May 17, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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New fire truck tackles brush blaze
Fire District 5 has a new fire
truck to help its citizens. The
truck is both a fire, pumper and
water tender combined to what
firefighters call a "tactical ten-
The truck arrived on time the
first week of May to go into ser-
vice for the this year's wildland-
brush fire season and serve the
needs of fire emergencies in Fire
District 5 and Mason County.
Manufactured in Georgia, the
truck was driven to Mason Coun-
ty by two volunteer department
members. It is the first new fire-
fighting truck the department
has purchased in 20 years.
Taxpayers in the fire district
approved a property tax lid lift
in 2006. District officials said
then the funds would allow for
new fire equipment for the dis-
trict and the department is buy-
ing new equipment with those
The first equipment purchase
in 2006 bought a new medic
unit and now the new fire truck,
which is part at'the department's
apparatus replacement plan.
The average age of fire trucks
in Fire District 5 is 28 years
and department personnel are
welcoming the upgrading of the
The tender is more than a
"water tanker," a term from
older days. The unit is a tacti-
cal tender, which has both the
features of a fire engine and wa-
ter tender. It is also known as
a pumper-tender, which has a
larger tirefighting pump, such
as those of a fire engine, and a
large water tank, such as that
of a water tender, combined on
one unit.
The truck also features a com-
pressed air tbam system and
firefighters can apply firefight-
ing tbam to the water to make it
more eflbctive at extinguishing
fires. That feature will also in-
crease the wildland tirefighting
capability of the unit.
100th shawl and holds a
baby blanket.
Shawl circle
00Lakes lOOth
Prayerful gift
The Shawl Ministry of Mason
County recently passed the centu-
.l aark when its 100th shawl was
essed at Shelton United Method-
t Church.
Carmen Hartill was instrumen-
tal in establishing the group with
Other knitters and crocheters.
They started by making shawls
and have expanded their efforts
to include baby blankets and lap
robes. Each item is started with
rayer for the recipient and, when
shed, blessed and presented to
PeOple experiencing sorrow, joy
and life changes.
_ Items have also been donated to
raing Pointe Domestic Violence
rVices and other local groups.
tirYone who is interested in par-
[lCi.Pating is welcome, including
glnrers who would like to learn
to knit or crochet.
• For more information, call the
ehttrch at 426-4174.
biner picks new
and wants
, wine permit
.... New management of 508 Diner
applied for a license to sell
and wine in a restaurant set-
at 506 West Railroad Avenue
business as Light Gour-
Incorporated, Lee Clifford
lied for a license currently
by Max, Incorporated. He is
the name of the estab-
to 50s Diner BBQ and
County recently took a
of no objection to two li-
applications in Shelton: one
beer and wine at Kobe Teri-
118 West Alder Street, and
sell beer, wine and spir-
at Town Pub & Dell, 130 West
wanting to comment on
made by 508 Diner
the Regulatory Ser-
Division, Washington State
Control Board, 3000 Pa-
Avenue SE, P.O. Box 43098,
98504-3098. The phone is
Hood Canal
• May 21-25
0NDAY: Breakfast: Hot pocket,
.R, juice, milk. Lunch: Cheese pizza,
"Ued veg ies inea le tidbits fruit
"-u- g "' p PP "
1,1a E P, milk.
t%_.SDAY: Breakfast: Cold cereal,
b:. t, fruit, iuice, milk I unch" Chix
Ita Wra
p, rice pdaf, corn, applesauce,
,. olate chip cookie, milk
I¢v r "
bflDNESDAY • Breakfast" Cheese
qgel f • • . " • ' "
gt- ' rult, lmce mdk. Lunch: Turkey
1' y OVer mashed potatoes, buttered
," Seasoned reen beans, s ice cake,
lk. g P
trI'IRSDAY: Breakfast: Breakfast
SalnO pmpy, ' ... :
% DAY: Breakfast: Pancake, sausage
ar. Stick, fruit, juice, milk. Lunch:
b, to with sauce, corn, peaches, juice
-, milk.
