May 19, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Thursday party for their founder Gor- Boundary St., Shelton. 3 pan., Harstine Island
11 am., SHS class of don Richmond at the 40 et Noon, the Alter SocietyCommunity Choir presents:
1946 is celebrating its 65th 8 Veterans club, 113 West of St. Edward is presenting Heart Beats, a series of con-
reunion at the Robin Hood Cota St. downtown Shelten. a spring fashion show and certs covering the language
in Union on Hood Canal. Catfish and chicken dinner luncheon at St. Edward Par- and landscape of love at
1- 2 p.m., Take charge of will be served. Come andish hail, 601 West C St., tick- Harstine community Hall
your health - online will be thank Gordie for keepingets are $15. For information 3371 E. Harstine Island Rd
the topic covered at MGH's the Sons of American Legion call 426-6134. Fashions are N.
next Shelton Diabetes Sup- going here in Shelten and presented by Christopher
port Group meeting to bearound the country. Banks and CJ Banks.
held in the Ellinor Room at 6 pan., Volunteers from 3 pan., Harstine IslandMonday
the Hospital. multiple churches in Shelten Community Choir presents: I p.m., The Friends of the Wednesday
4 - 6 pan., The Mason will be feted at an 'Outreach Heart Beats, a series of con- Shelton Timberland Library 1 - 3 p.m., Support Group
County Noxious Weed Con-Ministry Appreciation Din- certs covering the language will meeting. The Friends for Chronic Pain and Other
trol Board is hosting a knot- ner.' Hosted by St. David's and landscape of love at St. of the Library raise funds Invisible disabilities please
weed workshop at Mason Episcopal Church, the event Hugh Episcopal Church in to help the library with pro- call from meeting schedule
County Public Works 100 W is being held as a thankAllyn, 280 E. Wheelwright. grams, furnishings and oth- and further information at
Public Works Drive, Shelten. you to the many volunteers er items outside of the regu- 426-0900. We offer some-
6.'30 p.m., Hoed Canal who participate in three im- lar budget. If you have some thing every week, aiternat-
Lions Club regular meeting pertant programs needed in Sunday volunteer time to spare, the ing weeks we have regular
with a buffet dinner at Union our community: The Cold U a.m. - 3 p.m., St. Friends group needs you.meetings at the hospital
Fire Hall, 4th St., Union Weather Shelter, Communi- Edward Church will span- For more information call or local coffee get together
7-9 pan., Business Expo ty Weekly Lunch, Weekendsor a health and safety fair 426-1362. on opposite weeks every
and Bite of Shelton. Sixty- Dinners, and the Shower for Hispanic families at the 6 p.m., Mason County Op-Wednesday.
five businesses and res-Ministry. For more informa- parish located at 7th and C timist Club meets the second 3 - 5 p.m., Shelton Tim-
taurants all under one roof tion about this event that is streets, across from the Shel- and fourth Monday at Taylor berland Library presents
at the Pavilion in Shelton. being held at Shelten Pres- ton Cemetery. The health Town Station Restaurant lo- Wii Rock Wii-nesdays, for
Sample local restaurants' byterian Church and these fair will offer free health cated at 62 SE Lynch Road. teens. Play Wii and other
fine fare for a small fee; meet programs call 426-8472. screenings for diabetes, games, watch movies and
the owners of our local busi- 7 p.m., Harstine Island blood pressure and choles- have refreshments with
nesses. Admission is free. Community Choir presents: terol. There will be presenta- Tuesday friends. The Friends of the
Heart Beats A series of con- tions on worker safety and 3 pan., The Olympic Col-Shelton Timberland Library
certs covering the language rights provided by the Wash- lege Board of Trustees will provide snacks and supplies.
Friday and landscape of love atington State Department of hold a regular meeting at For more information call
8 am. - 4 pan., Fund- United Methodist Church,Labor and Industries. Olympic College Bremerton 426-1362.
raiser sale, for Relay for Life 1900 King street, Shelton 1 - 5 p.m., Refuse to be campus, Humanities and 6:30 pan., ESA Beta Zeta
team Tek Trekers at 1902 a Victim, crime prevention Student Service Building, business meeting at the
Boundary St., Shelton Saturday seminar in Shelton. This is Room 119/121. home of Terri's, meeting will
5",$0 pan., the Sons of 8 aJn. - 1 pan., Fund- open to the public, pre-regis- 4.'30 pan., First Mason be pest convention BBQ/pot-
American Legion in Shelton raiser sale, for Relay for Life tration is required. Call 898- County Shelter annual pub- luck at Terri's.
are throwing a recognition team Tek Trekers at 19029051. lic meeting at Bethel As- 7 pan., The Timberland
sembly of God Church, 1521 Regional Library Board of
Monroe. Trustees will have a public
5.'30 p.m., the regular meeting at the South Bend
meeting of the Mason Coun- Timberland Library, 1st
ty Transportation Advisory Street and Pacific Avenue,
Board is scheduled at the South Bend. The public is
Mason County Transit Busi- encouraged to attend. For
hess Office, 790 E. John's more information call 943-
Prairie Rd. 5001 in the Olympia area or
May 26
9 a.m., a regular meeting
of the Mason County Hous-
ing Authority Board of Com-
missioners is being held at
Mason County Commission
Chambers 411 North Fifth
Come See Our 1st-Run
IIt[LII)N £1 DI15
24-HOUR MOVIE INFO 426-1000
Corner of 51h & Franklin
Son lng Borrowed
Frl-Wed 7:00pm
Additional Shows
[-~ Sat-Sun 2:00pm
Frl-Wed 4:30pm
Additional Shows
] Frl-Sat 9:lSpm
]Additional Shows
Kung Fu Panda 2
HS p nts 'Fiddler on the Roof'
The classic musical "Fiddler on daughters the traditions of his tight- "Tradition," "Matchmaker," "Sunrise,
the Roof' is scheduled for 7 p.m. to- knit Jewish community. The daugh- Sunset" and "If I Were a Rich Man."
