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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 19, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 19, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Island Islands. They had moored sev- The Hartstene Pointe Trav- and dance to live music by Paul eryone is welcome anytime. eral times at Jarrell's Cove never el Club is having a membership Barber. The cost per person is $22 I don't know if you saw the TV Continued from page B-1 dreaming they might one day own drive for people who may be in- payable by June 1 to HPTC, 674 special on CNN, Sunday, May 15 it. While Gary was still working terested in finding out what the Portage Rd. in Shelton. Please feel that featured the first Robotics Judy and I had a great time at at Boeing, he spotted a small ad Club is about. They dine out once free to bring your own beverage of Club. It showed these kids corn- last week's community club meet- for the marina. They drove out to a month, have day and overnight choice. Transportation is on your peting in c6ntests with robots ing. First of all, all of that food look at it and in a wild response, trips about four to six times a own; dress is casual attire, please they built. Well, the Pioneer Ki- was great - you just can't beat bought it. They moved here with year and general membership call Carol Lettich at 427-0889 for wauis Club just donated money the cooks on this island and when their twin sons and Lorna's morn. dinner meetings once every other more information, to the kids at Pioneer schools so each one cooks a potluck dish and Gary worked a couple more years month. Following is the infor- There will be no meeting of the they could start their own club adds it to the table the overall ef- at Boeing while Lorna and themation regarding the upcomingHarstine Grange Friday May 20. and maybe enter such a contest. If fect is almost overwhelming. But rest of the family pitched in and June Membership meeting: adults The next regular meeting will re- you have any desire to help these the night belonged to Gary and ran the marina. Through the slide only Spring Fling buffet dinner sume as scheduled on the third young people, I'm sure they would Lorna Hink. They presented a show, it was fun to watch theand dance at the Harstine Island Friday in June the 17. Potluck is welcome any thatyou can give. slide show that took us back 30 changes pictured in the marina's Community Hall will be at 5:30 at 6:30 p.m. with the meeting at TOPS meet every Monday at 9 years to when they first bought the docks. They started with one dock p.m. for a social and 6:30 p.m. for 7:30 p.m. To learn more about the a.m. at the Harstine Island Com- Jarrell's Cove Marina. Gary said and now I think they have four. If a cold buffet, on Saturday, June Grange, attend the potluck and munity Hall. they had been avid boaters in their you haven't been down there for a 11. The cold buffet dinner is ca- meeting, or contact master Mike CERT class has been moved youth and boated in the South while, they now have a new bulk- tered by Fresh Start CateringBurdick at 427-1559 or secretary back a week to 7 p.m. Thursday Sound as well as the San Juan head that is just beautiful, and then from 7 to 10 p.m. listen Patsy Glaser Gibson 432-0795. Ev- the May 26. I ..... Cook Continued from page B-1 brewers would be better off to start with a pre-mixed kit. Kits are much easier, and more fool proof than working with whole grains, he said. Although the Thorntons have been brewing for ages, they said they prefer to stick with the recipe. "We do experiment with it, and I find it's better not to," he said. Thornton said that building the brewing supply company was a way to keep him busy when he decides to retire, but it's easy to see his enthusiasm for his brew. For more information about the Mason County Brewing Supply Company, call 481-1662. Cream ale The Thorntons said this recipe is not for a beginner. They recommend that if you haven't made beer before, get a kit-don't try this at home. Mash ingredients Yeast 7 lbs Rahr 2-row pale .75 lbs Gambrinus Safale US-05. Opti- Honey Malt mum Temperature .25 lbs Bel~ Biscuit 59-75 degrees. Malt will ~ ready Mash:schedule:: single 4 :imfi ion ..Sacch' Rest: 150 de- Suggested fermenta- 'for i bmlnutes week secondary, weeks bottle condi- Boil additions and tioning • es! i oz cluster (60 min- u s) with a well-placed attention- grabbing ad. Shelton-Mason County Two musicians have an impromptu jam session near instruments for sale last Bluegrass From the Forest. Journal photo by Natalie Johnson Sunday at Grass music with Rose, and helping him pass unique experience, Patterson said. on the music to a new generation of rid- "I love teaching young kids. They Continued from page B-1 dlers, guitarists and mandolin players, have so much vitality, they teach us "He was, throughout the time I knew things," she said. "It's a whirlwind - it's longtime student of Rose's. him, he was a teacher and a mentor always very organic." "I started out with Chick Rose about and as I grew up he was my best friend. With every class she teaches, Pat- ten years ago," she said. "He took me un- There's nothing I could do to honor him terson said she continues to have faith der his wing. He helped me put together more than this," she said. in these kids - the future generation of a very successful band- Athena and the Teaching the kids, most of whom per- bluegrass. River City Boys." formed during Sunday morning's show 'Tee knew bluegrass was in good Patterson, who is 22, has spent much at the festival and in the Acoustic Heri- hands, but to see it is amazing," De- of her life playing bluegrass and country tage Band Contest, is a rewarding and whirst said. 'They're carrying it on." Chorale Continued from page B-1 means that in the music there are more solos and more complicated harmo- nies. Although many people in the area are not very famil- quiem," Blegen said. "Plus the Mozart Re- quiem is something every- one wants to hear," he said. "This is all ear candy - it's in a car commercial or an air commercial or a movie." The concert not only in- cludes the "Requiem," which is only about 45 minutes starting people were really skeptical," he said. "It's a really satisfying thing that the choir really prefers this now." While classical music gets a bad rap in this country for being snooty and only for the upper class, Blegen said, that's not how he thinks it "In Europe it's like get- ting pizza, every town has an opera house," he said. "We got into this habit of being stodgy - it's hard to break out of that." However, Blegen gave Mason County audiences credit for supporting their local choirs and for appreci- Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Nov. 18, 2011 - Page B-5 iar with classical music, ev- long, but several other, short- should be. ating all music. erybody recognizes the "Re- er, Mozart works, he said. "As a classical musi- "We're really well sup- Blegen said that at first clan there are a lot of crazy ported by the audience in ..... ~7 he wasn t" sure how classical things that go on in this doing really high-fallutin" F Pree i music would be received in country about classical mu- music," he said. I ! Em[--[.o] I Mason Connty, but he haS.l_9, sic," he said. The "Requiem" concert i I" -- E- "m .... " i I been pleasantly surprised Americans in general willbe on July8, 9 and 10 at at both the choir's and the have a very different atti- the Shelton High School Au- audience s enthusiasm, tude towards classical mu- ditorium. Tickets are avail- I o.--- I'X I "It's really great, five or sic than Europeans, Blegen able at Annasbaychorale. I withcoupon : _~.._X-r_._~y _ ~ l six years ago when we wereadded" com. II I k. _J/ZgEtd//zDENTAL CENTER I [ o. II Wede'iverHE' 'r IN(; OIILII 3160.426.8401 I$ COMPARE OUR LOW PRICES! 360.GO.BRUSH Katherine J. Ketcher, DMD t We carry kerosene. Located at Sanderson I(t 11. -- Industrial Park (LI I¢Iq E; --. --