, Hoodsport
341 Hwy. 101 • 877-5272
S S aI-Wond Edge Ply
2 Plies Polyester Casing
! 206/7011-18 164.10 195/80H18 215/90HR-17 172,21 225P'-OVR-18 187.42
216/701"R-18 107.18 186410VIR-lS 110.8] '5/l10Nfl-17 178.38 208DVIb17XL174.WI
1MIWI18 167.06 218NiOHR-115 104.78 2'k6WIR.18 227.08 216/6OVR-17XL190.14
ImSAHfflq.l§ 110.07 218/00Tl1-18 118.53 205/58iHlfl-18 138.52 225/50ZIR-17 297.73
-18 118.78 R-16 139.69 -16 138.91 R.17 207.00
206/UTR.16 137.88 316180TR.18 1M.81 215/65VR.17 193.75 246/60VR-18 263.91
HO/ImTll-18 130.07 lfmflR-16 148.2 '17 107.0 Z36/,4SZ.17 186,57
33HiHUlR.18 1.07 /OOTR-18 143.17 226/1VR-17 109,68 255/46VR-17 205,68
235WTP.-18 167,118 228/HW1.16 143.98 236/HHm-17 18.D0 245,/45VR.18 255,93
15mTl!.17 176.75 23,MlOfl-1| 148.21 286TR-18 215.08
P236/7s,q.15 8 71.2(
P'245/TStm.16 B 81.02
L1215[IM.15 C 73.74
L.16 C 78,50
LM-16BW D 62.80
LT348SR.16 E 01.80
LT256flQR-16 C 96.67
LT238M-168W E 91.34
SM,60n-15 C U.
31/10.SWl-l§ C 80.76
HBWle m J /nt Manager Truck Service Alignment & kGrmed oies e, rv,ce ees . erv,ce a!es • e,ce :les & :'vi¢e Soles & Service Soles & Service Safes & Servioe
Monaoer /mintMenooe ''' s •ll .mb,a i ,minmimii mmm.,,,, __
• .o=,,,,,.,.,,•,,,,o dl00l"00 ,,
• illegal i I I " BUKi6 Olympic Gateway Shopping Center, Shelton I
I il I ..oo.,.
" BATTEIWIEE Mon-Fri 8 a.m.-6 p.m. - Sat 8 a.rn.-5 p.m.
BI So ss & Service Soles & Service aes P. erv¢e • v v I m"W'"llP' i
Thursday, May 7, 2007 - Seffon-Mason Gounty Journal - Pao 3"1
New fire truck tackles brush blaze
Fire District 5 has a new fire
truck to help its citizens. The
truck is both a fire, pumper and
water tender combined to what
firefighters call a "tactical ten-
The truck arrived on time the
first week of May to go into ser-
vice for the this year's wildland-
brush fire season and serve the
needs of fire emergencies in Fire
District 5 and Mason County.
Manufactured in Georgia, the
truck was driven to Mason Coun-
ty by two volunteer department
members. It is the first new fire-
fighting truck the department
has purchased in 20 years.
Taxpayers in the fire district
approved a property tax lid lift
in 2006. District officials said
then the funds would allow for
new fire equipment for the dis-
trict and the department is buy-
ing new equipment with those
The first equipment purchase
in 2006 bought a new medic
unit and now the new fire truck,
which is part at'the department's
apparatus replacement plan.
The average age of fire trucks
in Fire District 5 is 28 years
and department personnel are
welcoming the upgrading of the
The tender is more than a
"water tanker," a term from
older days. The unit is a tacti-
cal tender, which has both the
features of a fire engine and wa-
ter tender. It is also known as
a pumper-tender, which has a
larger tirefighting pump, such
as those of a fire engine, and a
large water tank, such as that
of a water tender, combined on
one unit.
The truck also features a com-
pressed air tbam system and
firefighters can apply firefight-
ing tbam to the water to make it
more eflbctive at extinguishing
fires. That feature will also in-
crease the wildland tirefighting
capability of the unit.
100th shawl and holds a
baby blanket.
Shawl circle
00Lakes lOOth
Prayerful gift
The Shawl Ministry of Mason
County recently passed the centu-
.l aark when its 100th shawl was
essed at Shelton United Method-
t Church.
Carmen Hartill was instrumen-
tal in establishing the group with
Other knitters and crocheters.
They started by making shawls
and have expanded their efforts
to include baby blankets and lap
robes. Each item is started with
rayer for the recipient and, when
shed, blessed and presented to
PeOple experiencing sorrow, joy
and life changes.
_ Items have also been donated to
raing Pointe Domestic Violence
rVices and other local groups.
tirYone who is interested in par-
[lCi.Pating is welcome, including
glnrers who would like to learn
to knit or crochet.
