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Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 17, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 17, 2012
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ti Photo t,, Karen Everett Students recently took part in the Pioneer School District's math and science fair. math and science fair goes off without a hitch By KAREN EVERETT Another successful math and science fair was held recently in the Pioneer School District under the direction of sci- ence teachers Martha Hoss and Steve Val- ley. Students and their families had an opportunity to observe 110 projects pro- duced by 141 participants this year. Students in Suzanne Jackson's third grade class submitted a project on the investigation of sounds. They studied the properties of sound and learned how one can discriminate between different sounds to make a code. They made codes using different objects such as spoons to represent the different sounds. "The displays this year showed dedica- tion and hard work from the young scien- tists," Hoss said. "It is always so amazing to us to see the diversity of interests in our students' work." Projects seen at this year's event in- cluded the areas of life. earth and physi- cal science as well as math. Individual classrooms from kindergarten through eighth grades visited the fair during the school day. In the evening many parents, grandparents and community members enjoyed seeing the hard work of the par- ticipants. The Pioneer Parent Teacher Associa- tion rewarded the scientists by presenting each participant with a large chocolate bar. which provided them with a sweet ending for all of their hard work. Southside School Days set The Southside School Booster Club is hosting the fifth annual Southside School Days Community Festival from i0 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday at the school. The school is located at 161 S.E. Collier Road in Shelton. There is free admission to the festival and game tickets are only 25 cents apiece. Games include: fishing pond, face painting, dunk tank, book walk, joist, pic- tures, sumo wrestling, food vendors, bouncy house, auc- tion, bake sale, music, bun- gee run and sticky wall, The Southside Booster Club continues to seek dona- tions for the silent auction. The purpose, of the festival is to assist in raismg funds to provide a higher quality education for the students of Southside School. "The success of our auc- tion depends on donations of quality items from local businesses and individuals," organizers said. 'Your dona- tion is tax-deductible." For event details, call 427- 9249 or email Paula Flint at or visit the school's website at www. Harstine announces scholarship winners Harstine Island Women's Club Scholarship Committee recently announced scholar- ship winners for the 2012- 2013 school year, The Judy and Charles Chase Memorial Scholar- ship Award went to Christine Johnson and the Harstine Is- land Women's Club Scholar- ship Awards went to Kyla Di- malanta and Billy Bamford. Olympic College of Shelton plans for summer and fall New students plan- propriate class for a ning on attending sum- student's educational mer or fall quarters plan. There is a $20 at Olympic College testing fee. Students can register as early are given their results as June 1. Continuing when they complete the student registration test. begins as early as May New students need 21. Summer classes be- to attend a SOAR ses- gin on July 2 and fall sion. These sessions quarter begins Sept. are an easy, convenient 29. way for new students to Continuing students get all the information can find their regis- needed to start their tration" appointment education and begin by visiting the Online preparing for their first Student Account and quarter at Olympic Col- Registration (OASIS) lege. Students need to website. New students bring their Accuplacer need to take an Acc- results so an advisor uplacer Placement Test can help them prepare and attend a Student an education plan. Orientation to Advis- Call 432-5400 to ing and Registration schedule an Accuplacer (SOAR) session, test or SOAR session. New studer/ts wish- The Olympic College ing to take an English Shelton campus is lo- or Math class must cated at 937 W. A1- take an Accuplacer pine Way, Shelton. Of- placement test. This is rice hours are Monday a self-paced computer- through Thursday 8:30 ized assessment test a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and that will help an advi- Friday 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 sor determine the ap- p.m. Relay For Life seeking more teams Celebrating its twelfth year in Shelton. The Relay For Life of Shelton invites mem- bers of