May 17, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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CLASSIFIED "is words or less-- S6S0 ,Classified deadline- 2 p.m. Tuesday
10 cents for each additional word over 15 Classified display -- 5 p.m. Monday
RATES Four insertions for the price of three Cancellation deadline -- 2 p.m. Tuesday
(3so) 426-4412
to Place Ad
In multiple Insertion ads,
The Journal will be responsible
for errors in the first
Insertion only.
20 GALLON Terranium am-pm heating
lamp, pad, humidity and temperature
gauges, mist decor. $85 aBe. (360)
402-7743. L5/i 7
75-5357. 7-24
KENNEDY MACHINIST rollaway, mid-
dle box, top box and all tools, $2,500.
C, raftsman wet/dry vac 16 gallon, $30
Skil saw extra blades' $25. 20' exten-
=on ladcler, aluminum, $30. 8' alumi-
num stepladder, $20. Lawnmower,
-'sT'propelled $20 Barbecue, Kenmore
Elite 4-burnerl $20() Pipe threading set,
chet, six sizes, $30. Patio table, glass
4’7,' 4 chairs, umbrella with stand, $60.
/ Panasonic HD TV, $480. King-size
lander Thermapeutic pillow-top with
.1- tal headboard and frame, $400. (360)
,WINTER Tracs studded P215/75R-
", mounted, Ford Ranger, very good,
5. 4 195/60R-15, mounted, studded,
,,,Ford Escort, like new, $150. (360)
2. F5/17-24
.(K BUNKBED with built-in dresser,
., drawers, and shelves in good con-
.,",, $500. Nine drawer vanity dresser
n large mirror, barely used, $700.
L-" E FIREWOOD fir, in rounds. You
[41Ul ASAP (360) ,'26-9621 (360) 490-
LADY OF the Lake (1085 E. Picketing
Rd. across from Spencer Lake Resort
- open Friday-Monday 10 a.m.-5 p.m./
accepts VlSA/MC - (360) 426-8632) cel-
ebrates May with her "Chico de Mayo"
sale (5/4-7) - 25% off all Chico fashions,
handbags and jewelry! And following
that (5/11-14) a "Pamper Mom Sale" fea-
turing spring hats and sandals, custom
and antique jewelry, rare books, candles
and bath products, stained glass, copper
sculpture, fine apparel, floral arrange-
ments, yard art, wicker, patio furniture,
fountains and so much morel During
that weekend (5/11-13) custom built
birdhouses will be featured in our 'open
air' sales area. On Armed Forces Day,
Saturday May 19th, special discounts (in
addition to regular sales on house items)
will be offered to military members. Me-
morial Day weekend (5/25-28) marks
the beginning of the Lady's half yearly
sale with deep discounts on furniture,
armoires, contemporary and antique
lamps, carpeting, collectibles, and more.
Hundreds of new items are added each
week so if you haven't checked recently
you won't believe what's there nowl The
half yearly sale runs throughout June fol-
lowed by the open air art fair mid July
and the Anniversary sale in August
- don't miss these eventsl L5/3-24
F CLUBS and equipment, men's
ladies' clubs Wilson, Spaulding, MOVING/GARAGE sale, Saturday
r Hagen, /arrior, Merlin, from 5/19-Sunday 5/20, 8 a.m.-3 p.m. 503 E.
00. Bag boy pull cart, golf bags, Fir St., Capitol Hill. S5/10-17
laneous putters/woods/wedges ,
'&30. A so free items. Driving range
---- Site. Call. (360)877-9849. B5/3-24 tools and some furniture. 120 N. Canal
=,EELED FURNITURE logs all 8' long. Di-
May 25-28.9 a.m.-5 p.m. B5/10-24
.eter 1"-5". Prices $3-$8 each. Will sell
"aining logs (about 1,200) and burls KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County is
-0602. H5/3ffn holding a fantastic garage sale on May
I i rU,A..R, Y KAY inventory reduction, 30% off 19, Sat., from 8 a.m. til4 p.m. Items of
interest: outdoor porch swing, dining
L I | ." Price. Phone for free catalog, (360) table with 4 chairs, love seat, tea cart,
[J . "4300. A5/3-24 steel exterior door, two interior doors,
3 I'i b ,,._'Z:-- chop saw, air nailers, lighting, pet cages
II i: ,KS AND ramns We specialize in cus- and much, much more. Location: 420
! I | t0n j. ,- .
