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Proud of Wightman Board has a duty
Editor, The Herald:
Calling tbr Glenn Landram's
resignation from the North Mason
school board by board member Art
Wightman was, in my opinion, an
excellent move.
Mr. Wightman gave voice, on re-
cord, to objections regarding Glenn's
overstepping the boundaries of" his
authority on numerous occasions.
Those of us who have remained
silent have, by our silence, given
approval to these inappropriate ac-
tions. It is necessary we now step
up and give voice, oral and written
to demonstrate that our community
will not be subjected to heavy-hand-
ed authoritarian systems of control
by self-serving individuals.
If the board president chooses
not to resign, our community will
be obliged to launch an all-out cam-
paign to remove him through the
election process before the end of
year 2007. His methods have cost
our school systems the loss of a
number of excellent educators and
administrators. It is our responsi-
bility to speak up with words and
Estelle M. Foster
Editor, The Herald:
It seems it is again time to
try to explain the role of the
North Mason school board and
the North Mason Education
Association, aka the teach-
ers' union. The school board is
hired by the taxpayers to run
the school district. The teach-
ers' union is here to get more
money for the teachers and,
in turn, more money for those
who run the union. The school
board is responsible to the tax-
payers. The teachers and all
Trouble in Grapeview
Editor, The Herald:
Over the last several months
there have been many letters
to the editor regarding serious
problems within the Grapeview
community which have adversely
affected fire district personnel.
At this time I make no attempt
to exacerbate the problems or
crisis. My intent is only to state
what I huve witnessed while in
the district building, during fire
commissioner meetings and the
court hearing, which I have veri-
fied through ()pen public records
including minutes and audio re-
In their letters published on
April 19 and May 10, commission-
er Stark and citizen Stan Walster,
respectively, made many asser-
tions with which I as a private
citizen, active supporter of' the fire
district and a tbrmer vice presi-
dent of the Grapeview Commu-
nity Association, disagree. I found
both Diane Hartley's and Peg Ry-
an's April 12 letters regarding the
special meeting to be accurate.
I was present when, because of
repeated violations of the posted
Public Code of Conduct, our fire
chief asked the citizen to leave
the fire district premises. He re-
fused and dared the chief to call
the sheriff to have him removed.
She called, and out of concern for
the chief, several other citizens
who were present, stayed. The
responding deputy arrived, and
he called for backup due to the
citizen's agitated and belligerent
behavior, and refusal to leave. Fi-
nally the deputy gave the citizen
an ultimatum to leave or fhce ar-
rest. The citizen challenged the
officer to arrest him. With much
coaxing from a friend and that of
the patient officers, he did leave.
The deputy advised the chief to
seek a Temporary Restraining
Order (TRO) for everyone's per-
sonal safety. The TRO was filed
and granted.
During the September 11, 2006
court hearing on the request for a
permanent restraining order, sev-
eral citizens did testify on behalf of
the chief and the citizen. Most no-
tably, Commissioner Fugere testi-
fied on behalf of the citizen. His
testimony creates a problem, first
as an employer of the victim of ha-
rassment, and second as a sitting
commissioner who has legislative
authority over employment and/or
any disciplinary action. This is a
conflict of interest and a violation
of state statute. Commissioner
Stark rt, lbrs to the TRO as being
wtcated. It was not vacated. Judge
Victoria Meadows heard the case
to rule on whether the TRO would
become permanent. The judge
ruled that the burden of proof had
not been met, and dismissed the
request with prejudice, stating "...
but may be reopened if any future
acts of harassment occur." Com-
missioner Stark states that the
citizen "voluntarily" stayed away
from the district premises. How-
ever, by written direction of the
commission's attorney, his access
had been limited only to the Hor-
ton Community Hall and only to
attend open public meetings .and
the meetings and events of the
Grapeview Community Associa-
While on district premises
I have witnessed several inci-
dents when the citizen's behav-
ior amounted to harassment and
bullying, not only of our chief, but
also department staff, volunteer
firefighters and to members of the
public. Had the citizen changed
his behavior when asked to, or had
the commissioners supported the
chief' instead of their friend, our
community would not have gone
through this turmoil. The commis-
sioners have been slow to react or
have not taken any action at all in
the matter, which has resulted in
these negative consequences.
In the main body,0f his let-
ter, commissioner Stark unfairly
leaves a lot at our chiefs door. In
his letter, Mr. Walster does the
very thing he wants others to stop,
which is "stirring the pile." Why
do the commissioners, Mr. Wal-
ster and others choose to honor
the perpetrator and vilify the vic-
tim? Our chief consistently insists
on keeping the department a safe,
harassment-free and enjoyable
place to work and gather for staff,
volunteers and the public. This
also should be a paramount tom-
mitment of our commissioners.
