May 19, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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May 19, 2011 |
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April 26
Michael Edward Dragoo,
37, of the 100 block of Rain-
bow Drive was booked at
3:13 p.m. for mailicious mis-
chief 2nd.
Joseph Patti I-Iickson,
37, of the 2100 block of
Ford Loop Read in Elma
was booked at 8:11 p.m. for
DWLS 2nd and possession of
a stolen vehicle.
April 27
John Thomas Ebert, 27, of
the 300 block of Meyer Lake
Drive was booked at 5:20
p.m. for possession of drug
paraphernalia, malicious
mischief 3rd and disorderly
Jimmy Albert Curtindale,
43, of the 300 block of 5th St.
was booked at 6:46 p.m. for
assault 4th DV.
Alan Samson Stifflemire,
30, of the 1700 block of Stew-
art St. was booked at 10:38
p.m. for attempted assault
4th and theft 3rd.
April 28
Jeremy Allen Voss, 28, of
the 200 block of Elson Read
was booked at 1:46 p.m. for
DWLS 3rd.
Lesli Renee Richardson,
25, of the 500 block of Pointes
Drive West was booked at
4:03 p.m. or assault 4th DV.
April 29
Matthew Earl Speer, 37,
of the 13800 block of State
Reute 106 was booked at
9:05 a.m. for DWLS 3rd.
Asian Martin Jeffery, 29,
of the 100 block of Mickelson
Read in Olympia was booked
at 1:04 p.m. for two counts
of possession of a controlled
substance, dangerous weap-
on possession and making
false]misleading statements.
Jane Marie Wood, 44,
of the 15800 block of Yelm
Terra Way SE in Yelm was
booked at 10:15 p.m. for
Aprn 30
Paul John Cannon, of
the 10200 block of Windward
Drive in Olympia was booked
at 9:45 a.m. for DWLS 1st.
Lori A. Leasure, 35, of
the 2300 block of Jefferson
St. was booked at 1:19 p.m.
for possession of a controlled
substance and criminal tres-
pass 2nd.
Ahren Mitchell Leoppa
Mauer, 33, of the 2100 block
of Laurel St. was booked at
2:28 p.m. for possession of
a controlled substance and
possession of drug parapher-
Enrique Lopez, 24, of the
21700 block of State Route 3
was booked at 6:15 p.m. for
theft 1st.
Daniel Tomas Tomas, 38,
of the 21700 block of State
Route 3 was booked at 6:42
p.m. for theft 1st.
Resendo Martin Zacaris,
36, cf the 21700 block of
State Route 3 was booked at
7:03 p.m. for theft 1st.
Carlos Relando Pablo
Jose, 27, of the 21700 of
State Route 3 was booked at
7:23 for theft 1st.
Cameron Dewayne Tra-
mell, 35, of the 100 block of
Rainbow Lane was booked
at 9:42 p.m. for residential
May I
Manuel Mendoza, 28, of
the 2100 block of Adams St.
was booked at 12:34 a.m. for
reckless endangerment 2nd.
Maria Matiaz Mendoza,
22, of the 2100 block of Ad-
ams St. was booked at 12:55
a.m. for reckless endanger-
ment 2nd.
Sinon Calmo Calmo, 23, of
the 1600 block of Adams St.
was booked at 1:43 a.m. for
reckless endangerment 2nd.
Rigoberto Calmo Matias,
18, of the 2100 block of Ad-
ams St. was booked at 2:19
a.m. for minor in ~oo/:.
consumi. tiquor and
less endangerment 2nd,
Fernando Rodriguez, 47,
of the 100 block of Skokom-
ish Indian Flats Read was
booked at 3:06 a.m. for as-
sault ist investigation.
Todd Loren Hagmann, 24,
of the 300 block of Chestnut
St. was booked at 10:39 a.m
for assault 4th.
Danny Joe Burris, 62, of
the 1600 block of Madison
St. was booked at 6:36 p.m.
for assault 4th DV, harass-
ment DV, malicious mischief
3rd DV, obstructing law en-
forcement and resisting ar-
May 2
Alivea N. Binder, 18, of
the 2300 block of Doegan
Read West was booked at
12:37 a.m. for NVOL with-
out ID.
Trevis Toil Tessaro, 30,
of the 1100 block of Larson
Blvd. was booked at 12:52
a.m. for assault 4th DV.
Harry Franklin Rhodes,
42, of the 100 block of Cher-
ry Lane was booked at 1:03
a.m. for possession of a con-
trolled substance, unlawful
possession of a firearm and
two counts of burglary 2rid.
