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Location of USGS Study Area,
Johns Creek Subbasin and Vicinity,
Mason County, WA
D USGS Study Area
D Johns Creek Subbasin
This map shows the entire area the USGS considered for its hydrogeologic study. The inner line is the
Johns Creek Basin, and the outer line is the boundary of the study.
boundary of the
Water oca of Ecology said. "What USGS is ing that effort by compiling date from future availability of water in the
Continued from page A-1 doing is the first step in a multistep 230 wells of varying depths in the ba- Johns Creek Basin, Mason County
~ .... : ~ .~ ....... prpceJ~. In.order to.manage ground-~,, PUD 3 partnered with the city last
everyone'-is de/nanding. We re~ .- water and surface water you need to "Basically ~ve're just mapping year to install a pipeline pumping
ally need to understand more about understand both." where [the aquifer.,~] are and how city water up to its Johns Prairie
what's going on in the basin."The Squaxin Island Tribe, along thick they are," she said. complex.
Ecology first became interested with Ecology, was concerned that an The full report from the first phase The line also has 150 available
in studying water flow in the Johns increase in development in the ba- of the groundwater project should be hookups for water customers in the
Creek Basin when representative sin, and an increase in wells, would available in September, Welch said. basin, said Joel Myer of PUD 3.
from the Sq~ Island Tribe con-further deplete the creek, and the However, the first phase is the When completed, the entire Ecol-
tacted the organization about con- groundwater that feeds it through only certain phase of the study. While ogy study should give local organiza-
corns over diminished flows in Johns much ofthe year. the entire grotmdwater study for tions an idea ofhow many more wells
Creek 15 months ago, said Tom Lor- The USGS study is designed to the basin should cost $285,000, and the aquifers in the basin can support
anger of Ecology. ultimately find out just how much Ecology has only secured $69,000 of and how best to restore flow to Johns
The Creek, which serves as habi- water there is in the John's Creek funding. During the briefing, Ecology Creek.
tat for both chum and coho species of Basin and how much of a threat to representatives asked attendees to "They only have $70,000 to spend
salmon, was not achieving minimum the creek further development in the brainstorm possible funding sources, in this study and that's really just
flow levels from February through area is. "There are a number of challenges a drop in the bucket for what they
September. The first phase of the project is to that have been tackled and a number need," Shelter~ City Commissioner
"That's not a good thing, we want create a hydrogeologic map of the ba- of challenges coming up," Toteffsaid. Dawn Pannell said during Monday
there to be healthy flow," Mark Sav- sin. Wendy Welch of USGS is lead- In response to concerns over the evening's city commission meeting.
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Fire Roasted
Chicken and God's
Eternal Rotisserie
Sometimes, when I go to Costco and
walk past the meat section, I pause
and watch the gas-fired rotisserie.
It's usually filled with skewered
chickens rotating through the
flames over and over until they're
It reminds me of the way many
think of Hell; where the "souls" of
skewered sinners--much like the
chickens--supposedly spin through
the fires of Hell for ever: Except
that they're never done. This
"punishment" for living naughtily
(not accepting Christ as Savior)I
is said to go on and on throughl
eternity...for ever.
Perhaps some happened to see
Franklin Graham and Bill O'Reilly
discuss this very topic on cable "IV.
II realize that it may not be wise to
disagree with Graham or any other
religious leader (pastor, priest,
etc.) who believes and teaches
eternal, fiery punishment. Graham
referred to some "East coast" man
who didn't believe God would do
such a thing and branded him a
"heretic." Might I receive the same
condemnation? Perhaps.
Graham offered no biblical support
for his opinions but backed them
up with, "...the Bible says..." Is
it true? When Graham said, "The
Bible says..." is it there? Yes it is!
In the Old Testament there are
several different Hebrew words
that are translated "for ever" (Look
those up in Strong's Concordance).
In the New Testament there is but
one word used and that is "aion"
[Strong's # 165] which we know
in English as "eon". The word
translated (by Strong) to mean...
1) for ever, an unbroken ag~
perpetuity of time, eternity
2) the worlds, universe
3) period of time, age [Excerpted
online; Blue Letter Bible]
If there are men and women
who do not want to accept the
forgiveness and salvation Christ
offers, He respects that choice.
"The soul who sins shall die"
[Ezekiel 18:20]. The Bible does not
say that the wages of sin is eternal
torture; it says "For the wages of sin
is death" [Romans 6:23]. It also says
that the wicked are "devoured"
by fire [Rev. 20:6-10]. For. more,
read these verses: Malachi 4:1-3;
Psalms 37:20; Matthew 3:11, 12;
!2 Peter 3:7. So which is it; eternal
Jestruction or eternal torture7
Fhere are more Bible verses that
talk about destruction than those
that "seem to say" sinners will
burn "forever and ever," like a
roasted chicken...
5pace does not permit me to
discuss this fully, so I will end with
these questions: If God threaten~
mankind with eternal torture-
"Do as I say, or else"~oesn't thi~
essentially take away our freedom
of choice? But if God does respecl
freedom of choice, why would
t~e choose death? [Deuteronomy
30:19] [NLT] New Living Translation
It can't be both ways. Which
speaks loudest and clearest of the
:haracter of God? Either He is love
[1 John 4:8] or, He is a tyrant whc
is only satisfied when His childrev
~vho say "No thank you" suffer iv
Hell for eternity. No mere watel
boarding for the wicked.
Questions, comments, discussion'.,
Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, May 19, 2011 - Page A-7
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