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Shelton-Mason County Journal
SHS golfer
hopes to
play pro
Shelton junior Alec Mar-
tinson has one hobby. He's
been doing it since he was 8,
he's good at it and he wants
to continue doing it his en-
tire life.
Martinson is a golfer and
hopes to continue to be one
~ through
played in
since I was
8," Martin-
son said.
"My par-
Alec entsgot
Martinson me clubs
and that
got me in-
He said he loves the sport
and that's why he's contin-
ued to play it for so long.
"Tournaments are fun
and it's a good challenge,"
Martinson said. "I'm also
looking into playing in col-
lege. I think I have a really
good shot (of playing in col-
He said he's thought
about trying to play for St.
Martin's University but
said he would rather go to
a larger school such as the
University of Arizona and
hopefully play for its golf
"It's Warm there and they
have a really good golf pro-
gram," he said.
Martinson said he plans
on majoring in business
management, though he's
not sure what career he'd
like to go into.
"I'd love to try to go pro,
definitely, especially if I go
to a big college," he said.
This is Martinson's third
year as a varsity golfer for
the Highclimbers and later
this month he will make his
second trip to the 4A state
golf tournament. Last year,
Martinson missed the final
cut at the state tournament
by one stroke.
In the past, Martinson
said he's played basketball
for Shelton but this year he
decided not to so he could
focus on improving in golf
over the winter.
"This season's gone really
well," Martinson said. "My
scores have gone way down
and being one shot behind
See Athlete on page C-4
Journal photos by Emily Hanson
Shelton senior Indi Endicott, right, jumps over a hurdle in the ll0-meter hurdles in the wake of a Gig Harbor
competitor during the first day of the 4A Narrows League Championship held on Thursday in Shelton. Endicott
finished the event in third place with a time of 15.17 seconds, which was good enough to qualify for districts.
Shelton junior Jantzen Rodgers clears
the bar in the pole vault. Rodgers took
sixth place with a cleared height of 11'6".
Rodgers' sixth-place finish was not high
enough to advance to districts.
Bryton Rodgers is Shelton's lone league champion
By EMILY HANSON who have done so, including his dad Rob an 1985." Sells said. "Indi continued his out-
standing meet with a second place finish m
the pole vault, matching his personal record
After two days of stiff league competi- of 13 feet."
tion, nine Shelton track and field athletes Rodgers earned the lone Shelton league
are advancing to districts in eight events, championship in the pole vault, also with a
On Thursday and Saturday, the High- height of 13 feet. Sells said Rodgers won in-
climbers hosted the 4A Narrows League stead of Endicott in the pole vault based on
Championship and competed against the masses.
seven other league schools. "Bryton has done a great job this year
The Shelton boys took fifth place with 64 and I'm really excited to watch him compete
points while the girls took sixth place with at districts next week," he said
50 points. On the girls' side of the team, senior Lol-
"The championships went extremely well ly Jones placed in two events.
from all aspects." SHS head track and field "Lolly Jones advanced in both throws,
coach Doug Sells said. "The weather was tossing the discus to a personal record of
beautiful, the spectators were happy; from 107'11" for second place and throwing the
a meet management side everything was shot 33'6" for fourth place." Sells said.
smooth and our Shelton athletes did very The girls' 800-meter relay team of Nata-
well. We were thrilled to have hosted the lie Andrewski, Niko Zorn. Madisen Striplin
league championships this year and hope to and Kandyce Bragg qualified for districts
get it back next year." with a fourth-place finishing time of 1:51.08.
On the boys' side, senmrs Indi Endicott "~Ve were sitting in fifth place on the last
and Bryton Rodgers advanced to the 4A handoff and senior Kandyce Bragg had an
West Central District 3 meet. amazing run, passing up the final runner
"Senior Indi Endicott highlighted the for fourth," Sells said.
meet for the Climbers with a third-place Junior Courtney Hansen took second in
finish in the ll0-meter hurdles and a huge the javelin with a distance of 108'7" while
personal record of 15.17 seconds," Sells said. freshman Hannah Womer took fourth in
"He is very close to breaking 15 seconds in the high jump with a cleared height of 4'8".
the hurdles, which only a few Highclimbers "Courtney Hansen is ready for a big
have done." throw next week at districts." Sells said.
Endicott also took second place in the "Hannah Womer jumped 4'8" for a great
300 hurdles with a personal record time of fourth place finish in the high jump."
40.52. The Highclimbers advance to the 4A
"If he breaks the 40-second barrier, he
will join only three other Highclimbers
See Track on page C-4
Journal photo by Emily Hanson
[he Shelton boys' powerifting team earned the second place trophy at
;he 2012 Washington State Powerlifting Championship on Saturday at
lorthwest Christian in Lacey. The Highclimbers lifted a combined total
)f 12,010 pounds at the tournament for 38 team points.
By EMILY HANSON been on the map the last few of the team. This is the best years. The strength is here we've done since I've been
............................ but we need to get the guys on the team."
and girls out on the team." Crawford said his goal
All 13 Shelton boys' pow- Martinson said Shelton was to take first at state.
erlifters earned a medal at finished behind Montesano "I fell short," he said. "I
the 2012 Washington State because the Bulldogs earned did everything I could do,
Powerlifting Championship first place medals ahead of though."
last weekend, the Highclimbers. Martinson said the High-
On Saturday, the 13 boys "The Montesano coach climbers lifted really smart
and one female lifter com- told me he was worried the entire day.
peted at Northwest Chris- about us, though, which"It's hard to say (who
tian in Lacey where the means he respects our pro- performed best)," she said.
boys' team took second place gram," she said. "They lifted well and chal-
with 38 points. The Shelton Second was the high- lenged themselves. The
boys finished behind Mon- est place the Highclimbers guys were pushing them-
tesano, which won its ninth reached on the podium on selves hard to get the final
consecutive state champion- Saturday, with three lifters lifts."
ship. -- Robert Crawford at 114, The only girl on the team,
"I'm really proud of how Blake Fraser at 132 andIvanna Bell, finished in sev-
they competed as a team," Ralph Kinne at 198 -- each enth place at 123. Martin-
SHS head powerlifting achieving the spot. son said this was the second
coach Lorna Martinson said. "I got personal bests, so I meet Bell competed in this
"To take second for us is big was proud of myself," Craw-
because we haven't really ford said. "I'm really proud
See Lifting on page C-4
County Journal - Thursday, May 17, 2012 - Page C-1