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Newsies cause buzz at spelling bee
By JEFF GREEN Club with Kelsy Hopkins, Devin
Stop the presses! The Journal- Woerner and Tracy Yuan, spon-
istics captured first place in last sored by The Mystery Bees.
Friday's 14th annual Spell-E-Bra- Olympic College Shelton with
tion. Abigail Hesselink, Colleen War,
Sponsored by The Shelton-Ma- ren and Kyle Cripe, sponsored by
son County Journal, the Journal- Dr. Curtis Sapp.
istics edged The Hoodsport Spell- The Ki-wanna-bees with
binders by first correctly spelling Betty Brinkman, Dan Baumgar:
"quinsyberry," then polished off tel and Lynn Longan, sponsored
the second-place team by acing the by Pioneer Kiwanis Club, Shelt0
word "idiosyncratically." Kiwanis Club and KristmastOr
Journalistics team member Kiwanis Club.
Frankie Zehrung spelled out the The Reeders of the Willi
final word in the more than three- G. Reed Library with Patty Ayala
hour-long community spelling bee. Ross, Claire Voskuhl and Rosanne
She said she remembered it from Thompson, sponsored by Ma e
the 1950s, when as a seventh- Lumber Company, Incorporated. C]
grader in Tuolumne, California, The Car-is-matics with Robi
she tripped over "idiosyncrasy" in a Nufiez, Luke Proctor and Don
grammar-school spelling bee. Her Hallon, sponsored by Ryan Da
teammates Friday night included Insurance and State Farm.
Dave Pierik and Janel Suppes. The Guardians of the W."
The Journal has had a team in ington Corrections Center wi Th
all 14 Spell-E-Brations, but this is Aileen Wedvick, Dayle Tucker and
the first year its spellers have won. Jeff Watson, sponsored by Mas0 [
Its previous bests were seconds in County Title Insurance. . 0r or
2005 and 1999. Advertising sales- The Evergreen Wildcats witB .
man Pierik, whose father was an Jennifer Henrickson, Elli I-Iff
English teacher, was also on that ron and Deb Fausti, sponsored bY ..:t
1999 team with two other Journal Shelton Family Medicine and tip ity an
employees. CAN THEY spell "happy"? Members of the Journalistics, which took first race Coffee Company. . le .
His teammates this year place in this year's Spell-E-Bration, flash winning smiles. They are, from The Bordeaux Bulldogs i i
weren't Journal employees but left, Dave Pierik, Frankie Zehrung and Janel Suppes. Fred Ebey, Marya Tyler tv’] T
were ringers the team picked up Cassie Nelson, sponsored by Iti" I t
because they had registered with ways has the final word, donned a throat," quipped Barnard, prompt- sponsored by Our Community awatha Evergreens. ., !t'
Mason County Literacy as want- black tuxedo for the evening. All ing a ripple of laughter from the Credit Union. The Garage Floor Gale
ing to find a team. They kept The that was missing was the prefight audience. The Spell Cats of South Puget Shannon Klasell, Julie Andre
and Amy Davis, sponsored
Journalistics alive at key points in benediction, "Let's get ready to The spelling bee is a major fund- Sound Community College with Vander Wal's Garage and TupPe. !
the competition, including when rummmmble!" raising event for Mason County Karen Helpern, Heather Fudge Floor Coverings and Interio
Zehrung, a nurse, knew a medical But Barnard more than made Literacy. This year's bee raised and Chalen Kelly, sponsored by Skookum Rotary Club
term, and Suppes, a mother of five up for that oversight by pepper- approximately $22,500, said Lynn Green Diamond Resource Com-
who plays chess, was familiar with ing teams with slices of wry. "This Busacca, the agency's executive pany. Bob Miller, Rhonda Stone "
a chess tmZm. is going to eliminate you," he told director, who is retiring after more The North Mason High School Paul Everett, sponsored by S 1’
The Journalistics and Spell- the Spellbinders just before giving than 16 years. Staff with Janet Stegemeyer, At- kum Rotary Club.
binders squared offin a quick play- them their first word. Obviously,
off round after outlasting 18 other THE OTHER teams entered in len O'Brien and Ronnie Larson,
teams. Taking third place was Fire a minor miscalculation since the the event were: sponsored by the North Mason
District4, while lastyear's champ, Hoodsport trio hung in till the The Hoodsport Spellbinders Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis
The Literati, claimed the The Don very end. with George Bowen, Liz Smith Club of North Mason and Olympia
The Annas Bay team sang out and Penny Cory, sponsored by Federal Savings.
