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Brandon AHen Campbell
Brandon Allen Campbell,
39, died on April 29, 2011
in San Fernando, Trinidad
after a brief battle with can-
He was born in Bremer-
ton on
June 3,
1971 to
Bill " and
H e
Campbell from Shel-
ton High
School in
1989 and attended Saint
Martin's University in Lac-
He owned his own small
businesses including a pop-
ular restaurant in Boca Ra-
ton, Fla. and most recently a
bakery/deli in Trinidad.
His family shared that
they and his friends delight-
ed in his sunny, positive
outlook. His father said he
was a loving son, good fa-
ther and a great uncle.
He enjoyed music and
sports. His interests in-
cluded family, scuba diving,
rugby, Scottish highland
festivals, reading, poker
and other online games with
He is survived by his wife
Patricia Campbell; daugh-
ters Cailin and Chloe of
Trinidad; son Sinjin Camp-
bell of Olympia; parents
Bill and Diane Campbell
of Hoodsport; sister Rachel
Shannon (Gary) of Poulsbo;
three nieces Kayla, Sarah
and Jenna and nephew Mi-
A memorial service is
scheduled for i p.m. on Sat-
urday, May 21, at the Hood-
sport Community Church
on Finch Creek Road in
A3nline condolences can
be sent to-RachelShannon@
William K. "Willy"
William K. "Willy"
Broughton, 64, died Mon-
day, May 2, 2011 in Bremer-
ton from a heart attack. He
was a resident of Belfair for
53 years.
He was born August 12,
1946 in Bremerton to Wil-
liam and Eloise (Hewitt)
Broughton, Sr.
He graduated from North
Mason High School in 1964
and attended Olympic Col-
lege, graduating in 1966.
He married Norma Youn-
gus on December 21, 1987
in Port Orchard.
He was the owner and
mechanic of a Chevron ser-
vice station and was em-
ployed by Boeing Co. during
the 747 project.
He was a member of the
Port Orchard Kiwanis and
a volunteer firefighter for
Mason City Fire District 2.
He enjoyed time with family
and friends, fishing, hunt-
ing, NASCAR and NHRA
racing. He enjoyed painting
the infamous Belfair truss
until he got caught.
He is survived by his wife
Norma Youngue of Belfair;
brother Jim Broughton; step
children Debbie, Clint and
Charles; nieces Paula and
Patty; nephews Wayne and
Rylan; eight grand-nieces
and nephews including
"Buddy" Rowdy; numerous
adopted grand and great-
grandchildren and many
friends and acquaintances.
His parents preceded him
in death.
At his request no service
is planned. The Neptune
Society is handling the ar-
rangements. Memorial do-
nations can be made to the
American Heart Associa-
tion or charity of choice. The
family would like to thank
Harrison Medical Center for
the care given him.
Richard Thomas Caisse
Richard Thomas Caisse,
65, died May 4, 2011 at his
home in Shelton.
He was bern July 26,
1945 in
Tacoma to
Cole of Ta-
holah and
Caisse of
Caisse He be-
came an
al Forester client in 1970
and was employed in all
aspects of the organization.
His last job was with the
Squaxin Tribe until illness
forced his retirement.
He lived at the barracks
at Sanderson Field, the Ex-
ceptional Manor and finally
in his own home with devot-
ed Exceptional Forester Inc.
He was proud of his na-
tive heritage and partici-
pated in many activities his
family shared. He enjoyed
playing bingo at the senior
center and at the tribal cen-
ter with the elders. He was
an avid Mariners and Se-
ahawks fan and liked talk-
ing to people about them.
He enjoyed country music
and the oldies.
His family said he was a
brave man, alway, s smiling
through his pain and never
complaining. "Everyone
loved him and felt honored
to be part of his life."
He is survived by his
sisters Constance Wilson,
Crystal Sampson and Cyn-
thia Jackson; brothers Neil
Underwood, Woodrow Un-
derwood, Daymond Cole
and Gary Cole of Taholah.
He was preceded in death
by his parents, brothers
Keith Underwood and Mark
Cole and sister Clarinda
A memorial service will
be held at a later dat~.
Leoline (Lee) Faweett
Leoline (Lee) Fawcett, 74,
died April 25, 2011 in Seat-
tle from cancer, surrounded
by her children, two days
before her 75th birthday.
She was
bern April
27, 1936
in Los
Calif. to
Jesse Mc-
Coy and
Fawcett R a c h e l
She was one of 11 children.
She moved to Washing-
ton in June of 1956 where
she raised 12 children.
