May 17, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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May 17, 2007 |
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Obituaries """"" pt
)ve00,0000riva00s Relay ca ains to meet
Zane Justice Stewart The final Shelton Relay For packets will be distributed' at
He enjoyed hunting, fishing
and golf. He was described as a
household inventor and jack of
all trades.
He was preceded in death by
sisters Shirley Barkman, Betty
Fay and Nelda Willcox, brothers
Richard and Ronald Simpson and
his parents.
Surviving are wife Joan Helen
Simpson of Port Ludlow; daugh-
ters Diane Johnson Kithcart and
husband Martin of Nordland and
Debra Saint and husband Gary of
Eatonville; son Mark Simpson of
Newport; brother Neil Simpson
of Seattle; sisters Barbara David-
son of Olympia and Leda Harlan
of Okanogan.
Also surviving are grandchil-
dren Justin Johnson and Nicholas
Johnson and wife Dianne, all of
Seattle, Erin Saint of Lakewood,
Lauren Saint of Seattle, Amanda
Johnson and Joseph Kithcart of
A memorial service will be held
from 1 to 6 p.m. on Sunday, May
20, at the Gary and Debra Saint
home in Eatonville.
In lieu of flowers, memorial do-
nations may be made to Port Lud-
low Fire and Rescue, 7650 Oak
Bay Road, Port Ludlow, 98365.
was born on May 3 at Capital
Medical Center in Olympia to Har-
mony Reed of Shelton. He weighed
7 pounds, 14 ounces.
Alexia Salazar
was born on May 2 at Capital
Medical Center in Olympia to Am-
ber and Arturo Salazar of Shelton.
She weighed 8 pounds.
Autrey Ann Carey
was born on May 1 at Capital
Medical Center in Olympia to Jes-
sica and Lance Carey of Shelton.
She weighed 9 pounds, 9 ounces.
}Vlarriage £icense$
Applying for marriage licenses
during the past week, according to
the Mason County Auditor's Office,
Christopher Guy Ward, 39, Shel-
ton, and Monica Lynn McGee, 35,
Richard W. Havens, 46, Shelton,
and Karena Eidsmoe, 36, Shelton.
Andrew Michael Savoie, 31,
Shelton, and Amy Ann Peterson,
31, Shelton.
Kevin Allen Boyle, 38, Belfair,
and JoAnn Lee Lucas-Savard, 38,
Eugene R. Frye, 48, Belfair, and
LuCinda Diane Evans, 38, Tahuya.
beane Simpson
b Former Fawn Lake resident
. Cane Henry Simpson died on
May 3. He was 77 and a resident
of Port Ludlow.
• FIewas born on March 24, 1930
. Hibbard, In-
diana, to Hen-
B .D. and V oy
aUey) Simp-
. Fie gradu-
from Omak
1. School in
tie served
94the Navy in
9 as a sea-
. e married
aeriff on Feb- Deane
rttary 4, 1955 in Simpson
I. e was employed as a mill-
Orker for Biks Coleman Lum-
r MAll and, in 1950, as a TV
.latdnnan for RCA Television
Pany in Seattle. He owned
.,...iOperated an ARCO service
: in Seattle for many years
0rked at JC Penney auto
|teatNorthgate and Capital
ls and at Tag's Trophies in
Our hats off to these ladies
s wlth" children in Erin Bacon's cial Mother's Day gift hats. There's more
at Pioneer School sport their spe- about this in a story on page 22.
ii: 00ghts panel wall host hstenmg session
. .
;[ | [_ Washington State Human orientation and gender identity, Cano-Lee of O!_ymp!a, Jerry He-
t- Commission will host a marital status, age, the presence bert of Kitsap wounry ana bnawn
|1 It-allnit. a ...... ,-r,, ,, a of an,, sensor,, me -h sical Murinko of Olympia The execu-
,tl ,-' 0- ==J "°"°°''* "'" " w, j :, ntal or p y _ _ • . .
v a do t]ve director of the commission is
'i Thursday, May 24, at the disability, the use of a trained g " "
N [11 Civic Center, 525 West guide or service animal by a per- Marc Brenman. .
f tre on Anyone with questmns or per
'|:i: Itr et. All are invited to a son with a disability, retaliati .. -
! | .'PQ'. session, for opposing an unfair practice, sons with disability, accommoda-
[| COmmission enforces the filing a whistleblower complaint tion or language needs shoula con-
:}| ,,W which prohibits discrim- with the Washington State Audi- tact Tanya Calahan at 753-4876
f'l | k. "a in employment, housing, tor or filing a nursing-home abuse or 1-800-233-3247.
|| - er o.f public accommodation complaint.