nfts and have stock szes too. Wood-
(360) 426-0820. L6/29tfn
GOOD food but hate to clean? Love
oat home parties? Love the perks of
s Parties? Consider upgrading your
Ware and bakeware to what profes-
chefs use! For more information
. SChedule a home party for you and
friends, call Penny Wilson, your De-
,e at Home Independent Represents-
, at (360) 490-2515. P9/21ffn
Coins Currency
Harrison Ave. NW
Olympia /
re Fligh quality sandy loam
I::) cut No Rocks No Clay
Lawns Sprinklers
Plants Bark
Backhoe ° Dozer
Saturday, May 1 9
9 a.m.
Bulkheads ° Ripraps
nal's i
III Super
SE State Route 3, Shelton, WA 98584.
Phone (360) 584-0594. K5/10-17
OPTIMIST GARAGE sale to benefit Re-
lay For Life, Saturday only 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
722 W. Wyandotte. A5/17
TRAILS END Community Club sale.
Clothing, tools, toys, kitchenware, misc.
Something for everyone. Friday, Sat-
urday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Trails End Lake,
Belfair. Follow signs from Belfair onto
South Shore. H5/17
BARN SALE, 241 Webb Hill Road; signs
from McReavy/Brockdale Friday, Sat-
urday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Canoes, kayaks,
tools, fishing, housewares, woodstove,
hot tub, car racks. B5/17
4 FAMILIES, 2219 Madison. Friday-
Saturday, 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. both days.
MULTIPLE FAMILIES. Saturday only, 9
a.m.-4 p.m. 425 S. 10th Street, Shelton.
Computer printer, much more. R5/17
HIDDEN HAVEN estate and bake sale.
Saturday 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Sunday 9 a.m.-
1 p.m. Shelton Springs Road. Plants,
children's clothes, knickknacks, dolls,
purses, hangers, furniture, bedspreads,
couch covers, books, jewelry, fishing
and hunting stuff. Something for every-
one. R5/17
CARPORT SALE, Saturday 9 a.m.-2
p.m., toddler boys', big boys', men's 2-
3x, toys, bedding, bikes, NASCAR tod-
dler bed, toys, etc. 1313 W. Cota #13.
MASSIVE SALE. 1975 Mustang, sew-
ing machine, fabric, linens, toys, crib,
clothes sizes baby to 2x. Glassware,
antiques, collectibles, books, flatbed
trailer, truck rack, tack gear, saddle,
porcelain dolls, shoes and more. Friday
8 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
801 W. Delight Park Road, follow yellow
signs. K5/17
s |
R m G !__=__,1 N
P m___A iG _E
ESTATE SALE. They never threw away
anything. Saturday, 5/19, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
No early birds. 40 E. Agate Beach Drive.
Follow signs from Agate Store. F5/17
ANNUAL CHURCH garage, plant and
bake sale. Friday, Saturday, 9 a.m.-
4 p.m. Household items, tools, fishing
gear, clothes, baked goods and more.
Bethel Assembly of God, 1521 Monroe
Street. B5/17
ESTATE SALE. Three generations of
collectibles, antiques, lawn and garden
equipment. 221 SE Hwy. 3, across from
Cole Road Park 'n' Ride, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.,
Saturday-Sunday. $5/17
SATURDAY ONLY, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., 921
Eaglewood Way. Tools, desk, bike, cup-
boards, household misc. H5/17
EXTREME GARAGE sale. 1014 Cas-
cade Avenue, Saturday 8 a.m.-2 p.m
Lots of treasures and miscellaneous
items. No early birds. P5/17
THURSDAY MAY 24 only, 8 a.m. 18
cu.ft, freezer, stainless refrigerator,
dishwasher, washer/dryer, ceramic-top
stove. 10x12 metal shed, power and
hand tools, yard decor. 1102 Laurel
Street, Mt. View. B5/17
Sunday 8 a.m. Taylor Town Manor, 1
block E. of Hwy. 101 on Lynch Road.
Watch for signs. R5/17
Complete 5 bedroom
Toledo Estatet!
Owner only takes
2 smtcases!!
