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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 17, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 17, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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"Tom and Jerry are a very special pair of 1-year-old brothers AVailable for adoption. They are Siamese/Himalayan/Ragdoll lix, exceptionally sweet and intelligent. These gentle boys will Oly be adopted as a pair," a volunteer said. They are immu- nized, vet-checked and ready for adoption. Kitten Rescue of Ma- aon County can be reached in the evenings at 426-2455. Adopt-a-Pet tAdopt-a-Pet is a nonprofit volun- r group whose placement services, eaaels and spay-neuter assistance rOgram are financed through month- garage sales held on the second atUrday of the month at 210 Grove Street. All dogs are vet-checked and aYed or neutered. ,,Call 432-3091 to set up a kennel t. To donate items call 426-4269. 0 Spay-neuter assistance call 426- i 23. More information is available on met. Feline Friends (leline,_ Friends is a nonprofit vol- Leer group whose mission is rescu- and finding homes for homeless, Sed or abandoned cats and kittens. ._ group provides foster care in vol- rs' ho rues unt]l the animals can 15. Placed in permanent homes. Adop- :ee includes spay-neuter service, ::- -AIDS test and parasite control. 1 |  adopt a kitten or adult cat, call I[ [ I | :l'2588'ar or 360-866-0599. DOnhations II I :i:00i(Fdtten Rescue i t ! .o00cue of Oou.ty,00 I ! :iProfit volunteer group which res- I and finds homes for abandoned :] | Adoption fee includes st, pay- | : r service, feline leukemia test | :iraunizations. Quarterly garage SUpport the group. For informa- kitties available for adoption donate items for the garage sales, or go to www.kitten- City of Shelton Animal Shelter Adoptions cost $75 plus $5 for a city license. New dogs are brought in all the time. Call 427-7503 or visit the shelter at 902 West Pine Street. Dogs currently available may be viewed at: on-line. Hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday. Here's a listing of some of the. doI,,s available this week: Labrador retriever mix, male, 8 years old. Shepherd/Irish setter mix, male, 1 year old. College spotlight nominees sought During the summer, The Jour- nal features students in the Col- lege Spotlight. Anyone with a high-school diploma or general ed- ucational development certificant currently attending a community college or university is eligible. This includes returning stu- dents and college graduates pur- suing an additional or higher de- gree, as well. Please call reporter Rebecca Wells at 426-4412 with names and information on how to contact the student. If you happen to be a cur- rent college student, don't be afraid to nominate yourself, either. Class of 1952 slates lunch Members of the Irene S. Reed High School Class of 1952 will eet for lunch at 11:30 a.m. on Monday, May 21, at Taylor Station Staurant and Lounge, located off Lynch Road and U.S. Highway . 1, just outside of Shelton. Classmates and their spouses are in- ted for lunch and maybe a short meeting. I00iwanians will hear Shipp . Leanna Shipp will offer a presentation about Youth Commu- nity Service Awards at this week's meeting of the Shelton Kiwanis ltl • " ' e, b. The club will meet at noon on Tuesday, May 22, at Xinh s arn and Oyster House, 221 West Railroad Avenue in downtown elton " i CAST OF THE Shelton High School Drama Department production of Once on This Island will perform this weekend. High school to act island drama Shelton High School Drama De- partment presents Once on This Island. The curtain rises at 7:30 p.m. Thursday through Saturday, May 17-19. The action of the play concerns forbidden love and a beautiful or- phan. The cast will consist of Jahni Gold as "Little Ti Moune," Alex Davis-Brazill as "Mama Euralie," Brad Merrin as "Tonton Julian," Kellen Gold as "Ti Moune," Liam Malpass as "Daniel Beauxhomme, Beauxhomme, and Daniel's Son," Michael MacFarlane as "Armand, Shelter board sets meeting for Tuesday The Mason County Shelter for the homeless will conduct its an- nual public board meeting next week. The meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 22, at the Shelter Service Office, 216 North First Street in Shelton. the Gatekeeper and Daniel's Fa- ther," Emilie Schnabel as "An- drea and Madame Armand," Mor- gan Pendon as "Papa Ge," Ariel Scrogham as "Asaka," Collin Dys- art as "Agwe" and Emily Johnson as "Erzulie." Alanna Knudsen, Kate Stone, Sada Patterson, Olena Vorobey, Tomoka Kamiya, Katherine Gam- ache, Magda Abd-E1 Rahman, Sarah Lawson, Emily Carroll, Re- becca Murdock, Samantha Farr, Allie Lovely and Maricha Greene- LeCount comprise the chorus of peasants, gossipers and guests at the ball. Performances will take place in the Shelton High School