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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 20, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 20, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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7+; DRIVE.IN THEATRE I F,,.. s,T. l/ I Gate Opens 7:45 - Show at Dusk l/ I ...................... -.--- I/ Hood Canal junior high school's | II..m~-~ ~ i/brightest hour in athletic~ arrived | ~r~J dl~ |[ lasL Thursday at Hoquiam when • i~w--~d~lm] JF I/Ill(, new school ol] the great bend I •+ II captul:cd "third place ill the south- I Jl ilBIml • ! ~P I/west Wa:shington junior high dis- i P |/oriel track meet. i .. • I/ This was two steps on the ladder • CINEMAGCO E " .... I ,~ ,~[~'~0rsY0,t~E l/ahead of the Shelton Blazers, who I " "~" el~l,~lh,~| were fifth one point behind, and | ........ ||only 1V~ points ont of second I I[place" I li David Rose, dnplicating him I |~i!!| || achievement ofa year ago, led | || the Hood Canalrise with three | [~~'~i:] [| more bhle rihhons, He w, on the | [~~ii| [| hurdles, the broad junlp and the i I~~i-~,+F,~IR.01 ||100-ya,'d dash in Class C compe- l |:,~LI~IfJIE~INIJ~IW I It tition for 15 big" points and'set new I I'~,: ".~}!| 11 district meet records in all three. ] L~~.~| || llOOI) CANAL aim) scored 15 L |'ill Clas__.~: B Events, where Gene +++ LOANS.,. Q If you're a: veteran with GI home loan eligibility, a new home may be closer than you think. Capital has them. Contact... KURT AZES WITH III D PLACE I:llliSH/fr " 7 ! WESTLUKI) SETS HIgH OSE SETS 3 R EO ]Ri}S iRE¢OR9 BUT +Liii BEi!$ LOSE 2V~YaW2n:(h?nd100, ,:~d b,t?i~ithJu~;p to 2h, u2pmmlsn~O;'Cc n~;s~Sdogfight [ 'ili~ ~+::+;';i~i~+" ~i+(++:~g~ 'l Hi~ht;tltitn?b;+i"sJ;'a':it?lir ~P°tnSna:);e lh'It220" l d l-~H(inl( I( C(.olid Ill 13 point:+ and Mike McDowell was for second place in the meet, seer- I }*i++++i +++++~ ++~+~?i~; I of Olympic Le+gate tract( .termi- Per,'.v Ro:~e in the .880 ~f+lay with third in the shot, put. Another ing between 39~/~ aria ,36 ,points.[ !~),ii i?!@!~~ ..... ~!~;i.!~!2:i}~: / noted at South ~itsap rest Friaay clot.v, wesumm An¢~ La]~issad ending for the Shelton Blazer 880 relay team, giving him four kerr S, l-)earing EB, Rutledge S, (h v were all jumpers--Chris Close50---Jones J, Nelson W, Swett baseball team lasL Wednesday as " he day red ribbons for t ".. 1.1.9 (st]h-district roenrd). in'the A high jump At an exee]- ~, Mail Hoq. 6.0. lenL 5'4", Curt" Cheney in the A High jump--Fuller M, Engle J, it played its firsL home game og The broad jnmp was won at 20 100--Clary S, Hawkins SK, pole, vaulL at a. commendable 11'tie Albert J and Yakovich M. 5- the season, feel even by South's 13ob Thomp-ThomAs WB, ]0.0. 2~::'' and Dick Sh]'tm] in the C 5~/I (record/. The final resulL was a 3-1 loss son, a distance All three of Shel- gS0 -Sandison PA, K. Brewer hifih jump ".fit 4' 10" (his best is 180+Mitchell Hop, Wilson. j, to unbeaten Jefferson of Olympia. ton's jumpers have ~m.sis}e.ntly\¥B, B. Johnson, S, Shcpard CK, 5'0")." Chency's vauiL set a Blazer Cla.yl,m S, Kilcup H. 20.7. , The Blazers got off to a 1-0 lead bettered this season.. ~ut ~ nday 1:59.4 |sub-district record). school record. Show---Dahlstrom Hop, Gire in the first inning when Mike they didn't and Mike Jonnson, 4,10 Hawkins SK, Tropple WB, Lee Bm'fiend had a career hest Hop, McDowell HC, Carpenter J. Swisher singledl stole, tarried holder of ShelLon's school record .T. Brewer WB, Aitchison NK, 49.6 while Jan Donaldson walked, then at 21' 9J/~", didn't even pmce. (sob- district record). ,1' 10" high jump but gel second botlle deposit @ Del;vered to your door •.. or at your store. "--2 46-9 (record). Long jump--Avey HC, Swett+ S, Wilson J, Gire Hop. 17-9. Pole vault----Beottcher H, Mitch- ell Hop, Stalings W', Tie Lytle H and HodeL" Hop. 10.6. Relay-.-- WashingLon, Hoquiam, Hopkins, Miller. 49.5. DIVISION C Hurdles--[{os~t HC, Gzatenfelder 1, Burficnd S, Sypher H. 13.2 (re- cord). Long jmnp----Rosc HC, Lentz M, Bantz J, Silva V¢. 17-5~ (record). 100-.Rosc HC, Silva W, Lentz M, Burfiend S. 34.7. 50--+Lawn W, Kellogg C, Bantz J, Dan|els S. 6-1 {ties record). 75--Kellogg C, Bantz J, Lentz M, HazelquisL W, 8.9. Pole vault--Bitar H, tie Clint- worth J and LecLure SM, Hill J. 9-3 (record). High jump--Shrum S, Buff lend S, tie Sypher H and Humphrey J. 4:-10. Relay -- Washington, Shelton, . (Daniels, Okonek, Jackson, Ea- gle--their 53.2 was a season b~st), Hopkins. 