To be sold @ PUBLIC AUCTIONff
2006 Chevy Impala SS! 1994 Ford F IS0
short bed! Kuboca B7500 HST tractor,
bucket, Brush Hog & Bush Hog! Troy-
Built Tiller! John Deere riding mower
LIII! Craftsman roll around, table
saw, Miller Thunderbolt welder, gobs of
other tools, ladders, drill press, washer
and dryer, designer, name brand,
modern furniture! Extensive gold
& costume Jewelry! 17 jewel pocket
watch! Unique antique furniturel
Huge Fransiscan china sect Complete
sewing room 3 sewing machines, 2 surg-
ers, sewing table, cabinets, Material etc.,
hand made linens, everything from this
Into 360-791-6085
Saturday, Hay 19th @ 4pro
@ Johnny's Auction in
RochesteH (preview noon-sale)
See it all @
Heavy Equipment
Autos - Trucks - Boats
Antiques & Collectibles
Tools - Nursery Plants
Preview: May 18, I 0 a.m. until 4 p.m.
and Sac. 8 a.m.
To Be Held At:
Auction Acres
8398 Spring Creek Rd. SE
Pt. Orchard,WA
Auction Schedule
9 a.m.: Shop &Tools
I0 a.m.: Trees & Shrubs;
Flowers; Mowers
I I a.m.: Equip & Vehicles: D7R II
dozer (subject to the approval of
the high bid); 90 Cat 816B; 86 GHC
pumper; 86 Ford 5 yd; 00 Ford
Expd; (3) 97 Chev S I 0; 75+ More!
I I a.m.: Stove Shop: New stoves;
12:30- I p.m." Antiques; Furniture;
Household; CollecUbles
For listing & more information see:
Buyer's premium in effect
Sale managed by
Boardman Orwiler Inc
Lic #2059
8398 Spring Creek Rd. SE,
Port Orchard,WA 98367 .,,,
I -(866)-273-8102
AWESOME CRIB and baby stuff along
with brand new items from Christian
book club. Friday, Saturday, 9 a.m.-5
p.m. Timberlake Drive, E. 490. R5/17
TOPLESS CARWASH and 3rd annual
buns in the sun barbecue. Saturday May
19, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Proceeds benefit Re-
lay For Life. Come see us at Maple Glen
Senior Living (across from the hospital)
at 1700 N. 13th Loop Rd. Have lunch
while we wash your car! Also enter to
win one of our fabulous raffles. M5/17
ESTATE SALE Friday 8 a.m.-? 1705
Olympic Highway S. (corner of Bel-
levue). Furniture, tools, guitars, misc.
DISABLED VET. Christian couple want
to travel. Looking for small motorhome.
Limited funds. Call Earl or Sharon, (360)
432-9616. God Bless. V5/17
WANTED - OLD Forest Festival but-
tons 1945-1958. Call (360) 426-5578 9
a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays. G5/10-17
WANTED - TRACTOR with backhoe.
Buy or rent. (360) 898-8100 Union.
point hitch on small tractor. (360) 427-
6600. C4/26-5/17
tant in Union. Job description and de-
tails at
job. H5/17
THE SKOKOMISH Tribe is seeking to
hire Tribal Gaming Agent. This position
is to protect tribal assets. Ensure com-
pliance with Tribal Gaming Code, Tribal-
State compact, NIGC regulations and ca-
sino internal controls. Identify and report
on any irregular activity, including but not
limited to, table games, slot machines,
Keno, cash cages, hotel, and food and
beverage. Close 5/24/07 $13.06 hourly.
Minimum qualifications must have high
school diploma/GED. Must be 21 years
of age. Must have a minimum of 2 years
casino, security, or law enforcement ex-
perience. Must be able to learn casino
games, rules, procedures, and Title 31
requirements. For a full job description
visit our website at www.skokomish.
org or contact Winona Plant, Personnel
Manager at (360) 426-4232 x209.