Relanda Regina Ulrich,
46, of the 400 block of Schoo-
ner Loop was booked at 1:09
p.m. for violation of the Uni-
form Controlled Substance
Curtis Dale Bourgeois, 50,
of the 1300 block of Camp
Sundown Read in Bremer-
ton was booked at 2:29 p.m.
for DWLS 1st and unlawful
possession of a legend drug.
Jason Earl Dengler, 20,
a Shelton transient, was
booked at 3:13 p.m. for fail-
ure to register as a sex of-
May 3
What are your plans for
Lance Beleele
"As long as there's happy
hour I'll be there."
Bob Beleele
"I would ask my wife to
come with me, because
we're supposed to be
there forever. She's my
main squeeze."
nition interlock, a.m. for DWLS ist and ob-
Fortunate Mendoza Car- structing law enforcement.
rillo, 24, of the 100 block Derrick Mathew Rew-
of Blevins Read North was land, 30, of Mariana Court
booked at 3:23 p.m. for in Yelm was booked at 6:12
NVOL without ID. p.m. for DWLS 3rd.
Glen Alfred Roberts, 35, Thomas L. Stewart-
of the 500 block of Arcadia Whiteman, 19, of the 100
Ave. was booked at 6:49 block of Allison Lane was
p.m. for contempt of court, booked at 6:43 p.m. for mi-
John Thomas Ebert, 27, nor in possession/consum-
of the 300 block of Meyer ing liquor, theft 3rd, ob-
Lake Drive was booked at structing law enforcement
8:31 p.m. for intimidating a and resisting arrest.
witness. May 8
May $
Julia Urbina Ceasar
Teresa Renne Settle, 47, Ramirez, 22, of the 600
of the 900 block of 7th St. block of Park St. was booked
was booked at 11:17 a.m. for at 1:53 a.m. for criminal
five counts of identity theft trespass 2nd, obstructing
1st and two counts of pos- law enforcement and resist-
session of stolen property ing arrest.
2rid. Niko Lee Pacholke, 20, of
Israel Joseph Morrison, the 2300 block of 9th Ave. in
39, of the 200 block of Slea- Olympia was booked at 2:36
ford Road was booked at a.m. for DWI.
12:51 p.m. for possession of Martin Lee Manley, 54,
a controlled substance and of the 400 block of Sunset
possession of drug para- Ridge Road was booked at
Geri L. Hoelscher-Mor- phernalia. 12:12 p.m. for DWLS 1st.
ganthaler, 51, of the 700 Jeffrey Sterling Brandon James Arnold,
block of Sleater Kinney Read Wooldridge, 32, of the 100 24, of the 32100 block of
in Laceywas booked at 12:45 block of Union Ridge Road 19th Lane in Federal Way
a.m. for DWLS 3rd and fail- was booked at 6:30 p.m. for was booked at 1:59 p.m. for
ure to obey a police officer, assault 2nd and malicious DWLS 3rd, possession of a
Jovita .Celeste Gestia- miechie£ :: ::~ :: ~", ~ontrolled substance and
da, 27, of the 4100 block of Mary Hopkins May, ~8, possessmn of drug para-
Mountain View was booked of the 400 block of Grove St. phernalia.
at ~:48 a.m. for obstructing was booked at 9:43 p.m. fsi~ Miehad Edward Dud-
law enforcement, harassment and criminal goo, 37, of the 100 block of
Rocky Ray Garrick, 26, of trespass 1st. Rainbow Drive was booked
the 1100 block of Franklin May 6 at 9"06. p.m. for two counts
St. was booked at 7:06 p.m. of possession of a controlled
for DWLS 3rd. Casey Edward Brown, 33, substance.
Scott A. Herigstad, 45, of the 200 block of Klache- May 9
of the 2500 block of Mason min Drive was booked at
Lake Road was booked at 1:28 a.m. for malicious mis- Michael William Calder,
7:39 p.m. for burglary 1st, chief3rd 30, of the 100 block of Can-
theft of a firearm and traf- James Matthew Bonin, na Place was booked at 2:39
ticking in stolen property. 32, of the 2700 block of a.m. for possession of drug
Richard Lee Squire, 59, of Raintree Court in Olympia paraphernalia.