4edit and insurance trans- Commissioners are Kathy
.]1 oa the basis of race, color, Barnes Friedt of Olympia, Ellis Nora Lee Johnson, 83,
if|.| . lational origin, sex, sexual Casson of Seattle, Deborah Sioux passed away on April 18 from
i[ll 00illlllll
0 REST Forest Funeral
"A reputation built on service"
The loss of a loved one can be
Overwhelming, so many deci-
Sions, so many arrangements.
At Forest "our" trained profes-
Sional staff will provide you with
ll the choices that will make your
situation easier.
Call on us today
)! IrOn' WA
Renal/Heart Failure at her
home in Allyn.
She was born in Toppen-
ish, WA to Flora (Martineck)
and P.D. Wilson St. on March
8, 1924. She was preceded in
death by her parents, broth-
ers RD. Wilson Jr., Robert E.
Wilson, and her son Richard
D. Bagdanove.
Surviving are her daugh-
ters Rhonda Young of Moclips
and Renee and Aaron Moss of
Allyn, granddaughters Tania
Coleman and Terra Williams
and great grandchildren, Si-
crab, Shae, and Justus.
Nora loved the ocean and
had lived at Moclips for 30
years before her illness.
Memorial donations may
Life team captains' meeting
has been changed.
The date has been moved to
6:30 p.m. on Thursday, May
31, at the Shelton High School
track, 3737 Shelton Springs
Road. T-shirt orders and Relay
this meeting.
More information is avail-
able by sending an e-mail to
Vickie Gonzales, chair of the
event at vgonzales@pcfcu.
org or by calling her at 1-800-
Miller, Grubbs to interview
Hood Canal School District
this week announced a steering
committee will interview two
additional candidates for the
newly created position of prin-
cipal and assistant superinten-
The committee was slated
to interview Gerald Grubbs
on Wednesday, May 16, and
Bert Miller at 3:15 p.m. today,
Thursday, May 17. Miller is the
school's current principal.
Last week, the committee in-
terviewed four candidates for
the position.
Car scholars can apply
The Yesteryear Car Club is
extending its scholarship appli-
cation deadline until June 1 this
A scholarship is being offered
to any graduate of a Mason
County high school who is pur-
suing an education in any field
related to the automotive indus-
try in an accredited vocational
or technical school within the
Eligibility is regardless of the
year of high-school graduation
and includes former winners of
this scholarship or those who are
already in a program. A scholar-
ship notebook is not required.
To apply, you must fill out
an application form, have two
letters of recommendation and
submit a short essay stating you
are pursuing this vocation.
For an application form, call
Robert Drinkwine at 427-5579.
PUD 3 to meet
next on May 29
The PUD 3 Commission has
canceled a regular meeting sched-
uled for May 22. Commissioners
will conduct their next regular
meeting at 10 a.m., May 29, in
the boardroom at 307 West Cota
Street in Shelton.
Antonia talk in Hoodsport
A discussion of My ntonia, the tional effort to get as many people
classic novel by Willa Cather, will
be hosted at the Hoodsport Tim-
berland Library from 1 to 2 p.m.
on Saturday, May 19.
Adults and teens are invited to
meet with other readers from the
community at North 40 School-
house Hill Road. This free public
event is part of The Big Read, a Ha-
as possible in a given area to read
and talk about the same book.
Staff at the Hoodsport library
will present Preschool Story Time
for children ages 3 to 6 from 1 to
1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 23.
All library programs are free of
charge unless otherwise noted. For
more information, call 877-9339.
Southside auction is Saturday
The Southside School Booster
Club's 13th annual auction and
dinner is this Saturday evening,
May 19.