SOUTH PUGET Sound Community Col-
lege invites applications for the following:
part-time hourly Instructional Technician
I, applications must be received by 5
p.m. Wednesday, June 6, 2007; Adjunct
Biology Professor, open until filled;
Adjunct Geology Professor, open until
filled; Adjunct Anthropology Professor,
open until filled. For application informa-
tion, and specific position requirements,
visit the website at
or write to the Human Resources Office,
South Puget Sound Community College,
2011 Mottman Road SW, Olympia, WA
98512-6292. For TDD access, call (360)
WANTED: BAND to rein me in as a 596-5439, AA/EOE. S5/17
singer/songwriter. I'm a little bit coun .........................................................
try and a little bit '80's metal/powerbal-
lad. I like music that delivers a positive
message and emphasizes the value of
morals. Some would call me lame be-
cause I don't listen to bands with names
like Hate Fist, and to that I say, "If the
shoe fits Ill wear it and walk a mile." I'm
looking for a group that's happy just to
be heard. Shane. (360) 426-4540. P4/
MASON COUNTY Civil Service exami-
nation notice for part time jail cook at the
Mason County Jail. Must be a US citi-
zen and have a minimum of six months
experience in institutional cooking or its
equivalent. Total of 30 hours per week.
Applications available by sending a self-
addressed, stamped (80’) 9x12 manila
envelope to Chief Examiner, 415 E.
Soundview Dr., Shelton, WA 98584, or
pickup at the Sheriff's Office, 419 N. 4th.
trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun ....................................................................................
Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shel-
ton. (360) 426-2907. S1/25tfn
within 5 miles of Shelton
DUMP TRUCK driver. Experience pre-
ferred, CDL required. Apply in person
with 5 year driver's abstract at Arris
Kollman Trucking, 2421 W. 1st Street,
Aberdeen or Little Creek Rock Quarry,
951 Kamilche Lane, Shelton. L5/17
CASE MANAGER, Mason County
Homeless Shelter. Full-time salaried
position, $2,000/mo. plus benefits. Send
resume to: Re. Box 1777, Shelton, WA
98584. M5/17-24
AlphaTest Corp.
has recently relocated its opera-
tions from Arizona to Shelton's
Sanderson Field Business Park.
Currently hiring:
to assemble and machine small
parts -- will train.
DEER CREEK Store now hiring. Full-
time position. Salary DOE. Please apply
in person: 5881 E. State Route 3, Shel-
ton (360) 426-3671. D5/17-6/7
PUBLIC HEALTH Nurse for Mason
County. $3,912-$4,591 monthly. Per-
forms general public health nursing
services and coordinates service pro-
grams. Minimum qualifications: BSN
with 2 years of public health experi-
ence. Valid Registered Professional
Nurse in the state of Washington and
WSDL, NCAST certification and Span-
ish fluency highly desired. Applications
accepted until position is filled. Applica-
tion required and available at Human
Resources, 411 N. Fifth St., Shelton,
WA 98584,, (360)
426-7265. M5/17-24
panding communications company
seeks highly motivated Customer Ser-
vice Representative to join our team. We
are seeking a fast learning, multi-tasked
individual able to work independently
who has excellent communications
skills. The position consists of customer
service, heavy computer input, billing
knowledge and sales. Great benefits
package. Send resume to: CSR Super-
visor, P.O. Box 249, Union, WA 98592,
or email to H5/17-24
The Right Place For You!
Bunem I:)emlopm Omoer. Olym.
S2o - S3,ea
Qo=lr da: 5,22.07
Come join tim top, notch team at
WSECU. Honored as a Washington
CEO Maoazica B, est Places to Work,
we offer superior health care, leave,
and retirement benefits,
Visit our web site to apply or view career
opportunities and join us in our goal o|
providing world-class member service.
Applications may be obtained at any
Apply in person ,h and ,na, or ,axed to wscu
an Resources, PO Box WSECU
Thursday, Friday, Monday o,ma, WA .5o7.oo9 Fa,
360,754 2115 '[DD access for the
or Tuesday between aa,a, o, h, ,0 ,
10 e.m. and 2 p.m. '
151 Henry Trusler Way
Sanderson Field =..= O..n...,:..,,..s..=,. =.,o...
00o,.o,ol IBIIIIBI
Domuno s Pszza, Now Htrtng!
Delivery positions available immediately!