• For more information, call the
ehttrch at 426-4174.
biner picks new
and wants
, wine permit
.... New management of 508 Diner
applied for a license to sell
and wine in a restaurant set-
at 506 West Railroad Avenue
business as Light Gour-
Incorporated, Lee Clifford
lied for a license currently
by Max, Incorporated. He is
the name of the estab-
to 50s Diner BBQ and
County recently took a
of no objection to two li-
applications in Shelton: one
beer and wine at Kobe Teri-
118 West Alder Street, and
sell beer, wine and spir-
at Town Pub & Dell, 130 West
wanting to comment on
made by 508 Diner
the Regulatory Ser-
Division, Washington State
Control Board, 3000 Pa-
Avenue SE, P.O. Box 43098,
98504-3098. The phone is
Hood Canal
• May 21-25
0NDAY: Breakfast: Hot pocket,
.R, juice, milk. Lunch: Cheese pizza,
"Ued veg ies inea le tidbits fruit
"-u- g "' p PP "
1,1a E P, milk.
t%_.SDAY: Breakfast: Cold cereal,
b:. t, fruit, iuice, milk Iunch" Chix
Ita Wra
p, rice pdaf, corn, applesauce,
,. olate chip cookie, milk
I¢v r "
bflDNESDAY • Breakfast" Cheese
qgel f • • . " • ' "
gt- ' rult, lmce mdk. Lunch: Turkey
1' y OVer mashed potatoes, buttered
," Seasoned reen beans, s ice cake,
lk. g P
trI'IRSDAY: Breakfast: Breakfast
SalnO pmpy, ' ... :
% DAY: Breakfast: Pancake, sausage
ar. Stick, fruit, juice, milk. Lunch:
b, to with sauce, corn, peaches, juice
-, milk.
, Hoodsport
341 Hwy. 101 • 877-5272
S S aI-Wond Edge Ply
2 Plies Polyester Casing
! 206/7011-18 164.10 195/80H18 215/90HR-17 172,21 225P'-OVR-18 187.42
216/701"R-18 107.18 186410VIR-lS 110.8] '5/l10Nfl-17 178.38 208DVIb17XL174.WI
1MIWI18 167.06 218NiOHR-115 104.78 2'k6WIR.18 227.08 216/6OVR-17XL190.14
ImSAHfflq.l§ 110.07 218/00Tl1-18 118.53 205/58iHlfl-18 138.52 225/50ZIR-17 297.73
-18 118.78 R-16 139.69 -16 138.91 R.17 207.00
206/UTR.16 137.88 316180TR.18 1M.81 215/65VR.17 193.75 246/60VR-18 263.91
HO/ImTll-18 130.07 lfmflR-16 148.2 '17 107.0 Z36/,4SZ.17 186,57
33HiHUlR.18 1.07 /OOTR-18 143.17 226/1VR-17 109,68 255/46VR-17 205,68
235WTP.-18 167,118 228/HW1.16 143.98 236/HHm-17 18.D0 245,/45VR.18 255,93
15mTl!.17 176.75 23,MlOfl-1| 148.21 286TR-18 215.08
P236/7s,q.15 8 71.2(
P'245/TStm.16 B 81.02
L1215[IM.15 C 73.74
L.16 C 78,50
LM-16BW D 62.80
LT348SR.16 E 01.80
LT256flQR-16 C 96.67
LT238M-168W E 91.34
SM,60n-15 C U.
31/10.SWl-l§ C 80.76
HBWle m J /nt Manager Truck Service Alignment & kGrmed oies e, rv,ce ees . erv,ce a!es • e,ce :les & :'vi¢e Soles & Service Soles & Service Safes & Servioe
Monaoer /mintMenooe ''' s •ll .mb,a i ,minmimii mmm.,,,, __
• .o=,,,,,.,.,,•,,,,o dl00l"00 ,,
• illegal i I I " BUKi6 Olympic Gateway Shopping Center, Shelton I
I il I ..oo.,.
" BATTEIWIEE Mon-Fri 8 a.m.-6 p.m. - Sat 8 a.rn.-5 p.m.
BI So ss & Service Soles & Service aes P. erv¢e • v v I m"W'"llP' i
Thursday, May 7, 2007 - Seffon-Mason Gounty Journal - Pao 3"1