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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 17, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 17, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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00ournal' of_ cord MASON COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Judgments in Mason County District Court Judge Victoria Meadows' jurisdiction during the past week include: Driving under the influence: Rodney Russell Thelin, 8420 Homestead Avenue NE, Olympia, $1,503, 365 days, 230 suspended and $3,273 costs, and violation of interlock ignition device, no fine or jail time, and hit-and-run, attend- ed vehicle, 365 days suspended; Paul Enebrad, 910 Tahuya River Road, Tahuya, $1,231, 365 days, 364 suspended; Michael Stephen Deacon, 130 East Budd Drive, Shelton, two counts, $765, 365 days, 355 suspended and $4,246, 365 days, 275 suspended. Negligent driving: Loryna L. Desmarais, 6816 Lazy Street, Tumwater, first degree, $965, 90 days, 89 suspended; Stuart T. Mc- Comb, 1635 NW Hidden Place, Silverdale, first degree, $500, 90 days suspended, and driving with a suspended license, third degree, $150, 90 days suspended and $440 costs. Driving while license sus. pended or revoked: Shane M. Haddock, 4901 ll5th Street Count, Lakewood, third degree, $280, 90 days suspended; Rob- eft Lynn Whitney, 1932 Gregory Way, Bremerton, two counts third degree, $310, 90 days suspended on each count; Wayne P. Gamber, 21 North Twana Court, Shelton, ttird degree, $310, 90 days sus- pended, and speeding and no seat- belt, $192; Elizabeth A. Aitken, 650 North Lake Cushman Road, Hoodsport, third degree, $2,043, 90 days, 85 suspended, and use of drug paraphernalia, $539, 90 days suspended; Contessa A. Reem, 153 Summit Road, McCleary, third de- gree, $303,90 days suspended; Jodi L. Miller-Byerly,154 East Fox Run Lane, Grapeview, third degree, $303, 90 days suspended; Tony D• Capps, 14181 Frontier Drive NW, Silverdale, third degree, $253, 90 days suspended; Nickolas T. Rus- sell, 1405 C Street, Hoquiam, third degree, $233, 90 days suspended; Rock L. Erdahi, 10 East Snowcap Drive, Belfair, third degree, $253, 90 days suspended, and expired vehicle license and switched tabs, $388. No valid operator's license: Bermeta M. Montijo, 140 East Blevins Road, Shelton, $253, 90 days suspended. No liability insurance: David F. Middendorf, 2917 Martin Way East, Olympia, $538. Speeding: Angela I. Carraway, 1037 West Avenue, Port Orchard, in a school zone, $202. Other traffic offenses: Care- lyn A. Newton, 801 NW 17th Cir- cle, Battle Ground, no ignition in- terlock device, $253, 90 days sus- pended; Purdy Canyon Bark Sup- ply, 15250 North Highway 101, Shelton, over legal weight, $232. Unlawful fishing in the sec- ond degree: Jerry Diaz Circu- lade, 1111 Belfair-Tahuya Road, Belfair, fishing in closed area and no license, $218; Hugh Harding, 200 NE Emerald Canyon Road, Tahuya, over limit of shrimp, $109; Gary Lee Rousseau, 2020 Everett Avenue, Everett, fishing in closed waters, $200. No shellfish license: Vu Thang Huynh, 7114 North Pittsburg, Spokane, and over limit of oys- ters, $218; Lynn M. Hannah, 110 North Salish Court, Shelton, $303, 90 days, 89 suspended; Clemente Oscar Sorrosa, 8112 28th Avenue Court, Lakewood, and failure to shuck on beach, $163. Solid-waste violations: Van- da Janelle Baker, 170 East Rain- bow Drive, Shelton, failure to comply with order, excess hulk ve- hicles and over residential waste limit, $750• Obstructing an officer: Aaron Von Morgan, listed as transient, arrested in Belfair, $620,365 days, 355 suspended. SHELTON MUNICIPAL COURT Judgments in Shelton Munici- pal Court Judge Amber Finlay's jurisdiction during the past week include: Driving under the influence: Curtis James Drovdahl, 261 SE Craig Road, Shelton, 365 days, and driving while license suspend- ed, second degree, 365 days, no ignition interlock, 90 days; Adrian D. Bird Jr., 200 East North Lake Drive, Shelton, $1,159, 365 days, 364 suspended; James Burtran Rierson, 2151 East Crestview Drive, Shelton, $1,796, 365 days, 348 suspended, 17 days electronic home monitoring; Carmen C. Mo- rales, 14640 North Highway 101, Shelton, $685, 365 days, 364 sus- pended and 15 days on electronic home monitoring; Edvin Delmar Carrillo Gomez, 2020 Adams Street, Shelton, $1,259, 365 days, 364 suspended and 15 days on electronic home