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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 17, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 17, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Wightman says that Landram should quit • Dark, rich topsoil (Continued from page 1.) executive session after the study table with her hand in tt air. But, . SPREAD FREE i' to do so." This latest controversy arose when Landram decided to meet one-on-one with interim budget director Donn Fountain to discuss next year's budget. Fountain, citing mistrust between the school board and district staff, subsequently announced his resignation. At one point in last week's meeting, dis- trict superintendent Tom Kelly directly contradicted Landram tell- ing him that the district was actu- ally ahead of schedule in the budget process and time line approved by the board in January. The larger than average crowd at last week's study session was the direct result of refreshed rumors that Kelly's job was once again on the line. Kelly, who announced in February that he would be resign- ing at the end of the school year, wasted little time at the start of the meeting to read a prepared state- ment. NOTING TItAT he had learned that he was the subject of" a per- formance review, scheduled for an session, he asked for a public re- view by the board instead. He said he had been i: touch with officials from the Washington Association of School Administrators, the Wash- ington State School Directors As- sociation and his WASA-provided attorney regarding his request. He also cited and read a section of state law dealing with executive sessions and perfbrmance reviews. Landram, though, said it would be "horribly imprudent" to conduct the review in public later in the eve- ning and that he would first need to talk with the district's lawyer. He moved to table Kelly's request and was joined by board members Nena Andrews and Ken VanBuskirk in doing so. Wightman and board member Jeff Werdall both said they would be comfortable with conduct- ing the review publicly and voted accordingly. There was one more set of fire- works befbre the meeting conclud- ed. North Mason Education As- sociation President Vicki Hopkins spent the last few minutes of the meeting seated at the speaker's Landram gavelled the me,ting to a close without giving her a chance to speak. AFTER THE meeting, Hopkins said she simply wanted to respond to a statement by Werdall indicat- ing that the teachers' union refused to meet with the board. Hopkins said that was untrue and that an outside consultant in: ructed the board, the superintendent and the union that any effort to get together to resolve the NMEA's lack of con- fidence in Landram and Andrews would be unproductive. "By me not being allowed to speak I was not allowed to go on public record for the school board minutes and I think that is not okay," Hopkins said. "I was trying to be in order. I raised my hand and I tried to wait until they were done with their conversation, but I was still not allowed to speak. As far as I'm concerned the school board has a responsibility to listen to com- munity members and staff to hear what people are saying and to lis- ten. They refuse to listen and they refuse to acknowledge us." Sewers are fully funded n{sCt:on:ewdillfr:nge e ln: I Ljb:;a2rPlbl:c" ' ' cr:Vpl:t TyBI e ' ' ' Co i two e phases, and the county hopes to end of May and willbe presented at have the system operational by late the Lower Hood Canal Watershed 2009. Coalition June 4 meeting; public Dobey and Butros also reported hearings will also be scheduled for on the status of local stormwa- June. ter planning, as mandated by the Citizens in attendance also Growth Management Act. The A1- brought up concerns about storm- lyn Stormwater Plan has now been water issues with the Hood Canal completed, they noted, and copies Terrace development, located about of the plan will be placed in the two miles down the South Shore North Mason Timberland Regional Road (State Route 106) from the • Dark, rich Hemlock Bark I Expires 6/30/07. (ash value II20€. I . o , , Clearing, Grading, Excavating Logging, Homesites to Commercial Building Complexes - Culverts to Storm Drainage SystemS Driveways to Highways - Topsoil to 2 MAN Rock 18862 E State Rt. 3 ZEPHr033C0 (360) 275-2861 '.llyn, WA 98524 Fax (360) 275-3355 Elmo's ADULT BO l P.uget So,,nd since 19oY 338 N. Callow * emeon Port of Dewatto I J Celebrates !1 Come join us on !1 the 80th Anniversary I! l.. of the Port of Dewatto J J Saturday, May 19, 2007 I | II 1-4pm  i : .E Oewa.o.d, 00a..a I! Food, drink, fun & raffle i | ._ Old Time Fiddlers for listenin & dancin leaSU# | , Music by " qng & dancing pleaSU# J il Donations for local food bar welcome" ! !- II I i Looking forward to seeing one and all : I I r For additional information call 360-372-2695 1 | :k' Public Hearing Notice The Board of Directors of the Grapeview School District will hold a public hearing as part of the study session on Tuesday May 22, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. to take public comment with regard to the 1-728 expenditure plan for the 2007-08 school year budget. The hear- ing will be held in the library at 822 E Mason Benson Road, Grapeview, WA 98546. 5/17 It Public Notice The GRAPEVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 54, MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Board of Directors will conduct a public hear- ing for the purpose of adopting the proposed 2006-2007 BUDGET EXTENSION for the General Fund. The public hearing will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 22, 2007 in the school library located at 822 E. Mason Benson Road, Grapeview, WA 98546. Any interested persons may appear at this meet- ing and will be given the opportunity to be heard for or against any part of the proposed Budget Extension. Any inquiries regarding this notice should be directed to Jim Snyder, Superintendent, or Tracy Arkin, Administrative Assistant at (360) 426-4921 or (360) 275-4921. 