May 17, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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May 17, 2007 |
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Since 1982
Thursday, May 17
8 a.ra-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition
r0gram, Mary E. Theler Commu-
nity Center in Belfair; card play-
"g, dancinu and lunch For reser-
vations ca11"479-4874 or 275-4898.
l a.m., TOPS Chapter 1032,
_ [fair Community Baptist
=mrch. For more information call
10:30 a.m, Sarah Eckert Ortho-
c Guild, Allyn Baptist Church,
*ulyn. Lm :h fbllows meeting. For
0re information call 275-1245.
,Noon, lorth Mason Rotary
[!ub, LakeLand Village Club-
r use, Allyn. For more informa-
*us call 277-3282.
16 P.m., Trails End Water Dis-
, at the fire hall located at
01 East Trails End Drive. For
ore information call 275-5318.
lCtiday, May 18 8 p.m., Girl Scout Cadettes,
a!ors and Studio 2B, Mary E.
eler Community Center. For
ore information call 277-0540.
:, P.m., Mason-Benson Commu-
ty Club senior social hour, 7 p.m.
Itluck For mo/e inrormation call
8atttrday, May. 19
. 1 P,ra, Old Time Fiddlers' er-
K), " P
:m.ance, open to public. Mary E.
Ill-e.r Community Center. For
are ]aibrmation call 426-5326.
8uaY, May 20
sL: Orth Mason invites you to wor-
?up at the church ofy(;ur choice.
3day, May 21
, :40 to 5"30 D m Brownies and
le' r Girl Scouts, Mary E. The-
i "urarm nity Center. For more
ation call 277-0540.
119 d0 p.m., TOPS Chapter
0t/, Belfair Community Baptist
"qLlr -
ca. For more infbrmation call
7 p.m., North Mason Commu-
nity Voice monthly meeting, Mary
E. Theler Community Center,
22871 NE State Route 3. For more
information contact Lee Swoboda
at 275-9241.
Tuesday, May 22
8 a.m.-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition
Program, Mary E. Theler Commu-
nity Center in Belfair; card play-
ing, dancing and lunch. For reser-
vations call 479-4874 or 275-4898.
8:30 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1357,
Prince of Peace Catholic Church,
Belfair. For more information call
10 a.m., Port of Grapeview com-
missioners' meeting, Grapeview
Fire Hall. For more information
call 275-6610.
Noon, Kiwanis, Belfair Com-
munity Baptist Church. For more
information call 275-0302.
2 p.m., Allyn Historic Church
Association, lower level of Allyn
Historic Church, Allyn. For more
information call 275-5910.
5:30 p.m., Fire District 2 com-
missioners' meeting, Belfair Fire
Hall. For more information call
6 p.m., Overeaters Anonymous,
Mary E. Theler Community Cen-
ter. For more information call
Robin at 275-9262.
6 p.m., Spanish Club, QFC up-
stairs meeting room. For more in-
formation call 372-2613.
6 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 513, Bel-
fair Community Baptist Church.
For more information call 275-
7 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 513,
Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
7:30 p.m., North Mason Eagles
Men's Aerie, Eagles Hall, Belfair.
For more infbrmation call 674-
Wednesday, May 23
9:30 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1321,
Allyn Baptist Church, Allyn. For
more information call 275-2524.
10 a.m., Tahuya Bridge Group,
Jimmy D's Restaurant, Belfair,
For more information call 275-
Noon, North Mason Lions Club,
Fiesta Restaurant in the Log Pla-
za. For more information call 275-
Noon, Keenagers, Allyn Baptist
Church, Allyn, potluck and speak-
er. For more information call 275-
4:30 p.m., Daisy Girl Scouts,
Mary E. Theler Community Cen-
ter. For more information call 277-
6:30 p.m., Hawkins Middle
School's Parent Teacher Student
Association, Hawkins library. For
more information call 275-0494.
6:30 p.m., Lap-band weight loss
support group, upstairs at Belfair
QFC. For more information call
7 p.m., Fire District 3 commis-
sioners' meeting, Grapeview Fire
Hall. For more information call
Thursday, May 24
8 a.m-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition
Program, at the Mary E. Theler
Community Center in Belfair;
card playing, dancing and lunch.
