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SHS mix-up causes headache
for Shelton Schools
By NATALIE JOHNSON proposal to his would-be date.
According to various news re-
Last week, our very own Shelton ports, the school argues that stu-
High School was the victim ofa nas- dent James Tate trespassed on
ty case of mistaken identity, school grounds to tape up a prom
You may have already heard date proposal to fellow student Son-
about it by now on 'IV, the radio all Rogers. They subsequently sus-
or your favorite news website, but ponded him and banned him from
Shelton High School in Shelten, attending the rite. of
Conn., has become notorious for passage.
banning a high-school student from In the days following the event,
senior prom because of his creative our very own Shelton High School
and Shelton School District received they rarely realize they've called of the school board have also re-
calls from people all over the coun- the wrong school before they hang ceived numerous emails criticizing
try, district Superintendent Joan up. the district for something a school
Zook said. Seattle's King 5 News also came across the country did.
"They (SHS) have had dozens of to Shelton Friday to do a feature "I know personally I've had two
calls," she said. "They were inun- on the story, she said. dozen emails - they've been rag-
dated." Shelton School District spokes- ing, very rude," she said.
The story, broken by national person Linda Arnold commented While the calls have been a
news media last week, got people on one particular call last week. pain, and often laced with various
so fired up that they didn't notice "Our receptionist had taken a obscenities, she said they haven't
there were two very different Shel- call today and said it's a good thing been too much of a burden.
tons popping up on their Google that [a coworker] had happened to "It's more of an irritation," she
searches, say to her that they heard on the said.
"They've probably never heard news this was happening," Arnold The Connecticut school has
of either place - they don't know said. "She couldn't even get a word since decided that Tate can go to
or they don't care," she said. in... she started to say 'well, sir...' prom after all. No doubt Washing-
However, Zook said that mostand he hung up on her." ton's SHS will get some congratu-
callers are so busy shouting that Zook said she and members latery calls this week.
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High Low Precip
Fahrenheit (In.)
May 11 51 39 .47
May 12 55 35 .19
May 13 66 33 .00
May 14 69 46 .62
May 15 51 46 .64
May 16 55 39 .02
May 17 64 30 .00
Measurements are recorded for the Na-
tional Weath~ Service at Sanderson Field.
Thursday should be sunny with a light
wind and a high near 67. -Thursday night
should be dear with a low around 38.
Friday will also be sunny with a high
near 71 with a light wind. Friday night
should be mostly cloudy with a low of 48.
Saturday has a 30 percent chance of
showers with a high near 62, Saturday
night should bring showers with a low of
Sunday will be mostly cloudy with a
high hear 59, and a low of 44. Monday and
Tuesday will also have a chance of showers
with highs in the low 50s.
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When: May 19, 2011 =
Where: The Pavilion at Sentry Park .... ~ '
190 W. Sentry Drive, Shelton, WA 98584
Time: Noon to 7:00 p, m.
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Page A-8- Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, May 19, 2011