Audito- rium, 3737 Shelton Springs Road. Bop Scout Troop #126 Wishes to thant all those tho participated in their Map 5 ' fund-raiser - especiallg to our host, the Lake limeride Pro Shop, their staff. D J, Enie, and Teresa who marie it a successful event. Special thanks to all the sponsors who support our leids Jn their community. Lai:e Limerici: Country Club & Spencer Lai:e Bar & Grill Double D Barber Pro Shop Mary's Auto Little Si:ooEum Oysters Lumbermen's Closer Opsters Lynch Creel: Floral NAPA Salish Seafoods Sunny Day Espresso Les Schwab Carp's Tire Olympic Loci: & Key Hoodsport Winery Timber Bowl Art Tali:s Little Creel: Casino El Sarape Del's Farm Supply Bapshore Golf Course A Scoop Aboue Ko)o Potterp Old Town Hobbp Hunter Farms Bapshore General Store Blaci: Star Steue's Munitions Hollywood Video Two Noble Gulls LLC Si:ipworth's Saw Shop Sarewap Heaths & Heathers Cut Rate Auto Parts Mr. Bill's Sport Cards & Transmissions Plus Taylor Shellfish Co. Variety and thani:s to all our friends who contributed! rr DAY FRIDAY Of  IN IIBTIITRY 360-259.3 ! 23 MAY Thank You To EVERYONE WHO MADE "DENTISTRY FROM THE HEART" 2007 A SUCCESS Together, on May 4, Dr. Downing and his volunteer staff treated more than 80 patients in a single day. The team performed extractions, cleanings and fillings valued at over $20,000. We could not have achieved this without your assistance, hard work and donations. Dr. Chris Burton Dr. Melissa Lee Dr. Chris Mueller Dr. Katherine J. Ketcher Dr. Reid J. Ketcher Dr. Michael Behnen VOLUNTEER, Kelley Crabtree, photographer Yvonne Shult, D.A. Katie Dudder, D.A. S.P.C.C.C. Dental Students (20) and Family and Friends LOCAL BUSINESS DONATIONS Special thanks to Vern's Restaurant for donating gourmet deli sandwiches and Travaglione's Italian Deli & Catering for their pasta salad. Special thanks, too, to Lund Machine for donating our volunteers' T-shirts and banners. Also Sensaria for their large gift donation and AAA Septic for a portable toilet. PS_H INTERPRETERS Laureano Aquirre Ricardo Delbosque Rosa Borja Ana For anyone who helped and is not listed here, thank you too, you know who you are. Shelton-Mason County Journal WalMart Fred Meyer Safeway-Shelton Kentucky Fried Chicken Our Community Credit Union Suzan's Grill Blanton Massage Bayshore Golf Course Twigs-N-Twine Mountain Mist Hood Canal Cable Skookum Bay Oyster Co. Mason County Public Health Schuck's Cut Rate Auto Parts Kinko's-Lacey Office Max-Olympia Safeway-Olympia Rite Aid-Olympia Comcast Cable Thursday, May 17, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17 "Tom and Jerry are a very special pair of 1-year-old brothers AVailable for adoption. They are Siamese/Himalayan/Ragdoll lix, exceptionally sweet and intelligent. These gentle boys will Oly be adopted as a pair," a volunteer said. They are immu- nized, vet-checked and ready for adoption. Kitten Rescue of Ma- aon County can be reached in the evenings at 426-2455. Adopt-a-Pet tAdopt-a-Pet is a nonprofit volun- r group whose placement services, eaaels and spay-neuter assistance rOgram are financed through month- garage sales held on the second atUrday of the month at 210 Grove Street. All dogs are vet-checked and aYed or neutered. ,,Call 432-3091 to set up a kennel t. To donate items call 426-4269. 0 Spay-neuter assistance call 426- i 23. More information is available on met. Feline Friends (leline,_ Friends is a nonprofit vol- Leer group whose mission is rescu- and finding homes for homeless, Sed or abandoned cats and kittens. ._ group provides foster care in vol- rs' ho rues unt]l the animals can 15. Placed in permanent homes. Adop- :ee includes spay-neuter service, ::- -AIDS test and parasite control. 1 |  adopt a kitten or adult cat, call I[ [ I | :l'2588'ar or 360-866-0599. DOnhations II I :i:00i(Fdtten Rescue i t ! .o00cue of Oou.ty,00 I ! :iProfit volunteer group which res- I and finds homes for abandoned :] | Adoption fee includes st, pay- | : r service, feline leukemia test | :iraunizations. Quarterly garage SUpport the group. For informa- kitties available for adoption donate items for the garage sales, or go to www.kitten- City of Shelton Animal Shelter Adoptions cost $75 plus $5 for a city license. New dogs are brought in all the time. Call 427-7503 or visit the shelter at 902 West Pine Street. Dogs currently available may be viewed at: on-line. Hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday. Here's a listing of some of the. doI,,s available this week: Labrador retriever mix, male, 8 years old. Shepherd/Irish setter mix, male, 1 year old. College spotlight nominees sought During the summer, The Jour- nal features students in the Col- lege Spotlight. Anyone with a high-school diploma or general ed- ucational development certificant currently attending a community college or university is eligible. This includes returning stu- dents and college graduates pur- suing an additional or higher de- gree, as well. Please call reporter Rebecca Wells at 426-4412 with names and information on how to contact the student. If you happen to be a cur- rent college student, don't be afraid to nominate yourself, either. Class of 1952 slates lunch Members of the Irene S. Reed High School Class of 1952 will eet for lunch at 11:30 a.m. on Monday, May 21, at Taylor Station Staurant and Lounge, located off Lynch Road and U.S. Highway . 