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Jeanne Bernie
Jeanne Marie Bernie,
85, died on May 5, 2012,
at Panorama Convales-
cent Center in Lacey. She
was a resident of Shelton.
She was born on Jan.
14, 1927, in San Francis-./
co to William L. and Olg~/
(Sosnowiski) Dunn.
She married Jack Ber,
me in Reno, Nev., and
the U./S. Army at age 17, ...9.1
servinJg three years dur-
ing thte Vietnam War.
He!began work as a, later working
in the; restaurant busi-
ness.i At 51 he became a
truclk driver. Upon retire-
men|; he earned a degree
in a~:counting and com-
pute r science.
Oia Nov. 23, 2003. he
worked/ mar~ried Enid L. Seat in
~ as apdr- ~ Shelton.
chasing He was
agent rangements, a Past-
for sev- Governor
era[ large ...... ~ of Shel-
elec~tronic ton's
compa- Moose
nies. She is survived by He is survived by wife Lodge, a
She daughters Dixie Tan- Corinne Young McGrady member
Jeanne was a ner, Sunny Matulovich of Lilliwaup; children of Simp-
Bernie member and Sharon Neal; grand- Sean McGrady, Siobhan Paul son's
of the Redchildren Bob, Cynthia, Benoit and Liam Mc- Pinochle
Hat Soci- Thomas and David Iyall, Grady; brother Seamus YFennersten Club and
ety. She enjoyed golfing Jonmarie Romero, Joseph McGrady; five grand- he be-
and traveling around the Neal, and LeighAnne children, and numerous longed
U.S. with her husband. (Neal) Orcutt; great- nieces and nephews, t,o Shelton Presbyterian
She is survived by sons grandchildren Angee, A celebration of life ~3hurch.
Patrick (Lyrmette) Bernie Richard, Jack (Bubba), will be held at 2 p.m. on He is survived by
of San Ramon. Calif.. and Jake and Karalee Iyall, Saturday, at the Cowans his wife; sisters Carol
Bill Bernie of Shelton; Emma and Naomi Neal, home. A reception will Bowen of Portland, Ore..
daughters Terry (Jerry) Robert Flores, and Lau- follow. Louise Evans of Anchor-
Hinchcliff of Shelton, ren, Jordan and MitchellIn lieu of flowers, do- age, Alaska, Lura Ryder
Sharon Cloward of San Orcutt. and nephews nations may be made to of Springvi!le, Utah
Diego, and Kelly (Terry) Jesse. Harley and Bruce the Griffin School Band and Jo Anne Havens
Ruppert of Poway, Ca- Lee. or Griffin Fire Depart- of North Pole, Alaska:
lif.; grandchildren Me- She was preceded in ment. Please leave re- step-daughters Debhora
lissa Johnson and Jason death by her parents; membrances at www. Dempsey of Florida and
Hinchcliff of Shelton. husband John Clapson: (Jim) Craudell
Brandon. Brigette (Dan), brothers David. Harley, Arrangements have been ofYelm; grandchil-
Chad Bernie of San Ra- Jack and Albert; and sis- made by Funeral Alternel- dren Corwyn Harry,
mon, Chelsea Bernie of ter Becky. tives of Washington in Jared David and Mariah
San Diego, Ashley Rup- A memorial will be Tumwater. Dempsey, Jennifer
pert of Poway and Alissa held at a later date. Merrissa. Cody James
Bernie of Chico, Calif.; Paul Wennersten and Emily Craudell;
great-grandchildren Jerry Cowan Jr. Paul Jack Wenner- step-great grandchil-
Dustin Pietroski and Da- Jerry Cowan Jr.. 75, sten. 66, died on May c), dren Jeanelle Marico
kota Johnson of Shelton died on May 6. 2012. at 2012, at Providence St/.and Kiro Dempsey, and
and Levi Hinchcliff of Providence St. Peter Hos- Peter Hospital in Olyrn-many nieces, nephews.
Lacey. pital in Olympia. He waspia. He was a residenl~ of great-nieces and great-
She is preceded in a resident of Olympia. Shelton. nephews.
death by her husband. He was born on July He was born on Aug:. He was preceded in
A service will take 12, 1936, in Deadwood, 31, 1945, in Salem. M~ar- death by his parents.
place on July 2. 2012, at S.D., to Shirley and A1-ion, Ore.. to Mable Grace A memorial service
St. Michaels in San Di- fred Cowan Sr. Hensley and Paul Everettwill take place at 11 a.m.
ego. He graduated from Wennersten. today, at Shelton Presby-
Condolences may be Shelton High School in He was raised in terian Church. A potluck
sent to the family via 1954 and later joined the Homer. Alaska and joinedwill follow the service. :Navy .......
: " -: " °~H~ naarried Kathy
Alfred "Jerry" Cowan, Jr.