Apparently Mr. Walster is not
aware that expecting a public of-
ficial to enter into a dispute reso-
lution agreement with a citizen is
highly irregular. To call a special
meeting solely for that purpose
within a week of a regularly sched-
uled meeting is a waste of public
funds. The commission chair's
right to call a special meeting is
not in question. Although commis-
sioner Stark was guided by the
board's attorney throughout the
special meeting, he did not call for
a motion to approve the agreement
and the signatures of the commis-
sioners before he adjourned the
meeting. After adjournment, the
agreement was then hastily ap-
proved and signed by the commis-
sioners and the citizen stepped for-
ward to sign it. Immediately after
signing the agreement he took the
microphone despite protests from
the commissioners, his wife and
others and violated the agreement
by speaking to the chief and chal-
lenging her to tell him "...What is
the worst thing I have ever done
to you?" All of the discord is re-
corded on the district audio tape
of the meeting. The agreement
which had been read and signed,
specifically states that he is not to
speak to the chief unless it is an
emergency. The commission took
no action and at their next regu-
lar meeting defended their lack
of action by stating that the chief
had not submitted a written com-
plaint with names of witnesses.
They themselves were witnesses
and should have taken immediate
action. How incredulous!
Mr. Walster demeans the chief
by calling her "Chief Petty." Such
an insult is not deserved by a
woman who has been recognized
throughout the community and
by her peers for her exceptional
capability, integrity and leader-
ship. Throughout this ordeal she
has acted with civility and grace.
It is clear that the commission-
ers do not understand and/or ac-
cept laws related to employment
practices and discrimination law
based on gerider.
Bob Allen
People dealing with alcohol is-
sues may note the following
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
42 Old Belfair Highway
Sunday: 9 a.m., noon, 5 p.m.
Monday: noon, 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday: noon, 7 p.m. Step
Study, Legacy
Wednesday: noon, 7:30 p.m.
Thursday: noon, 7:30 p.m. Big
Book study
Friday: noon Step study, 7 p.m.
for women, 9 p.m. candlelight.
Saturday: 9 a.m., noon, 7:30
p.m. speaker meeting. A potluck
is held at 6:30 p.m. on the last
Saturday of every month.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
Allyn Historic Church
P,O. Box 250, Belfair, Washington 98528
Telephone 275-6680
Belfalr office open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday
News and advertising copy deadline noon Mondays. For your convenience
there is a mall slot by the door for copy. Office located in the Log Plaza.
KEVAN MOORE ..................................................................... Editor
HARVEY MORRIS ........................................ Advertising Manager
LIZ CASE .............................................. Office Manager/Reporter
Office Telephone (360) 275-6680
A set,on of The Shelton-Mason County Journal serving as the voice of Belfair,
Allyn*rapevtew, Tahuya, Mason Lake, South Shore, North Shore and Victor.
State Route 3, Allyn
Sunday: 7 p.m. Survivors
Friday: 7 p.m. Men's Stag, Big
Book study
42 Old Belfair Highway
Monday: 7:30 p.m.
Narcotics Anonymous
Fiesta Restaurant
23730 NE State Route 3, Belfair
Wednesday: 6 p.m.
More information on AA is
available at 275-9868 or 275-
4395. For A1-Anon, call 275-3833;
and for Narcotics Anonymous,
call 432-0542 or 731-5051.
Serving anyone living or working
in Mason or Gno's Harbor Count.
526 W. Cedar St., Shelton
2948 Olympic Hwy. N., Shelton
Page 2 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, May 17, 2007
school employees are respon-
sible to the school board. The
teachers' union is supposed
to be responsible to its mem-
bers, but in reality this might
be questionable. Why is this so
hard to understand?
The endless battle between
the union and a part of the
school board is a self-destruc-
tive waste of time. As a taxpay-
er, I object. Why aren't we con-
cerned about lousy test scores?
And ira certain number of stu-
dents can't pass basic math,
science, reading and writing
in state tests, why do they get
diplomas just for occupying a
seat for 12 years?
A person would have to be
blind not to see major reforms
must be made in our education-
al system. And enough studies
have been made to understand
more money is not the answer.
Roughly 85 percent of school
expenses is for salaries and
wages. More money does not a
good teacher make. It is time
ibr the district to start from
square one and ignore edu-
cational turf wars. Keep the
teachers who produce and fire
the teachers who do not. Teach
hard-core subjects, not feel-
good garbage. We cannot just
give up and keep giving the
current high-school diplomas
that in many cases are just
meaningless pieces of paper.
