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Page B-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 17, 2012
Journal photo by Kevln
Hood Canal School sixth-grader Keighven Wiseman uses his head in
order to transfer plants from the greenhouse to an outdoor shelter.
itv idea," he said of the commu- and families ',have helped
Commun _ nity garden and the effort to with the project, including:
Continued from page B-1 restock the pantry. The Lucky Dog Casino, Big
Sunsomay Keith, a sev- River Landscaping, Ho~he
Bank in Hoodsport. enth grade student, said he Depot, Bill and Vicki Cahill,
Keighven Wiseman, a zs applying skills he's learned Bonnie Miller, Teddy and
sixth-grader at Hood Canal at home, where his family Jim Hamby, Sharon and
.School, said he joined the grows many different kinds Jack Motl, George Bowen,
JBuilders Club -- a student- of vegetables, to a school proj- Larry Hager and Mike Pena.
l'ed civic group at the school ect. Whitright said organizers
--- because it '%elps ou~ peo- Whitright said the project continue to look for additional
ple in the community by do- is helping to instill a sense volunteers and partners. Those
ing community service." of pride in the gardeners, no interested in assisting with the
Keighven said he likes to matter the age. community garden should call
"help in any way we can pos- Greenhouse Club adviser Becky at 259-6290 or email
sit ~ly help." Jolean Graham said stu-
His older brother Keegan, dents' skills in customer ser- Any business or individual
in eighth grade, said he's vice and salesmanship also hoping to become a partner
he~ard the shelves at the Hood will be enhanced when the with the project or to donate
C~a] Food Bank have run group hosts its annual plant needed supplies should call
out of non-perishable food sale. Whitright at 877-6714 or
iten~s on multiple occasions. Along with the local Ki-send an email to tuwhit@q.
"][ think it's a very good wanis, several businesses com.
Jo arnal
Continued from page B-1 . : • ........
• I pouna fresh .... .... ,:::
year p eriod in the results of what you get in : asparagus spemis, ....
your g~arden.
The. journal also includes a recipe for each : :~0ugh :: ends : ... ::.:.
~imm~ ~th olive :oil
monthwith ingredients a gardener can grow : : ~ tablespoon ~-SeaSofi ~ith sai(i i~
the, mseIves. " iive oii. and pepper ~o.
Ever.T recipe has cultivation tips for : 8air and pepper ~aste~ (~r!ll over :
items th'at are in your reeipe," Edmondson t0:~a:st~ high heat.for tWO :
said. "O~ur goal was to encourage people to ................
grow their own food."
Edmondson said the contributions of mas-
ter gardeners Jan Mutter, Pat Carpenter,
Carol Gmt'dner and Linda Woytowich espe-
cially led 1~o the journal's success.
The ma~ter gardeners hope to raise $2,000
to $3,000 f:rom sales of the garden journal.
"We see it as an ongoing seller," Edmond-
son said.
In addition to raising funds from the jour-
nal, last weekend the Mason County Master
Gardeners held their annual plant sale at
Kneeland Park to raise more money for the
master gardener program, which runs the
Catalyst Park community garden in Shelton.
This garden supplies fresh vegetables to the
Saint's Pantry Food Bank each summer and
Harstine be good for the calendarstudios of the artists. Tour
send it to Bill at burrows@ participants will see works
Continued fro~m page B-1, in progress, raw materials,
On May 26, you will tools and the environment
centuries to fii]td the story have a chance to fill your that inspires these creative
for the rock cantata "The stomach with some dell- people. Guests will meet the
Creation." Having explored cious island spaghetti, artists, discuss their work,
what appear to be opposite. This is the day for the and learn about influences
ends of the musical world, annual community club affecting the design of each
the choir finishes with a dinner that invites every- piece.
handful of victorious spzri- one on and around the The studio tour has no
tuals, finding ye?.: another island to join in. An end- admission fee. The self-
story to tell in song. You less plate of spaghetti will guided tour map can be
can see them at 7 p.m. May arrive at your table served seen inside flyers avail-
18, at United Me~t:hodist by club members dressed able at local businesses
Church in Shelton, at 3 in their traditional white and regional tourism and
p.m. May 19. at St. Hugh's shirts, black pants and styl- visitor centers. Directional
Episcopal Church in Al- ish vests. Then there are signage will be posted near
lyn, or at 3p.m. May 20. the desserts made up by event locations. Additional
at the choir's home venue, the grange, information can be found at
Harstine Island Co~mmu- One thing to keep in or
nity Hall, for a col- mind is that you can work by emailing admin@Art-
lection of musical sl~ories up a good appetite spend- for a flyer.
in wildly different s~yles, ing the day traveling Senior Lunch will be
The choir always welcomes around the island visiting served again on May 30.
new members no matter local artists. For the first They will be offering barbe-
what their skill level or time on Harstine Island, lo- cue ribs with baked beans
experience so if you want cal artists will open their along with coleslaw and
to start singing the stories studio doors to the public to sherbet.
with them instead ofj ust show and sell their recent The Harstine Island
listening they would love to work. The art studio tour is Women's Club Scholarship
have you. For questions or a free, self-guided tour of a Committee awarded the
more information contact group of professional artist Judy ~nd Charles Chase
the choir's artistic director studios located on the is- Memorial Scholarship to
Elizabeth Berndt at 432- land. The studio tour will Christine Johnson and
9940 or visit www.harst- be held from 10 a.m. to 6 women's club Scholarships, p.m. on May 26, 27 and 28. to Kyla Dimalanta and
There is still a need fi)r Artists Kathy Ross, JohnBilly Bamford. We are very
photographs for the 2013 Benn, Colleen Gallagher,pleased to be able to offer
Harstine Island calendm~'. Bob Bonnett and Jann Bon- assistance to these well-
So, Bill is keeping the nett founded this new event qualified and highly moti-
contest open. If you have in order to offer an unusual vated young people in their
a photo you think would opportunity to visit the home educational pursuits.