For reservations call 479-4874 or
9 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1032,
Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
Noon, North Mason Rotary
Club, LakeLand Village Club-
house, Allyn. For more informa-
tion call 277-3282.
6:30 p.m., North Mason School
District Board of Directors' busi-
ness meeting, district offices. For
more information call 277-2300.
Valerie McLeod,
Physical Therapist
70 NE Medical Center Road
Septic Tank Sales • Installs • Repairs • Pumps • Baffles Repaired
Risers Installed. Ditches for Water, Electric & Telephone
Drain Fields • Curtain & Foundation Drains ° Foundation Digouts
N Since1961
Miller Remodeling
Building on Your Dreams with Quali and Service
, Design/Build
, Remodels
• Additions
• Restorations
• Custom Homes
to read about our '# approach
The Place To Take Your
Contractors Welcome
SmdingImr Per Smoll m Per L_*_Pre
bases on
at Truck Load Trailer •
4qp' r (Pick-up Size) OR
, size of
°' "l "r00e.r "F:.Fe °
275-0228 Please call for directions and more information
NO Plastics or Garbage PLEASE
rcu Day!' open and pay their respects to the vet- age 5 on or before August 31); ac- Dr. Nan sbell
erans buried there For more in- tivities, games and prizes for the
U formation contact Jerry O'Connor kids; a "Winnie the Pooh" presen- now practicing at
se planned for at 275-3729. tation about bus satey ,rum *he
district's transportation depart- A Cougtlly
al preschoolers ,:_, &.. ..h..4 lhn.a, meat; a short ride on a school bus;
,yair Cooperative Preschool nlyll LUG €IIIU 011U¥¥ souvenirs provided by the school's
i:eany°newithchildrenages ofvintaoenowns booster club; and a photo taken Veterinary Clinic
ho" B to its "Circus Day!" open ; of the child as a keepsake of the
p, Planned for 11 a.m to 2 sJated for Saturday start of their elementary-school
..OrlThursday, May 31, at Sel- years For more information con- • General small animal meclicine/surgery
laOaraunity Baptist Church, An English-style high tea ann • . 7," ..............
uat 23300 NE State Route 3. a fashion show of vintage bridal act ana rHH a z,,-zaou. • Acupuncture certified
(Jl¢ .e Preschool wants to intro- styles will be presented at 11:30
d its Program to local families, a.m. on Saturday, May 19, atNorth • Internal medicine residency
l_events will include games, a Mason United Methodist Church, Theler Center hosts
aalk and a tour of the class- located at 25140 NE State Route 23730 NE SR3 • LOG CABIN PLaza • BELFAIR
aaa' They will also offer free 3. Tickets for the event are $15 a rummaae sale on
l°g s, balloons and sac-cones, for adults and $10 for youths. For . -- o.- ------- 10 minutes from Hwy. 16
alOre information call the pre- more information call 275-3714. aaluroay, May z • 0.2 miles south of the stoplight at Safeway
]at 277-0392. • . The Mary E. Theler Community Open M-F 8 am-6 pm
Klnderaarten event Center has planned a fund-raising
W • "" . rummage sale to run from 9 a.m. 380.277.3800
ill provide an will run at Sand Hill tO3ente°nS:tUe?irYa:er":
the •
,or guard for a Wednesday, May 23 .arket w.] be,. the,..k ----
1 Sand Hill Elementary Sch°°l lng l°t'durlng thesame h°urs: i [E:P i: 11i"; :E)
orial Day event .,,, .o., ,, ...... . ...... iin- 'lne cen,er wm ren, veneer space
Veterans of Foreign Wars dergarten Round-Up from5 to6 m the::tr:nn:hoPa;nki:g lt ia
tfi69 of Port Orchard will p.m. on Wednesday, May 23, at wm p g p ]
the school rates of $10 for one space and $15 :: i
,. an honor guard ceremo- Ge * : : I :=.o,, :,:,,ig ,ii, , r,, f,,,:,:
Meraorml Day at Belfa,rs The round-up is held to regis- for two spaces: • . " of do • • "
h2. 'irs Cemetery located on ter next year s kindergartners and illae cemer s amp m neea " : Now s the time!
t ill Road. Th-e'ceremony is introduce them to the school envi- nauons oz clean, usaDm items, ou
itl egin at 1:30 p.m. on Friday, ronment. The evening will include no large appliances or clothing. To For a imited time we're offering 2-for-.1 h 11
25 . dinner for parents and their kin- rent space or donate, contact the popular personalized hearing aid)savings on our ME-2CIC... (they're our mo.t I1111[]l'e IS,I UJ
'De Public is inn;ted to attend dergarten-aged child (who must be center at 275-4898. lrts Is ¢1 tim, to Improve your ,rlng-- .