the 100 block of Squire Lane was booked at 9:53 a.m. for James Edward Schucha-
was booked at 9:13 p.m. for DWLS 3rd, violation of the rd, 20, of the 7200 block of
possession of a controlled Uniform Controlled Sub- Grapeview Loop Road was
substance, stance Act and drug para- booked at 12:59 p.m. for
Doris Evelyn Gearhart, phernalia possession, three counts of vehicular
44, of the 2200 block of Lit- Robert Leslie McDon- homicide with DUI and ve-
tie Egypt Read was booked aid, 53, of the 2100 block of hicular assault.
at 10:23 p.m. for DWLS 3rd. Beverly Blvd. was booked at Issaac Shandon Miller,
May 4 6:36 p.m. for intimidating a 28, of the 3200 block of Gold-
public servant, maur Court in Port Orchard
Ryan Dee Fox, 26, of the May 7 was booked at 1:12 pro. for
200 block of SE Tys U1 Tad unlawful possession of a
Loop was booked at 1:01 Justin Andrew Wilke, 29, firearm, assault 1st with a
p.m. for DWLS 2nd and op- of the 100 block of McLane weapon and harassment.
erating a vehicle without ig- Drive was booked at 12:43 Daniel Paul Oakes, 18, of
Mason County Forest Festival ,* •
., Family & Pet Parade - June 4, 2011.,
(All pets are welcome, but you have to clean up after them!)
Child's Name: Age:
Parent/Guardian name: Phone:.
First Place Prizes will be given in the following categories:
- Group and/or Family Entry - Dress-up with your Pet(s)
PI"~P's - Forestry Theme - Costumes / Fairy Tales
- Float or decorated wagon - Decorated Bike(s)
Day of the oarade: check in at 9:00 am on 5 Street between Railroad and Cota.
Judqing will be_din at 9:30 am. Parade starts DromDtly at 1 .30 am.
~O]l~ ~1111 a(~¢ ~' [ Mail this f°rm bY June 1' 2011 t°:IPO BoxMaSon925oCOUntYShelton,Optimist WA 98584 ~Pi~Fatail)d
In consideration of the acceptance of the appiicatiofl, the applicant named ~ Rgrm to indemnify, dllemJ lilllt hold
harmless the Mason County Forest Festival, the City of shelton, Mason County, their respective officers, employees and/or
property caused by or connected with the operation and/or behavior of applicant's unit in connection with festival activities.
No motorized vehides allowed in the Family and Pet Parade.
the end of the world?
Duke Japhet'
"I'm going to go see the
ocean and have a picnic
- it will be a beautiful
Mike Helleburch
"I'm going to get
together with all my
friends and hold hands
and party."
The all-time favorite
gift. Gorgeous
10" plastic baskets. ~
3,0oo200 i i i.~ :~
• 10" spring mix
hanging baskets
• Beautifully
Your Choice
1|" Baskets ...... 29.99
• Early Girl
1 st to ripen
• Patio
For containers
• Big Beef
The big one
#1 high c~uali~
~ 4 gallon, po::. I ha~.~e.~r. Srusse,
readyto p'a t II Sprouts, Broccoli
19.00 Jl,. 9
with double handlebar
Self-propelled, hydrostatic Cruise Control
Honda 35cc mini 4-stroke engine Roto-$top~ blade control
Runs on straight, unleaded gas (no mixing) 4-in-1 ready - mulch, bag, discharge, leaf shred
Bicycle type handles MicroCutTMTwin Blades
Manual feed head with Quiet Line Worry free lifetime warranty deck
10" brush blade standard 5 year mower warranty
MRSP - $429.00 MRSP - $799.00
Honda mini 4-stroke engine
Less than 29 I~
Push type 51Is 9" wide
4 in 1 - mulch and bag with opt. chute Patented Honda hybrid tines fc¢ umurpassed pedormance
and leaf shredder Fastest tine speed- 294 RPM
Easy to start 160cc engine Opt. attachments include aerator, edger, digging
QuadraCut Twin Blades tines, and dethatcher
MRSP - $439.00 MRSP - $379.00
/Ast sesrA,
Signature of Parent or Guardian Date Monday-Saturday 8:00-6:00
Masoe Com~ Op#,~Z~ Famlly and Pet Parade bF , Sunday 9-5
• " nd sq~o~c~ '
Mason CountY Opt,m,st a . ~ I ~ I II .............. ................ I
ir*~i~! Squaxin Island Child, Development Center "t ...... i I Mrst • Mm • ne=ton I
.... ..... ! ............. . . , . .....; . : .... . -
5helton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, May 19, 2011 - Page A-5