monitoring; Ja- mie D. Cuzick, 126 East C Street, Shelton, $450, 365 days, 230 sus- pended. Negligent driving: Christo- pher D. Homan, 508 South 16th Street, Shelton, first degree, $625, 90 days, 89 suspended. Shoplifting: Magdelano R. Perez, 240 SE T'Peeksin Lane, Shelton, $150; Thomas Eugene Peterson, 480 North Tribal Center Road, Shelton, $300. Minor in possession or con- sumption of alcohol: Richard Scott Browning, 627 Wyandotte Avenue, Shelton, $200, 365 days, 360 suspended, five days commu- nity service. Harassment: Miguel Angel Mejia Mendoza, transient, Shelton $500, 365 days suspended. MASON COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT Divorces Granted Thomas Frederick Howard Jr. and Laura E. Howard. Theresa Marie Sullivan and Daryan L. Sullivan. Karl Pennington and Robert Pennington. Cindy Eliza Dilk and Walter Scott Dilk. Johnnie Lynn Anderson and Al- fie Emil Anderson. Geneva Patricia Jordan and Timothy Lee Jordan. Kristy Lynn Petty and Richard Lee Petty. New Cases Susan J. Foster and Stephen A. Foster against Donald Daniels, tort motor vehicle. Kneeland Plaza One, Limited Liability Company, against Mer- rin Electronics, Limited Liability Company, Ron D. Merrin and Mi- cheUe D. Merrin, commercial. Bank of America against Mary J. Stansbury, commercial. Peter F. Pennock, Darlene C. Pennock and Ruth E. Wise against John Sale and Natasha Lawton, unlawful detainer. Washington State Department of Revenue, transcripts of judg- ment against Winnie M. Redler and Richard W. Redler; Sub and Sausage Factory, Limited Liabil- ity Company. Washington State Department of Revenue against Rick A. LaDue and Katrina A. LaDue, tax war- rant. Jason J. Pustek against Kevin Day, transcript of judgment. COUNTY BbIPERMI New COltructi0a over $5,000, shoreline vork and other major projects receiving permits during the past week include: : Patrick Brennan, 40i East Sch- neider Road, Shelton, residence, $188,554.50; Shae Klusman, 186 East Hardings Hill Road, Allyn, residence, $163,432.05; Lynn Constantineau-Marsden, 80 East Merlot, Shelton, residence, $170,526.10; William Beisley, 3780 NE North Shore Read, Belfair, residence, $161,120.35; Barbara Acuna, 31 East Victor Ridge Road, Belfair, decks, $8,440.50; Sherry Smith, 4550 SE Arcadia Road, Shelton, addition, $70,744.40; Robert Cleveland, 150 West Mey- enburg Drive, Shelton, addition, $74,460; Scott Eichhorn, 21 East Wrangler Ridge Road, Union, residence, $251,798.80; Rod Over- land, 1970 East Mason Lake Drive West, Grapeview, garage, $60,078; Elk Mountain Enterprises, Lim- ited Liability Company, 4929 SE Lynch Road, Shelton, residence, $221,285.60; Marilyn Isaacson, 1491 East Mason Lake Drive East, Grapeview, dock, $7,114.50; Cor- nerstone Trade and Development, 330 East Pinedirosa Road, Union, garage, $15,810. Also: Ethelwyn Hoffman, 1261 East Mason Lake Drive East, Grapeview, pilings and dock, $12,333; Scott McIlrath, 41 East Cougar Lane North, Shelton, ga- rage, $87,153.80; Karl Westby, 2604 East Phillips Lake Loop Read, Shelton, foundation repair, $65,487.80; Jimmy Lewis, 786 NE Toonerville Drive, Belfair, resi- dence, $186,713.70; R.F. Brockm- ueller, 41 East Country Club Drive West, Union, addition, $19,637; John and Mi Humphries, 501 East Harstine Heights Lane, Shelton, residence, $169,831.20; Michael McArthur, 61 East Scott Drive, Page 20 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 17, 2007 Shelton, boat house, $26,560.80; Mark McGlothlin, 2150 SE Cres- cent Drive, Shelton, storage build- ing and retaining wall, $29,815.30; John Acocks, 111 West Olym- pic View Drive, Shelton, shop, $84,648.20; Richard Olander, 80 East Harley Drive, Grapeview, ga- rage, $23,477.85. No value was listed for the fol- lowing projects: Doug Lindbo, 421 East Christain Lane, Shelton, demolition; Ed Eng- lish, 81 East Cloud Place, Shelton, manufactured home; Tom Lee, 161 East Elk Place, Shelton, manufac- tured home; Lake Limerick Coun- try Club, 790 East Saint Andrews Drive, Shelton, exhaust hood; Port of Shelton, 400 West Enterprise Road, Shelton, demolition. SHELTON POLICE Tuesday, May 8 A break-in was reported at one of the portable classroom buildings at Bordeaux Elementary School. Detectives received a report of an attempted rape. At 10:51 a.m. a caller com- plained about noise in the 300 block of South Fifth Street. A vehicle prowl was reported in the 500 block of West Seattle Av- enue. Wednesday, May 