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May 17, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 17, 2012
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By EMILY HANSON e~i~ y@m~ son cou ~ty.ccq~ hen Beierle the star of the game. Beierle hit 2-3 with two runs for the Lady High- climbers. Schnitzer hit 1-3, The Shelton fastpitch Lynae Brown hit 2-3 and team lost its final two games Mitchell hit 1-2. of the season last week."Kelsey made some good On May 7, the Lady plays once again," Goldsby Highclimbers (3-17) lost to said. "The important thing Central Kitsap 8-3. for her is when she does "We did really well for make a mistake, she re- the most part," SHS headbounds and learns from it." fastpitch coach Kim~ Golds- Spanaway Lake had two by said. "But once again, we big innings against Shel- had another bad inning."ton, scoring six runs in the In the second inning, second and four runs in the the Lady Highclimbers al- sixth. lowed six runs to Central "We had quite a few er- Kitsap. rors," Goldsby said. Morgan Mitchell pitched Mitchell pitched the six the complete game with four innings with zero strikeouts strikeouts and two walks, and one hit pitch. Goldsby Kelsey Albaugh hit 1-3, said Mitchell hit a batter in Jordanne Krumpols hit 1-2 the left hip. with two runs and Allie Si- "Morgan had pitched men hit one single for one five games in a row at this RBI. point which is difficult for "Kelsey made a couple ofa young pitcher," Goldsby outstanding plays in center said. "This is Morgan's field," Goldsby said. "Jor- first year as the dominant danne was her usual baser- pitcher and she's on a select unning dynamo." team, too." She said Albaugh, Goldsby said this was a Krumpols and Kyliedifficult but successful sea- Schnitzer all received corn- son for the Lady Highclimb- pliments from Bruce Well- ers. ing, the Central Kitsap "We had two seniors who head coach, both stepped into leader- "He does not give out a ship roles but the younger lot of compliments," Golds- kids did, too," she said. "It's by said. "He reminded me scary to be young and come to have Jordanne and Kylie into games against older apply for the All-Star team players who play on select this spring." teams." She said that Mitchell She said the season was has done an outstanding successful despite the low job this season learning to record because the team develop competitiveness overcame a lot of adversity while the skill is innateat the beginning of the sea- with Albaugh, Krumpols son. and Schnitzer. "We pulled together with On May 8, Spanaway no infighting and everybody Lake outscored Shelton got along," Goldsby said. 12-2 in six innings at Mason "I'm looking forward to next County Recreation Area. year with that strong core of Goldsby called Bryn- returning players." Journal photo by Emily Hanson Shelton senior catcher Jordanne Krumpols looks to first base to throw during the Lady Highclimbers' game against Spanaway Lake on May 8 at Mason County Recreation Area. Goldsby anticipates ingcoach," she said. "I don't Mitchell coming back to the know who will take over as team next spring as an even catcher, though." stronger pitcher. She said Krumpols, a se- "Her dad is switching nior, helped Mitchell out a her to a one-on-one pitch- lot this season as catcher. II f ndraisers this we ¢l lta.:lC;.oe nraoram .Dodetar[ii e ' The deadline to :place the Jersey l,~11lzi[~l/&Lll £" Jf_~._l.,l.~ L~ I LI • IL.4P; l l.. I lPW....,....¢..~L~ IPL)" ~ L~ r 6 /./ 6 Orde is June 1, Tupper said. For the r" • 1 ]r 7 spaghetti dinner, the organization is money roy new wrsevs vv June 1 asking for a $10 donation for adults "/J J "~ "~ and a $5 donation for children. By EMILY HANSON The Shelton Kings youth football program is raising money for new jer- seys at two fundraisers this weekend. The organization is hosting a spa- ghetti dinner and auction from 6-8 p.m. tomorrow at Oakland Bay Junior High and a car wash from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday at the Chevron on Arcadia Road. "The jerseys are really worn," Shel- ton Kings Board Secretary Christy "We want all the kids to receive new jerseys at the same time," Tupper said. "It does wonders for their self- esteem to look good and professional on the field. A lot of the teams we play have new jerseys." The Kings have received a price re- "The jerseys are outdated [ooko wise and ooare "Keeping our kids active and out- side playing as well as learning how to function as a team, are some of the best life skills we can teach them," Tupper said. Sign up dates to join the teams are from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on June 16 and 23 at the Shelton Library. Players are divided into five divi- sions. Children in kindergarten and first grade play in the flag division, second and third grades in the minors, fourth and fifth in junior varsity, sixth in varsity and seventh and eighth in senior varsity. Tupper said. "They've been using the ~ JJ: ~~a~m~n~ aparLo' * Registration forms as well as same ones since the program started, youth concussion forms, background The jerseys are outdated look-wise check forms for coaches and the and some of them are falling apart.' duction on the jerseys for ordering them team's code of conduct can be found at Tupper said that rather than re- in bulk, but a total of $8,000 is needed z:::: ~iiiiiii~iii! iiiiii~iiiii~:~:!i:i .... athletes, the cast-iron or steel balls known as "kettlebells" are increas- ingly showing up in U.S: gyms and physical therapy offices these days. Resembling cannonballs with handles, these pieces of exercise equipment range in weight from 4 to 75 pounds or more. Used to per- form exercises such as a deadlift, single- or double-arm swing, sin- gle-arm row, and shoulder press, kettlebells provide users with a "dynamic" workout. When lifted or swung, they work more muscle groups than dead weights or re- sistance machines and can aldo provide a cardiovascular workout. However, it should be noted that HOW KETTLES TEST YOUR METTLE BYJOSEPH ZYGA& P.T. First usedmoving a weight multi-directional- in the 18th ly is harder and riskier than using century toregular weights or machines. train Rus- A part of our practice is used to sianand educate our patients on mainte- E a s" t e r n nance of their bodies and to pro- E u j" o p e a n vide therapy to increase flexibility, range of motion & function, build strength, and correct posture, if you have been referred for physical therapy, call SHELTON PHYSI- CAL THERAPY AND SPORTS MEDICINE at (360) 426-5903. We have over 32 years of experi- ence providing physical therapy care. You'll find us conveniently located at 2300 Kati Ct., Ste. B. New patients are welcome. Same day appointments are a~ailable and most insurance plans are accepted. PS. If kettlebells are swung too strenuously or incorrectly, muscle/ tendon/ligament tears and/or neck or back injuries may result. : : :~ ~: : : : ::~~i! ~:::!,4" ~ ~ ~i~'~ ~$!