She worked various
jobs outside the home. She
worked as a bartender
at the Dugout Tavern in
Bremerton and the Wood-
shed Tavern in Belfair,
where everyone knew her
as "Little Lee," the family
Funeral Alternatives offers a variety
of simple, cost-effective options.
Direct Cremation
states. In December 1989,
cancer made it impossible
for her to continue working.
She was a member of the
Belfair Eagles, as well as
many other charity organi-
zations. She was an ardent
supporter of Toys for Tots
and the Cancer society her
family states.
She never met a stray
(animal or human) that she
wouldn't take in. She joked
that anytime she heard
someone yell "Morn," she
would answer out of reflex.
She was a talented artist
and crafter.
She is survived by her
sisters Ethel, Pat, Margie,
Willette and Charlotte;
brother Wesley McCoy;
daughters Louise Alden-
Burley (Dennis) of Bremer-
ton, Florance Dugue of Tex-
as, Toni Rinehart (Rodney))
of Grapeview, Tami Fawcett
of Washington, Robbi-Lynn
Bryan of Bremerton, Cathy
Stephens (Bob) of Ore. and
Candy Ardon (Dave) of Bel-
fair; sons Jim Mathis (Con-
nie) of Bremerton, Fred
Fawcett of Belfair, ROn
Mathis (April) of Belfair,
Mark Fawcett (Diane) of
Ohio and Art Fawcett (Kar-
en) of Belfair; numerous
grandchildren and great-
Her parents, sisters Ma-
rie, Bobbie, Marion and
Phyllis preceded her in
A special thanks to the
UWMC, Dr. Cummins,
Dr. Hillel, Pat Waugh, Dr.
Knight and Dr. Ott.
At her request, no me-
morial well be held. In lieu
of cards or flowers, please
make a donation to the Can-
cer Society or Toys for Tote.
Veta Marie Holtorf
Veta Mar~.,~Ioltorf, ,84,
died May 12 011 at her,
daughter's home. She was
a resident of Shelton all her
She was born December
6, 1926 to Charles and Ida
Rader in
m a r
ried John
Holtorf and they
were mar*
ried for 37
She attended Shelton
schools until 1945, mar-
ried, raised a family and
then went back to high
school in 1965, graduating
in 1968. ARer graduation,
she went to work for the
Shelton School District as a
bus driver for 11 years and
a custodian for 12 years, af-
ter helping in the kitchen.
She worked as a domestic
in many homes between bus
She enjoyed her little
dogs and cats, her flower
and vegetable garden. She
did a lot of fancy work for
her family and friends. She
was a member of the South-
side Homemakers for years
before they disbanded. She
enjoyed working on the
election boards and seeing
old friends oRen. She also
enjoyed the class of 1945's
reunion breakfasts. When
her children were younger,
the whole family were avid
horseback riders, one son
still has horses.
Worthy of
Your Trust
She is survived by her
sons Richard (Shirley)
Holtorf of Las Vegas, Nev.
and Robert Holtorf of Shel-
ton; daughters Sandra (Rus-
sell) Swarringim of Shelton
and Sheila (Felix) Lewan-
dowsky of Shelton; eight
grandchildren, 17 great-
grandchildren and nine
sisters Adeta Edwards of
Shelton, Shirley Coleman of
Shelton, Judy Salsgaard of
Montana and Linda Westo-
ver of Tenino.
There are many nieces
and nephews, cousins by
the dozens, keeping in touch
with many of them. She had
several special friends; all
will miss her. Her parents,
stepparents, husband John,
brother Paul Rader and
daughter Starla preceded
her in death.
A service is planned for
11 a.m. on Saturday May
21, 2011 at the Shelton Me-
morial Park with a potluck
reception following at Ma-
son County Fire District 4
on Arcadia Rd.
Online condolences may
be sent to the family at mc-
Edward A. Lawrence
Edward A. Lawrence, 40,
died April 13, 2011 at Lake
Limerick. He was a resident
of Shelton for 35 years.
He was born Septem-
ber 24, 1970 to Anthony
and Mary
in Wash-
ington, Pa.
He was
a graduate
of Shel-
ton High
Lawrence School.
He mar-
....... ried Ste-
fanie Baldry on July 4, 2007
in Shelton.
He worked for Costco be-
fore going to work for S and
M Builders for the last five
years. He and his wife also
owned and operated Rail-
read Avenue Antiques years
He was a member of
the Eagles. His hobbles in-
cluded woodworking, pool,
darts, camping, fishing,
beating and playing domi-
noes. His family shared that
he was a workaholic, very
energetic and was an artist
with wood. He did chainsaw
and also loved to
cook, creating his own reci-
pes that may have seemed
odd but were delicious.