Jerry Cowan Jr., 75. passed away on Sunday, May 6. 2012
at Providence St. Peter Hospital in Olympia. Washington
of heart complications. Jerry was born July 12, 1936 in
Deadwood. SD and moved with his mom and dad. Shirley and
Alfred Cowan Senior. to Shelton. Washington in 1950. He
graduated from Shelton High School in 1954. He then joined
the Navy. Jerry met and married Kathy Keyes in 1962 and
they lived in Olympia for 49 years. Jerry and Kathy enjoyed
traveling, spending time with family and friends, and spoiling
(loving) their precious grandsons. Jerry is survived by his
wife, Kathy of Olympia: sons. Tracy Cowan of Olympia
and Troy Cowan (Karla) of Olympia; grandsons. Coby
Cowan and Zachary Cowan: brother. Gary Cowan (Carol} of
Bremerton. WA: sister. Cheryl Ehler (Gary) of Bonney Lake.
WA: brother-in-law. Rex Keyes (Oui) of Olympia: and five
nieces and nephews. A celebration of Jerry's life will be held
at the Cowan's home on Saturday, May 19, 2012 at 2:00 p.m.
Reception to follow. Please leave remembrances at www. Arrangements are with Funeral
Alternatives of Washington. 360-753-1065.
~-] Paid Obituary Notice -- [.~
John Henry Johnson
John Henry Johnson passed awa~ in his home on
April 7. 2012. overlooking the mountains and valley ~:
in Wickenburg at the age of 82. He succumbed to
a long battle with cancer with care from his wife• I
companion and love. Sydney by his side.
John was born on September i0. 1929 to John
Jacob and Elin Matilda Johnson in Shelton and was :
the youngest of four children, preceded in death
by Sven and Elvera. survived by Lester who lives in
Olympia. He grew up on Harstine Island were they
farmed berries and grapes• His father was his last surviving
parent passing away when he was 16. His extended family
was the Scott family when he grew up on Harstine Island and moved with them to
Belfair with lots of fond memories and stories, working in the woods, logging with the
Scott family•
In 1951 he married Barbara Ori and had three sons. During this time he was called
to duty and served in the Korean War. In 1952. at the time of his discharge he was
Sergeant John Johnson and served in Company A. Thirteenth Engineer Battalion of
the US Army. He received the Korean Service Medal with two Bronze Stars and the
United Nations Service Medal• Upon returning he became a Teamster with a career in
fuel oil. heating and air conditioning• Always an excellent mechanic he could work on
On January 9th. 1982 he married Sydney Whisenant residing in Belfair on their horse
ranch where Sydney taught horsemanship until they moved to Wickenburg, AZ. in
2009. Sydney still resides and enjoys the warm weather and her horses.
He is survived by his wife Sydney, his brother Les. his son's Steve (Lenny), Ron,
Jack (Kathy) and a stepson Lonnie Whisenanr (Sherry) all of Belfair. including seven
grandchiluren and five great grandchildren.
A memorial and celebration of John's eventful life will be held at the Harstine Island
!E~rnest Van 1~_ ~r.l~.! ;~?y~s i~ ~9.~.:.,~hey lived
Ernest )Mviri-'-~ ~'V~i~" '~ ...... it Olympi~a "fbr' ~9 years. ~ .... '
He enjoyed traveling
Van Buskirk, 77, died on
April 23, 2012, at home and spending time with•
in Sheldon. his family and friends.
He was born on April He is survived by his
12, 1935, in Vancouver. to wife; sons Tracy Cowan
Ralph and Frances CHar- of Olympia and Troy
ris) Van Buskirk (Karla} Cowan of Olym-
He was a veteran of the pia; grandsons Coby and
Vietnam War. He retired Zachary Cowan: brother
from the U.S. Air Force Gary (Carol) Cowan of
after 21 years of service. Bremerton; sister Cheryl
He was also retired from (Gary) Ehler of Bonney
the Puget Sound Naval Lake; brother-in-law Rex
Shipyard. (Oui) Keyes of Olympia,
He as survived by wife and five nieces and neph-
Peggy Van Buskirk: ews.
stepson David Herring A celebration of his life
of Wisconsin" son Bruce will be held at 2 p.m. on
Van Buskirk of Hawaii: Saturday, at the Cowan's
daughters Therese (Tony) home. A reception will fol-
Pinfold of England, low.
Cheryl (Remy) Dewey of In lieu of flowers, do-
Tacoma, and Kim Van nations may be made to
Buskirk of Maple Falls: the Griffin School Band
brothers MarvinVan or Griffin Fire Depart-
Buskirk of Alaska and ment. Please leave re-
Richard (Carolyn) Porter membrances at www.
of Shelton; sister Barbara
Stephens of Lakewood; Arrangements have been
10 grandchildren, seven made by Funeral Alter-
great-grandchildren and natives of Washington in
many nieces and neph- Tumwater.
He was preceded in Michael MeGrady
death by his parents; Michael Robinson Mc-
brothers, Jack, Gilbert, Grady, 78, died on May
William and Floyd and 13, 2012, in Shelton. He
sisters, Dorthy and Peg- was a resident of Lilli-
gy. waup.