Dowling Team Spirit Award. each word, prompting Barnard to Hood Canal Kiwanis Club and the The Fiddlestix with Laura
LIKE AGOOD heavyweight quip,"Oh, I really don't want to Friends of the Hoodsport Library. Farr, CandyRanneyandSuzanne IS 2 10
title fight, this year's bee went 10 hear this one sung." That word, Fire District 4 with Curt Ben- Olson, sponsored by Active Con-
rounds plus. Word pronouncer Dr. "prerogative," jinxed them. "You nett, Melissa Wood and Pam Greig, struction, Incorporated. []
Mike Barnard, who just about al- misspelled it," he sang back to the sponsored by Bob Kimbel, Incorpo- The Shelton High School 007 I
downcast team. rated and R.S. Development. Spellers with Be Jungmayer, Der- Tay|or Towne Store
"You always give us hard words," The Literati with Debra Wil- ek Ranney and Curtis Trondsen, & Subway
Class of 1987 complained Rosanne Thompson son, Bob Buhl and Dawn Ovalle, sponsored by Sage Book Store. 70 SE Lynch Rd.o 426
of The Reeders upon hearingthe sponsored by Dr. Bill Busacca The Shelton High School Key
on the lookout word "ubiquitous." "Not hard and Blase Gorny Design Ltd., and
enough. You're still with us," the Windermere/Himlie Realty, Incur-
good doctor countered. The Reed- porated.
Members of the Shelton High ere got it right and stayed around * The Noble Mason Orchard
School graduating class of 1987 a while longer. Bees with Toby Kevin, Shirley
are looking for classmates in an- EARLIER IN the evening, Belik and Rudy Draco, sponsored
ticipation of their 20-year reunion Thompson announced to Barnard, by Taylor Shellfish Farms.
to be held in July.
o aier ot00e enionare we ae °r Oa 00uic e iv
interested in learning the where- of wisdom for you - 'loser.' " Un- with Matthew Melendez Blegen,
abouts of Toni Anderson, Brian Ap- fazed, Barnard read their next Jerrod Wendland and Eric Blegen,
plegate, Cory Bales, Mike Booth, word: "laryngitis." "Where did it
David Brice, Jeff Bunnell, Rachel come from?" Thompson asked,
Campbell, Tina Delong, Tiffany meaning what its origin was.
Dillenberg, Darren Dundas, Chris "It came from the bottom of the
Earles, Christina Gouley, Natau-
sha Gunnerud, Rosie Hartley, El- 2023 WASHINGTON Street - 2 bed-
rik Johnson, Jerry Kitts, Kirsten Kids will have roo00,,
Klopfenstein, Joe Knight, Colette stove. $675 month, 1st, last and depos-
Knutzen, Sheila gunnanz, Chris forest n s,0 ,’roeni,Q fee I360) ,826809 Alignments Brakes Su: ;pensions
Lofgren, Paul Macdonald..e,,.,'',.,,y ,,,
Ross Madden, Melissa Marshal,
Heidi McAulay, Robert McIntosh, (Continued from page 3.) HELP SINGLE, young mother. Needs
Raquel Miller, Mike Neese, Eric Mason County billboards, cheap, dependable, automatic vehicle We S ervi c e-"
for work and kids transportation. Please
Neilson, Zhan err, Patrick Palm- The educational field day is call (360) 349-1862 if you can help. Car uak
er, Jason Pettyjohn, Brad Powers, sponsored by Green Didmond Re- T5/17
Denise Renecker, Lisa Reynolds, source Company and coordinated Semis RV'$
Janice Riker, Dusty Ritzenthaler, with the assistance of Mason Con- SIZE 5 wedding dress plus two crino-
Vicki Rodenberg, Shauna Sanden, servation District. The 2007 event lines, $250. 6 nice party dresses, size
Kevin Schouvillier, Brad Shep- includes partners from Green Din- 2-5, $20 each. (360) 426-7348. H5/17 ailer
pard, Bill Smetzler, Lisa Swope, mend, Mason Conservation Dis- WINDING DRIVEWAY to choice of
Jeff Tinnerstadt, Mike Warnes, trict, Thurston Conservation Dis- building site on 1.5 acres. Old maples, 3 108 29th Ave. SW #101
Charlotte Wienkers, Tai Wiley trict, South Puget Sound Salmon approved septic design. Gorgeous, pri-
and Chris Wood. Enhancement Group, Washington rate, $79,900. (360) 280-7776. F5/17- 943 8 1
