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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 20, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 20, 1965
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PA E ,q TOTC-- ffA- O COUN'T . :ffOURNAE--Published in ttOhv ma, ,mvn, U.,q.A.', ghelton, Washington S . ARTS AND CRAFTS I:IOW T0 BE ONE 0F IHE F()RES3. ! I,SM!VAL ATTRACTIONS DISPLAYING ART WORK done by them which will be shown at the Arts and Crafts show Friday through Sunday in the Lincoln gym are (front) Tracy Armstrong and Kip Part" and (back) Shaun Parr and Bobby Lund. The boys' paintings were made under the direction of well-known local at- tist. Shirley Parr, as a project in their Cub Scout den. The painting in the center of the picture is one of Mrs. Parr's. Arts and crafts of all kinds made by local artists will make up this second annual show which is sponsored by the Mason County Council of PTA. 'TEX' PAYTON NEW CHEF FOR LAKE CUSHMAN RESORT Owner Bob Reed announced this week that "Tex" Payton, recently head chef at tlae exclusive Sable Night restaurant in Monterey, Calif., has contracted to take over management of the /kitchen and dining room at Lake Cushman Re- sort for the 1965 season. Payton and his family have moved to the Northwest to make their home and the famed chef was so delighted with tim pan()-- stoic setting oi Lake Cushman Re- sort that he agreed to sign a con- tract: for the 1965 season, Reed said. Payton was also assistant to the head chef at A'Silmar, an- other exclusive Monterey dining establishment, where he often pre- ]~ared char-broiled steaks for 600 to 800 banquet attenders. Reed said Lake Cushman Resort: will no.w feat~re,,hmne-va~de a~ ple, blueberry and wild blackber- ry pies anotlmr of Fayton's spe- cialties. The resort dinfl g room is now open every night except Mon- day from 6:00 Lo 10:00 1) m.. R.ced announced. ~Pd. Adv. • Educators Honor Founders With Candlelight Rite Mrs. Timlma Maxwell. president of Iota Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma Society, presided at the husiness meeting of the group held Saturday in the home of Mrs. Clyde Fagergren. ~MrS. Ernest Newland,. junior past president of the chapter, pre- sentcd a beautiful candle lighting serwce ilonoring the founders of 1)ella Kappa Gnmrna, an interua- t,i(~naI hollOf society of \VOFllen ed- ilca LOrS. A buffet hmchcon was prepared and served Io the group of 33 by 2V~rs. Fagcrgren a~'~sisted by t~ group of Shelton members of Iota Ch'~tpker under tile chairmanship o/~ .Mrs. Bruce Schwarck, ~y~uemb'e~'s n6tb~d' $~[00 for [h(: chaptez's scholarship fund. Mrs. Chct Dombroski. scholarship chairman, was in charge assisted by Miss Vrances Nordling and Mrs. Newland as auctioneers. AKE (:USH IAI RESORT Panoramic Dining Room, Featuring SEAFOOD, CHICKEN, CHAR-BROILED STEAKS prepared to perfection by our own chef PAYTON" OPEN 6 to 10 P.M. DALLY -- Except Monday T.B. Meeting Will Honor 501h Year Of Thurston Association The annual joint meeting of the Mason and Thurston County Tub- erculosis Associations will be held at the Tyee Inn in Olympia at 7 p.m. next Thursday. The 50th anniversary of the Thurston coun- ty group will be celebrated. All past members will be honored. 