The popular event will be held
in the school's newly remodeled
gym at 161 SE Collier Road. Doors
open at 5:30 p.m., with dinner at
7 o'clock. Tickets priced at $20 per
person will also be available at
the door on the night of the event•
The theme of this year's auc-
tion-dinner is "Field of Dreams,"
and the booster club will be rais-
ing money to renovate the school's
neglected baseball field.
Tickets for the adults-only
event can be purchased in ad-
vance by calling Kathy Fuller at
r James "lay'' C. Parvm
James "Jay" C. Parvin, 74 of
Shelton, Washington passed
away on May l I, 2007 after
a short but courageous
battle with cancer. Jay was
born in 1932 in Booneville,
Arkansas to Ida and James
Parvin. As the youngest of
seven children, Jay was the
last to leave home when he
joined the Air Force in 1951.
While in the Air Force, Jay
served during the Korean
Conflict wnere he earned the United Nations
Service Medal; National Defense Service
Medal; Korean Service Medal; among others.
After receiving an Honorable Discharge, in
1955, he continued his 36 year career with the
Department of Defense, which took him and his
family from White Sands Missile Range, to the
Pentagon, and finally to Port Lewis. Retirement,
for Jay, included starting a business restoring
classic Mustangs; driving school bus for North
Thurston schools; and being one of the original
employees of Lucky Dog Casino. All of these
great adventures afforded him the opportunity
to cross paths with the many people he called
friends. Jay is survived by his wife, of forty-
eight years, Gail; daughters, Stephanie Shelley
of-Oak Harbor, Jennifer Redman and husbanl
Cory of Olympia; and son Christopher Parvin of
Olympia. Also surviving Jay are his wonderful
grandchildren, Timothy and Ryan Shelley of
Oak Harbor, Tristan and Llcas Redman of
Olympia and Carissa Parvin of Olympia. In
addition to his numerous nieces, nephews and
cousins, Jay is also survived by his two sisters,
Imogene Stroud of Nevada and Marie Parker
be sent to a charity of the of Georgia. The family would like to thank the
donor's choice. /wonderful and caring Oncology nurses and
MZZPAH NOP Lr., MZZPm [ staff at Providence St. Peter Hospital.
-- Paid Obituary Notice -- _ -- Paid ObRuary Notice -- #
Thursday, May 17, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 11
Obituaries """"" pt
)ve00,0000riva00s Relay ca ains to meet
Zane Justice Stewart The final Shelton Relay For packets will be distributed' at
He enjoyed hunting, fishing
and golf. He was described as a
household inventor and jack of
all trades.
He was preceded in death by
sisters Shirley Barkman, Betty
Fay and Nelda Willcox, brothers
Richard and Ronald Simpson and
his parents.
Surviving are wife Joan Helen
Simpson of Port Ludlow; daugh-
ters Diane Johnson Kithcart and
husband Martin of Nordland and
Debra Saint and husband Gary of
Eatonville; son Mark Simpson of
Newport; brother Neil Simpson
of Seattle; sisters Barbara David-
son of Olympia and Leda Harlan
of Okanogan.
Also surviving are grandchil-
dren Justin Johnson and Nicholas
Johnson and wife Dianne, all of
Seattle, Erin Saint of Lakewood,
Lauren Saint of Seattle, Amanda
Johnson and Joseph Kithcart of
A memorial service will be held
from 1 to 6 p.m. on Sunday, May
20, at the Gary and Debra Saint
home in Eatonville.
In lieu of flowers, memorial do-
nations may be made to Port Lud-
low Fire and Rescue, 7650 Oak
Bay Road, Port Ludlow, 98365.
was born on May 3 at Capital
Medical Center in Olympia to Har-
mony Reed of Shelton. He weighed
7 pounds, 14 ounces.
Alexia Salazar
was born on May 2 at Capital
Medical Center in Olympia to Am-
ber and Arturo Salazar of Shelton.
She weighed 8 pounds.
Autrey Ann Carey
was born on May 1 at Capital
Medical Center in Olympia to Jes-
sica and Lance Carey of Shelton.
She weighed 9 pounds, 9 ounces.
}Vlarriage £icense$
Applying for marriage licenses
during the past week, according to
the Mason County Auditor's Office,
Christopher Guy Ward, 39, Shel-
ton, and Monica Lynn McGee, 35,
Richard W. Havens, 46, Shelton,
and Karena Eidsmoe, 36, Shelton.