Day and evening hours available
Drivers make $12 to $15 an hour! (Including tips)
Apply in person
Must have good driving record and liability insurance
Must be 18 with a minimum of 2 years driving experience
' 134 N Ftigst St., Shetton
Thursday, May 17, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 33
CLASSIFIED "is words or less-- S6S0 ,Classified deadline- 2 p.m. Tuesday
10 cents for each additional word over 15 Classified display -- 5 p.m. Monday
RATES Four insertions for the price of three Cancellation deadline -- 2 p.m. Tuesday
(3so) 426-4412
to Place Ad
In multiple Insertion ads,
The Journal will be responsible
for errors in the first
Insertion only.
20 GALLON Terranium am-pm heating
lamp, pad, humidity and temperature
gauges, mist decor. $85 aBe. (360)
402-7743. L5/i 7
75-5357. 7-24
KENNEDY MACHINIST rollaway, mid-
dle box, top box and all tools, $2,500.
C, raftsman wet/dry vac 16 gallon, $30
Skil saw extra blades' $25. 20' exten-
=on ladcler, aluminum, $30. 8' alumi-
num stepladder, $20. Lawnmower,
-'sT'propelled $20 Barbecue, Kenmore
Elite 4-burnerl $20() Pipe threading set,
chet, six sizes, $30. Patio table, glass
4’7,' 4 chairs, umbrella with stand, $60.
/ Panasonic HD TV, $480. King-size
lander Thermapeutic pillow-top with
.1- tal headboard and frame, $400. (360)
,WINTER Tracs studded P215/75R-
", mounted, Ford Ranger, very good,
5. 4 195/60R-15, mounted, studded,
,,,Ford Escort, like new, $150. (360)
2. F5/17-24
.(K BUNKBED with built-in dresser,
., drawers, and shelves in good con-
.,",, $500. Nine drawer vanity dresser
n large mirror, barely used, $700.
L-" E FIREWOOD fir, in rounds. You
[41Ul ASAP (360) ,'26-9621 (360) 490-
LADY OF the Lake (1085 E. Picketing
Rd. across from Spencer Lake Resort
- open Friday-Monday 10 a.m.-5 p.m./
accepts VlSA/MC - (360) 426-8632) cel-
ebrates May with her "Chico de Mayo"
sale (5/4-7) - 25% off all Chico fashions,
handbags and jewelry! And following
that (5/11-14) a "Pamper Mom Sale" fea-
turing spring hats and sandals, custom
and antique jewelry, rare books, candles
and bath products, stained glass, copper
sculpture, fine apparel, floral arrange-
ments, yard art, wicker, patio furniture,
fountains and so much morel During
that weekend (5/11-13) custom built
birdhouses will be featured in our 'open
air' sales area. On Armed Forces Day,
Saturday May 19th, special discounts (in
addition to regular sales on house items)
will be offered to military members. Me-
morial Day weekend (5/25-28) marks
the beginning of the Lady's half yearly
sale with deep discounts on furniture,
armoires, contemporary and antique
lamps, carpeting, collectibles, and more.
Hundreds of new items are added each
week so if you haven't checked recently
you won't believe what's there nowl The
half yearly sale runs throughout June fol-
lowed by the open air art fair mid July
and the Anniversary sale in August
- don't miss these eventsl L5/3-24
F CLUBS and equipment, men's
ladies' clubs Wilson, Spaulding, MOVING/GARAGE sale, Saturday
r Hagen, /arrior, Merlin, from 5/19-Sunday 5/20, 8 a.m.-3 p.m. 503 E.
00. Bag boy pull cart, golf bags, Fir St., Capitol Hill. S5/10-17
laneous putters/woods/wedges ,
'&30. A so free items. Driving range
---- Site. Call. (360)877-9849. B5/3-24 tools and some furniture. 120 N. Canal
=,EELED FURNITURE logs all 8' long. Di-
May 25-28.9 a.m.-5 p.m. B5/10-24
.eter 1"-5". Prices $3-$8 each. Will sell
"aining logs (about 1,200) and burls KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County is
-0602. H5/3ffn holding a fantastic garage sale on May
I i rU,A..R, Y KAY inventory reduction, 30% off 19, Sat., from 8 a.m. til4 p.m. Items of
interest: outdoor porch swing, dining
L I | ." Price. Phone for free catalog, (360) table with 4 chairs, love seat, tea cart,
[J . "4300. A5/3-24 steel exterior door, two interior doors,
3 I'i b ,,._'Z:-- chop saw, air nailers, lighting, pet cages
II i: ,KS AND ramns We specialize in cus- and much, much more. Location: 420
! I | t0n j. ,- .