Anyone with information about State University Mason County 6/-/ Mon.-Fri. 8am-5pm 360- -
how to contact any of these pen- Extension, Fungi Perfecti, Wash-
ple is asked to send an e-mail to ington State Department of Natu- ELECTRIC STOVE with self-cleaning
SHS1987@hctc.comorcal1425-ralResources, SheltonHighSchool oven andgoldrefrigerator,$275for Vacat U
788.9647. and local volunteers, both. (360) 426-3753. L5/17
1992 VOLKSWAGEN Jetta, runs great,
$1,800 OBO. (360) 427-9230 or (360)
Wolf will marsh, her memories 970-2629(cel,).$5/17 Own
GARAGE SALE -- combining two
(Continued from page 3.) Sunday at Loop Field. Signature households. Something for everyone,
be aware that the Kiddies Parade events such as the carnival, the Saturday 9 a.rn.-4 p.m. 850 E. Daiby
and Paul Bunyan Parade will logging show, fireworks, the car Road in Union.W5/17
run down Railroad Avenue and show and duck float will return FREE, BEAUTIFUL, large, white dog, 1
turn left on Second Street toward intact, blue eye, 1 brown. Good with kids and
Franklin, rather than turning on The Web site at www.mason- dogs. Not good with farm animals. Ap-
First Street, as has been the case has proved home only. (360) 426-0907.
in the past. Spectators who have. more information. G5/17-24
watched the parade from the First
Street area should plan accord-
Also new this year will be a bvy
of local entertainers who will be
performing all day Saturday and
New Location - 3rd & ar MAKQ.UI$ SPAS
Downtown Shelton , oo o
Live Music
POAZ .ieod :George Madden
2505 OLYMPIC HWY. N., SUITE 220 Next to Les Schwab
Page 6 - Shetton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 17, 2007
Newsies cause buzz at spelling bee
By JEFF GREEN Club with Kelsy Hopkins, Devin
Stop the presses! The Journal- Woerner and Tracy Yuan, spon-
istics captured first place in last sored by The Mystery Bees.
Friday's 14th annual Spell-E-Bra- Olympic College Shelton with
tion. Abigail Hesselink, Colleen War,
Sponsored by The Shelton-Ma- ren and Kyle Cripe, sponsored by
son County Journal, the Journal- Dr. Curtis Sapp.
istics edged The Hoodsport Spell- The Ki-wanna-bees with
binders by first correctly spelling Betty Brinkman, Dan Baumgar:
"quinsyberry," then polished off tel and Lynn Longan, sponsored
the second-place team by acing the by Pioneer Kiwanis Club, Shelt0
word "idiosyncratically." Kiwanis Club and KristmastOr
Journalistics team member Kiwanis Club.
Frankie Zehrung spelled out the The Reeders of the Willi
final word in the more than three- G. Reed Library with Patty Ayala
hour-long community spelling bee. Ross, Claire Voskuhl and Rosanne
She said she remembered it from Thompson, sponsored by Ma e
the 1950s, when as a seventh- Lumber Company, Incorporated. C]
grader in Tuolumne, California, The Car-is-matics with Robi
she tripped over "idiosyncrasy" in a Nufiez, Luke Proctor and Don
grammar-school spelling bee. Her Hallon, sponsored by Ryan Da
teammates Friday night included Insurance and State Farm.
Dave Pierik and Janel Suppes. The Guardians of the W."
The Journal has had a team in ington Corrections Center wi Th
all 14 Spell-E-Brations, but this is Aileen Wedvick, Dayle Tucker and
the first year its spellers have won. Jeff Watson, sponsored by Mas0 [
Its previous bests were seconds in County Title Insurance. . 0r or
2005 and 1999. Advertising sales- The Evergreen Wildcats witB .
man Pierik, whose father was an Jennifer Henrickson, Elli I-Iff
English teacher, was also on that ron and Deb Fausti, sponsored bY ..:t
1999 team with two other Journal Shelton Family Medicine and tip ity an
employees. CAN THEY spell "happy"? Members of the Journalistics, which took first race Coffee Company. . le .
