me as Sheriff of |1 of the I , • certification has been made ogether with proof of the service, 1973. 'The minimum a~eCePtable complaint of the plaintiff, anddirected and delivered, and byI NAZARENE I I OM~e View Seattle Washington, onune 11, entitled court, and answer the Mason County, Washington, duly pursuant to the requirements of the regulations of the Public within four months after the date bid per M board t is: aerve a copy of your answer on which I am commanded to sell at of first publication of this notice Douglas-fir $113.55;western the undersigned attorney for Public Auction, according to law I - Fw LOCATION- I I Alliance Church I Falrmont & Holman I I ... ;. _.__ . .:,, c.. Health Service, U.S. Department or the claim will be barred. . hemlock ancI other c~c~li{erousplaintiff, at his office below the following described property, I Lowell Keene, Pastor 426-1298 I I was, lnLjLu, o~ J or=. of Health, Education, and "7 Date of first publication Mayspecies $44.72. Ad = "onal stated and in case OT your failure to-wit: I Sunday School ........ 9=45 a.m. | I Sunday School .... 9:45 a m. Welfare, (42 CFR Section 1 , 1973. deposit 'required forslas d'sposal so to do, judgment will be Lots 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, and 8, I MornlngWorshlD ..... 11:OOa.m. II MorningWorship.. 11:00a.m. 53.11 1), and the applicable /s/Aurora H. Fontanilla is $1.69 per M board fehet for all rendered against you according to Block 2, Lumberman s Addition I Youth Choir .......... 6=OO p.m. | | Evening Service 7 O0 provisionsof Washington State Administratrix of said Estate above species. T Dad the demand of the complaint, to the City of Shelton according I EveningServlce ....... 7:OOpm I =- . .-.. : p.m. Medical Facilities Construction Rt. 2, Box 50, amortization allowanceon this which has been filed with the to plat recorded in Volume 4 of| Prayer Meeting. Wed.... 7;OO D:m~ | I P'rayer Hour (Wed.) . 7:30 p.m. Plan. The Department of Social Belfair, Wn. and Health Services has, /s/Allen A. Bowden sale is $44.06 oer M board feet clerk of said court. Plats pages 86 and 87, recordsof "- = I A.Y.F. (Wed.) ..... 7:30 p.m. for all above species. In addition The object of this action is for Mason County, Washington. therefore, established the ALLEN A. BOWDEN there is within the sale area anthe plaintiff to secure a divorce Now, therefore, public notice | EARL EVERS, Pastor foregoing level of service5 as the Attorney for the Estate unestimated volume of all species from the defendant, is hereby given that on the 1st level of uncompensated services 1157 N. 130th, No. 314 of hardwood which will be paid /s/Lar Helpern day of June, 1973, at 10 o clock to be made available by said Seattle, Wash., 98133 for at $1.00 per M board feet. In Lar Halpern A.M. of said day, at Mason facility in the period January 1, 364-3640 Attorney for Plaintiff addition there is within the sale County, Washington, I will sell 1973 to January 1, 1974. 5/17-24-31-3t area an estimated 466 acres of all PRISON LEGAL The level of services set out the above described property at meets the presumptive species logs subject to per acreSERVICES PROJECT public auction to the highest United MethodistChurch pricing which will be paid for at 310 Birch St. No. 2 bidder for cash, or so much compliance guideline of the COUNTY ROAD $98.75 per acre. All of the Alaska Shelton, Wa. 98584 thereof as may be necessary to G and King Streets REV. WILLIAM ANDREWS, Minister Federal Regulations. PROJECT No. 768 yellow cedar, if any, determined 426-5541 raise sufficient to satisfy said last Copies of the criteria used for In the matter of C.R.P. No. identifying persons unable to pay for services may be obtained from Department of Social and Health Services, Health Services Division, Office of Planning and Health Facilities, M.S. 3-1, P.O. Box 1 788 Olympia, Washington 98504. The records and documents on the basis of which the above level of uncompensated services was established are available for public inspection at Building No. 3, Thurston Airdustrial Park- Olympia Airport between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. on regular business days. 5/17-1t SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION No. 11460 768 to be constructed on Mason County Road No. -- known locally as the -- Road, and more specifically located in --. IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS that it is their intention to apply Bituminous Surface Treatment to the following roads in Commissioner District No. 2: No. 4340 - Nalley Rd. -Sec. 2, TS 21, R 4 0.4 mS. No. 4236 - Sunnyside - Sec. 15, TS 21, R 4 0.4 mS. No. 7011 - Shorebrook Dr. - Sec. 22 & 27, TS 22, R 3 0.6 mi. Total 1.4 miles and that said work is to be performed by (day labor) in accordance with the Washington State Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction as pursuant to public hearings to be surplus to needs of domestic users and processors is exempted from Domestic Processing. A total volume of 1,000 M board feet in addition to that which is surplus to needs of domestic users and 5/3-10-17-24-31-6/7-6t NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Shelton Consolidated School District Noo309 Shelton, Washington. above named amount, together with increased cost and increased interest. Dated at Shelton, Washington, this 23rd day of April, 1973. John D. Robinson Sheriff of Mason processors as stated herein, if any, Pursuant to law, notice is County, Washington. is exempted from Domestic hereby given that the Board of /s/By Ann Rose Processing. If successful bidderDirectors of SHELTON SCHOOL Chief Civil Deputy. notifies Forest Service prior toDISTRICT No. 309 will hold a Gary E. Culver award that he will not export all Public Hearing in said School Attorney for Plaintiff. or part of the exempted volume, District at 8:00 p.m., May 29th, - 5/3-10-17-24-4t IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF adopted by Mason County. BE IT FURTHER THE STATE OF WASHINGTON RESOLVED that the above IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF described County Road Project is MASON RICHARD E. DECOITO necessary and proper, and the PI a i n t i f f, v s D O N N A A. estimated costs of said project are herewith set out in detail as DECOITO Defendant. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON follows: to the said . Road Construction $6,000.00 TOTAL $6.000.00 You are hereby summoned to The County Road Project appear within sixty (60) days after the date of first publication herein described is HEREBY of this summons, to wit, within DECLARED to be a public sixty (60)days after the 17th day necessity, and the County Road of May, 1973, and defend the Engineer is HEREBY ORDERED above entitled action in the above AND AUTHORIZED to report entitled court, and answer the and proceed thereon as by law complaint of the plaintiff, and provided. serve a copy of your answer on ADOPTED this 14th day of the undersigned attorney for May, 1973. plaintiff, at his office below BOARD OFCOUNTY stated; and in case of your failure COMMISSIONERS OF so to do, judgment will be MASON COUNTY, rendered against you according to WASHINGTON /s/William O..Hunter the demand of the complaint, /s/John BarieKman which has been filed with the clerk of said court. Attest: The object of this action is for Ruth E. Boysen the plaintiff to secure a divorce Clerk of the Board from the defendant. 5/17-1t /s/Lar Halpern - ~ Lar Halpern NOTICE OF HEARING Attorney for Plaintiff PROPOSED VACATION PRISON LEGAL PORTION OF OLD SERVICES PROJECT PICKERING ROAD 310 Birch St. No. 2 NOTICE IS HEREBY YOUR 34 Shelton, Wa. 98584 GIVEN73Th~t on Monday, April 426-55415/ 16, I .., uoarcl of County commissioners wen --- ...... t u, record LIVE; with tnelr Intention to Vacate a . p ort~., otR the. Old Pickering NOTICE TO CREDITORS ~°dere~Yunu°~lCll~y WhicC:ti W?S NO. 4383 F 1961,. located in ~o,.,=z:O ~on =)UT q)F IN THE SUPERIOR COURT O Townsnip 2 ~,-;-" ......... THE STATE OF WASHINGTON West, W.M., 0mo~U~?,,. Range 2. u=ty aescrlDeO FOR, NTHETHECOUNTYMATTEROF oFMASONTHE as fo, ow,= YOU SHOULD ... E S T A T E O F A N T O N E .., ,"That Portion of the Old A N D E R S O N aka ANTON FocCK{%ngnE°Unty Road NO. 2885, ~overnment Lots 3, 4 a° Puf him up for adoption ? ANDERSON Deceased - & 5 of Section 9, Township 20 Notice is hereby given ~:nt North, Ranoe ~ ~...+ t^, ~ the undersigned has be~o exceptin th " "- .............. appointed and has qualifie..o,=~ ........ g. at port,onoftheroad be Move while he's asleep? Executrix of the above enu¢,eu ~c'l~er~ in construction of the estate; that all persons having ..n~j r~oad in 1961, as shown on tne official map for this claimShereby requiredagainst saidto servedeCease°the same,a'= project on file in the off!ca of the C° Place o situations duly verified, on said Executrix or Mason County Engineer. her attorneys of record at the addreSwS bhe ow stated, and file the StatiB1g~snoning: ..... ,, ~u, mence'at Engin.eer:Snormer, y Journal Clmsifieds so " the Clerk of said Court, ~7~.ction to Engineer's Station together with proof of such fO help him find work ? service, within four months after N OT I C E IS FURTHER the date of first publication of GIVEN: That a public hearing this notice or th@ same will be wl~/I be held on the propused { ONE..... barred. "" Ma'" =,.ua-uonment in the office of the Date of first publiCation y ~ounty Commissioners at 1t:00 10th, tv/~. "v'.., MOnday May 21, 1973 and Executrix of any interested person may appear said Estate _ .~ ~ sale hearing to be heard either JEAN F STEPHEN~ for ~. against said proposal. Address'Route 2, Box 577 19731ATED this 30 day of April, j Shelton, WA 98584 I PARR, ALEXANDER, BOARD OF COUNTY CORDES & SuTHERLAND I~IOMMISSIoNERS OF Attorneys for Estate ASON COUNTY, Suite 900 Capital WASHINGTON Center Bldg. /s/By: Ruth E. Boysen ~uditor & Clerk Olympia, Washingt°~/ of the Board 5/10-17-2t , , . .... Sunday School for everyone: 9:00 Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m. a.rn. | FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia and Lake Boulevard KURT HARDENBROOK, Minister Bible School .....8:45 a.m. Family Service ..... 7:00 p.m. Worship ......... 10:00 a.m. Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer -- 7:00 p.m. Child Care Service Available at 11:00 Service First Church of Christ, Scientist 302 Alder St., Shclton, Wa. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. -- Church 11:00 a.m. Wednesday evening testimony meetings 7:30 p.m. Reading room: 114 S. 4th St. Hours: 12 to 5 p.m. Tuesday thru Saturday ii CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST LATTER DAY SAINTS Connection & 12th Sts. Phone 426°2805 Priesthood Meeting .................. ; ........... 9:15 a.m. Sunday School ................................. 11:00 a.m. Sacrament Meeting ..................... • ......... 5:00 p.m. Thursday, May 17, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 29