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Seatbelt emphasis slated
for coming weeks
Motorists can expect to see an increased law en-
forcement presence patrolling city and county road-
ways in search of unbuckled or improperly buckled
drwers and passengers between May 23 and June 5.
The Shelton Police Department, the Mason County
Sheriffs Office and
the Washington
"Law enforcement
st to Patrol will officers would rather
be participating in
these extra patrols, have motorists
with the support of buckle up ,than
the Mason County
Target Zero Traffic write a seat belt
Safety Task Force. infraction."
"Law enforce-
ment officers would rather have motorists buckle up
than write a seat bolt infraction," said Lowell Porter,
Director of the Washington Traffic Safety Commis-
sion. "The evidence is clear that seat bolts save lives.
By increasing seat belt use, Washington continues to
reduce the costs incurred by those who don't buckle
The cost of a ticket for not wearing a seatbolt, the
best defense in saving a driver and passenger's life, is
Statistical analysis shows that wearing a seat belt
decreases the chance of dying or being seriously in-
jured in a collision by about 70 percent, compared to
an unbuckled motorist. Medical costs from vehicle col-
lisions amount to more than $276 million each year in
this state and vast sums of money have been saved by
getting motorists to buckle up.
A smart way to sa~f0r future healthcare needs. Our HSA, works
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26 Convenient rotations in the Pacific Northwest (~IPt
By KEVAN MOORE patched to the 1700 Mock of Monroe Following an argument with his
Street at 1:28 a.m. Saturday following wife, Canfield exited the residence
A 28-year-old Shelton man took his a report of gunfire heard in the area. with a shotgun. She called 911 and
own life Saturday, May 14. Officers soon found Andrew Damien witnessed him shoot himself while on
Shelton police officers were dis- Canfield, 28, dead in the front yard. the line with dispatchers,
Deputies target Johns Prairie overnight security
By KEVAN MOORE alone, deputies conducted as a deterrence factor, there unlocked doors or keys left
23 security checks between is an investigative compo- inside unoccupied vehicles,
The Mason County Sher- 12:09 a.m. and 2:37 a.m. nent as well to determine that are vulnerable to crimi-
ifl's Office has beefed up along Johns Prairie Road. who the suspects are and nals.
overnight security on Johns Chief Deputy Dean Byrd then bring them to justice," "It's a win-win situation
Prairie following increased said that the security checks Byrd said. "They are still because deputies can bring
concerns from area busi- are just one part of the sher- out there and we are mak- those things to light so that
ness owners and residents ifrs office response to the ing every attempt to find (citizens) won't be as likely
regarding an uptick in bur- increased concerns about them." to be victimized as some-
glaries, theft and vandalism crime. In addition, Byrd said body who observes those
in the area. "Of course, in conjuction that the security checks kinds of precautions," Byrd
On one recent night with the increased security help fortify targets, such as said.
Health fair scheduled for St. Edward's Church
By Journal Staff Fair for Hispanic families Seventh and C Streets.
from ii a.m. to 3 p.m. on The Health Fair will of-
St. Edward's Church will Sunday. fer free health screenings for
sponsor A Health and Safety The parish is located at diabotes, blood pressure and
The Garden of Good EaJin" . Open 9:30 - 7:00 Daily • FRESH from the Farm to You
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cholesterol. There, will also
be presentations on worker
safety and rights provided
by the Washington State
Department of Labor and In-
Health insurance op-
tions will be explained and
home safety issues will be
addressed at the event. In-
struction on the prevention
of breast cancer will also be
A light meal will be pro-
dded to participants at no
N, lom lives in tlic big city, but the
senior communities arc all high-rises
and the city is so noisy. She needs good
medical services, but triving through
traffic to her appointme ts takes a lot of
time. What should we do?
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not restore natural hearing. Individual experiences vary depending on severity of hearing loss, accuracy of
evahmtion, proper fit and ability to adapt to amplification. Only your Miracle-Ear~ representative can determine T-
which model arid options maybe right for you. a*~,
Page A-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal-Thursday, May 19, 2011
Move Mom to Alpine
Way, in Shelton. It's located just
a couple blocks away from highly
rated Mason General Hospital,
and several specialized clinics
are also nearby. Shelton has
wonderful small-town charm, and
is friendly in a Norman Rockwell
kind of way. You'll be happy with
the atmosphere at Alpine Way, too. Our friendly family of residents and
helpful, professional staffsure beats the big city crowd. From Music in
the Park to Oysteffest, there are wonderful things going on in a beautiful
setting near Hood Canal.
If you're ready to help Mom find a new home, come and tour Alpine Way.
We'd love to treat you to lunch, show you our lovely apartments, and
answer all your questions.
Call Kathy Burbidge at
(360) 426-2600
for a free lunch and tour
900 West Alpine Way
Shelton, WA 98584