Andrew Michael Savoie, 31,
Shelton, and Amy Ann Peterson,
31, Shelton.
Kevin Allen Boyle, 38, Belfair,
and JoAnn Lee Lucas-Savard, 38,
Eugene R. Frye, 48, Belfair, and
LuCinda Diane Evans, 38, Tahuya.
beane Simpson
b Former Fawn Lake resident
. Cane Henry Simpson died on
May 3. He was 77 and a resident
of Port Ludlow.
• FIewas born on March 24, 1930
. Hibbard, In-
diana, to Hen-
B .D. and V oy
aUey) Simp-
. Fie gradu-
from Omak
1. School in
tie served
94the Navy in
9 as a sea-
. e married
aeriff on Feb- Deane
rttary 4, 1955 in Simpson
I. e was employed as a mill-
Orker for Biks Coleman Lum-
r MAll and, in 1950, as a TV
.latdnnan for RCA Television
Pany in Seattle. He owned
.,...iOperated an ARCO service
: in Seattle for many years
0rked at JC Penney auto
|teatNorthgate and Capital
ls and at Tag's Trophies in
Our hats off to these ladies
s wlth" children in Erin Bacon's cial Mother's Day gift hats. There's more
at Pioneer School sport their spe- about this in a story on page 22.
ii: 00ghts panel wall host hstenmg session
. .
;[ | [_ Washington State Human orientation and gender identity, Cano-Lee of O!_ymp!a, Jerry He-
t- Commission will host a marital status, age, the presence bert of Kitsap wounry ana bnawn
|1 It-allnit. a ...... ,-r,, ,, a of an,, sensor,, me -h sical Murinko of Olympia The execu-
,tl ,-' 0- ==J "°"°°''* "'" " w, j :, ntal or p y _ _ • . .
v a do t]ve director of the commission is
'i Thursday, May 24, at the disability, the use of a trained g " "
N [11 Civic Center, 525 West guide or service animal by a per- Marc Brenman. .
f tre on Anyone with questmns or per
'|:i: Itr et. All are invited to a son with a disability, retaliati .. -
! | .'PQ'. session, for opposing an unfair practice, sons with disability, accommoda-
[| COmmission enforces the filing a whistleblower complaint tion or language needs shoula con-
:}| ,,W which prohibits discrim- with the Washington State Audi- tact Tanya Calahan at 753-4876
f'l | k. "a in employment, housing, tor or filing a nursing-home abuse or 1-800-233-3247.
|| - er o.f public accommodation complaint.
4edit and insurance trans- Commissioners are Kathy
.]1 oa the basis of race, color, Barnes Friedt of Olympia, Ellis Nora Lee Johnson, 83,
if|.| . lational origin, sex, sexual Casson of Seattle, Deborah Sioux passed away on April 18 from
i[ll 00illlllll
0 REST Forest Funeral
"A reputation built on service"
The loss of a loved one can be
Overwhelming, so many deci-
Sions, so many arrangements.
At Forest "our" trained profes-
Sional staff will provide you with
ll the choices that will make your
situation easier.
Call on us today
)! IrOn' WA
Renal/Heart Failure at her
home in Allyn.
She was born in Toppen-
ish, WA to Flora (Martineck)
and P.D. Wilson St. on March
8, 1924. She was preceded in
death by her parents, broth-
ers RD. Wilson Jr., Robert E.
Wilson, and her son Richard
D. Bagdanove.
Surviving are her daugh-
ters Rhonda Young of Moclips
and Renee and Aaron Moss of
Allyn, granddaughters Tania
Coleman and Terra Williams
and great grandchildren, Si-
crab, Shae, and Justus.
Nora loved the ocean and
had lived at Moclips for 30
years before her illness.
Memorial donations may
Life team captains' meeting
has been changed.
The date has been moved to
6:30 p.m. on Thursday, May
31, at the Shelton High School
track, 3737 Shelton Springs
Road. T-shirt orders and Relay
this meeting.
More information is avail-
able by sending an e-mail to
Vickie Gonzales, chair of the
event at vgonzales@pcfcu.
org or by calling her at 1-800-
Miller, Grubbs to interview
Hood Canal School District
this week announced a steering
committee will interview two
additional candidates for the
newly created position of prin-
cipal and assistant superinten-
The committee was slated
to interview Gerald Grubbs
on Wednesday, May 16, and
Bert Miller at 3:15 p.m. today,
Thursday, May 17. Miller is the
school's current principal.