John Stockler
Public Hearing Notice .
The Board of Directors of the GrapeV
School District will hold a public hearing;
part of the study session on Tuesday M
22, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. to take public com
with regard to the 1-728 expenditure platt
the 2007-08 school year budget The hea
will be held in the library at 822 E M
Benson Road, Grapeview, WA 98546.5/17tl
Heavy Equipment
Autos- Trucks- Boat00
Antiques & Collectible00
Tools PI
Preview: May 18, I 0 a.m. until 4
and Sat. 8 a.m.
To Be Held At."
Auction Acres _
8398 Spring Creek Rd. $E
Pt. Orchard,WA
Auction Schedule
9 a.m.: Shop & Tools
10 a.m.: Trees & ShrubS;
F owers; Mowers I
I I a.m.: Equip & Vehicles: DTRII I
dozer (subject to the approval¢l
the high bid); 90 Cat 816B; 86 GI" I
pumper; 86 Ford 5 yd; 00 Ford I
Expd; (3) 97 Chev S 10; 75+ M0rd I
I I a.m.: Stove Shop: New stOVeS;
12:30- I p.m.: Antiques; Furniture;
Household; Collectibles
For listing & more information se¢
Buyer's premium in effect
Sale managed by
Boardman Orwiler Inc
Lic #2059
8398 Spring Creek Rd. SE,
Port Orchard,WA 98367
I -(866)-273-8102
Topsoil * Bark * Mulches * Fill Dirt Rockery Rock * Crashed Rock Washed I
Land Clearing * Free Estimates * Certified Scales
• Accepting Stumps, Brush and Concrete
Belfair 275-3465 Mon.-Fri.: 7
Extra cab, loaded,
like new, tool box
Next to Shell
NE 23791 Hwy. 3 Belfair
See Bob, Mark or Jackie
Forl; I
Leather, IMMACULATE, loaded
Quality companies at the
prices you need!
Come in and see Chris Ladncr, Artemia Settle, and our team
of insurance professionals for all your insurance needs!
A .S .I
Phone : (360) 277-5300 • Toll Free: 800-633-4848
. . : ,, ,: t'1 N.E. Old Belfair Hwy., Beltir, WA 98528
Proud of Wightman Board has a duty
Editor, The Herald:
Calling tbr Glenn Landram's
resignation from the North Mason
school board by board member Art
Wightman was, in my opinion, an
excellent move.
Mr. Wightman gave voice, on re-
cord, to objections regarding Glenn's
overstepping the boundaries of" his
authority on numerous occasions.
Those of us who have remained
silent have, by our silence, given
approval to these inappropriate ac-
tions. It is necessary we now step
up and give voice, oral and written
to demonstrate that our community
will not be subjected to heavy-hand-
ed authoritarian systems of control
by self-serving individuals.
If the board president chooses
not to resign, our community will
be obliged to launch an all-out cam-
paign to remove him through the
election process before the end of
year 2007. His methods have cost
our school systems the loss of a
number of excellent educators and
administrators. It is our responsi-
bility to speak up with words and
Estelle M. Foster
Editor, The Herald:
It seems it is again time to
try to explain the role of the
North Mason school board and
the North Mason Education
Association, aka the teach-
ers' union. The school board is
hired by the taxpayers to run
the school district. The teach-
ers' union is here to get more
money for the teachers and,
in turn, more money for those
who run the union. The school
board is responsible to the tax-
payers. The teachers and all
Trouble in Grapeview
Editor, The Herald:
Over the last several months
there have been many letters
to the editor regarding serious
problems within the Grapeview
community which have adversely
affected fire district personnel.
At this time I make no attempt
to exacerbate the problems or
crisis. My intent is only to state
what I huve witnessed while in
the district building, during fire
commissioner meetings and the
court hearing, which I have veri-
fied through ()pen public records
including minutes and audio re-
In their letters published on
April 19 and May 10, commission-
er Stark and citizen Stan Walster,
respectively, made many asser-
tions with which I as a private
citizen, active supporter of' the fire
district and a tbrmer vice presi-
dent of the Grapeview Commu-
nity Association, disagree. I found
both Diane Hartley's and Peg Ry-
an's April 12 letters regarding the
special meeting to be accurate.
I was present when, because of
repeated violations of the posted
Public Code of Conduct, our fire
chief asked the citizen to leave
the fire district premises. He re-
fused and dared the chief to call
the sheriff to have him removed.