=,Z:77:,-.-,... avmg,,
to Ele ityBill ..... ......
war Your Winter ctric s •Automatic adjustments,or different
environments and sound levels
May is the sign-up month for Mason
County PUD No. 3's budget billing plan
;il?iNJur monthly budgeting and pay lower winter bills by signing up for budget
Sign-up in May to pay the same amount each month from June
2007 through April 2008, with May 2008 being the settle-up
, You qualify if your account has been active for at
least 12 months and your balance is current.
For added convenience, sign-up to make automatic
"Yrn'=nts from your checking or bank card account.
Call Mason County PUD No. 3
for more information
,.lton: 360-426-8255 • Belfair: 360-275-2833 •Elma: 360-482-4998
• 2-year warranty,* complete [] hearing aids for the price of
onel Simply present this
after-care program coupon to receive
Experience America Trusts .o c,,om sde
At Miracle-Ear =, we've been helping people ME.2 CIC hearing
aids for the
hear better for nearly 60 years. So when you [] price of one.
visit any one of our 1,200 locations across
America, you're sure to receive the friendly,
profezsional service and the personalized
hearing aids we're famous for.
Free Hearing Test
Call or visit your local Miracle-Ear= or Soars
Hearing Aid Center today to schedule your
free, no-obligation hearing testY*
Miracle-Ear Center
1718 Olympic Highway N.
(A(ros the street from A&W)
(360) 427-3187
I Don't delayl
I Offer ands May 11, 2007 II
'Sears Hearing Aid Center
South Sound Center
651 Sleater-Kinney
(360) 923-0464
Free Recorded Message and Free Report. Call Toll Free (866) 672-0404 or, visit
Thursday, May 17, 2007 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3
Since 1982
Thursday, May 17
8 a.ra-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition
r0gram, Mary E. Theler Commu-
nity Center in Belfair; card play-
"g, dancinu and lunch For reser-
vations ca11"479-4874 or 275-4898.
l a.m., TOPS Chapter 1032,
_ [fair Community Baptist
=mrch. For more information call
10:30 a.m, Sarah Eckert Ortho-
c Guild, Allyn Baptist Church,
*ulyn. Lm :h fbllows meeting. For
0re information call 275-1245.
,Noon, lorth Mason Rotary
[!ub, LakeLand Village Club-
r use, Allyn. For more informa-
*us call 277-3282.
16 P.m., Trails End Water Dis-
, at the fire hall located at
01 East Trails End Drive. For
ore information call 275-5318.
lCtiday, May 18 8 p.m., Girl Scout Cadettes,
a!ors and Studio 2B, Mary E.
eler Community Center. For
ore information call 277-0540.
:, P.m., Mason-Benson Commu-
ty Club senior social hour, 7 p.m.
Itluck For mo/e inrormation call
8atttrday, May. 19
. 1 P,ra, Old Time Fiddlers' er-
K), " P
:m.ance, open to public. Mary E.
Ill-e.r Community Center. For
are ]aibrmation call 426-5326.
8uaY, May 20
sL: Orth Mason invites you to wor-
?up at the church ofy(;ur choice.
3day, May 21
, :40 to 5"30 D m Brownies and
le' r Girl Scouts, Mary E. The-
i "urarm nity Center. For more
ation call 277-0540.
119 d0 p.m., TOPS Chapter
0t/, Belfair Community Baptist
"qLlr -
ca. For more infbrmation call
7 p.m., North Mason Commu-
nity Voice monthly meeting, Mary
E. Theler Community Center,
22871 NE State Route 3. For more
information contact Lee Swoboda
at 275-9241.
Tuesday, May 22
8 a.m.-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition
Program, Mary E. Theler Commu-
nity Center in Belfair; card play-
ing, dancing and lunch. For reser-
vations call 479-4874 or 275-4898.