His teammates this year place in this year's Spell-E-Bration, flash winning smiles. They are, from The Bordeaux Bulldogs i i
weren't Journal employees but left, Dave Pierik, Frankie Zehrung and Janel Suppes. Fred Ebey, Marya Tyler tv’] T
were ringers the team picked up Cassie Nelson, sponsored by Iti" I t
because they had registered with ways has the final word, donned a throat," quipped Barnard, prompt- sponsored by Our Community awatha Evergreens. ., !t'
Mason County Literacy as want- black tuxedo for the evening. All ing a ripple of laughter from the Credit Union. The Garage Floor Gale
ing to find a team. They kept The that was missing was the prefight audience. The Spell Cats of South Puget Shannon Klasell, Julie Andre
and Amy Davis, sponsored
Journalistics alive at key points in benediction, "Let's get ready to The spelling bee is a major fund- Sound Community College with Vander Wal's Garage and TupPe. !
the competition, including when rummmmble!" raising event for Mason County Karen Helpern, Heather Fudge Floor Coverings and Interio
Zehrung, a nurse, knew a medical But Barnard more than made Literacy. This year's bee raised and Chalen Kelly, sponsored by Skookum Rotary Club
term, and Suppes, a mother of five up for that oversight by pepper- approximately $22,500, said Lynn Green Diamond Resource Com-
who plays chess, was familiar with ing teams with slices of wry. "This Busacca, the agency's executive pany. Bob Miller, Rhonda Stone "
a chess tmZm. is going to eliminate you," he told director, who is retiring after more The North Mason High School Paul Everett, sponsored by S 1’
The Journalistics and Spell- the Spellbinders just before giving than 16 years. Staff with Janet Stegemeyer, At- kum Rotary Club.
binders squared offin a quick play- them their first word. Obviously,
off round after outlasting 18 other THE OTHER teams entered in len O'Brien and Ronnie Larson,
teams. Taking third place was Fire a minor miscalculation since the the event were: sponsored by the North Mason
District4, while lastyear's champ, Hoodsport trio hung in till the The Hoodsport Spellbinders Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis
The Literati, claimed the The Don very end. with George Bowen, Liz Smith Club of North Mason and Olympia
The Annas Bay team sang out and Penny Cory, sponsored by Federal Savings.
Dowling Team Spirit Award. each word, prompting Barnard to Hood Canal Kiwanis Club and the The Fiddlestix with Laura
LIKE AGOOD heavyweight quip,"Oh, I really don't want to Friends of the Hoodsport Library. Farr, CandyRanneyandSuzanne IS 2 10
title fight, this year's bee went 10 hear this one sung." That word, Fire District 4 with Curt Ben- Olson, sponsored by Active Con-
rounds plus. Word pronouncer Dr. "prerogative," jinxed them. "You nett, Melissa Wood and Pam Greig, struction, Incorporated. []
Mike Barnard, who just about al- misspelled it," he sang back to the sponsored by Bob Kimbel, Incorpo- The Shelton High School 007 I
downcast team. rated and R.S. Development. Spellers with Be Jungmayer, Der- Tay|or Towne Store
"You always give us hard words," The Literati with Debra Wil- ek Ranney and Curtis Trondsen, & Subway
Class of 1987 complained Rosanne Thompson son, Bob Buhl and Dawn Ovalle, sponsored by Sage Book Store. 70 SE Lynch Rd.o 426
of The Reeders upon hearingthe sponsored by Dr. Bill Busacca The Shelton High School Key
on the lookout word "ubiquitous." "Not hard and Blase Gorny Design Ltd., and
enough. You're still with us," the Windermere/Himlie Realty, Incur-
good doctor countered. The Reed- porated.
Members of the Shelton High ere got it right and stayed around * The Noble Mason Orchard
School graduating class of 1987 a while longer. Bees with Toby Kevin, Shirley
are looking for classmates in an- EARLIER IN the evening, Belik and Rudy Draco, sponsored
ticipation of their 20-year reunion Thompson announced to Barnard, by Taylor Shellfish Farms.
to be held in July.
o aier ot00e enionare we ae °r Oa 00uic e iv
interested in learning the where- of wisdom for you - 'loser.' " Un- with Matthew Melendez Blegen,
abouts of Toni Anderson, Brian Ap- fazed, Barnard read their next Jerrod Wendland and Eric Blegen,
plegate, Cory Bales, Mike Booth, word: "laryngitis." "Where did it
David Brice, Jeff Bunnell, Rachel come from?" Thompson asked,
Campbell, Tina Delong, Tiffany meaning what its origin was.