~ .... i A smart way to sa~~or future healthcare needs. Our HSA, works similar to an interest bearing checking account--you can pay for qualified medical expenses via check, debit card or online banking. This flexible account, combined with a high deductible health plan (HDHP), is the perfect way to save and pay for medical expenses. Ask us how you can benefit today] HSAs are a tax-free savings account available to individuals who have a qualified HDHP, where funds are used to pay for current and future medical expenses• Shelton Branch [ 360.426.4431 301 EWallace Kneeland Blvd., Suite 115 Membe~ FDIC the quality bank Serving the Pacific Northwest since 1927 ,~ ww~HeritageBankNW.corn L=!'~,~P~ Tomorrow is the May Join us as we sing together in 2012. Friday, May 18th from 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. at the Missionary Alliance Church on Mountain View at Washington & East "J" Street. .......... !ii¸ Antique Appraisal Fair / Community Garage Sale / Swap Meet "All In One Location" Saturday, May 19, 2012 • 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Little Skookum Community Hall 3480 S.E. Lynch Road • Shelton, WA Professional Appraiser George Higby will be available from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Appraisal Fee: $5 per item or 3 items for $10 Indoor & Outdoor Vendor Spaces ~~- Lunch & Snacks Available ~, !i~ "i ~~{ Call 360-427-3926 for Vendor Registration placing the jerseys one age group at to purchase them. So far, the organiza- Tupper said those who donate to a time, the organization has decided tion has raised nearly $4,000 through the program for the jerseys will be to order all 200 jerseys at once from private donations and a fundraising thanked on the website and also in a ~ ~" :|~l / Riddell, a bulk sports equipment com- Bingo night on M~rch 30 at Bordeaux thank-you ad in the Shelton-Mason~ ramllv Farm pany. Elementary, which raised $800. • County Journal; . Greenhouse. Nursery. Produce l/ ~1:~ ~.~. ' Seafood. Bark "/ "%~ . Soils. Plants / -~- ~C'~ ' Olympic Mountain Ice Cream _~1 [ LYONTHE ;IDELI = tT /' \ 6 wA98592 / 1921 E. Hwy 10 , Union [ I defeat the jungle known as my front and side yards WinterH°ur$:Thur$'M°ngam'5: * J FLYONTHESIDELINE "'ve never been an ath- . least a foot imagining that it would reason, the grass doesn't letic person. ~ high and take me an hour and a half grow very tall in the front I can run if I want to ~ the weeds to pull up weeds in such a so it was quicker and les~ but not ~br long distances, lining the small area. Luckily, I was painful. By painful I mean I can throw a football cor- front of my in the shade for most of it that I have limited upper rectly but very rarely can house and so the work was bearable, body strength so using a I catch it. I can pass a bas- the front Then I moved on to the WeedWacker for an ex- ketball but almost never sidewalk beast, otherwise known tended period of time is get it in the hoop. were out of as the long grass on thequite the workout for my With that in mind, I By EMILY control, side of my house. With my arms. thought I'd share my idea HANSON I de- powercord weed whacker Nearly three hours after of an athletic event. In this cided that in hand, I started hack-I started the whole job, it case, it would be the battle Sunday ing at that grass and only was complete and my yard I had with my front yard was W Day --the day in jumped about half a footofficially looked present- last weekend, which I weed my yard andwhen my neighbor tapped able. I 0nly received mild I work long hours and weed whack that grass me on the shoulder to see sunburns on both upper sometimes six days a into submission, if I wanted to use his lawn arms and I didn't cut a toe week, so when I have a Sunday was a beauti- mower. I doubt a mower off with the WeedWacker day off, I usually spend it ful day, as you all know. It could've moved in that though I was in sandals, so reading on my couch and was sunny and clear and grass, but~it was a nice of- I declared it a success. relaxing. As a result of this I believe the temperature fer. Another sign of success fairly lazy behavior, I got reached 85 degrees. So it Once the beast was was that when I woke up a later start on trimming was a fairly perfect day to tackled, I moved on to the Monday morning, I was my yard than the rest of work on the yard. easiest part of the job,able to move my arms my neighbors and by last I started with weeding which was trimming the without too much pain. Saturday, the grass on the along the front sidewalksemishort grass of my Not bad for three hours of side of my house was at and my driveway, never 'front yard. For whateverhard work in the hot sun. Shelton Co-op Pres,:l ,ool Open House Visit our Preschool during class hours to see the fun we have! Classroom will be open to visitors May 21st thru May 24t" from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. , .... Attorneys and Counselors at Law • General Legal Services • Non-Profits • Small Businesses Hourly Rates starting at $50 PO Box 657 360-552-2022 ' Union, WA 98592 Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, May 17, 2012 - Page C-3 I