8:30 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1357,
Prince of Peace Catholic Church,
Belfair. For more information call
10 a.m., Port of Grapeview com-
missioners' meeting, Grapeview
Fire Hall. For more information
call 275-6610.
Noon, Kiwanis, Belfair Com-
munity Baptist Church. For more
information call 275-0302.
2 p.m., Allyn Historic Church
Association, lower level of Allyn
Historic Church, Allyn. For more
information call 275-5910.
5:30 p.m., Fire District 2 com-
missioners' meeting, Belfair Fire
Hall. For more information call
6 p.m., Overeaters Anonymous,
Mary E. Theler Community Cen-
ter. For more information call
Robin at 275-9262.
6 p.m., Spanish Club, QFC up-
stairs meeting room. For more in-
formation call 372-2613.
6 p.m., Cub Scout Pack 513, Bel-
fair Community Baptist Church.
For more information call 275-
7 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 513,
Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
7:30 p.m., North Mason Eagles
Men's Aerie, Eagles Hall, Belfair.
For more infbrmation call 674-
Wednesday, May 23
9:30 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1321,
Allyn Baptist Church, Allyn. For
more information call 275-2524.
10 a.m., Tahuya Bridge Group,
Jimmy D's Restaurant, Belfair,
For more information call 275-
Noon, North Mason Lions Club,
Fiesta Restaurant in the Log Pla-
za. For more information call 275-
Noon, Keenagers, Allyn Baptist
Church, Allyn, potluck and speak-
er. For more information call 275-
4:30 p.m., Daisy Girl Scouts,
Mary E. Theler Community Cen-
ter. For more information call 277-
6:30 p.m., Hawkins Middle
School's Parent Teacher Student
Association, Hawkins library. For
more information call 275-0494.
6:30 p.m., Lap-band weight loss
support group, upstairs at Belfair
QFC. For more information call
7 p.m., Fire District 3 commis-
sioners' meeting, Grapeview Fire
Hall. For more information call
Thursday, May 24
8 a.m-1 p.m., Senior Nutrition
Program, at the Mary E. Theler
Community Center in Belfair;
card playing, dancing and lunch.
For reservations call 479-4874 or
9 a.m., TOPS Chapter 1032,
Belfair Community Baptist
Church. For more information call
Noon, North Mason Rotary
Club, LakeLand Village Club-
house, Allyn. For more informa-
tion call 277-3282.
6:30 p.m., North Mason School
District Board of Directors' busi-
ness meeting, district offices. For
more information call 277-2300.
Valerie McLeod,
Physical Therapist
70 NE Medical Center Road
Septic Tank Sales • Installs • Repairs • Pumps • Baffles Repaired
Risers Installed. Ditches for Water, Electric & Telephone
Drain Fields • Curtain & Foundation Drains ° Foundation Digouts
N Since1961
Miller Remodeling
Building on Your Dreams with Quali and Service
, Design/Build
, Remodels
• Additions
• Restorations
• Custom Homes
to read about our '# approach
The Place To Take Your
Contractors Welcome
SmdingImr Per Smoll m Per L_*_Pre
bases on
at Truck Load Trailer •
4qp' r (Pick-up Size) OR
, size of
°' "l "r00e.r "F:.Fe °
275-0228 Please call for directions and more information
NO Plastics or Garbage PLEASE
rcu Day!' open and pay their respects to the vet- age 5 on or before August 31); ac- Dr. Nan sbell
erans buried there For more in- tivities, games and prizes for the
U formation contact Jerry O'Connor kids; a "Winnie the Pooh" presen- now practicing at
se planned for at 275-3729. tation about bus satey ,rum *he
district's transportation depart- A Cougtlly
al preschoolers ,:_, &.. ..h..4 lhn.a, meat; a short ride on a school bus;
,yair Cooperative Preschool nlyll LUG €IIIU 011U¥¥ souvenirs provided by the school's
i:eany°newithchildrenages ofvintaoenowns booster club; and a photo taken Veterinary Clinic
ho" B to its "Circus Day!" open ; of the child as a keepsake of the
p, Planned for 11 a.m to 2 sJated for Saturday start of their elementary-school
..OrlThursday, May 31, at Sel- years For more information con- • General small animal meclicine/surgery
laOaraunity Baptist Church, An English-style high tea ann • . 7," ..............
