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CLIMBER TRACK & FIELD: In front from left are Chelsie Uffelmann,
Rachel Fennel, Charissa Moran, Kim Yates, Alexan Ehrich, Kassi Profitt,
Dan Paine, Emma Crateau, Sarah Brownstein, Kalea Christensen and
Landon Vogel. Second row: Breana Chavez, Huston Tschirhart, Isaac
Garfias, Aunika Frazier, A.J. Boudia, Kay Fitch, Leah Langdon, Kyle Bur-
bridge, Alex Padgett, Vance Creekpaum, Simeon Mease, Erin Ranney,
Lauren Smith and Ally Ducker. Third row: Charles Langdon, Alan Ray,
Luke Deakins, assistant coach Vern Johnson, assistant coach Cathy Cole,
assistant coach Chris Nesmith, associate coach Mike Fox, head coat#
Doug Sells, assistant coach Daryl White, assistant coach Peter o'Nei
assistant coach John Sells, Ian Hastings, Cody Van Sickle and Step h.e
Burns. Back: Jonathan Van Rossum, Jacob Hanes, Westin Chavez, o
rett Sullivan, Jake Delaney, Zack Ball, Gabe Shoemaker, Bryan Cl
Luke Endicott, Nolan Sadlier, Chad Chapman and Luke Pittman. 1N
pictured: Adam Spurling, Derek Ranney, Tom Malysch.
Tennis girls belie their age in postseaso00
.... overall, play her again for the alte
spot and decided not to play
The girls of Climber tennis ney were junior
went six strong to the league doubles partners
tournament last week at Clo- Tori Peckham
ver Park, and despite being the and Sydnee Put-
youngest bunch in the entire vin and singles
competition they made off with player Alyssa
a pair of" first-alternate berths Smith, also a
at district, junior.
First in line in the event of
a default, having earned that
distinction by virtue of respective
fifth-place finishes in the league
showdown, are the Climbers' #1
doubles tandem of juniors Maris-
sa Hill and Kaitlin "Katie" Smith
and their first-singles classmate,
Brynna Fuller.
Also representing the Climb-
ers in the postseason's first tour-
Coached once
again by veterans
John Perry and
Dann "G Man"
Gagnon, the
Climbers fash-
ioned a 7-5 record
in this their first
season in the 3A THE CLIMBER RACQUETEERS pose at the league tourney last
Western Cascade week. From left are assistant coach Dann Gagnon, Tori Peck-
Conference. They ham, Katie Smith, Brynna Fuller, Alyssa Smith, Marissa Hill,
finished fourth Sydnee Putvin and coach John Perry.
Here's Coach
Perry's take on
his girls' post-
season flourish:
"We had a
great tourna-
ment," he said.
"All the girls
fought hard un-
til the end."
Brynna, he
noted, beat
undefeated #2,
Kayleen Tabil,
in a "tough, long
match. The girl
actually had to
"Alyssa had a great tourneY
our #2 singles player after hav
ing no singles experience d
the year. She finished eighth.
"Doubles also played .e
Hill and Smith, our #1, knocl
off the same team that b
beat them the day before. 0.
#2 team, Peckham and putv,
had a tough draw, losing o1!
the eventual #2- and #3.plat
doubles teams.
So we had a strong shOVh e
and were the only school in
tourney without any seniorS'
next year looks good."
(Contmd from page 23,)
we.hate2em hype.
But how %out Shelten's young
linkladies? Do they believe it?
"Well.ll," volunteered fourth-
showdown, by the way, it certainly
like, basket- wasn't without drama. Coach de.
the basketball scribed it:
"Goin' into that match," she
said, "they'd scored 122 and our
people best was 120,
'em and knew we were gonna match up
us. It s not that. It s and it was gonna be tight.
"And these girls"- she gestured
around her there at the Bayshore
i athletics,
and we're really good in athlet-
squared off
little more." laughter all around.
Coach Martinson
Climbers put together thei best didn't alter her
it's like if
Kristi pretended .to
types wore
ris;i, she continued
about it. But over-
make me hit
laughed. "And
• "That HURTS.,
conference table -"they went in
with confidence. They 'showed up.'
They looked good: Their shoul-. "
ders were up; their heads were up.
They were laughin' and havin' a
good time.
"And I think to show that uni-
ty was really important. It was a
very important step for us - to say,
'Okay: We're here.'"
"And it's just nice," put in vet,
eran Kristi, "t' go to a golf course
and, like, actually see the other•
team watching you
something - or seeing
kinda dressed the same - and
kinda being a little intimidated
and stuff-"
She cut herself off. "I mean, WE
were intimidated too," she said.
"Cuz they were our big rival. But
you could tell we weren't, like, a
oke' to them. They knew that
they had to beat us, too."
put in
he secret to their teamwise of her teammates.
success? Oh,
assured Ksenia, the
eah, they
like we
"But I think we just relaxed a little in
more. And Caral helped me a lot on '
some people can go out there and planted Russian and team cap-
just feel that they're doing this, rain.
WEwe e
intimidated t o
• ' ql 0
"Like, me and Caral ',
most of the time
at each
and some people can see that
. throughout the rounds.
osea "So I think 1
toa "thinker? - like,
The senior blurted another works."
shesaid, : And my
a lot of these
"You do
cause if
to find :-
- thanks in large
whose folks
"PJ's ."
, want to
She paused long enough to let her
" P
teammates chorus in laughter. I,
" offered like, was e're not THINKERS?.