Services were held on He was born in 1933,
May 7, 2012, at the Ta- in New York, to Grace
homa National Cemetery. and Patrick McGrady. He
began his academic ca-
Anna Clapson reer in a one-room school-
Anna May Clapson, 93, house in Lilliwaup and
died on May 8, 2012, in graduated from American
Arlington. She was a resi- Community High School
dent of Arlington. in Paris. In 1955 he grad-
She was born on Nov. uated from Yale Univer-
27, 1918, in Raymond, to sity where he served as
William Henry BorrOw ........ eaitor and columnist at
and Willie Florence Bax- Yale Daily News.
ter. He was a New York
She was a member of Times bestselling author
the Raymond Elks, the and popular Newsday
Loners on Wheels RV newspaper columnist. He
Club and the Shelton frequently contributed
Walkie Talkies. to publications such as
She loved Clothes and Playboy, The Saturday
could put together a great Evening Post, Time and
outfit. Everyone who New York Magazine. He
knew her would say she won a Harvard Nieman
really knew how to enjoy Fellowship in 1968 to
life .................... 1969. . ....
William Mullaney Brickert
William Mullaney Brickert, longtime Mason County
resident, passed away in Shelton.WA on May 1. 2012
at age 89.
Born September 16. 1922 in Tenino, WA,
to Wendell Harrison and F:rances Marie
(Mullane~) Brickert, Bill and family moved to
Centralia where he graduated in 1940.5th in
his class. His senior year he was elected team
captain of the 1940 track: team and was also
a member of the elite Kl fights of"C", and of
the National Honor Soc iety. Bill was awarded
the Kiwanis Cup for be ing the athlete with the
highest grade point ave;rage, as well as the Centraiia
Chronicle Journalism Cup for being a scholar athlete
and journalist. He wrote for the Centralia Chronicle his junmr
and semor years and ~0ecame the sports editor pro-tem from 1940-1941. That
same year Bill attended Centralia Junior College before interrupting his college
education to serve irt the Marines during WWII.
Bill met his sweetheart. Dottie Fox in 1942. They married June 3.1944 in Seattle.
WA before residing in Bremerton where Bill was a Washington State Health
Inspector. Bill completed his education at WSC in Pullman• He was named Captain
of the 1945 Washington State College Track and field team and was the Pacific
Coast Conference Northern Division undefeated quarter-mile champion. Graduating
in 1945 from WSC in 1945 with a degree in PE and minors in Biology, Chemistry
and Psychology. Bill taught and coached in Milton-Freewater, OR. and Cle Elum,
Wa. before making Shelton their forever home with his wife, Dottie and children
Wendy, Brian an d Mike. There he spent the next 26 years teaching and coaching.
In 1960 Bob Sund and Bill organized the Shelton Invitational Track Meet that
today is the oldest running meet of its kind in the State. They also collaborated on
a Track and Field coaches' handbook detailing techniques for specific events. It
has been used as a coaching tool by college track and field programs as well as the
national programs of Australia, Canada, Iceland and Newfoundland.
When Bill retired in 1980 he continued to coach track and field at Capital High '
School in Olympia for a full decade, while also a Shelton High School assistant
football coach for the next 20 years.
Bill served as president of the Washington State Coaches Association 1972-73.
In1993 he w as accorded the coveted Gold Helmet Award by the Washington
State Football Coaches Association and inducted into the equivalent of the
organization's Hall of Fame for assistant coaches. Bill in 1972 was one of the
founders, organizers, and first president of the Washington State Track Coaches
Associatiora that in 1995 honored him among the first group inducted into the State
Hall of Fame. Other organizations in which he participated were: Junior Chamber
of Commerce-president; Elks; Masons-Worshipful Master I981.
Bill is survived by his wife of 67+ years, Dottie, daughter Wendy (Brickert) Selde
(Gerald) of Kelso, sons Brian (Chriss) of Shelton, and Mike (Diane) of Wise river,
MT; gra,ndchildren Dan Brickert (Dea Dea) of Longview, David Brickert (Darcy
King) o'f Mesa AZ, Joy (Russell) Fulling (Greg) of Shelton, Donovan Russell (Jena
Burt) o'lf Griffin, Ryan Selde of Kelso, eleven great grandchildren and 1971 foreign
exchange student, Per Nolen of Sweden. Bill was preceded in death by his twin
sisters Barbara Lee (Brickert) Schoelkopf (Richard), Ruth Marie (Brickert-Rectorj,
Albrecht Morgan) and stepmother, Rae (Malcom) Brickert.
Burial at Shelton Memorial Park will be held Saturday, May 19, 2012 at 1:00 PMI
and is open to friends and well-wishers. A memorial service and reception is to
be held Sunday, May 20, 2012 at 2:00PM at the Shelton Seventh Day Adventist
Church located 210 West Shelton Valley road.
In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the Shelton High
School Football Program or Shelton High School Track and field Program at 3737
N Shelton Springs Rd. Shelton, Wa 98584
Paid Obituary Notice --
Community Club Saturday July 21th 2012 at 1:00 PM
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 17, 2012 - Page B-7