52.1 (record). ONLY YOUR DAIRY COULD MAKE IT Just add a camper body and head for the hills! This new pickup comes equipped for vacation fun with heavy-duty rear shock absorbers and auxiliary springs, oversize 7.S0 x 16 tires, front stabilizer bar, a pair of big side mirrors, radio and deluxe heater, tinted windshield, full-depth foam seat plus many other pleasant appoint- ments+ Check into Chevy's big choice of all kinds of pickups at your Chevrolet dealer's! NO. I WAY TO WORK See your Chevrolet dealer about an___y type of truck. Ii SUPPORT YOUR FOREST FESTIVAL BUY AND WEAR YOUR FOREST FESTIVAL BUTTON 46-7865 I $ PIIONE 426-4426 scored on & "hot-box" run-down following Tom Malloy's single. Swisher stopped at third on iV|alley's single bnL Donaldson did- n't stop at second. In the result- ing run-down Donaldson was final- ly nailed trying to get back to second but Swisher made home on the play. Thereafter the Blazers gel only Lhree £urLher hiLs---all singles, with Swisher and Malloy repeat- ing and Dave Puhn adding a solo CLIMBER weightmen came np with only two points, a pair ef fourths in the shoL and discus. Little things like this, and Clary not being able to run the 220, cosL the Climbers the Olympic track championship they've held the two past seasons. Clary strained a, liK'tment in his knee running the 100, whieh he won in 10 flat. Had he won Lhe 220, as he should have on past performances, the Climbers s.hoL, would have improved their own point total by fonr while redttc- Donaldson also pitched 5-hit ball ing South's b.v three. for the Blazers but catcher Greg The absence of Tom Lowe hurt Brunson doubled home the tying the Climbers badly, ton. Lowe is run in the fifth and Dave Bertran through running until a nmscle singled home Bill Karpuleon and sheath tear is repaired by an op- Dick Gaw with the winning tallies eration, so hc will not be able to ill the'sixth, close his brilliant track career The short score: with anoLher trip Lo the state 1~ H E meet. Jefferson. 000 012 0--3 5 1 WITH TIlE FIRST three fin- Shelton 100 000 0--1 5 4 ishers Friday going to ti~is week- Batteries--Heckman and BFan- son; Jan Donaldson and Tom Mal- end's district competition, the Climbers qualified three in the pole loy ..... vanlt, two each in the broad jump and high jump, one each in both hui'dles, 100, 220, 880, and the 880 relay. They are: Westhmd in the broad jmnp, CLIMBERS SET LEAGUE ILECORD IN BEATING PA Coach Andy Tuson's Highclimb- er golf team was sizzling hot in Lwo matches last week in which high jump, pole vault and relay. Mike BrickerL with a second in the high and third in the low hur- tles. Bob Miller, winner of the pole tilt. Mike Johnson, lhird in the pole it set an Olympic !eague team za.ttlt. Bob Johnson, third in ti~e scoring pinnacle while beating! ~80. PorL Angeles, 134-108, Friday, af- Duane Wilson, who had a ca- ter whipping WesL Bremerton in reer besL aL 5' 11~.~" for third in non-league action, 120-104, the day the high jump. prior. Marty Rose, third in the broad Jeff Kiebul'tz and Rick Hanson jump. led the point-assault in the Port Clary in the 100 relay. Angeles match, Lhe former bang- ing a 4-over par 76, the latter a torrid 78. Kieburtz accumulated 32 points, Hanson 30. The othm* three Climber links- men each shoL. 848 and scored 24 points. Kieburtz and Joe Earl each had 80s and 28 points against. West. Both matches were played on Lhe B~tyshore' eourse. Slielt0n completed its Season's schedule with the two matches and wound up with a 6-3-1 league mark, which co¢ild finish the Climbers as high as second in the final standings, no worse Lhan third. The lincups: Shot put: Ebert SK, Brown SK, Kravitz EB, Batstone S, 51-11/.'.,. Low hurdles--Ht)ltinc SK, Die- fendorf WB, BrickerL S, P. Rose S, 21.0. 220--Nail SK, LaBissoniere S. Jenkins CK, Harper SK, 23.0. Mile rtLn--WaiLe PA, Miller EB, Blair WB, Preppernau S, 4:29.5 snb-disLriet record). Broad jump++ Thonlpson SK, Westhmd S, M. Rose S, Thol'sen CK 20-0. Mile relay-South Kitsap, Cen- ton, 3:32.33. Javelin--S. Okoniewski CK, M. Okoniewski Ch:, Simpson PA, Clark EB, 175-2. High jmnl): Tweter PA, West- ihm(I S, Thorsen CK, 3,Vilson S, 6-2 ~. ! Discus--+EberL SK, Christensen , WB, King CK, Latham S. 144-2. Pole vault-Miller S, Westlund S. M. Johnson S, Leibman WB, 13-0 (sub-dislrict record). 880 relay----West Bremerton, Shelton, EasL Bremerton, fourth becanse of disqualifications, 1:31.6 (sub-disLrict record). Bernert Wins Cycle + Road Race Sunday Carl (Pete) Bernert rode home first in Lhe l(i-mile road r~tce spon- sored by the Shelton Trailblazers Motorcycle Club last Stmday. This Satm'day at the fair- grounds there will be a big scram- bles event. All motorcycle riders are welcome to compete. The nexL club evcnt will be a reliability run. SUPPORT YOUR FOREST FESTIVAL 1st & Grove SHELTON ,Press SIlELTON 1341SHELTON 12(1[ Earl' 84 ' 24