nfts and have stock szes too. Wood-
(360) 426-0820. L6/29tfn
GOOD food but hate to clean? Love
oat home parties? Love the perks of
s Parties? Consider upgrading your
Ware and bakeware to what profes-
chefs use! For more information
. SChedule a home party for you and
friends, call Penny Wilson, your De-
,e at Home Independent Represents-
, at (360) 490-2515. P9/21ffn
Coins Currency
Harrison Ave. NW
Olympia /
re Fligh quality sandy loam
I::) cut No Rocks No Clay
Lawns Sprinklers
Plants Bark
Backhoe ° Dozer
Saturday, May 1 9
9 a.m.
Bulkheads ° Ripraps
nal's i
III Super
SE State Route 3, Shelton, WA 98584.
Phone (360) 584-0594. K5/10-17
OPTIMIST GARAGE sale to benefit Re-
lay For Life, Saturday only 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
722 W. Wyandotte. A5/17
TRAILS END Community Club sale.
Clothing, tools, toys, kitchenware, misc.
Something for everyone. Friday, Sat-
urday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Trails End Lake,
Belfair. Follow signs from Belfair onto
South Shore. H5/17
BARN SALE, 241 Webb Hill Road; signs
from McReavy/Brockdale Friday, Sat-
urday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Canoes, kayaks,
tools, fishing, housewares, woodstove,
hot tub, car racks. B5/17
4 FAMILIES, 2219 Madison. Friday-
Saturday, 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. both days.
MULTIPLE FAMILIES. Saturday only, 9
a.m.-4 p.m. 425 S. 10th Street, Shelton.
Computer printer, much more. R5/17
HIDDEN HAVEN estate and bake sale.
Saturday 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Sunday 9 a.m.-
1 p.m. Shelton Springs Road. Plants,
children's clothes, knickknacks, dolls,
purses, hangers, furniture, bedspreads,
couch covers, books, jewelry, fishing
and hunting stuff. Something for every-
one. R5/17
CARPORT SALE, Saturday 9 a.m.-2
p.m., toddler boys', big boys', men's 2-
3x, toys, bedding, bikes, NASCAR tod-
dler bed, toys, etc. 1313 W. Cota #13.
MASSIVE SALE. 1975 Mustang, sew-
ing machine, fabric, linens, toys, crib,
clothes sizes baby to 2x. Glassware,
antiques, collectibles, books, flatbed
trailer, truck rack, tack gear, saddle,
porcelain dolls, shoes and more. Friday
8 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
801 W. Delight Park Road, follow yellow
signs. K5/17
s |
R m G !__=__,1 N
P m___A iG _E
ESTATE SALE. They never threw away
anything. Saturday, 5/19, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
No early birds. 40 E. Agate Beach Drive.
Follow signs from Agate Store. F5/17
ANNUAL CHURCH garage, plant and
bake sale. Friday, Saturday, 9 a.m.-
4 p.m. Household items, tools, fishing
gear, clothes, baked goods and more.
Bethel Assembly of God, 1521 Monroe
Street. B5/17
ESTATE SALE. Three generations of
collectibles, antiques, lawn and garden
equipment. 221 SE Hwy. 3, across from
Cole Road Park 'n' Ride, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.,
Saturday-Sunday. $5/17
SATURDAY ONLY, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., 921
Eaglewood Way. Tools, desk, bike, cup-
boards, household misc. H5/17
EXTREME GARAGE sale. 1014 Cas-
cade Avenue, Saturday 8 a.m.-2 p.m
Lots of treasures and miscellaneous
items. No early birds. P5/17
THURSDAY MAY 24 only, 8 a.m. 18
cu.ft, freezer, stainless refrigerator,
dishwasher, washer/dryer, ceramic-top
stove. 10x12 metal shed, power and
hand tools, yard decor. 1102 Laurel
Street, Mt. View. B5/17
Sunday 8 a.m. Taylor Town Manor, 1
block E. of Hwy. 101 on Lynch Road.
Watch for signs. R5/17
Complete 5 bedroom
Toledo Estatet!
Owner only takes
2 smtcases!!
