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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 17, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 17, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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',i i::i:; ; ALAIRE HALL, QUEEN OF THE FOREST 2007, stands by Lacie Mes- senger as Princess of Cedar, Emilie Schnabel as Princess of Spruce, Sara Chapman as Princess of Douglas Fir and Nancy Yuan as Princess of Hemlock. Mattie Sobotka is an alternate on the court. On the junior court, Hannah Avina is Princess of Wildlife and Kairee Brown is Ju- nior Princess of Wildflowers. Brothers Jacob and Robert Hanes won the titles of Paul Bunyan and Smokey Bear, respectively. 00orest Fest has plenty to offer again this year County Forest Festival r is just around the corner. the weekend of lay, May 31, through Sun- 3, the annual celebra- open on Thursday, May a Family Night in Shel- Gateway Center on Moun- View. This event, complete will run from 4 to The carnival will continue 4 to 11 p:m. on Friday, June will burst with activi- with the Goldsbor- and Walk. Shelton's Festival footrace is set to at 8 a.m. on June 2, with the seven- and two-mile op- COmmencing at the Seventh- Church on Shelton ey Road, where shuttle buses COnvey entrants from down- and check-in are :30 to 7:30 that morning at Office Park on the car- ner of Second Street and Railroad Avenue. Entry is $25 with com- memorative T-shirt available till May 15 and $20 without T-shirt. Sign-up forms are available from veteran race director Dana Tilton at Chez Beaujeas beauty salon downtown, at the Shelton Athletic Club and on-line at Mason Coun- ty's Forest Festival Web site. Run- ners and walkers may start sign- ing up already for the 10th annual Goldsborough Creek run. NEW THIS YEAR, the Paul Bunyan Parade will head down Railroad Avenue and turn onto Second Street, instead of First Street, proceeding down Frank- lin Street. Retired teacher and administrator and lifelong Mason County resident Betty Wolf will serve as grand marshal of this year's parade. Mason County roy- alty will appear on the official For- est Festival float in the parade. A Kiddie Parade will lead off the procession at 10:30 a.m., fol- :00eld day will find forest at Panhandle Lake t Seventh annual Forest Fes- will be held on Fri- 18, at Panhandle Lake ). 'event is held in conjunction Forest Festival. It fifth-graders throughout and more then 300 are expected to partici- Festival Field Day con- a full day of environmen- activity stations. address forestry and eCOsystems, including such as fire prevention, forest forest economy, Mason salmon and areas, reforestation, for- wildlife and log- Fifth-grade teachers took part in a training program about water quality and forests to prepare for this year's event. After Forest Fes- tival Field Day, students will com- plete billboard contest entries. The billboard contest finalists' posters will be displayed at The Office Supply Store at 450 West Rail- road Avenue on May 31 and June 1. The finalists artwork will move on June 2 to a booth at Loop Field hosted by the Mason Conservation District during Forest Festival. Folks can vote for the People's Choice Award winner at either The Office Supply Store or" at Loop Field during Forest Festival. The grand-prize winner will have his or her forest artwork displayed on (Please turn to page 6.) 00Mell Chevrolet where the satisfied customers buy ... "ere We helpful, courteous and friendly? YeSI Iter ere you pleased with the way your vehicle was delivered? YeS %ltl You recommend us to friends? Yes a/ld We aie your comments: @U #'e llr] B.