9 Vehicle prowls were reported in the 1500 block of Olympic High- way North and the 900 block of Ellinor Avenue. A caller from the 1900 block of Summit Drive re- ported damage to several vehicles. A residential burglary was re- ported in the 1600 block of Ridge Road. Detectives received two forgery complaints. A caller from the 400 block of South Seventh Street reported receiving threats over the tele- phone. A caller complained about dirt bikes on Hemlock Street. Thursday, May 10 Just after 1 a.m. a caller from Mason General Hospital request- ed officer assistance with a patient who was causing problems. A 1991 Acura was reported sto- len from the 1700 block of Holman Street. At 7:36 p.m. a caller from Bev- erly Boulevard complained about motorcycles and quads "spinning around and throwing gravel doing donuts." At 10 p.m., a caller reported a prowler in the 1000 block of May Street. About half an hour later, a caller reported hearing a car alarm go off in the neighborhood. Friday, May 11 Police responded at 11:25 a.m. to a report of a disturbance at the homeless shelter in the 200 block of North First Street. A caller from Shelton High School filed a firearms complaint. Trespassing at Oakland Bay Junior High School was reported. Just after 8 p.m. officers re- spending to a report of a distur- bance involving about 10 juveniles at the intersection of West D and Madison streets requested assis- tance from deputies. A disturbance was reported in the t00 block of South First Street at/t0:33 p.m. and 10 minutes lat- er a caller reported a fight inside Safeway. A caller from the hospital said a woman was trying to obtain nar- cotics and requested police assis- tance. Saturday, May 12 Officers responding at 1:22 a.m. to a report of a disturbance at Evergreen Square on Railroad Avenue requested assistance from deputies. At 3:27 a.m. a caller from the hospital requested police assis- tance with an "aggressive" male in the emergency room. A caller complained about a quad runner in the 400 block of East E Street. Disturbances at businesses in the 900 block of Olympic Highway South and the 2900 block of Olym- pic Highway North were reported. Just after 8 p.m. a fight in the 900 block of May Avenue involving six males was reported. At 9:26 p.m. a caller complained about an ongoing problem with noise in the 3000 block of Johns Prairie Road. Sunday, May 13 At disturbance in the 200 block of North First Street was reported at 1:20 a.m. Beer and meat were reported stolen from the smokehouse at The 50s Diner on Railroad Avenue. The caller said a lock had been cut offa door to gain entry. Monday, May 14 A white 1990 Honda Prelude was reported stolen from the 1200 block of West Franklin Street. A pressure washer valued at over $1,200 was reported stolen from a garage in the 1200 block of Thomas Avenue. The caller said it was from a "military sea lift com- mand." A caller from Kristi Court re- quested officer contact regarding the city's noise ordinance and mo- torcycles. MASON COUNTY JAIL POPULATION The Mason County Jail record- ed populations as follows during the past week: Wednesday 116, Thursday 117, Friday 115, Saturday 116, Sunday 116, Monday 115, Tuesday 117. MASON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Tuesday, May 8 Just after 3 a.m. Squaxin Island tribal officers received a report of three intoxicated people creating a disturbance at the southeast en- trance to Little Creek Casino. A caller from a place just over seven miles out East State Route 106, Union, reported the theft of copper outdoor lights. An altercation was reported be- tween two visitors at the Mason County Jail. Skokomish tribal officers re- ceived a report of a vehicle prowl on North Chasalt Lane. A theft was reported by a caller from North Salish Court. A caller from NE Sail Loft Court, Belfair, complained about off-road vehicles. A caller said someone urinated in the duct work at a construction site on East Mandy Lane and es- timated the cost to replace it at $1,ooo. Vandalism was reported at a baseball field at Foothills Park in Hoodsport. A 1985 Chevrolet Blazer was re- ported stolen from the Alderbrook area near Union. Wednesday, May 9 Fire District 2 responded at 12:32 p.m. to a report of a brush fire on NE Tahuya-Blacksmith Road. Vehicle vandalism was report- ed in a parking lot on East Vance Court. A caller from East Krabbenhoft Road, Grapeview, reported