uat 23300 NE State Route 3. a fashion show of vintage bridal act ana rHH a z,,-zaou. • Acupuncture certified
(Jl¢ .e Preschool wants to intro- styles will be presented at 11:30
d its Program to local families, a.m. on Saturday, May 19, atNorth • Internal medicine residency
l_events will include games, a Mason United Methodist Church, Theler Center hosts
aalk and a tour of the class- located at 25140 NE State Route 23730 NE SR3 • LOG CABIN PLaza • BELFAIR
aaa' They will also offer free 3. Tickets for the event are $15 a rummaae sale on
l°g s, balloons and sac-cones, for adults and $10 for youths. For . -- o.- ------- 10 minutes from Hwy. 16
alOre information call the pre- more information call 275-3714. aaluroay, May z • 0.2 miles south of the stoplight at Safeway
]at 277-0392. • . The Mary E. Theler Community Open M-F 8 am-6 pm
Klnderaarten event Center has planned a fund-raising
W • "" . rummage sale to run from 9 a.m. 380.277.3800
ill provide an will run at Sand Hill tO3ente°nS:tUe?irYa:er":
the •
,or guard for a Wednesday, May 23 .arket w.] be,. the,..k ----
1 Sand Hill Elementary Sch°°l lng l°t'durlng thesame h°urs: i [E:P i: 11i"; :E)
orial Day event .,,, .o., ,, ...... . ...... iin- 'lne cen,er wm ren, veneer space
Veterans of Foreign Wars dergarten Round-Up from5 to6 m the::tr:nn:hoPa;nki:g lt ia
tfi69 of Port Orchard will p.m. on Wednesday, May 23, at wm p g p ]
the school rates of $10 for one space and $15 :: i
,. an honor guard ceremo- Ge * : : I :=.o,, :,:,,ig ,ii, , r,, f,,,:,:
Meraorml Day at Belfa,rs The round-up is held to regis- for two spaces: • . " of do • • "
h2. 'irs Cemetery located on ter next year s kindergartners and illae cemer s amp m neea " : Now s the time!
t ill Road. Th-e'ceremony is introduce them to the school envi- nauons oz clean, usaDm items, ou
itl egin at 1:30 p.m. on Friday, ronment. The evening will include no large appliances or clothing. To For a imited time we're offering 2-for-.1 h 11
25 . dinner for parents and their kin- rent space or donate, contact the popular personalized hearing aid)savings on our ME-2CIC... (they're our mo.t I1111[]l'e IS,I UJ
'De Public is inn;ted to attend dergarten-aged child (who must be center at 275-4898. lrts Is ¢1 tim, to Improve your ,rlng-- .
=,Z:77:,-.-,... avmg,,
to Ele ityBill ..... ......
war Your Winter ctric s •Automatic adjustments,or different
environments and sound levels
May is the sign-up month for Mason
County PUD No. 3's budget billing plan
;il?iNJur monthly budgeting and pay lower winter bills by signing up for budget
Sign-up in May to pay the same amount each month from June
2007 through April 2008, with May 2008 being the settle-up
, You qualify if your account has been active for at
least 12 months and your balance is current.
For added convenience, sign-up to make automatic
"Yrn'=nts from your checking or bank card account.
Call Mason County PUD No. 3
for more information
,.lton: 360-426-8255 • Belfair: 360-275-2833 • Elma: 360-482-4998
• 2-year warranty,* complete [] hearing aids for the price of
onel Simply present this
after-care program coupon to receive
Experience America Trusts .o c,,om sde
At Miracle-Ear =, we've been helping people ME.2 CIC hearing
aids for the
hear better for nearly 60 years. So when you [] price of one.
visit any one of our 1,200 locations across
America, you're sure to receive the friendly,
profezsional service and the personalized
hearing aids we're famous for.
Free Hearing Test
Call or visit your local Miracle-Ear= or Soars
Hearing Aid Center today to schedule your
free, no-obligation hearing testY*
Miracle-Ear Center
1718 Olympic Highway N.
(A(ros the street from A&W)
(360) 427-3187
I Don't delayl
I Offer ands May 11, 2007 II
'Sears Hearing Aid Center
South Sound Center
651 Sleater-Kinney
(360) 923-0464
Free Recorded Message and Free Report. Call Toll Free (866) 672-0404 or, visit
Thursday, May 17, 2007 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3