01] ti~e program will be Judge Charles Wright who will give tbe address of welcome; Rep. Charles Savage who will present awards granted by the Mason County As- vociation; Dr. Bernard Bucove. Di- rector of Washington State De- partment of Health, who will tall( on the health department and TB ass,,ciation working together; and Dr. John DeShaye, Director of Thurston-Mason County Health Dept. whose subject will be "Tub- erculosis Today in Mason and Thurston counties'L ' Guest speaker will be Dr. John Bcare, head of Tuberculosis Con- trol Section of the Washington State Department of HealtlL The meeting is open to the pub- lie and large representation from Mason County is urged. Tickets will be $3.50 and reservations can bc made with Mrs. Vernon David- son rd. 426-6177 or the Health de- partment at 426-3142. VI~W ltAM DINNER SLATEI) AFTER PARADE VFW Post 1694 and its Auxin iary will serve a ham dinner in the Memorial Hall immediately after tl~e Forest Festival parade Saturday. The public is cordially invited. Donations will be $1.25 for adults; 75 cents for children. To a True Friend of Conservation in Every Way has faithfully followed the finest conservation methods throughout its of COHSERYA • JUAHIT GALLAHER, Publisher Ull i II¸ i i ate m Today, Thursday, May 20 Rotary Club hmcheou, noon, Min. ~,'ee Caie. q o.a. ;tmasters Club, 6:45 a.m,, i }m,rs ,',S';lI|r:Ili[. P~,'L ce';llllissioll nlccting, 8 ~.~l., coul'thousc, Navy Mothers Club, 7:30 p,m,, ;' ~,whtI laa.ll. ~,o::'d Can:ll Woman's Club, 11 ~., Potlatch ch.tbhol[He. 'uoen's t~m~quet & Coronatio~ first event of 1965 Forest Festival 7 p.m., Mt. View school cafeteria Friday, May 21 Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild, 2:30 ll.m. luncheon, lmme of Mrs. larold Nordeng. VFW Auxiliary, 8 p.m., Memo- .'ial hall. Canal Court No. 79 Order of Amaranti~ public installati(m, ) m.. Union Ma,;onie hall. Forest Festiwd 'Fun Night' program, 8 p.m., jtmior high audi. torture. Saturday, May 22 Drivcr:; license examiner. 10 tan. - 5 p.m., police station, FOE card party, 8 p,m., airport hall, Salty Sasllayers Sqtqare Dance Club. 8:30 p.m.. Mason county ;airgrounds. Kids Parade. 10 a.m., through downtown streets of Shelton. Paul Bunyan Parade 10:30 p.m., through downtown streets of Shelton. Loggers sports show, 2 p.m., Loop Field. Teen-age dance. 10 p.m.. Arm- ory. Sunday, May 23 Sheiton churches invite you to attend the church of your choice Monday, May 24 PUD No. 3 commission meeting, 1 p.m., PUD commissioon room. County commission meeting, 10 a.m., courthouse. Shelton Bridge Club, 7:30 p.m., PUD auditorium. Tuesday, May 25 Kiwanis chlb, hmcheon, noon, Memorial hall. City commission meeting, 8 l).m., city hall. Goodwill truck in town, phone ,126-.'t8.t7 for picltups. Moose Lodge, 8 p.m., aiirport hall. l)egrec of thmor Protective As- :;(;(~.iaii.)u, 8 p.m., Memorial bali. Dirt Dobber Garden Club, 10:30 a.m., hmne of Mrs. Fred Ferris. Wednesday, May 26 Drivers li(:ensc examiner, It) am. - 5 p.m., police ststion. Mason County Hospital l)istrict Commission, 7:30 p.m., court- [house. Thursday, May 27 Evergreen PTA, 8 p.m., at the school. Rotary Club hmcheon, noon, Ming Tree Cafe. Toastmasters Club. 6:45 a.m, Timbers restaurant, First mixed 2-ball 4-some of season, tee-off time 5:30 p.m., fol- lowed by potluck dinner. Bayshore clu blouse. LUNCHEON TO HONOR SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS The Shelton General Hospital Auxiliary and Washington State Nurse's Association will hold a luncheon honoring the recipients of the Nurse's Scholarship at 1 p.m. next Monday at Alderbrook. Informal fashions from Miller's of Shelton will be modeled and the money doll will be awarded. Reservations should be made with Mrs. Eber Angle by Friday evening. Tickets