Last week, the committee in-
terviewed four candidates for
the position.
Car scholars can apply
The Yesteryear Car Club is
extending its scholarship appli-
cation deadline until June 1 this
A scholarship is being offered
to any graduate of a Mason
County high school who is pur-
suing an education in any field
related to the automotive indus-
try in an accredited vocational
or technical school within the
Eligibility is regardless of the
year of high-school graduation
and includes former winners of
this scholarship or those who are
already in a program. A scholar-
ship notebook is not required.
To apply, you must fill out
an application form, have two
letters of recommendation and
submit a short essay stating you
are pursuing this vocation.
For an application form, call
Robert Drinkwine at 427-5579.
PUD 3 to meet
next on May 29
The PUD 3 Commission has
canceled a regular meeting sched-
uled for May 22. Commissioners
will conduct their next regular
meeting at 10 a.m., May 29, in
the boardroom at 307 West Cota
Street in Shelton.
Antonia talk in Hoodsport
A discussion of My ntonia, the tional effort to get as many people
classic novel by Willa Cather, will
be hosted at the Hoodsport Tim-
berland Library from 1 to 2 p.m.
on Saturday, May 19.
Adults and teens are invited to
meet with other readers from the
community at North 40 School-
house Hill Road. This free public
event is part of The Big Read, a Ha-
as possible in a given area to read
and talk about the same book.
Staff at the Hoodsport library
will present Preschool Story Time
for children ages 3 to 6 from 1 to
1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 23.
All library programs are free of
charge unless otherwise noted. For
more information, call 877-9339.
Southside auction is Saturday
The Southside School Booster
Club's 13th annual auction and
dinner is this Saturday evening,
May 19.
The popular event will be held
in the school's newly remodeled
gym at 161 SE Collier Road. Doors
open at 5:30 p.m., with dinner at
7 o'clock. Tickets priced at $20 per
person will also be available at
the door on the night of the event•
The theme of this year's auc-
tion-dinner is "Field of Dreams,"
and the booster club will be rais-
ing money to renovate the school's
neglected baseball field.
Tickets for the adults-only
event can be purchased in ad-
vance by calling Kathy Fuller at
r James "lay'' C. Parvm
James "Jay" C. Parvin, 74 of
Shelton, Washington passed
away on May l I, 2007 after
a short but courageous
battle with cancer. Jay was
born in 1932 in Booneville,
Arkansas to Ida and James
Parvin. As the youngest of
seven children, Jay was the
last to leave home when he
joined the Air Force in 1951.
While in the Air Force, Jay
served during the Korean
Conflict wnere he earned the United Nations
Service Medal; National Defense Service
Medal; Korean Service Medal; among others.
After receiving an Honorable Discharge, in
1955, he continued his 36 year career with the
Department of Defense, which took him and his
family from White Sands Missile Range, to the
Pentagon, and finally to Port Lewis. Retirement,
for Jay, included starting a business restoring
classic Mustangs; driving school bus for North
Thurston schools; and being one of the original
employees of Lucky Dog Casino. All of these
great adventures afforded him the opportunity
to cross paths with the many people he called
friends. Jay is survived by his wife, of forty-
eight years, Gail; daughters, Stephanie Shelley
of-Oak Harbor, Jennifer Redman and husbanl
Cory of Olympia; and son Christopher Parvin of
Olympia. Also surviving Jay are his wonderful
grandchildren, Timothy and Ryan Shelley of
Oak Harbor, Tristan and Llcas Redman of
Olympia and Carissa Parvin of Olympia. In
addition to his numerous nieces, nephews and
cousins, Jay is also survived by his two sisters,
Imogene Stroud of Nevada and Marie Parker
be sent to a charity of the of Georgia. The family would like to thank the
donor's choice. /wonderful and caring Oncology nurses and
MZZPAH NOP Lr., MZZPm [ staff at Providence St. Peter Hospital.
-- Paid Obituary Notice -- _ -- Paid ObRuary Notice -- #
Thursday, May 17, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 11