They also spoke of how he
loved animals and would
often take in strays. He was
the type of man that would
give anyone the shirt off his
back, always loyal, honest
and dependable as well as
fun. He enjoyed spending
time with his children and
grandchildren, taking them
on rides on his quads and
He is survived by his wife
Stefanie of Shelton; daugh-
ters Rebecca Sorg (Stephan)
of Shelton and Emily Sorg
(Nick Hanson) of Shel-
ton; son Clinton "CJ" Sorg
of Shelton; grandchildren
Timothy~ Thomas, Robert
and Christopher; nieces
Hailey Marchesino of Olym-
pia and Jasmine Morey
of Olympia; extended fam-
ily Frank Marty and Julia
Weeks, Kyleigh Gray and
Sandy Strandwold.
He was preceded in
death by his parent's sister
Michelle and step-dad Ed
A service will be held at
6 p.m. on Sunday, May 22,
at Lake Limerick Country
Club in Shelton.
A memorial fund has
been set up at Our Commu-
nity Credit Union, 526 W.
Cedar St. Shelton, WA
McComb Funeral Home
is handling the arrange-
ments. Online condolences
may be sent to the family at
Dorothy Jane Miller
Dorothy Jane Miller, 89,
died Saturday, May 14, 2011
at Alpine Way Retirement
Apartments in Shelton. She
had been a resident of Ma-
son County for 65 years.
She was bern August
21, 1921 to Robert and Lil-
lian Fran-
ces (Gay)
Mitchell in
ated in
1939 from
Miller Irene S.
Reed High
...... ( ;hool and
attended nursing school.
She married Leslie Lou-
is Miller September 9, 1945
in North Hollywood, Calif.
She was a homemaker
and a member of the Shel-
ton V.F.W. for 50 years. She
enjoyed writing editorials to
the Shelton-Mason County
Journal, gardening, taking
care of people, politics, cur-
rent events, reading, col-
lecting rocks and teaching
neighborhood kids life les-
She is survived by her
son Larry Miller (Pamela)
of Sammamish; daughter
Linda Sue Bailey (Jack)
of Shelton; sister Jean-
nine Griggs of Shelton; six
grandchildren; 17 great-
grandchildren; one great-
great-grandchild and nu-
merous nieces, nephews and
She was preceded in
death by her husband Leslie
Miller parents Robert and
Lillian Mitchell, two broth-
ers and three sisters.
A service will be held at
1 p.m. Friday, May 20 at
the Shelton Memorial Park
located at 1605 Van Buren
Street. A reception to follow-
ing the service will be held
at 640 West Hurley Waldrip
Road in Shelton. Memorial
donations can be made to
V.F.W. Post 1694, 206 West
Franklin Street, Shelton.
McComb Funeral Home
of Shelton is handling the
arrangements. Online con-
dolences may be sent to the
family at
Aurora Dawn Milroy
Aurora Dawn Milrey, 20,
died Friday May 13, 2011
at Madigan Army Medical
Center due to complications
from leukemia. She was a
resident of Shelton for eight
She was born August 25,
1990 in Highland Park, Ill.
to Tracy
and Rob
from Pio-
neer Mid-
dle School,
Milroy Oakland
Bay Jr.
High and
Shelton High School and
was attending Sough Puget
Sound Community College
to pursue a nursing degree.
She worked as a deli as-
sociate at Safeway.
Here family shared that
after surviving leukemia
the first time, she wanted to
become a nurse. She want-
ed to help people and she
would visit the Children's
Oncology ward to cheer up
the children.
She is survived by her
parents Rob and Tract Mil-
roy of Shelton; brothers
Jedediah Milroy of Santa
Cruz, Calif. and Ethan Mil-
roy of Shelton; sisters Tonia
and Tara Cox of Shelton,
Brandy and Gwen Milroy of
Shelton; six nephews; two
nieces; boyfriend Bradley
Davis of Shelton and best
friend Lily Morlock of Se-
A celebration of life at
Twanoh State Park will be
from 12 to 4 p.m. on May 21.
Memorial donations can
be made to Make a Wish
Send obituary
information to:
Deadine is 2 pm
the Tuesday
A Reputation Built on Service
Shehon - (360) 427-8044
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8 (360 426-4803
Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Jan. 27, 2011 - Page B-7