are $2. BUY AND WEAR YOUR FOREST FESTIVAL BUTTON MAKING PLANS FOR THE CYO Forest Festival Dance to be held from 10 p.m. until 1 a.m. this Friday in the armory are Mary Beth Connolly (left) and Judy Smith, general chairmen of the affair. All teenagers and college students are invited to attend. Attire will be casual, with pedal pushers and tapered sl~cks ac- ceptable for the girls. N.o bermudas, please. Music will be by the sting Rays with admission $1.25. No one will I~e p.err~!tted to return to the dance once they have left. Chaperones will be Mr. and Mrs. Jim Connolly, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Flower, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grist and Dr. and Mrs. George Radich. 4-H Honorary Takes Two Shelton Students Among those initiated into the Alpha Chapter of Mu Beta Beta, National 4-H Honorary at Wash- ington State University recently .vere Neva Auseth and Bob Leeds. .~Iu Beta Beta is an honor society :or the promotion of 4-H Club ~ork. Miss Auseth is"'the daughter of :~h'. and Mrs, Martin Auseth of Ygate and Leeds is the son of Mr. md Mrs. Glen E. Leeds, Shelton. ESA CHOOSES GIRL OF YEAR DOROTHY RIDOUT was chos- en to receive the Girl of the Year award by the members of the Beta Zeta Chapter of Epsi- Ion Sigma Alpha last week. She was presented with a bouquet of red roses, an ESA bracelet and a jeweled crown. Mrs. Ridout has done outstanding work, not only in the Beta Zeta Chapter, but has also served as Washington Welfare ohairman for the year, The 49 members of the Shelton High School graduating class who have maintained a "B" or better grade point average during their high school days were honored last Wednesday night at the an- nual Scholarship dinner sponsored by Delta Kappa Gamma Society. Miss Irene Burright presided at the meeting, with the introduction of the honor graduates by Miss Margaret Baldwin. Speaker for the program was Dr. Louise Clement, retired pro- fessor of English at Olympic Col- lege. Entertainment was provided by Sandra Lewis with vocal selec- tions, accompanied by Diane Frank. The honor graduates along with their parents attended the dinner. The honor graduates are: Sally Adams, James L. Ander- son. Carolynn Auseth, Robert Ben- nett, Cheryl Boad, Pamela Board- man, Gary Brown. Jack Bryant, Reta Carte, Virginia Crumb, James Donahoe, Marcia Dorcy, Jack Dyer, Richard Evers, Kath- ryn Flower, Tom Fredson, Lisa Goldschmid, Kathy Gray, Susan Hartline, John Hembroff, Barbara Jarvis, Jill Jeffery, Maryanne Ju- dah. Luanne Kilbourne, Edward La- them, Sandra Lyman, Pamela ~Ic- Comb, Michael McNeil, Richard iVfackey, Janet Maranville, Mel- ody Morgan, Eric Nelson, Linda Nutt, Jan Parker, Patricia Parker, Lawrence Powell', Cathryn Saeger, Colleen Shrum, Kathleen Smith, Michael Stephens, Paula Storm0, Jaydee Stroud, Perry Swett, Mol- ly Taylor, Candace Travis, Terryl Turner and Elaine Zehe. SUPPORT YOUR FOREST FESTIVAL HAD WEDDING DATE IN MAY ESA To Be This The May 12 Zeta pha was l(embel with hostess. Dm'ing th, catering job was l }~)re-conventiOll held. May 21-23. J~,an dent, named men as folloWS Helen Rice; Mallory; lain, girl, BeY Ridout; publicity, dance, Do' Wanda After the were BUY ANp FOREST FRIDAY OPENS MISS JUDY ANN DEMPSEY became Mrs. Kenneth Dale Simons May 1 in St. Edward's Catholic church. Father Mark Weichmann performed the ceremony for the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John R. Dempsey, Shelton, and the son of Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth L. St- m ons, Potlatch. ::= ;:, =1: May 1, the wedding anniversary date of her parents, was chosen by Miss Judy Ann Dempsey fo~ her marriage to Kenneth Dale Si- mons, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lee Simons of Potlatch. Miss Dempsey is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan Dempsey, Shelton. Father Mark Wiechmann per- formed the 11 a.m. ceremony for the couple in the St. Edward's Ca- tholic church which was decorated with white Stock and daisies. Mu- sic was furnished by Mrs. Ted Wittenberg with Miss Charleen Smith as vocalist. Given m marriage by her father, the bride wore a cream silk-satin floor-length gown with a chapel train held in place with a cummer- bund. It was styled with a scoop neck and three-quarter-length sleeves. The bell-shape skirt was df brocaded satin. Her elbow- length veil was held by satin pet- als. Cascading white daisies and yellow roses nmde up her bouquet. Identical costumes were worn by ]t~iss Kathy Sutherland, maid of hon~r, and the bridesmaids, Mis- ses Shirley Dillenburg, Sandra St- mOllS and Colleen Ahnojuela. The skirt of the floor-length gold gowns was bell-shaped. The em- pire waistlines were enhanced with a bow in the center and two I streamers to thefloor in back. The bodice was designed with ] scoop neck and three-quarter- length sleeves. They wore match- ing gold pillbox hats with short veils and carried colonial bou- quets of white daisies. Gayle Hill, flower girl, wore a full-skirted floor-length gown of gold with a wreath of white dais- ies as a headpiece and a wristlet of white carnations. She carried a basket of yellow daisy and rose petals. Gary simons was best man for his brotber, ushers were Peter Dempsey, Steve Chaussee and An- thony Neal. A white and gold printed sheath with matching gold coat and ac- cessories was worn by the bride's mother and a yellow shift with matching accessome.s was chosen by the mother of the bridegroom. The banquet room of the Tim- bers Restaurant was daecorated with white stock ana aisles fox' the reception which followed there immediately after the ceremony The maltese cross wedding Cake carried out the gold and white theme with white rose and gold leaf decorations. Serving were 'Mrs. Marion Jarvis, aunt of the aunt of the bride, Mrs. Russell Michael, Mrs. Bob Stewart and Mrs. Dale Paulsen. Dale l~aul~en. The guest book was in charge of Miss Elizabeth Dempsey and Miss Jan Pearson attended the gift table. The newlyweds are both grad- uates of Shelton :High school. "The RI LAST sHO~ '64 International Scout 80 --- 4x4 Long Top, Dual Tanks, Hubs, 8500 Actual Miles '62 International Heavy Duty Wide Box Pickup, V-8 Engine, 4 H.D. Bumper '60 International Vz-ton Pickup 6 Cylinder Engine with New Rings, 3 Speed, Wide Box '60 GMC ½-ton 9 Passenger R-H, Locking Rear Axle, GOOD Several Older Models to Choose '58 Plymouth Wagon -- V-8, '57 Plymouth 4-dr. Sedan, Automatic '57 Chrysler 2-dr. Hardtop Fully Equipped Local Financing National Bank of MasOn) /: Marriage Licenses Applying for marriage licenses in the Mason County Auditor's of- fire this past week were: Will L. Rodgers, 23, Shelton, and Doris K. Gill, 23, Lilliwaup. Willie D. Holden, 27, Bremerton, and Karen Thompson, 22, Bremer- ton, £UIHQRI2.SD DSALBR 707 So. First 426-3433 " CHRYSLER--- PLYMOUTH -- :~ INTERNATIONAL OPEN . . . FOR'MASON COUNTY Loans from $50 up on SALARY, SONAL PROPERTY, and so forth Licensed under Washington State Small Loan OPERATED BY R, A. WELWOOD i. Shelto t¸ :