She called, and out of concern for
the chief, several other citizens
who were present, stayed. The
responding deputy arrived, and
he called for backup due to the
citizen's agitated and belligerent
behavior, and refusal to leave. Fi-
nally the deputy gave the citizen
an ultimatum to leave or fhce ar-
rest. The citizen challenged the
officer to arrest him. With much
coaxing from a friend and that of
the patient officers, he did leave.
The deputy advised the chief to
seek a Temporary Restraining
Order (TRO) for everyone's per-
sonal safety. The TRO was filed
and granted.
During the September 11, 2006
court hearing on the request for a
permanent restraining order, sev-
eral citizens did testify on behalf of
the chief and the citizen. Most no-
tably, Commissioner Fugere testi-
fied on behalf of the citizen. His
testimony creates a problem, first
as an employer of the victim of ha-
rassment, and second as a sitting
commissioner who has legislative
authority over employment and/or
any disciplinary action. This is a
conflict of interest and a violation
of state statute. Commissioner
Stark rt, lbrs to the TRO as being
wtcated. It was not vacated. Judge
Victoria Meadows heard the case
to rule on whether the TRO would
become permanent. The judge
ruled that the burden of proof had
not been met, and dismissed the
request with prejudice, stating "...
but may be reopened if any future
acts of harassment occur." Com-
missioner Stark states that the
citizen "voluntarily" stayed away
from the district premises. How-
ever, by written direction of the
commission's attorney, his access
had been limited only to the Hor-
ton Community Hall and only to
attend open public meetings .and
the meetings and events of the
Grapeview Community Associa-
While on district premises
I have witnessed several inci-
dents when the citizen's behav-
ior amounted to harassment and
bullying, not only of our chief, but
also department staff, volunteer
firefighters and to members of the
public. Had the citizen changed
his behavior when asked to, or had
the commissioners supported the
chief' instead of their friend, our
community would not have gone
through this turmoil. The commis-
sioners have been slow to react or
have not taken any action at all in
the matter, which has resulted in
these negative consequences.
In the main body,0f his let-
ter, commissioner Stark unfairly
leaves a lot at our chiefs door. In
his letter, Mr. Walster does the
very thing he wants others to stop,
which is "stirring the pile." Why
do the commissioners, Mr. Wal-
ster and others choose to honor
the perpetrator and vilify the vic-
tim? Our chief consistently insists
on keeping the department a safe,
harassment-free and enjoyable
place to work and gather for staff,
volunteers and the public. This
also should be a paramount tom-
mitment of our commissioners.
Apparently Mr. Walster is not
aware that expecting a public of-
ficial to enter into a dispute reso-
lution agreement with a citizen is
highly irregular. To call a special
meeting solely for that purpose
within a week of a regularly sched-
uled meeting is a waste of public
funds. The commission chair's
right to call a special meeting is
not in question. Although commis-
sioner Stark was guided by the
board's attorney throughout the
special meeting, he did not call for
a motion to approve the agreement
and the signatures of the commis-
sioners before he adjourned the
meeting. After adjournment, the
agreement was then hastily ap-
proved and signed by the commis-
sioners and the citizen stepped for-
ward to sign it. Immediately after
signing the agreement he took the
microphone despite protests from
the commissioners, his wife and
others and violated the agreement
by speaking to the chief and chal-
lenging her to tell him "...What is
the worst thing I have ever done
to you?" All of the discord is re-
corded on the district audio tape
of the meeting. The agreement
which had been read and signed,
specifically states that he is not to
speak to the chief unless it is an
emergency. The commission took
no action and at their next regu-
lar meeting defended their lack
of action by stating that the chief
had not submitted a written com-
plaint with names of witnesses.
They themselves were witnesses
and should have taken immediate
action. How incredulous!
Mr. Walster demeans the chief
by calling her "Chief Petty." Such
an insult is not deserved by a
woman who has been recognized
throughout the community and
by her peers for her exceptional
capability, integrity and leader-
ship. Throughout this ordeal she
has acted with civility and grace.
It is clear that the commission-
ers do not understand and/or ac-
cept laws related to employment
practices and discrimination law
based on gerider.
Bob Allen
People dealing with alcohol is-
sues may note the following
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
42 Old Belfair Highway
Sunday: 9 a.m., noon, 5 p.m.
Monday: noon, 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday: noon, 7 p.m. Step
Study, Legacy
Wednesday: noon, 7:30 p.m.
Thursday: noon, 7:30 p.m. Big
Book study
Friday: noon Step study, 7 p.m.
for women, 9 p.m. candlelight.