: hurt and
came indignation. Again, was
about the game that so
vates her? Besides
with them
Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 17, 2007
CLIMBER TRACK & FIELD: In front from left are Chelsie Uffelmann,
Rachel Fennel, Charissa Moran, Kim Yates, Alexan Ehrich, Kassi Profitt,
Dan Paine, Emma Crateau, Sarah Brownstein, Kalea Christensen and
Landon Vogel. Second row: Breana Chavez, Huston Tschirhart, Isaac
Garfias, Aunika Frazier, A.J. Boudia, Kay Fitch, Leah Langdon, Kyle Bur-
bridge, Alex Padgett, Vance Creekpaum, Simeon Mease, Erin Ranney,
Lauren Smith and Ally Ducker. Third row: Charles Langdon, Alan Ray,
Luke Deakins, assistant coach Vern Johnson, assistant coach Cathy Cole,
assistant coach Chris Nesmith, associate coach Mike Fox, head coat#
Doug Sells, assistant coach Daryl White, assistant coach Peter o'Nei
assistant coach John Sells, Ian Hastings, Cody Van Sickle and Step h.e
Burns. Back: Jonathan Van Rossum, Jacob Hanes, Westin Chavez, o
rett Sullivan, Jake Delaney, Zack Ball, Gabe Shoemaker, Bryan Cl
Luke Endicott, Nolan Sadlier, Chad Chapman and Luke Pittman. 1N
pictured: Adam Spurling, Derek Ranney, Tom Malysch.
Tennis girls belie their age in postseaso00
.... overall, play her again for the alte
spot and decided not to play
The girls of Climber tennis ney were junior
went six strong to the league doubles partners
tournament last week at Clo- Tori Peckham
ver Park, and despite being the and Sydnee Put-
youngest bunch in the entire vin and singles
competition they made off with player Alyssa
a pair of" first-alternate berths Smith, also a
at district, junior.
First in line in the event of
a default, having earned that
distinction by virtue of respective
fifth-place finishes in the league
showdown, are the Climbers' #1
doubles tandem of juniors Maris-
sa Hill and Kaitlin "Katie" Smith
and their first-singles classmate,
Brynna Fuller.
Also representing the Climb-
ers in the postseason's first tour-
Coached once
again by veterans
John Perry and
Dann "G Man"
Gagnon, the
Climbers fash-
ioned a 7-5 record
in this their first
season in the 3A THE CLIMBER RACQUETEERS pose at the league tourney last
Western Cascade week. From left are assistant coach Dann Gagnon, Tori Peck-
Conference. They ham, Katie Smith, Brynna Fuller, Alyssa Smith, Marissa Hill,
finished fourth Sydnee Putvin and coach John Perry.
Here's Coach
Perry's take on
his girls' post-
season flourish:
"We had a
great tourna-
ment," he said.
"All the girls
fought hard un-
til the end."
Brynna, he
noted, beat
undefeated #2,
Kayleen Tabil,
in a "tough, long
match. The girl
actually had to
"Alyssa had a great tourneY
our #2 singles player after hav
ing no singles experience d
the year. She finished eighth.
"Doubles also played .e
Hill and Smith, our #1, knocl
off the same team that b
beat them the day before. 0.
#2 team, Peckham and putv,
had a tough draw, losing o1!
the eventual #2- and #3.plat
doubles teams.
So we had a strong shOVh e
and were the only school in
tourney without any seniorS'
next year looks good."
(Contmd from page 23,)
we.hate2em hype.
But how %out Shelten's young
linkladies? Do they believe it?
"Well.ll," volunteered fourth-
showdown, by the way, it certainly
like, basket- wasn't without drama. Coach de.
the basketball scribed it:
"Goin' into that match," she
said, "they'd scored 122 and our
people best was 120,
'em and knew we were gonna match up
us. It s not that. It s and it was gonna be tight.
"And these girls"- she gestured
around her there at the Bayshore
i athletics,
and we're really good in athlet-
squared off
little more." laughter all around.
Coach Martinson
Climbers put together thei best didn't alter her
it's like if
Kristi pretended .to
types wore
ris;i, she continued
about it. But over-
make me hit
laughed. "And
• "That HURTS.,
conference table -"they went in
with confidence. They 'showed up.'
They looked good: Their shoul-. "
ders were up; their heads were up.
They were laughin' and havin' a
good time.
"And I think to show that uni-
ty was really important. It was a
very important step for us - to say,
'Okay: We're here.'"
"And it's just nice," put in vet,
eran Kristi, "t' go to a golf course
and, like, actually see the other•
team watching you
something - or seeing
kinda dressed the same - and
kinda being a little intimidated
and stuff-"
She cut herself off. "I mean, WE
were intimidated too," she said.
"Cuz they were our big rival. But
you could tell we weren't, like, a
oke' to them. They knew that
they had to beat us, too."
put in
he secret to their teamwise of her teammates.
success? Oh,
assured Ksenia, the
eah, they
like we
"But I think we just relaxed a little in
more. And Caral helped me a lot on '
some people can go out there and planted Russian and team cap-
just feel that they're doing this, rain.
WEwe e
intimidated t o
• ' ql 0
"Like, me and Caral ',
most of the time
at each
and some people can see that
. throughout the rounds.
osea "So I think 1
toa "thinker? - like,
The senior blurted another works."
shesaid, : And my
a lot of these
"You do
cause if
to find :-
- thanks in large
whose folks
"PJ's ."
, want to
She paused long enough to let her
" P
teammates chorus in laughter. I,
" offered like, was e're not THINKERS?.
: hurt and
came indignation. Again, was
about the game that so
vates her? Besides
with them
Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 17, 2007