&£.N. - She/ton lowed by the Paul Bunyan Grand Parade at 11 a.m. An application form for the Kiddie Parade was in last week's newspaper. Application forms to participate in both the Paul Bu- nyan and the Kiddie Parade pre- ceding it are available on-line at www.masoncountyForestFes- In consideration of parade at- tendees, event organizers ask people to not bring their dogs to watch the parade. No dogs will be allowed on Loop Field, where a logging show will take place after the parade, starting at 1:30 p.m. Live entertainment will fol- low. Loop Field is located on 10th and Franklin streets in downtown Shelton. Vendors - both commer- cial and nonprofit --are invited to participate by contacting Linda Trail at 426-1368. A FIREWORKS display will cap the evening at 10 p.m. at Wallace Kneeland Boulevard on Mountain View. Finally, on Sunday, June 3, the festivities will come to a close. The carnival will end at noon, but a car show will be just starting, with registrations running from 9 a.m to noon and the vehicles go- ing on display from noon to 4 p.m. Kristmas Town Kiwanis will float wooden ducks down Goldsborough Creek, meeting at First Street. More information about Forest Festival is available by sending an e-mail to FFRoyaltyPageant@, attention Lisa Fox. OFF ALL PARTS AND SERVICE dors age 55 and over (Up to sl O0 savings) Marshal Wolf recalls her formative years The Mason County Histori- cal Society Museum will be open to the public on Sunday for this year's edition of "Forest Festival Memories." Guest speaker on May 20 will be Betty Wolf, grand marshal of the upcoming Paul Bunyan Parade at the 2007 Mason County Forest Festival. She will talk about her life in this area. A lifelong educator, Mrs. Wolf retired in 1988 from Southside School where she was a student, then a teacher and ultimately the principal and superintendent. She was honored in 2001 for her ser- vice to the community by the Ma- son General Hospital Foundation. Also sharing memories will be Alexander Bidwell, a sixth-grader at Pioneer School and a volunteer at the museum. He recently par- ticipated in the People to People program, which took him to Wash° ington, D.C., Gettysburg, Wil- liamsburg and other historical sites. The tour group included ap- proximately 200 student ambas- sadors from across the U.S. Alex- ander will illustrate his talk with photos. MEMBERS OF the Mason County Forest Festival court will be on hand to talk about their summer schedule. They will have festival buttons, with proceeds to be used to support festival events. Winners of the Paul Bunyan Essay Contest will read their winning entries and receive their awards. The contest is sponsored each year by the historical society and open to young students who write es- says about the legendary Paul Bu- nyan and his faithful companion, Babe, the blue ox. The museum displays include Betty Wolf festival queen portraits, a collage of Paul Bunyan photos and parade and logging show photos from the past. The museum will open at 1 p.m. and the program will begin at 2 p.m. at 427 West Railroad Avenue in downtown Shelton. The planning committee has been hard at work, fine-tuning and finalizing preparations tbr this year's 63rd annual Mason County Forest Festival. The multi-event festival, scheduled to run May 31 through June 3, will have a couple of significant changes from prior stagings of the events. PARADE-WATCHERS should (Please turn to page 6.) HAVING MORE RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS IS NOT THE SAME AS HAVING MORE MONEY. qb learn how consolidating your retirement accounts to Edward .Iones cxmhi make sense for you, (',all today. Janis Byrd sc Financial Advisor 1717 Olympic Hwy. N. Shelton,WA 98584 360-432-8965 20 % OFF ALL 4" VEGGIE STARTS 99 SPECIALS OF THE WEEK 5/17.5/23 At the intersection of Highway I01 and 108, just minutes away from Olympia and Shelton 360-426-5254 . _ FACT 0 R" ( SKOOK200c00oCREEK q0000M00ade freSsh TouOrowX00n]Yctory I I COMPLETE ROLL-YOUR-OWN *1299+ One Pound Bag SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Quitting Srnokmg Now Greatly Reduces Se, nous Risks to Your Health liARLBOEO Oigretto| ............... .65 + tax --NEW-- Walk-In Humidor GREAT SELECTION of Fine Cigars & Humidor Accessories t .............. ._ CIGARS MAKE GREAT GIFTS Try our own ISLAND BLENDZ Hand rolled-Fine cigars LARGE SELECTION 5" ' RECEIVE vex OaLLOS , GAS DISCOUNT ' ' EIIADILY I HOURS: Mon-Thur 6am-12am / Fri & Sat 6am-2am / Sun 6am-1 lpm oblh ' " The Kamilche Trading Post operates under a compact with the State f sht,nito n Safe To Shop .,., . TOBACCO PRODUCTS DRIVE -THRU OPEN Sun-Thur 7am-9pm, Fri & Sat 7am-10pm J Thursday, May 17, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3 ',i i::i:; ; ALAIRE HALL, QUEEN OF THE FOREST 2007, stands by Lacie Mes- senger as Princess of Cedar, Emilie Schnabel as Princess of Spruce, Sara Chapman as Princess of Douglas Fir and Nancy Yuan as Princess of Hemlock. Mattie Sobotka is an alternate on the court. On the junior court, Hannah Avina is Princess of Wildlife and Kairee Brown is Ju- nior Princess of Wildflowers. Brothers Jacob and Robert Hanes won the titles of Paul Bunyan and Smokey Bear, respectively. 