iden- tity theft. Squaxin Island officers received a report of vandalism at a resi- dence on SE T'Peeksin Lane. Burglaries were reported at res- idences about 1.8 miles out West Skokomish Valley Road, on SE Dogwood Place and on SE Bigham Court. Skokomish officers responded at about 2 p.m. to a report of three ju- veniles causing a disturbance in a parking lot at Lucky Dog Casino. Thursday, May 10 Break-ins at a garage about 3.6 miles out East Johns Prairie Road near Shelton and at a shed on property about 10 miles out NE North Shore Road, Tahuya, were reported. Vandalism to mailboxes on NE Collins Lake Drive, Tahuya, was reported. A red off-road vehicle was re- ported stolen from a place on West Loertscher Road and a caller from a place about eight miles out West Shelton-Matlock Road reported the theft of a dirt bike and an all- terrain vehicle. Vehicle vandalism at Lake Cushman was reported. A caller from East Piekering Road reported fraud. A caller reported a man on a bicycle trespassing at Hawkins Middle School in Belfair. Squaxin Island officers received a rePort of forgery at Kamilche Trading Post. A caller from West Fredson Road said a neighbor's ram broke through the caller's fence and charged the caller's son, injuring him. Friday, May 11 A caller from the 1700 block of SE Stewart Street reported ha- rassment. Vandalism to property at Star Lake in the west end of the county was reported. Residential burglaries on East Burgundy Road on Harstine Is- land and on West Loertscher Read near Shelton were reported. At 5:48 p.m. a caller reported a man and a woman having sex in the grass at the site of the former Up the Creek Restaurant on State Route 3 just outside the SheltCn city limits. Squaxin Island officers received a report of the theft of medication from a residence on SE Ko Loop. Saturday, May 12 Just before 3 a.m. SkokomiSb officers receive a report of va" dalism to a fence from a call@ on North Reservation Road. 11 caller said a large passenger - | hicle drove through the yard  | took out the fence. A break'ion  | a residence on North State Re | 106 was reported, i= A caller reported finding a  hiding in a barn about 1.6  | out SE Arcadia Road. --. I A caller from East Aloha li | near Shelton reported be' | threatened. | A caller from a place on way 101, Hoodsport, repO::l IlUnds finding an aluminum boat on P ! caller's beach. Squaxin Island officers t'::: a report of the theft of a m High'::: Dodge Stratus from a resid on SE Kaya Circle. The caller the vehicle, with Montana liter: plates, was warming up in driveway. Sunday, May 13 A caller from a place just © four miles out West Dayton port Road reported finding r= stray horses in the yard anl caller from a residence about miles out SE Lynch Road m three cows were loose in the An "aggressive" stray turkeY! East Aloha Lane was reported.: A chainsaw was reported st0J from a pickup truck on East  son Loop Road. Skokomish officers at 11:41 a.m. to a report of turbance at a residence on Skokomish Squaxin Island officers a report concerning the theft of a 1989 the parking garage at the A caller from East Trails Drive, Belfair, complained at p.m. about an all-terrain racing up and down the tween Tina Drive and a launch. ' Monday, May 14 Fire District 16 3:41 p.m. to a request investigation on West EellS Road. A caller from North School District reported graffiti all over the and on the walls Squaxin Island officers a report of two men behind the Kamilche Post. A caller reported the a credit card at the casino. p.m. a caller fireworks on S An electric sign board ported stolen from a site on NE State Route 3, A burglary at a residence five miles out West Read was reported. Skokomish tribal ceived a report being found on At 9:49 p.m. officers a report of a Reservation Road tance from Squaxin and county deputies. HIIIIIIIIIli I- Thurs High.. Low...i 00hill iii HEALTH] The following other food-handling ments were inspected month of April. Red which are high risk, are practices or procedures mote foodborne illness. cies in the high-risk required to be corrected set time. High-risk factors reinspected to ensure Repeat result in enforcement Blue or trois that when violated the addition of cals and physical items. Deficiencies in the area must be corrected bY routine inspection. According to an the county health number of red and its is not necessarily number of violations inspections