To be sold @ PUBLIC AUCTIONff
2006 Chevy Impala SS! 1994 Ford F IS0
short bed! Kuboca B7500 HST tractor,
bucket, Brush Hog & Bush Hog! Troy-
Built Tiller! John Deere riding mower
LIII! Craftsman roll around, table
saw, Miller Thunderbolt welder, gobs of
other tools, ladders, drill press, washer
and dryer, designer, name brand,
modern furniture! Extensive gold
& costume Jewelry! 17 jewel pocket
watch! Unique antique furniturel
Huge Fransiscan china sect Complete
sewing room 3 sewing machines, 2 surg-
ers, sewing table, cabinets, Material etc.,
hand made linens, everything from this
Into 360-791-6085
Saturday, Hay 19th @ 4pro
@ Johnny's Auction in
RochesteH (preview noon-sale)
See it all @
Heavy Equipment
Autos - Trucks - Boats
Antiques & Collectibles
Tools - Nursery Plants
Preview: May 18, I 0 a.m. until 4 p.m.
and Sac. 8 a.m.
To Be Held At:
Auction Acres
8398 Spring Creek Rd. SE
Pt. Orchard,WA
Auction Schedule
9 a.m.: Shop &Tools
I0 a.m.: Trees & Shrubs;
Flowers; Mowers
I I a.m.: Equip & Vehicles: D7R II
dozer (subject to the approval of
the high bid); 90 Cat 816B; 86 GHC
pumper; 86 Ford 5 yd; 00 Ford
Expd; (3) 97 Chev S I 0; 75+ More!
I I a.m.: Stove Shop: New stoves;
12:30- I p.m." Antiques; Furniture;
Household; CollecUbles
For listing & more information see:
Buyer's premium in effect
Sale managed by
Boardman Orwiler Inc
Lic #2059
8398 Spring Creek Rd. SE,
Port Orchard,WA 98367 .,,,
I -(866)-273-8102
AWESOME CRIB and baby stuff along
with brand new items from Christian
book club. Friday, Saturday, 9 a.m.-5
p.m. Timberlake Drive, E. 490. R5/17
TOPLESS CARWASH and 3rd annual
buns in the sun barbecue. Saturday May
19, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Proceeds benefit Re-
lay For Life. Come see us at Maple Glen
Senior Living (across from the hospital)
at 1700 N. 13th Loop Rd. Have lunch
while we wash your car! Also enter to
win one of our fabulous raffles. M5/17
ESTATE SALE Friday 8 a.m.-? 1705
Olympic Highway S. (corner of Bel-
levue). Furniture, tools, guitars, misc.
DISABLED VET. Christian couple want
to travel. Looking for small motorhome.
Limited funds. Call Earl or Sharon, (360)
432-9616. God Bless. V5/17
WANTED - OLD Forest Festival but-
tons 1945-1958. Call (360) 426-5578 9
a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays. G5/10-17
WANTED - TRACTOR with backhoe.
Buy or rent. (360) 898-8100 Union.
point hitch on small tractor. (360) 427-
6600. C4/26-5/17
tant in Union. Job description and de-
tails at
job. H5/17
THE SKOKOMISH Tribe is seeking to
hire Tribal Gaming Agent. This position
is to protect tribal assets. Ensure com-
pliance with Tribal Gaming Code, Tribal-
State compact, NIGC regulations and ca-
sino internal controls. Identify and report
on any irregular activity, including but not
limited to, table games, slot machines,
Keno, cash cages, hotel, and food and
beverage. Close 5/24/07 $13.06 hourly.
Minimum qualifications must have high
school diploma/GED. Must be 21 years
of age. Must have a minimum of 2 years
casino, security, or law enforcement ex-
perience. Must be able to learn casino
games, rules, procedures, and Title 31
requirements. For a full job description
visit our website at www.skokomish.
org or contact Winona Plant, Personnel
Manager at (360) 426-4232 x209.