Saturday: 9 a.m., noon, 7:30
p.m. speaker meeting. A potluck
is held at 6:30 p.m. on the last
Saturday of every month.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
Allyn Historic Church
P,O. Box 250, Belfair, Washington 98528
Telephone 275-6680
Belfalr office open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday through Friday
News and advertising copy deadline noon Mondays. For your convenience
there is a mall slot by the door for copy. Office located in the Log Plaza.
KEVAN MOORE ..................................................................... Editor
HARVEY MORRIS ........................................ Advertising Manager
LIZ CASE .............................................. Office Manager/Reporter
Office Telephone (360) 275-6680
A set,on of The Shelton-Mason County Journal serving as the voice of Belfair,
Allyn*rapevtew, Tahuya, Mason Lake, South Shore, North Shore and Victor.
State Route 3, Allyn
Sunday: 7 p.m. Survivors
Friday: 7 p.m. Men's Stag, Big
Book study
42 Old Belfair Highway
Monday: 7:30 p.m.
Narcotics Anonymous
Fiesta Restaurant
23730 NE State Route 3, Belfair
Wednesday: 6 p.m.
More information on AA is
available at 275-9868 or 275-
4395. For A1-Anon, call 275-3833;
and for Narcotics Anonymous,
call 432-0542 or 731-5051.
Serving anyone living or working
in Mason or Gno's Harbor Count.
526 W. Cedar St., Shelton
2948 Olympic Hwy. N., Shelton
Page 2 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, May 17, 2007
school employees are respon-
sible to the school board. The
teachers' union is supposed
to be responsible to its mem-
bers, but in reality this might
be questionable. Why is this so
hard to understand?
The endless battle between
the union and a part of the
school board is a self-destruc-
tive waste of time. As a taxpay-
er, I object. Why aren't we con-
cerned about lousy test scores?
And ira certain number of stu-
dents can't pass basic math,
science, reading and writing
in state tests, why do they get
diplomas just for occupying a
seat for 12 years?
A person would have to be
blind not to see major reforms
must be made in our education-
al system. And enough studies
have been made to understand
more money is not the answer.
Roughly 85 percent of school
expenses is for salaries and
wages. More money does not a
good teacher make. It is time
ibr the district to start from
square one and ignore edu-
cational turf wars. Keep the
teachers who produce and fire
the teachers who do not. Teach
hard-core subjects, not feel-
good garbage. We cannot just
give up and keep giving the
current high-school diplomas
that in many cases are just
meaningless pieces of paper.
John Stockler
Public Hearing Notice .
The Board of Directors of the GrapeV
School District will hold a public hearing;
part of the study session on Tuesday M
22, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. to take public com
with regard to the 1-728 expenditure platt
the 2007-08 school year budget The hea
will be held in the library at 822 E M
Benson Road, Grapeview, WA 98546.5/17tl
Heavy Equipment
Autos- Trucks- Boat00
Antiques & Collectible00
Tools PI
Preview: May 18, I 0 a.m. until 4
and Sat. 8 a.m.
To Be Held At."
Auction Acres _
8398 Spring Creek Rd. $E
Pt. Orchard,WA
Auction Schedule
9 a.m.: Shop & Tools
10 a.m.: Trees & ShrubS;
F owers; Mowers I
I I a.m.: Equip & Vehicles: DTRII I
dozer (subject to the approval¢l
the high bid); 90 Cat 816B; 86 GI" I
pumper; 86 Ford 5 yd; 00 Ford I
Expd; (3) 97 Chev S 10; 75+ M0rd I
I I a.m.: Stove Shop: New stOVeS;
12:30- I p.m.: Antiques; Furniture;
Household; Collectibles
For listing & more information se¢
Buyer's premium in effect
Sale managed by
Boardman Orwiler Inc
Lic #2059
8398 Spring Creek Rd. SE,
Port Orchard,WA 98367
I -(866)-273-8102
Topsoil * Bark * Mulches * Fill Dirt Rockery Rock * Crashed Rock Washed I
Land Clearing * Free Estimates * Certified Scales
• Accepting Stumps, Brush and Concrete
Belfair 275-3465 Mon.-Fri.: 7
Extra cab, loaded,
like new, tool box
Next to Shell
NE 23791 Hwy. 3 Belfair
See Bob, Mark or Jackie
Forl; I
Leather, IMMACULATE, loaded
Quality companies at the
prices you need!
Come in and see Chris Ladncr, Artemia Settle, and our team
of insurance professionals for all your insurance needs!
A .S .I
Phone : (360) 277-5300 • Toll Free: 800-633-4848
. . : ,, ,: t'1 N.E. Old Belfair Hwy., Beltir, WA 98528