5/10-17 2t en-owned firms are encouraged to submit statements. These qualifications and interest state- ments will be reviewed and placed on file and used as a source to select one or more qualified firms from whom a detailed pro- posal will be requested for specific projects. The format of the statement of qualifications shall include: Washington State Contrac- tor License Number, Washington State Tax Number, references for work performed in the past two years, type of equipment avail- INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Locally owned • Licensed 15 years experience 1-360-277-9241 Cell 1-360-401-0048 HOODCCP979NN able, type of work desired, and a statement that the contractor has no record of default or failure to complete a contract. Statement of Contractors Qualification forms may be obtained from HCSEG by calling (360) 275-3575. To be placed on the HCSEG roster, the form must be com- pleted and returned to Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group, PO Box 2169, 22881 NE St Rt 3, Belfair, WA 98528, no later than May 31,2007. 5/17-24 2t JESFIELD Construction, Inc. Serving the North Mason area since 196 7 Specializing in seawall Re-construction and home repairs 275-6684 Frank Merrill Belfair, WA Uc #JESFII*228DO LUNCH Featured Speaker Dino Rossi Wednesday, May 23 rd 11:30am-1pm Theler Community Center Lunch Rossi will be talking about the recently concluded legislative sesSi0 and the future impact of the state budget, as well as his non-profit Forward Washington Foundation. Rossi will sign copies of his book Le: Politics and Life. For more information, contact Frank Kenny at 275-4267. The North Mason Chamber of Commerce holds a regular luncheon meeting with a featured speaker on the fourtt of every month at Theler Community Center in Belfair. SOLICITATION OF CONTRACTING SERVICES SMALL WORKS ROSTER Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group The Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group (HCSEG) is soliciting statements of qualifications and performance from firms interested in providing contracting services from June 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008 in conjunction with HCSEG sponsored proj- ects. Typical work might involve, but is not limited to, minor asphalt paving, concrete construction, steel fabrication, installation of prefabricated structures, timber removal, earth moving, heavy equipment operation and rental, water facility repairs, landscap- ing, weir construction, carpentering and fencing. Firms capable of providing these types of construction services are invited to submit statements. Minority and wom- St. Hugh Episcopal Church We invite you to join us for Sunday Family Worship 10 a.m.. Sunday School Provided 280 E. Whcclwright St., Allyn 360-275-8450 Page 4 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, May 17, 2007 Wightman says that Landram should quit • Dark, rich topsoil (Continued from page 1.) executive session after the study table with her hand in tt air. But, . SPREAD FREE i' to do so." This latest controversy arose when Landram decided to meet one-on-one with interim budget director Donn Fountain to discuss next year's budget. Fountain, citing mistrust between the school board and district staff, subsequently announced his resignation. At one point in last week's meeting, dis- trict superintendent Tom Kelly directly contradicted Landram tell- ing him that the district was actu- ally ahead of schedule in the budget process and time line approved by the board in January. The larger than average crowd at last week's study session was the direct result of refreshed rumors that Kelly's job was once again on the line. Kelly, who announced in February that he would be resign- ing at the end of the school year, wasted little time at the start of the meeting to read a prepared state- ment. NOTING TItAT he had learned that he was the subject of" a per- formance review, scheduled for an session, he asked for a public re- view by the board instead. He said he had been i: touch with officials from the Washington Association of School Administrators, the Wash- ington State School Directors As- sociation and his WASA-provided attorney regarding his request. He also cited and read a section of state law dealing with executive sessions and perfbrmance reviews. Landram, though, said it would be "horribly imprudent" to conduct the review in public later in the eve- ning and that he would first need to talk with the district's lawyer. He moved to table Kelly's request and was joined by board members Nena Andrews and Ken VanBuskirk in doing so. Wightman and board member Jeff Werdall both said they would be comfortable with conduct- ing the review publicly and voted accordingly. There was one more set of fire- works befbre the meeting conclud- ed. North Mason Education As- sociation President Vicki Hopkins spent the last few minutes of the meeting seated at the speaker's Landram gavelled the me,ting to a close without giving her a chance to speak. AFTER THE meeting, Hopkins said she simply wanted to respond to a statement by Werdall indicat- ing that the teachers' union refused to meet with the board. Hopkins said that was untrue and that an outside consultant in: ructed the board, the superintendent and the union that any effort to get together to resolve the NMEA's lack of con- fidence in Landram and Andrews would be unproductive. "By me not being allowed to speak I was not allowed to go on public record for the school board minutes and I think that is not okay," Hopkins said. "I was trying to be in order. I raised my hand and I tried to wait until they were done with their conversation, but I was