00orest Fest has plenty to offer again this year County Forest Festival r is just around the corner. the weekend of lay, May 31, through Sun- 3, the annual celebra- open on Thursday, May a Family Night in Shel- Gateway Center on Moun- View. This event, complete will run from 4 to The carnival will continue 4 to 11 p:m. on Friday, June will burst with activi- with the Goldsbor- and Walk. Shelton's Festival footrace is set to at 8 a.m. on June 2, with the seven- and two-mile op- COmmencing at the Seventh- Church on Shelton ey Road, where shuttle buses COnvey entrants from down- and check-in are :30 to 7:30 that morning at Office Park on the car- ner of Second Street and Railroad Avenue. Entry is $25 with com- memorative T-shirt available till May 15 and $20 without T-shirt. Sign-up forms are available from veteran race director Dana Tilton at Chez Beaujeas beauty salon downtown, at the Shelton Athletic Club and on-line at Mason Coun- ty's Forest Festival Web site. Run- ners and walkers may start sign- ing up already for the 10th annual Goldsborough Creek run. NEW THIS YEAR, the Paul Bunyan Parade will head down Railroad Avenue and turn onto Second Street, instead of First Street, proceeding down Frank- lin Street. Retired teacher and administrator and lifelong Mason County resident Betty Wolf will serve as grand marshal of this year's parade. Mason County roy- alty will appear on the official For- est Festival float in the parade. A Kiddie Parade will lead off the procession at 10:30 a.m., fol- :00eld day will find forest at Panhandle Lake t Seventh annual Forest Fes- will be held on Fri- 18, at Panhandle Lake ). 'event is held in conjunction Forest Festival. It fifth-graders throughout and more then 300 are expected to partici- Festival Field Day con- a full day of environmen- activity stations. address forestry and eCOsystems, including such as fire prevention, forest forest economy, Mason salmon and areas, reforestation, for- wildlife and log- Fifth-grade teachers took part in a training program about water quality and forests to prepare for this year's event. After Forest Fes- tival Field Day, students will com- plete billboard contest entries. The billboard contest finalists' posters will be displayed at The Office Supply Store at 450 West Rail- road Avenue on May 31 and June 1. The finalists artwork will move on June 2 to a booth at Loop Field hosted by the Mason Conservation District during Forest Festival. Folks can vote for the People's Choice Award winner at either The Office Supply Store or" at Loop Field during Forest Festival. The grand-prize winner will have his or her forest artwork displayed on (Please turn to page 6.) 00Mell Chevrolet where the satisfied customers buy ... "ere We helpful, courteous and friendly? YeSI Iter ere you pleased with the way your vehicle was delivered? YeS %ltl You recommend us to friends? Yes a/ld We aie your comments: @U #'e llr] B.