are Mosley, an specialist, using the regulation and An example is posted on the MasOn Web page under health forms, to pag e 1,) (Please turn IIIIIIIIIIIii 00ournal' of_ cord MASON COUNTY DISTRICT COURT Judgments in Mason County District Court Judge Victoria Meadows' jurisdiction during the past week include: Driving under the influence: Rodney Russell Thelin, 8420 Homestead Avenue NE, Olympia, $1,503, 365 days, 230 suspended and $3,273 costs, and violation of interlock ignition device, no fine or jail time, and hit-and-run, attend- ed vehicle, 365 days suspended; Paul Enebrad, 910 Tahuya River Road, Tahuya, $1,231, 365 days, 364 suspended; Michael Stephen Deacon, 130 East Budd Drive, Shelton, two counts, $765, 365 days, 355 suspended and $4,246, 365 days, 275 suspended. Negligent driving: Loryna L. Desmarais, 6816 Lazy Street, Tumwater, first degree, $965, 90 days, 89 suspended; Stuart T. Mc- Comb, 1635 NW Hidden Place, Silverdale, first degree, $500, 90 days suspended, and driving with a suspended license, third degree, $150, 90 days suspended and $440 costs. Driving while license sus. pended or revoked: Shane M. Haddock, 4901 ll5th Street Count, Lakewood, third degree, $280, 90 days suspended; Rob- eft Lynn Whitney, 1932 Gregory Way, Bremerton, two counts third degree, $310, 90 days suspended on each count; Wayne P. Gamber, 21 North Twana Court, Shelton, ttird degree, $310, 90 days sus- pended, and speeding and no seat- belt, $192; Elizabeth A. Aitken, 650 North Lake Cushman Road, Hoodsport, third degree, $2,043, 90 days, 85 suspended, and use of drug paraphernalia, $539, 90 days suspended; Contessa A. Reem, 153 Summit Road, McCleary, third de- gree, $303,90 days suspended; Jodi L. Miller-Byerly,154 East Fox Run Lane, Grapeview, third degree, $303, 90 days suspended; Tony D• Capps, 14181 Frontier Drive NW, Silverdale, third degree, $253, 90 days suspended; Nickolas T. Rus- sell, 1405 C Street, Hoquiam, third degree, $233, 90 days suspended; Rock L. Erdahi, 10 East Snowcap Drive, Belfair, third degree, $253, 90 days suspended, and expired vehicle license and switched tabs, $388. No valid operator's license: Bermeta M. Montijo, 140 East Blevins Road, Shelton, $253, 90 days suspended. No liability insurance: David F. Middendorf, 2917 Martin Way East, Olympia, $538. Speeding: Angela I. Carraway, 1037 West Avenue, Port Orchard, in a school zone, $202. Other traffic offenses: Care- lyn A. Newton, 801 NW 17th Cir- cle, Battle Ground, no ignition in- terlock device, $253, 90 days sus- pended; Purdy Canyon Bark Sup- ply, 15250 North Highway 101, Shelton, over legal weight, $232. Unlawful fishing in the sec- ond degree: Jerry Diaz Circu- lade, 1111 Belfair-Tahuya Road, Belfair, fishing in closed area and no license, $218; Hugh Harding, 200 NE Emerald Canyon Road, Tahuya, over limit of shrimp, $109; Gary Lee Rousseau, 2020 Everett Avenue, Everett, fishing in closed waters, $200. No shellfish license: Vu Thang Huynh, 7114 North Pittsburg, Spokane, and over limit of oys- ters, $218; Lynn M. Hannah, 110 North Salish Court, Shelton, $303, 90 days, 89 suspended; Clemente Oscar Sorrosa, 8112 28th Avenue Court, Lakewood, and failure to shuck on beach, $163. Solid-waste violations: Van- da Janelle Baker, 170 East Rain- bow Drive, Shelton, failure to comply with order, excess hulk ve- hicles and over residential waste limit, $750• Obstructing an officer: Aaron Von Morgan, listed as transient, arrested in Belfair, $620,365 days, 355 suspended. SHELTON MUNICIPAL COURT Judgments in Shelton Munici- pal Court Judge Amber Finlay's jurisdiction during the past week include: Driving under the influence: Curtis James Drovdahl, 261 SE Craig Road, Shelton, 365 days, and driving while license suspend- ed, second degree, 365 days, no ignition interlock, 90 days; Adrian D. Bird Jr., 200 East North Lake Drive, Shelton, $1,159, 365 days, 364 suspended; James Burtran Rierson, 2151 East Crestview Drive, Shelton, $1,796, 365 days, 348 suspended, 17 days electronic home monitoring; Carmen C. Mo- rales, 14640 North Highway 101, Shelton, $685, 365 days, 364 sus- pended and 15 days on electronic home monitoring; Edvin Delmar Carrillo Gomez, 2020 Adams Street, Shelton, $1,259, 365 days, 364 suspended and 15 days on electronic home monitoring; Ja- mie D. Cuzick, 126 East C Street, Shelton, $450, 365 days, 230 sus- pended. Negligent driving: Christo- pher D. Homan, 508 South 16th