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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 19, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 19, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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t Samuel Henry Ritter Samuel "Sam" Henry Ritter, 82, died Saturday May 7 2011 from complica- tions of cancer. He was resi- dent of Olympia. He was born in 1929 at the family home in the John- son Creek area (near Ritter Tenino). The fam- ily later moved to Lake St, Clare where he grew up hunt- ing, fishing, swimming and bareback riding. He attended Lacey El- ementary, Washington Middle School and Olympia High School. He enlisted in the Navy in 1943 and served in both WWII and the Korean War. He was a Navy Seal and worked in special demoli- tions. He worked at Olym- pia Sand and Gravel driving trucks, owned and managed his own home mechani- cal business. He worked at Dept. of Natural Resources' Cedar Creek Youth Camp where he took crews to Eastern Washington to bat- tle forest fires. He operated heavy ma- chinery while leading crews to punch in roads and parks in Capitol Forest, creating areas you may enjoy now. He retired from DNR, State Motor Pool where he over- saw maintenance and res- ervations for a large fleet of state vehicles. After retire- ment he worked for Buchan- an and Sons, camping in the high country and guarding logging equipment with his wolf dog, Zak. He was versed in outdoor survival techniques and enjoyed ani- mals and nature. He collected guns and was an antique car enthusiast. He enjoyed woodcarving, creating unique furniture and toys; he was gardener, poet and had a knack for cooking. His family shared that he was especially fond of his dogs, Zak, Grizz, Ian and Ian 2. They said he was a great storyteller and could captivate persons of all ages. Over his lifetime he made many friends among the Native American tribes, including the Nisqually, Squaxin and Skokomish. He is survived by his daughters, Darla Ritter and Rena Patch (Tom); grand- children, Norma King, Ben Patch, Melissa (Justin) Hen- drix, Amanda (James) Han- rahan, and James Wind- ham; four great-grandchil- dren, Amos, Corbin, Tegan and Peyton; sister, Sunny "Edna" Dunn-Linn; niece, Patti Ragel and friend Glo- ria Noceti. His first wife, Ravena and his brother, John Rit- ter, preceded him in death. A celebration of life is planned from 2 to 5 p.m. on Sunday, May 22 at the Old Delphi Schoolhouse, 7601 Delphi Road, SW Olympia. A late lunch will be provid- ed. In lieu of flowers, dona- tions may be made to the Black Lake Fire Dept., Del- phi Schoolhouse or Ameri- can Cancer Society. Please visit Woodlawn-Funeral. corn to leave condolences. Mary Alice Shaw Mary Alice (Crossan) Shaw, 69, died May 12, 2011 at Evergreen Health and Rehab in Olympia from cancer. She was a resident of Shelton for 35 years. She was born October Ask me about Accident Forgiveness. With other insurance companies, having an accident can mean your rates rise as much as 40%. But with AIIstate's Accident Forgiveness, your rates won't go up at all just because of an accident. Don't wait! Call me today. BOB BUHL (360) 427 5854 116 W RAILRD AVE#106 SHELTON Come and compare your current policy with one from Allstate. You're in good hands. Feature is optional and subject to terms and cond/tions. Safe Driving BonuS@ won't ap~ly after an accident. In CA, you could sU]l Fose the 20% Good Driver Discount. Alistute Fire and Casually In~ranco Company: Noflhbrook, IL. © 2010 Nlstate Insurance Company 15, 1941 in Divide, Wyo. to Lester and Alice (Freeman) Crossan. She graduated from Irene S. Reed High School. She worked for the sew- ing factory; was a waitress, casher and a caregiver for the mentally challenged. She enjoyed bowling, bin- go, playing cards, sewing, reading, knitting, puzzles and can- ning. She enjoyed watching golf and Shaw the Mari- ners base- ball and her dog Skidder. She was a member of the Moose Lodge. She is survived by her daughter Roberta Cole- man (Christopher) of Shel- ton; step daughters Norma Jean Nichols (Kenneth) of Okla., Gerldine Wyers and Bernice Greenfield both of Ark; sisters Doris Neff (Dale) of Yuma Ariz., Ileene Twidwell (Jerry) and Betty Hyatt (Larry) of Shelton; 12 grandchildren; 25 great- grandchildren and numer- ous nephews and nieces. She was preceded in death by her parents and brother Edwin Crossan. A service will be held at 2 p.m. on Saturday, May 28 at the Shelten Foursquare Church located at 910 East Dearborn Ave. Forest Funeral Home of Shelton is handling the arrangements. Memorial donations can be made to Mary A. Shaw Account 71849 at Our Community Credit Union, 526 W. Cota St., Shelton or mail P.O. Box 1670 Shelton, WA 98584. :8th Annual al Senior ture: "For from Him, and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen." Romans 11:36 Bridge Community Church family will be hosting a 50th Anniversary Celebra- tion at 3 p.m. on Sunday, June 5, to hon- or our beloved Pastor Howard and Doris Spear. Friends and family are invited to gather at the church, 500 North Island Drive, on Harstine Island, for food, fel- lowship and a program remembering the Charles (Shorty) and Lorna (Sd- years of Spear's life and service and of lars) Chappell of Matlock were married the Lord's leading and provision, on May 17, 1971 in Sitka, Alaska. They Howard and Doris were married 50 will be celebrating their 40th wedding years ago in Topeka, KS. They served anniversary with a potluck from noon as Village Missionaries for 30 years to 6 p.m., May 21 at 549 Beeville Road and have been partners with American in Matlock and would like all who know Missionary Fellowship for the past 15 them to come and help them celebrate. years. Their adult children and spouses They have three children Tina Mo- are Donna and Clayton Pollat, Laramie, naco (Craig), Jason Chappell and Joshua Wyo.; Douglas and Mary Lynn Spear Chappell (Melissa) and six grandchil- of Bothel, Andrew and Marcy Spear of dren. He is an ex-logger from Simpson Shelton and Grace and Jerry Murray of and worked in construction until 2001. McMinnville, Ore. The Spears have been She worked as a fisherman, gardener blessed with twelve grandchildren, and housewife. They have been residents Their official invite includes the scrip- of Matlock since 2007. Abbygail Lee Keesey Jeanine 6(eesey of Olym- John and Laura Schuffen- Abbygail Lee Keesey pia and Scott and Carey bauer. He weighed seven was born April 28, 2011 at Keesey of Olympia wel- pounds and seven ounces Providence St. Peters Hos- come Abbygail. and was 19.5 inches long. pital in Olympia to Tif- His grandparents Ed and fany Goldsby and Addam John Ross Schuffen- Jackie Burnett of Olym- Keesey. hauer Jr. pia and Larry and Debbie Annalisa, four, and Schuffenhauer of Shelton grandparents Debra and John Ross Schuffen- and great-grandparents Ricky Stiles of Shelton, bauer Jr. was born April Jack and Grace Hagedorn 28, 2011 at Mason Gen- of Union and Fred and eral Hospital and Faro- Judy Briggs of Bothell Enter to win prizes couhesy of: Health & Wednesday, May 25, ] 0:00am - 2:00pm The Nation's Larges Older Adult Health Promotion Event For more info or to be a vendor contact Klmberly Janda Commm~ Ou~each Director Maple Glen Y~nlor Uvln9 427-0300 or 463-3082 ily Clinics in Shelton to welcome him. / o ~ o • ~ .| , ~.. , Annual Fashion Show Luncfieon Saturday, May 21 2011 Fashions provided by Coldwater Creek Event tickets are *20°° sold in advance at Lake Umerick Country Club Office. 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