&£.N. - She/ton lowed by the Paul Bunyan Grand Parade at 11 a.m. An application form for the Kiddie Parade was in last week's newspaper. Application forms to participate in both the Paul Bu- nyan and the Kiddie Parade pre- ceding it are available on-line at www.masoncountyForestFes- In consideration of parade at- tendees, event organizers ask people to not bring their dogs to watch the parade. No dogs will be allowed on Loop Field, where a logging show will take place after the parade, starting at 1:30 p.m. Live entertainment will fol- low. Loop Field is located on 10th and Franklin streets in downtown Shelton. Vendors - both commer- cial and nonprofit --are invited to participate by contacting Linda Trail at 426-1368. A FIREWORKS display will cap the evening at 10 p.m. at Wallace Kneeland Boulevard on Mountain View. Finally, on Sunday, June 3, the festivities will come to a close. The carnival will end at noon, but a car show will be just starting, with registrations running from 9 a.m to noon and the vehicles go- ing on display from noon to 4 p.m. Kristmas Town Kiwanis will float wooden ducks down Goldsborough Creek, meeting at First Street. More information about Forest Festival is available by sending an e-mail to FFRoyaltyPageant@, attention Lisa Fox. OFF ALL PARTS AND SERVICE dors age 55 and over (Up to sl O0 savings) Marshal Wolf recalls her formative years The Mason County Histori- cal Society Museum will be open to the public on Sunday for this year's edition of "Forest Festival Memories." Guest speaker on May 20 will be Betty Wolf, grand marshal of the upcoming Paul Bunyan Parade at the 2007 Mason County Forest Festival. She will talk about her life in this area. A lifelong educator, Mrs. Wolf retired in 1988 from Southside School where she was a student, then a teacher and ultimately the principal and superintendent. She was honored in 2001 for her ser- vice to the community by the Ma- son General Hospital Foundation. Also sharing memories will be Alexander Bidwell, a sixth-grader at Pioneer School and a volunteer at the museum. He recently par- ticipated in the People to People program, which took him to Wash° ington, D.C., Gettysburg, Wil- liamsburg and other historical sites. The tour group included ap- proximately 200 student ambas- sadors from across the U.S. Alex- ander will illustrate his talk with photos. MEMBERS OF the Mason County Forest Festival court will be on hand to talk about their summer schedule. They will have festival buttons, with proceeds to be used to support festival events. Winners of the Paul Bunyan Essay Contest will read their winning entries and receive their awards. The contest is sponsored each year by the historical society and open to young students who write es- says about the legendary Paul Bu- nyan and his faithful companion, Babe, the blue ox. The museum displays include Betty Wolf festival queen portraits, a collage of Paul Bunyan photos and parade and logging show photos from the past. The museum will open at 1 p.m. and the program will begin at 2 p.m. at 427 West Railroad Avenue in downtown Shelton. The planning committee has been hard at work, fine-tuning and finalizing preparations tbr this year's 63rd annual Mason County Forest Festival. The multi-event festival, scheduled to run May 31 through June 3, will have a couple of significant changes from prior stagings of the events. PARADE-WATCHERS should (Please turn to page 6.) HAVING MORE RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS IS NOT THE SAME AS HAVING MORE MONEY. qb learn how consolidating your retirement accounts to Edward .Iones cxmhi make sense for you, (',all today. Janis Byrd sc Financial Advisor 1717 Olympic Hwy. N. Shelton,WA 98584 360-432-8965 20 % OFF ALL 4" VEGGIE STARTS 99 SPECIALS OF THE WEEK 5/17.5/23 At the intersection of Highway I01 and 108, just minutes away from Olympia and Shelton 360-426-5254 . _ FACT 0 R" ( SKOOK200c00oCREEK q0000M00ade freSsh TouOrowX00n]Yctory I I COMPLETE ROLL-YOUR-OWN *1299+ One Pound Bag SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Quitting Srnokmg Now Greatly Reduces Se, nous Risks to Your Health liARLBOEO Oigretto| ............... .65 + tax --NEW-- Walk-In Humidor GREAT SELECTION of Fine Cigars & Humidor Accessories t .............. ._ CIGARS MAKE GREAT GIFTS Try our own ISLAND BLENDZ Hand rolled-Fine cigars LARGE SELECTION 5" ' RECEIVE vex OaLLOS , GAS DISCOUNT ' ' EIIADILY I HOURS: Mon-Thur 6am-12am / Fri & Sat 6am-2am / Sun 6am-1 lpm oblh ' " The Kamilche Trading Post operates under a compact with the State f sht,nito n Safe To Shop .,., . TOBACCO PRODUCTS DRIVE -THRU OPEN Sun-Thur 7am-9pm, Fri & Sat 7am-10pm J Thursday, May 17, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3