Dillenberg, Darren Dundas, Chris "It came from the bottom of the
Earles, Christina Gouley, Natau-
sha Gunnerud, Rosie Hartley, El- 2023 WASHINGTON Street - 2 bed-
rik Johnson, Jerry Kitts, Kirsten Kids will have roo00,,
Klopfenstein, Joe Knight, Colette stove. $675 month, 1st, last and depos-
Knutzen, Sheila gunnanz, Chris forest n s,0 ,’roeni,Q fee I360) ,826809 Alignments Brakes Su: ;pensions
Lofgren, Paul Macdonald..e,,.,'',.,,y ,,,
Ross Madden, Melissa Marshal,
Heidi McAulay, Robert McIntosh, (Continued from page 3.) HELP SINGLE, young mother. Needs
Raquel Miller, Mike Neese, Eric Mason County billboards, cheap, dependable, automatic vehicle We S ervi c e-"
for work and kids transportation. Please
Neilson, Zhan err, Patrick Palm- The educational field day is call (360) 349-1862 if you can help. Car uak
er, Jason Pettyjohn, Brad Powers, sponsored by Green Didmond Re- T5/17
Denise Renecker, Lisa Reynolds, source Company and coordinated Semis RV'$
Janice Riker, Dusty Ritzenthaler, with the assistance of Mason Con- SIZE 5 wedding dress plus two crino-
Vicki Rodenberg, Shauna Sanden, servation District. The 2007 event lines, $250. 6 nice party dresses, size
Kevin Schouvillier, Brad Shep- includes partners from Green Din- 2-5, $20 each. (360) 426-7348. H5/17 ailer
pard, Bill Smetzler, Lisa Swope, mend, Mason Conservation Dis- WINDING DRIVEWAY to choice of
Jeff Tinnerstadt, Mike Warnes, trict, Thurston Conservation Dis- building site on 1.5 acres. Old maples, 3 108 29th Ave. SW #101
Charlotte Wienkers, Tai Wiley trict, South Puget Sound Salmon approved septic design. Gorgeous, pri-
and Chris Wood. Enhancement Group, Washington rate, $79,900. (360) 280-7776. F5/17- 943 8 1
Anyone with information about State University Mason County 6/-/ Mon.-Fri. 8am-5pm 360- -
how to contact any of these pen- Extension, Fungi Perfecti, Wash-
ple is asked to send an e-mail to ington State Department of Natu- ELECTRIC STOVE with self-cleaning
SHS1987@hctc.comorcal1425-ralResources, SheltonHighSchool oven andgoldrefrigerator,$275for Vacat U
788.9647. and local volunteers, both. (360) 426-3753. L5/17
1992 VOLKSWAGEN Jetta, runs great,
$1,800 OBO. (360) 427-9230 or (360)
Wolf will marsh, her memories 970-2629(cel,).$5/17 Own
GARAGE SALE -- combining two
(Continued from page 3.) Sunday at Loop Field. Signature households. Something for everyone,
be aware that the Kiddies Parade events such as the carnival, the Saturday 9 a.rn.-4 p.m. 850 E. Daiby
and Paul Bunyan Parade will logging show, fireworks, the car Road in Union.W5/17
run down Railroad Avenue and show and duck float will return FREE, BEAUTIFUL, large, white dog, 1
turn left on Second Street toward intact, blue eye, 1 brown. Good with kids and
Franklin, rather than turning on The Web site at www.mason- dogs. Not good with farm animals. Ap-
First Street, as has been the case has proved home only. (360) 426-0907.
in the past. Spectators who have. more information. G5/17-24
watched the parade from the First
Street area should plan accord-
Also new this year will be a bvy
of local entertainers who will be
performing all day Saturday and
New Location - 3rd & ar MAKQ.UI$ SPAS
Downtown Shelton , oo o
Live Music
POAZ .ieod :George Madden
2505 OLYMPIC HWY. N., SUITE 220 Next to Les Schwab
Page 6 - Shetton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 17, 2007