May 20, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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May 20, 1965 |
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19C5 gTI"ELTON--MA, ON JOUP NAL--- Published in "Christma, town, U.g.A.", Shelton, Washin PAGE
Schwab surprised the Maytes with [ I
the flowers and trces as a gift.] [
A swimming 1)arty followed by i ~ ]
a weinie roast will be the delight | ~ ~ ~ L ]
of Cub Seout Pack 1 and their] ~,1 ~ ~4[~] ~ I~1 ~ ]
families May 27 at the swimnaing | . - / .... ~ [
pool in Shelton. The party will | ; . ,-V" :~ VARIETY I i
beg'in at 6 p.m. and will be fOl' [ "" ~ • ~ ~ ~ i~ J R'r~I~*~ i ]
Cllb SCOII[S Paclc 1 :Hid their I ~ ~l ~ ~ IV~ -'" .... I U
families only. [ ' n
Piano shKients of Mrs. Rich'lrd I I
Endicott and Mrs. Wesley Gain | ]
will hold a reciLa.l May 25, at 8 I I
p.m. in the Hood Canal Conmmn- i ......... -- .......... ]
itychurch. The students and their [ rllili rlllll lVAlkl ]
teachers would like everyone to | I~illlll I~llll V lllill lllll W "~ /
know that the community is quite i § i
welcome to attend and for those l
who do come to the animal affair I ......
there will be punch and cookies I -~ - ......... u-- -- ,. .....
LO indulge in afterwards. , I ~,.~ nlh.$ 1110 nl,II @&,ll D,,,,
The Elinor Chapter of the O.E.S. i ~ WWlI~IL IU Illlll 01111DUV
Social Club will meet June 1 at !1
the home of Mrs. Matt Kaare of[] ..---
Potlatch. The meeting will begin n ":-I-" * "
wilh a potluck hmcheon. I Magnifying 1Qt.,
MR. AND bll{S. William Marts ~ u ~-. . -- , • •
I uiass Freez(r Co]ltalller
..eft, their trai'lcr parked aL S ;ai '- I * ........ '
case and dropped in to .visit Mr. ]|
and Mrs. W. A. Leimbeck of I 4x6 Metal Frame
HoodsporL. The Marrs are good [| ..... 8 OZ.
friends of the Leimbeeks and live | Mirror
in the Seattle area. [I Pla,stic Bowl
With slight of hand and a bag]l
of tricks D L Calahan performed o|!~
.... I I Colored Pen ..... ,
his magic tricks for the children ]l z~..z~...-
• ' t) 1 I~ [I LPUU[
ill the Fishing Derby at Lake Nah- I 1. Colors ~'
watzel Sunday afte~"noon \Vhile he II *--,.
was in the area he paid a visit I ,,..-]9~ttUllt
to Mr. and Mrs. Archie Calahan I I See-Through
here in Hoodsport The Calahans[I "-" W,~ffl-. W~r~
were also hosts to' James Robert- I Coin Purse ..................
son from can,i.o Zsla,d. [I Dish Cloth
A deal" friend from Tacoln~t I ~ .-
Mrs. George Clark, paid a five i i ~ea:~ner
day visit to the home of Mr. and I .-.,. ,,- I|A/III~ ~V~
Mrs Frank McIntyre beginning[I unlange rurse IJ LUK /UI
:Wednesday and ez~ding Sunda~.i ....
i Mrs. Andrew Scott has been i p_ .
spending several days in Daring° t] lastm 12-oz. 16"
I I Tumbler Beacl, Balls
~'|r'on~l Poulsbo Saturda5 II
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lockwood and[] DI,,.~--'-
I Strainer Adult ooth Brush
Hoodsport. BUL t ' '' I ' ~/10¢
that the Lockwoods from our I|
town did the visiting for it was II Plastic
Mothers Day and also their grand- t| ~ hihl, ..... h
' -"' , "" a'da '" ~ ,-.,, J,J,~,,, . u~ u~..
sons birtnaa3, so umy p ~l i Catsul) Dis')ellser ' '
visilLO Mr. and MI'S, "Dale Ses-[l' '' [ | ~ " '~, '11~*
sions anti Dorothy Perkins of To- i '~/':"(~"
coma I I n~ a"
• • ~ lylaS~lC
Mr and Mrs Max l~ u]ler and I I '-
their' two-yem::old boy, Stephen, l[ M,,~t-ra nis,)ense- Quilted
have returned from Alabama and ]l "~ ..... *'
.... , ilolaer
are now staying x~ith Mr. and Mrs, ]l
George Riker. The Rikers are al- i '
so hosts to Mr. and Mrs. Richard II "-"":"""~"="
O'Brien from Andover, N.J., who/I Trowel Bobby Pins
will be making their home here/I
in HoodsporL. Mrs. O'Brien is Mrs. ~|
Riker's sister. . • . /I Screw Drivers Terry
The only fitting and proper end-/I
ing for this week seems Lo ,be a [I Asst. Wash Cloth
"welcome to your new home' for [i ~
Mr. ancl Mrs. Tom Connolly and ]l
their two boys Kelly and Tracy. ll .....--..A...-.--.. All.|lira---
The Connallys have lived in Lilli-:i N'VN"KI I41 N'N . lllllll l;;
• " r -- ,~iin i 1 I~ i,~lmim li v~inI Into
waup for three years but nave now n -,
Met down new roots on the school i s HA6TINGS, Manager
house hill here in Hoodsport. 1 ........... " ........... .," -
...........................................................................WEsT NGHoUSEI ................................................................................. i/i;i ......................... !
I!/t//lll/ " I
Ilt////I/// I !
Itl'/lltl t11'288°°1
• Full Width Vegetable Cr sper holds over frigerator Seotion, Modern Design that I
2/3 bushel of vegetables, fits in to look built-in, Ea.y Open Door I
2-p '' "s adjustable. /
;l,ello,' " C0 /
419 Railroad Ave. 426-6283 i