SOUTH PUGET Sound Community Col-
lege invites applications for the following:
part-time hourly Instructional Technician
I, applications must be received by 5
p.m. Wednesday, June 6, 2007; Adjunct
Biology Professor, open until filled;
Adjunct Geology Professor, open until
filled; Adjunct Anthropology Professor,
open until filled. For application informa-
tion, and specific position requirements,
visit the website at
or write to the Human Resources Office,
South Puget Sound Community College,
2011 Mottman Road SW, Olympia, WA
98512-6292. For TDD access, call (360)
WANTED: BAND to rein me in as a 596-5439, AA/EOE. S5/17
singer/songwriter. I'm a little bit coun .........................................................
try and a little bit '80's metal/powerbal-
lad. I like music that delivers a positive
message and emphasizes the value of
morals. Some would call me lame be-
cause I don't listen to bands with names
like Hate Fist, and to that I say, "If the
shoe fits Ill wear it and walk a mile." I'm
looking for a group that's happy just to
be heard. Shane. (360) 426-4540. P4/
MASON COUNTY Civil Service exami-
nation notice for part time jail cook at the
Mason County Jail. Must be a US citi-
zen and have a minimum of six months
experience in institutional cooking or its
equivalent. Total of 30 hours per week.
Applications available by sending a self-
addressed, stamped (80’) 9x12 manila
envelope to Chief Examiner, 415 E.
Soundview Dr., Shelton, WA 98584, or
pickup at the Sheriff's Office, 419 N. 4th.
trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun ....................................................................................
Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shel-
ton. (360) 426-2907. S1/25tfn
within 5 miles of Shelton
DUMP TRUCK driver. Experience pre-
ferred, CDL required. Apply in person
with 5 year driver's abstract at Arris
Kollman Trucking, 2421 W. 1st Street,
Aberdeen or Little Creek Rock Quarry,
951 Kamilche Lane, Shelton. L5/17
CASE MANAGER, Mason County
Homeless Shelter. Full-time salaried
position, $2,000/mo. plus benefits. Send
resume to: Re. Box 1777, Shelton, WA
98584. M5/17-24
AlphaTest Corp.
has recently relocated its opera-
tions from Arizona to Shelton's
Sanderson Field Business Park.
Currently hiring:
to assemble and machine small
parts -- will train.
DEER CREEK Store now hiring. Full-
time position. Salary DOE. Please apply
in person: 5881 E. State Route 3, Shel-
ton (360) 426-3671. D5/17-6/7
PUBLIC HEALTH Nurse for Mason
County. $3,912-$4,591 monthly. Per-
forms general public health nursing
services and coordinates service pro-
grams. Minimum qualifications: BSN
with 2 years of public health experi-
ence. Valid Registered Professional
Nurse in the state of Washington and
WSDL, NCAST certification and Span-
ish fluency highly desired. Applications
accepted until position is filled. Applica-
tion required and available at Human
Resources, 411 N. Fifth St., Shelton,
WA 98584,, (360)
426-7265. M5/17-24
panding communications company
seeks highly motivated Customer Ser-
vice Representative to join our team. We
are seeking a fast learning, multi-tasked
individual able to work independently
who has excellent communications
skills. The position consists of customer
service, heavy computer input, billing
knowledge and sales. Great benefits
package. Send resume to: CSR Super-
visor, P.O. Box 249, Union, WA 98592,
or email to H5/17-24
The Right Place For You!
Bunem I:)emlopm Omoer. Olym.
S2o - S3,ea
Qo=lr da: 5,22.07
Come join tim top, notch team at
WSECU. Honored as a Washington
CEO Maoazica B, est Places to Work,
we offer superior health care, leave,
and retirement benefits,
Visit our web site to apply or view career
opportunities and join us in our goal o|
providing world-class member service.
Applications may be obtained at any
Apply in person ,h and ,na, or ,axed to wscu
an Resources, PO Box WSECU
Thursday, Friday, Monday o,ma, WA .5o7.oo9 Fa,
360,754 2115 '[DD access for the
or Tuesday between aa,a, o, h, ,0 ,
10 e.m. and 2 p.m. '
151 Henry Trusler Way
Sanderson Field =..= O..n...,:..,,..s..=,. =.,o...
00o,.o,ol IBIIIIBI
Domuno s Pszza, Now Htrtng!
Delivery positions available immediately!
Day and evening hours available
Drivers make $12 to $15 an hour! (Including tips)
Apply in person
Must have good driving record and liability insurance
Must be 18 with a minimum of 2 years driving experience
' 134 N Ftigst St., Shetton
Thursday, May 17, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 33