Street, Shelton, first degree, $625, 90 days, 89 suspended. Shoplifting: Magdelano R. Perez, 240 SE T'Peeksin Lane, Shelton, $150; Thomas Eugene Peterson, 480 North Tribal Center Road, Shelton, $300. Minor in possession or con- sumption of alcohol: Richard Scott Browning, 627 Wyandotte Avenue, Shelton, $200, 365 days, 360 suspended, five days commu- nity service. Harassment: Miguel Angel Mejia Mendoza, transient, Shelton $500, 365 days suspended. MASON COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT Divorces Granted Thomas Frederick Howard Jr. and Laura E. Howard. Theresa Marie Sullivan and Daryan L. Sullivan. Karl Pennington and Robert Pennington. Cindy Eliza Dilk and Walter Scott Dilk. Johnnie Lynn Anderson and Al- fie Emil Anderson. Geneva Patricia Jordan and Timothy Lee Jordan. Kristy Lynn Petty and Richard Lee Petty. New Cases Susan J. Foster and Stephen A. Foster against Donald Daniels, tort motor vehicle. Kneeland Plaza One, Limited Liability Company, against Mer- rin Electronics, Limited Liability Company, Ron D. Merrin and Mi- cheUe D. Merrin, commercial. Bank of America against Mary J. Stansbury, commercial. Peter F. Pennock, Darlene C. Pennock and Ruth E. Wise against John Sale and Natasha Lawton, unlawful detainer. Washington State Department of Revenue, transcripts of judg- ment against Winnie M. Redler and Richard W. Redler; Sub and Sausage Factory, Limited Liabil- ity Company. Washington State Department of Revenue against Rick A. LaDue and Katrina A. LaDue, tax war- rant. Jason J. Pustek against Kevin Day, transcript of judgment. COUNTY BbIPERMI New COltructi0a over $5,000, shoreline vork and other major projects receiving permits during the past week include: : Patrick Brennan, 40i East Sch- neider Road, Shelton, residence, $188,554.50; Shae Klusman, 186 East Hardings Hill Road, Allyn, residence, $163,432.05; Lynn Constantineau-Marsden, 80 East Merlot, Shelton, residence, $170,526.10; William Beisley, 3780 NE North Shore Read, Belfair, residence, $161,120.35; Barbara Acuna, 31 East Victor Ridge Road, Belfair, decks, $8,440.50; Sherry Smith, 4550 SE Arcadia Road, Shelton, addition, $70,744.40; Robert Cleveland, 150 West Mey- enburg Drive, Shelton, addition, $74,460; Scott Eichhorn, 21 East Wrangler Ridge Road, Union, residence, $251,798.80; Rod Over- land, 1970 East Mason Lake Drive West, Grapeview, garage, $60,078; Elk Mountain Enterprises, Lim- ited Liability Company, 4929 SE Lynch Road, Shelton, residence, $221,285.60; Marilyn Isaacson, 1491 East Mason Lake Drive East, Grapeview, dock, $7,114.50; Cor- nerstone Trade and Development, 330 East Pinedirosa Road, Union, garage, $15,810. Also: Ethelwyn Hoffman, 1261 East Mason Lake Drive East, Grapeview, pilings and dock, $12,333; Scott McIlrath, 41 East Cougar Lane North, Shelton, ga- rage, $87,153.80; Karl Westby, 2604 East Phillips Lake Loop Read, Shelton, foundation repair, $65,487.80; Jimmy Lewis, 786 NE Toonerville Drive, Belfair, resi- dence, $186,713.70; R.F. Brockm- ueller, 41 East Country Club Drive West, Union, addition, $19,637; John and Mi Humphries, 501 East Harstine Heights Lane, Shelton, residence, $169,831.20; Michael McArthur, 61 East Scott Drive, Page 20 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 17, 2007 Shelton, boat house, $26,560.80; Mark McGlothlin, 2150 SE Cres- cent Drive, Shelton, storage build- ing and retaining wall, $29,815.30; John Acocks, 111 West Olym- pic View Drive, Shelton, shop, $84,648.20; Richard Olander, 80 East Harley Drive, Grapeview, ga- rage, $23,477.85. No value was listed for the fol- lowing projects: Doug Lindbo, 421 East Christain Lane, Shelton, demolition; Ed Eng- lish, 81 East Cloud Place, Shelton, manufactured home; Tom Lee, 161 East Elk Place, Shelton, manufac- tured home; Lake Limerick Coun- try Club, 790 East Saint Andrews Drive, Shelton, exhaust hood; Port of Shelton, 400 West Enterprise Road, Shelton, demolition. SHELTON POLICE Tuesday, May 8 A break-in was reported at one of the portable classroom buildings at Bordeaux Elementary School. Detectives received a report of an attempted rape. At 10:51 a.m. a caller com- plained about noise in the 300 block of South Fifth Street. A vehicle prowl was reported in the 500 block of West Seattle Av- enue. Wednesday, May 9 Vehicle prowls were reported in the 1500 block of Olympic High- way North and the 900 block of Ellinor Avenue. A caller from the 1900 block