1, just outside of Shelton. Classmates and their spouses are in- ted for lunch and maybe a short meeting. I00iwanians will hear Shipp . Leanna Shipp will offer a presentation about Youth Commu- nity Service Awards at this week's meeting of the Shelton Kiwanis ltl • " ' e, b. The club will meet at noon on Tuesday, May 22, at Xinh s arn and Oyster House, 221 West Railroad Avenue in downtown elton " i CAST OF THE Shelton High School Drama Department production of Once on This Island will perform this weekend. High school to act island drama Shelton High School Drama De- partment presents Once on This Island. The curtain rises at 7:30 p.m. Thursday through Saturday, May 17-19. The action of the play concerns forbidden love and a beautiful or- phan. The cast will consist of Jahni Gold as "Little Ti Moune," Alex Davis-Brazill as "Mama Euralie," Brad Merrin as "Tonton Julian," Kellen Gold as "Ti Moune," Liam Malpass as "Daniel Beauxhomme, Beauxhomme, and Daniel's Son," Michael MacFarlane as "Armand, Shelter board sets meeting for Tuesday The Mason County Shelter for the homeless will conduct its an- nual public board meeting next week. The meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 22, at the Shelter Service Office, 216 North First Street in Shelton. the Gatekeeper and Daniel's Fa- ther," Emilie Schnabel as "An- drea and Madame Armand," Mor- gan Pendon as "Papa Ge," Ariel Scrogham as "Asaka," Collin Dys- art as "Agwe" and Emily Johnson as "Erzulie." Alanna Knudsen, Kate Stone, Sada Patterson, Olena Vorobey, Tomoka Kamiya, Katherine Gam- ache, Magda Abd-E1 Rahman, Sarah Lawson, Emily Carroll, Re- becca Murdock, Samantha Farr, Allie Lovely and Maricha Greene- LeCount comprise the chorus of peasants, gossipers and guests at the ball. Performances will take place in the Shelton High School Audito- rium, 3737 Shelton Springs Road. Bop Scout Troop #126 Wishes to thant all those tho participated in their Map 5 ' fund-raiser - especiallg to our host, the Lake limeride Pro Shop, their staff. D J, Enie, and Teresa who marie it a successful event. Special thanks to all the sponsors who support our leids Jn their community. Lai:e Limerici: Country Club & Spencer Lai:e Bar & Grill Double D Barber Pro Shop Mary's Auto Little Si:ooEum Oysters Lumbermen's Closer Opsters Lynch Creel: Floral NAPA Salish Seafoods Sunny Day Espresso Les Schwab Carp's Tire Olympic Loci: & Key Hoodsport Winery Timber Bowl Art Tali:s Little Creel: Casino El Sarape Del's Farm Supply Bapshore Golf Course A Scoop Aboue Ko)o Potterp Old Town Hobbp Hunter Farms Bapshore General Store Blaci: Star Steue's Munitions Hollywood Video Two Noble Gulls LLC Si:ipworth's Saw Shop Sarewap Heaths & Heathers Cut Rate Auto Parts Mr. Bill's Sport Cards & Transmissions Plus Taylor Shellfish Co. Variety and thani:s to all our friends who contributed! rr DAY FRIDAY Of  IN IIBTIITRY 360-259.3 ! 23 MAY Thank You To EVERYONE WHO MADE "DENTISTRY FROM THE HEART" 2007 A SUCCESS Together, on May 4, Dr. Downing and his volunteer staff treated more than 80 patients in a single day. The team performed extractions, cleanings and fillings valued at over $20,000. We could not have achieved this without your assistance, hard work and donations. Dr. Chris Burton Dr. Melissa Lee Dr. Chris Mueller Dr. Katherine J. Ketcher Dr. Reid J. Ketcher Dr. Michael Behnen VOLUNTEER, Kelley Crabtree, photographer Yvonne Shult, D.A. Katie Dudder, D.A. S.P.C.C.C. Dental Students (20) and Family and Friends LOCAL BUSINESS DONATIONS Special thanks to Vern's Restaurant for donating gourmet deli sandwiches and Travaglione's Italian Deli & Catering for their pasta salad. Special thanks, too, to Lund Machine for donating our volunteers' T-shirts and banners. Also Sensaria for their large gift donation and AAA Septic for a portable toilet. PS_H INTERPRETERS Laureano Aquirre Ricardo Delbosque Rosa Borja Ana For anyone who helped and is not listed here, thank you too, you know who you are. Shelton-Mason County Journal WalMart Fred Meyer Safeway-Shelton Kentucky Fried Chicken Our Community Credit Union Suzan's Grill Blanton Massage Bayshore Golf Course Twigs-N-Twine Mountain Mist Hood Canal Cable Skookum Bay Oyster Co. Mason County Public Health Schuck's Cut Rate Auto Parts Kinko's-Lacey Office Max-Olympia Safeway-Olympia Rite Aid-Olympia Comcast Cable Thursday, May 17, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17