still not allowed to speak. As far as I'm concerned the school board has a responsibility to listen to com- munity members and staff to hear what people are saying and to lis- ten. They refuse to listen and they refuse to acknowledge us." Sewers are fully funded n{sCt:on:ewdillfr:nge e ln: I Ljb:;a2rPlbl:c" ' ' cr:Vpl:t TyBI e ' ' ' Co i two e phases, and the county hopes to end of May and willbe presented at have the system operational by late the Lower Hood Canal Watershed 2009. Coalition June 4 meeting; public Dobey and Butros also reported hearings will also be scheduled for on the status of local stormwa- June. ter planning, as mandated by the Citizens in attendance also Growth Management Act. The A1- brought up concerns about storm- lyn Stormwater Plan has now been water issues with the Hood Canal completed, they noted, and copies Terrace development, located about of the plan will be placed in the two miles down the South Shore North Mason Timberland Regional Road (State Route 106) from the • Dark, rich Hemlock Bark I Expires 6/30/07. (ash value II20€. I . o , , Clearing, Grading, Excavating Logging, Homesites to Commercial Building Complexes - Culverts to Storm Drainage SystemS Driveways to Highways - Topsoil to 2 MAN Rock 18862 E State Rt. 3 ZEPHr033C0 (360) 275-2861 '.llyn, WA 98524 Fax (360) 275-3355 Elmo's ADULT BO l P.uget So,,nd since 19oY 338 N. Callow * emeon Port of Dewatto I J Celebrates !1 Come join us on !1 the 80th Anniversary I! l.. of the Port of Dewatto J J Saturday, May 19, 2007 I | II 1-4pm  i : .E Oewa.o.d, 00a..a I! Food, drink, fun & raffle i | ._ Old Time Fiddlers for listenin & dancin leaSU# | , Music by " qng & dancing pleaSU# J il Donations for local food bar welcome" ! !- II I i Looking forward to seeing one and all : I I r For additional information call 360-372-2695 1 | :k' Public Hearing Notice The Board of Directors of the Grapeview School District will hold a public hearing as part of the study session on Tuesday May 22, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. to take public comment with regard to the 1-728 expenditure plan for the 2007-08 school year budget. The hear- ing will be held in the library at 822 E Mason Benson Road, Grapeview, WA 98546. 5/17 It Public Notice The GRAPEVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 54, MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON Board of Directors will conduct a public hear- ing for the purpose of adopting the proposed 2006-2007 BUDGET EXTENSION for the General Fund. The public hearing will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 22, 2007 in the school library located at 822 E. Mason Benson Road, Grapeview, WA 98546. Any interested persons may appear at this meet- ing and will be given the opportunity to be heard for or against any part of the proposed Budget Extension. Any inquiries regarding this notice should be directed to Jim Snyder, Superintendent, or Tracy Arkin, Administrative Assistant at (360) 426-4921 or (360) 275-4921. 5/10-17 2t en-owned firms are encouraged to submit statements. These qualifications and interest state- ments will be reviewed and placed on file and used as a source to select one or more qualified firms from whom a detailed pro- posal will be requested for specific projects. The format of the statement of qualifications shall include: Washington State Contrac- tor License Number, Washington State Tax Number, references for work performed in the past two years, type of equipment avail- INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Locally owned • Licensed 15 years experience 1-360-277-9241 Cell 1-360-401-0048 HOODCCP979NN able, type of work desired, and a statement that the contractor has no record of default or failure to complete a contract. Statement of Contractors Qualification forms may be obtained from HCSEG by calling (360) 275-3575. To be placed on the HCSEG roster, the form must be com- pleted and returned to Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group, PO Box 2169, 22881 NE St Rt 3, Belfair, WA 98528, no later than May 31,2007. 5/17-24 2t JESFIELD Construction, Inc. Serving the North Mason area since 196 7 Specializing in seawall Re-construction and home repairs 275-6684 Frank Merrill Belfair, WA Uc #JESFII*228DO LUNCH Featured Speaker Dino Rossi Wednesday, May 23 rd 11:30am-1pm Theler Community Center Lunch Rossi will be talking about the recently concluded legislative sesSi0 and the future impact of the state budget, as well as his non-profit Forward Washington Foundation. Rossi will sign copies of his book Le: Politics and Life. For more information, contact Frank Kenny at 275-4267. The North Mason Chamber of Commerce holds a regular luncheon meeting with a featured speaker on the fourtt of every month at Theler Community Center in Belfair. SOLICITATION OF CONTRACTING SERVICES SMALL WORKS ROSTER Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group The Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group (HCSEG) is soliciting statements of qualifications and performance from firms interested in providing contracting services from June 1, 2007 through June 30, 2008 in conjunction with HCSEG sponsored proj- ects. Typical work might involve, but is not limited to, minor asphalt paving, concrete construction, steel fabrication, installation of prefabricated structures, timber removal, earth moving, heavy equipment operation and rental, water facility repairs, landscap- ing, weir construction, carpentering and fencing. Firms capable of providing these types of construction services are invited to submit statements. Minority and wom- St. Hugh Episcopal Church We invite you to join us for Sunday Family Worship 10 a.m.. Sunday School Provided 280 E. Whcclwright St., Allyn 360-275-8450 Page 4 - Belfair Herald section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, May 17, 2007