night through Saturday at the Shel- ters, on the other hand, resist their The play's tittle refers to a painting by
ton School District Performing Arts father, most notably in their choices of Mar~ Chagall,. with the fiddle serving
Qenter on the ¢ ,ampu..s of SheltonHigh husbands. ":~ : a~ a metaphor for stability - through
School 3737 N: ShbIten Springs Road. "Fiddler on the Ro0f," loosely based tradition - during uncertain times,
Set in 1905 in a small Jewish vil- on an 1894 short story by Shalom Tickets are available $7 for advance
la a in e ari t Russia, "Fiddhz 8. Ahieh m, mAel ]] SA IwAy d6151t iit lbtlrchase fi'om elther ~age ]look Lore
Roof" tells the story of one family amid 1964 and has remained beloved for its at 116 W. Railroad, Skipworths at
the backdrop of changing social cus- humor, warmth and honesty. The show 1603 Olympic Hwy N. or Lassley's
toms and growing anti-Semitism. Te- features some of the most memorable Books at 1717 Olympic Hwy N. Tick-
vye, a milkman, tries to teach his five songs in musical history, including ets will also be sold at the door.
Presenting songs and stories
of the Western logger
Other Guys Theatre Cam- eight and up.
pany, with the Royal BC Mu- Tickets are $12 and are
seum, presents an original available at Sage, Lynch
musical theatre revue featur- Creek and the museum.
ing the songs and stories of All proceeds from tickets
the western logger, sales will go to support the
Good Timber will be fea- Shelton Schools Foundation.
tured as a part of the Mason Good Timber: SOngs and
County Forest Festival and is Stories of the Western Log-
a Fundraiser for the Shelton ger celebrates the golden
Schools Foundation. age of logging in the Pacific
Shows are from 4 p.m. to Northwest - and the legend-
7:30 p.m. on June 4 at the ary Bulls of the woods, hook-
Shelton High School Audito- ers, hi-riggers, failers, whistle
rium. Good Timber is approx- punks, and locie engineers
imately 90 minutes long and from a time when loggers
is suitable for children aged climbed trees.
Maple Glen celebrates Senior
Health and Fitness Day
Now entering its 18th year, National Senior
Health and Fitness Day is planned to be held from
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday at Maple Glen Senior
Living as part of Older Americans Month and Na-
tional Physical Fitness and Sports Month activi-
Complete details about Senior Day can be found
at the official program at Local se-
niors can take advantage of free haircuts and free
chair massages.
Local vendors will be showcasing what they
have to offer the seniors of Mason County. Vendors
include Mason General Hospital Diabetes Educa-
tion, Mason County Area On Aging and Mason
County Senior Center.
For more information or to be a vendor contact
Kimberly Janda, Community Outreach Director,
Maple Glen Senior Living at 427-0300 or 463-3082.
Richard & Dona Thompson
...will be celebrating their 60 Wedding Anniversa
with a reception for Family and Friends on May 21".
The gathering will take place at the Shelton Yacht
Club from 1-4pm. Cake and coffe will be served.
No gifts please.
The Thompson's raised six children and eight
grandchildren during their 42 years in Mason
County. They have been traveling the world since
Dick retired from the Mason County PUD #3 in 1986,
and still spend their Summers in the Shelton area.
just 25 cents"
- Fishing pond - Face painting - Dunk
tank - Cake/8ook Walk - Darts -
Pictures - Hay hunt -
- Balloon Pop - Community Displays-
Bouncy House - Auction - Bingo -
Music - Bungee run -
- Sticky wall
............................. !6! SE cO!:L!ER ~ sHI~!-:TO_N._WA ............ ] -
Development Center
=: ~nave.- invited, children
and their familie~s: ":
to gnt r Mason
County Forest Festival
Family and Pet Pa-
The Family and Pet
parade precedes the
Grand Parade at 10:30
a.m. June 4.
Register online at
Thurs 4:45 & 7:00pro
Fm.5/20 - SUN. 5/22
60) 427-8709 • O.l n for Supper Tuesday-Saturday
Downtown Shelton Corner of 3rd and West Railroad
June 2-5, 2011
Family Night at the Camival • 4 pm to 9 pm at Gateway Center
Carnival • 4 pm to 11 pm at Gateway Center
Goldsborough Fun Run & Walk
Registration @ 6:30 am
Race starts @ 7 am & 8 am at Post Office on Railroad
Family & Pets Parade
Registration & Judging 7:30 am • Parade starts at 10:30 am
Paul Bunyan Parade
Registration, staging & judging 7:30 am • Parade begins at 11 am
Logging Show
2 pm at Loop Field
Good Timber
Shows at 4 pm & 7:30 pm at High School Auditorium
94.5 ROXY Family Fun
7 pm at Kneeland Plaza
10 pm at Oakland Bay Junior High Field
Car Show-Off
Registration 8 am to 11 am
Show begins at 11 am to 3 pm on Mountain View
Tour de Mason Lake
For Information Call (360) 426-2600 or
11 am to 4 pm at Gateway Center
Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Nov. 18, 2011 - Page B-3