of Summit Drive re- ported damage to several vehicles. A residential burglary was re- ported in the 1600 block of Ridge Road. Detectives received two forgery complaints. A caller from the 400 block of South Seventh Street reported receiving threats over the tele- phone. A caller complained about dirt bikes on Hemlock Street. Thursday, May 10 Just after 1 a.m. a caller from Mason General Hospital request- ed officer assistance with a patient who was causing problems. A 1991 Acura was reported sto- len from the 1700 block of Holman Street. At 7:36 p.m. a caller from Bev- erly Boulevard complained about motorcycles and quads "spinning around and throwing gravel doing donuts." At 10 p.m., a caller reported a prowler in the 1000 block of May Street. About half an hour later, a caller reported hearing a car alarm go off in the neighborhood. Friday, May 11 Police responded at 11:25 a.m. to a report of a disturbance at the homeless shelter in the 200 block of North First Street. A caller from Shelton High School filed a firearms complaint. Trespassing at Oakland Bay Junior High School was reported. Just after 8 p.m. officers re- spending to a report of a distur- bance involving about 10 juveniles at the intersection of West D and Madison streets requested assis- tance from deputies. A disturbance was reported in the t00 block of South First Street at/t0:33 p.m. and 10 minutes lat- er a caller reported a fight inside Safeway. A caller from the hospital said a woman was trying to obtain nar- cotics and requested police assis- tance. Saturday, May 12 Officers responding at 1:22 a.m. to a report of a disturbance at Evergreen Square on Railroad Avenue requested assistance from deputies. At 3:27 a.m. a caller from the hospital requested police assis- tance with an "aggressive" male in the emergency room. A caller complained about a quad runner in the 400 block of East E Street. Disturbances at businesses in the 900 block of Olympic Highway South and the 2900 block of Olym- pic Highway North were reported. Just after 8 p.m. a fight in the 900 block of May Avenue involving six males was reported. At 9:26 p.m. a caller complained about an ongoing problem with noise in the 3000 block of Johns Prairie Road. Sunday, May 13 At disturbance in the 200 block of North First Street was reported at 1:20 a.m. Beer and meat were reported stolen from the smokehouse at The 50s Diner on Railroad Avenue. The caller said a lock had been cut offa door to gain entry. Monday, May 14 A white 1990 Honda Prelude was reported stolen from the 1200 block of West Franklin Street. A pressure washer valued at over $1,200 was reported stolen from a garage in the 1200 block of Thomas Avenue. The caller said it was from a "military sea lift com- mand." A caller from Kristi Court re- quested officer contact regarding the city's noise ordinance and mo- torcycles. MASON COUNTY JAIL POPULATION The Mason County Jail record- ed populations as follows during the past week: Wednesday 116, Thursday 117, Friday 115, Saturday 116, Sunday 116, Monday 115, Tuesday 117. MASON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Tuesday, May 8 Just after 3 a.m. Squaxin Island tribal officers received a report of three intoxicated people creating a disturbance at the southeast en- trance to Little Creek Casino. A caller from a place just over seven miles out East State Route 106, Union, reported the theft of copper outdoor lights. An altercation was reported be- tween two visitors at the Mason County Jail. Skokomish tribal officers re- ceived a report of a vehicle prowl on North Chasalt Lane. A theft was reported by a caller from North Salish Court. A caller from NE Sail Loft Court, Belfair, complained about off-road vehicles. A caller said someone urinated in the duct work at a construction site on East Mandy Lane and es- timated the cost to replace it at $1,ooo. Vandalism was reported at a baseball field at Foothills Park in Hoodsport. A 1985 Chevrolet Blazer was re- ported stolen from the Alderbrook area near Union. Wednesday, May 9 Fire District 2 responded at 12:32 p.m. to a report of a brush fire on NE Tahuya-Blacksmith Road. Vehicle vandalism was report- ed in a parking lot on East Vance Court. A caller from East Krabbenhoft Road, Grapeview, reported iden- tity theft. Squaxin Island officers received a report of vandalism at a resi- dence on SE T'Peeksin Lane. Burglaries were reported at res- idences