the community to put together a team of co-workers, family, friends or business as- sociates to join the Re- lay For Life on June 22 and 23. This is an event of the American Cancer Society raising money to help fund cancer re- search, advocacy, com- munity education and patient services. Teams usually con- sist of eight to fifteen people who camp out overnight at the Shel- ton High School track, taking turns walk- ing around the track. Teams pay $100 to register. Each actively fundraising member re- ceives a Relay For Life T-shirt. A Team Rally meeting will take place at 6 p.m., on Thursday at the Shel- ton Civic Center. For in- formation regarding the Relay For Life of Shelton. please contact Dave and Toni Hauge, Relay For Life co-chairs, at 490- 9490: Vickie Gonzales. team development chair. at 426-1601 ext. 3142 or Ryan Whisnant. ACS staff partner at (253) 207-5148. Teams can be registered at www. Thursday Noon-7 p.m., The Shelton-Mason County Chamber is sponsoring the 2012 Bite of Shelton and Business Expo at The Pa- vilion at Sentry Park, 190 W. Sentry Drive, Shelton. Visit www.sheltoncham- for more information. Noon-1 p.m., The Shel- ton Rotary Club will hold its regular meeting at St. David's Episcopal Church located "on the corner of Third and Cedar streets. 6 p.m., Relay For Life of Shelton will hos~ a Team Rally meeting at the Shelton Civic Center. This is an open meeting m discuss the up- coming Relay For Life event scheduled on 3ane 22 and 23. Friday 11 a.m.-5 p.m., The Hood Canal Kiwanis Food Bank Community Garden Dedication will take place at 2360 Skokomish Valley Road. Shelton The event includes a dedication of the garden, luncheon and work party. Please park at the grange. 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., The Shelton Kiwanis Club hosts a weekly meeting at Xinh's. 221 W. Railroad Ave.. Shelton. 6 p.m.-8 p.m., The Shel- ton Kings Jersey Fund- raiser Spaghetti Dinner and Auction will take place at Oakland Bay Junior High School, 3301 Shelton Springs Road, Shelton. The event will raise funds m purchase new jerseys for every league player. Auc- tion items have been do- nated by the community. 6 p.m.-10 p.m., Blue- grass from The Forest Festival will take place at Shelton High School. 3737 N. Shelton Springs Road. Shelton. 7 p.m., Harstine Island Community Choir pres- SE[II N flNDI $ www, 24-HOUR MOVIE INFO 426-1000 ia tin' r~J| Pm.i m ~ ' F~'~.~mm NThe Avengers Dally 3:45, 6:30pm Additional Shows Fri-Sat 9:20pm Sat-Sun 1:00pro ~Dark Shadows Daily 4:30, 7:00pro Additional Shows Fri-Sat 9:25pm Sat-Sun 2:00pro Serviag all organic, lair trade esoresso drinks 9 a.m.-3 p.m., The Shel- ton Farmer's Market will take place on Third Street between Cedar and Frank- lin streets. 10 a.m.-4 p.m.. South- side School Booster Club is hosting the fifth annual Southside School Days Community Festival at Southside School, 161 S.E Collier Road. Shelton. Ad- mission is free and game tickets are 25 cents. 10 a.m.-midnight, Bluegrass from The Forest Festival will take place at Shelton High School. 3737 N. Shelton Springs Road. Shelton. Sunday 10 a.m.-4 p.m.. Blue- grass from the Forest Festival will take place at Shelton High School. 3737 N. Shelton Spnngs Road, Shelton. 3 p.m., Harstine Island Community Choir pres- ents their annual concert. "Touch of Fire." at Harstine Island Community Hall. 3371 E. Harstine Island Road. Shelton. Local students honored at St. Martin's The. academic work of St. Martin's University students was recently hon- ored at the school's Stu- dent Scholars' Day and Honors Convocation. Justin Rewets, a chem- istry major from Shel- ton. received the Father Bede Ernsdorf, O.S.B Award for Excellence in Research in Chemis- try. Christopher Ward, a mathematics major from Shelton, received the Outstanding Achieve- ment Award in Computer Science and The CLIMB Award. Kaden Wulf. a civil engineering major from Shelton, was award- ed Civil Engineer of the Year. Jennifer Landauer, a master in teaching from Shelton. received the Paff Special Education Award. ® 100% Vegetable Oil No Peanut Oil • Large Meetin£ Room Available Open 7 days, 11am-9pm Lounge Open 11:30am to £1osing ~j'Royal Shanqha-~ Lounqe Call 426-4412 to place your ad today! .... .... ll nd A tS : ud To .... ........... o May 26;27, 28 Mandolin LOGGER ORCHESTRA 1903 "" } Shelton High School ! Auditorium and campus lWO INDOORSrI'AGES- BkNI)('ONTES'Iq- -M%R~'SNI.OW ~,~M. ~ ~MPI\(; ~tqtt~ lAMMING - BANI) S('R ~:\IBLb - '~I!NDORS & M(}RE~ • :k>~pi~a,", ~,~,~a~, .~:,x,.~' ¢~ ~T boreas P~intlng More Information: www, 360.890.4581 • 360,426,3782 or ema[I runawaytl'a mOlUeqtassDa n~ ~ mm~all corn / Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 17. 2012 - Page B-3