about 1.8 miles out West Skokomish Valley Road, on SE Dogwood Place and on SE Bigham Court. Skokomish officers responded at about 2 p.m. to a report of three ju- veniles causing a disturbance in a parking lot at Lucky Dog Casino. Thursday, May 10 Break-ins at a garage about 3.6 miles out East Johns Prairie Road near Shelton and at a shed on property about 10 miles out NE North Shore Road, Tahuya, were reported. Vandalism to mailboxes on NE Collins Lake Drive, Tahuya, was reported. A red off-road vehicle was re- ported stolen from a place on West Loertscher Road and a caller from a place about eight miles out West Shelton-Matlock Road reported the theft of a dirt bike and an all- terrain vehicle. Vehicle vandalism at Lake Cushman was reported. A caller from East Piekering Road reported fraud. A caller reported a man on a bicycle trespassing at Hawkins Middle School in Belfair. Squaxin Island officers received a rePort of forgery at Kamilche Trading Post. A caller from West Fredson Road said a neighbor's ram broke through the caller's fence and charged the caller's son, injuring him. Friday, May 11 A caller from the 1700 block of SE Stewart Street reported ha- rassment. Vandalism to property at Star Lake in the west end of the county was reported. Residential burglaries on East Burgundy Road on Harstine Is- land and on West Loertscher Read near Shelton were reported. At 5:48 p.m. a caller reported a man and a woman having sex in the grass at the site of the former Up the Creek Restaurant on State Route 3 just outside the SheltCn city limits. Squaxin Island officers received a report of the theft of medication from a residence on SE Ko Loop. Saturday, May 12 Just before 3 a.m. SkokomiSb officers receive a report of va" dalism to a fence from a call@ on North Reservation Road. 11 caller said a large passenger - | hicle drove through the yard  | took out the fence. A break'ion  | a residence on North State Re | 106 was reported, i= A caller reported finding a  hiding in a barn about 1.6  | out SE Arcadia Road. --. I A caller from East Aloha li | near Shelton reported be' | threatened. | A caller from a place on way 101, Hoodsport, repO::l IlUnds finding an aluminum boat on P ! caller's beach. Squaxin Island officers t'::: a report of the theft of a m High'::: Dodge Stratus from a resid on SE Kaya Circle. The caller the vehicle, with Montana liter: plates, was warming up in driveway. Sunday, May 13 A caller from a place just © four miles out West Dayton port Road reported finding r= stray horses in the yard anl caller from a residence about miles out SE Lynch Road m three cows were loose in the An "aggressive" stray turkeY! East Aloha Lane was reported.: A chainsaw was reported st0J from a pickup truck on East  son Loop Road. Skokomish officers at 11:41 a.m. to a report of turbance at a residence on Skokomish Squaxin Island officers a report concerning the theft of a 1989 the parking garage at the A caller from East Trails Drive, Belfair, complained at p.m. about an all-terrain racing up and down the tween Tina Drive and a launch. ' Monday, May 14 Fire District 16 3:41 p.m. to a request investigation on West EellS Road. A caller from North School District reported graffiti all over the and on the walls Squaxin Island officers a report of two men behind the Kamilche Post. A caller reported the a credit card at the casino. p.m. a caller fireworks on S An electric sign board ported stolen from a site on NE State Route 3, A burglary at a residence five miles out West Read was reported. Skokomish tribal ceived a report being found on At 9:49 p.m. officers a report of a Reservation Road tance from Squaxin and county deputies. HIIIIIIIIIli I- Thurs High.. Low...i 00hill iii HEALTH] The following other food-handling ments were inspected month of April. Red which are high risk, are practices or procedures mote foodborne illness. cies in the high-risk required to be corrected set time. High-risk factors reinspected to ensure Repeat result in enforcement Blue or trois that when violated the addition of cals and physical items. Deficiencies in the area must be corrected bY routine inspection. According to an the county health number of red and its is not necessarily number of violations inspections are Mosley, an specialist, using the regulation and An example is posted on the MasOn Web page under health forms, to pag e 1,) (Please turn IIIIIIIIIIIii