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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 20, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 20, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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THE IN O F Plaintiff, to SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--- Published in "Oh 4stma,s¢oum, Shelton, Washin d)0n " Legal Publications .... Legal, ...... Publlcations --___Legal ...... NO• 3632 NO. 88,)2 NIl. 3593 "-" No'rICI,: T(I C|{I,'III'roIIN NI'MMON,'4 llY Iq'iII,ICATION NOTI('E O1o IlEAl{IN(: FINAl, IN TIlE SITPET{IC)R C()UI'.T OF Tl.llq , TN Tile SITI'Ii]T(T~)H (h)UICI' OF Till,} I¢l,:l'oIur AND I'ETI'I:ION l"Olt STA']•ti: ~)li' \\,'ASI i 1Nq ITON IN IHNTILIIIUTION i ANt) l,'llH TIlE ('I)UNTY" OF MA- SI)N i ~A'AYNlq ,qTI)N 1,] and VIRGINIA i S'I'()NIP,. huqhnnd :lad "¢,'i1"o, Plaintiff's, V,~. All unknown lmirs at law or LOUISA i lq. ]IAI,,q'Pt?H) also I(lloWll Its LInlis:l IE. Sp(,m,,,r dovousod, laid JOHN DOE ItALSTICD if living lind if deceased, file Illlkltll%vn heirs at hiw of Jolln Doe llalstod; Ihe STATIi,' OF WASHING- T()N :tlld till lltil(,r pOFsons or parties Unknowli ¢qtlhllinK ally right, lille, es- tale, lien or inl(q'ost ia till' real es- STATIC OP' WASItINGT()N 1"( )1 ~ MASON COUNTY IN i'P, OI;ATP] In 'il,'Matter (if llle 10st:it*• of ]~]U(]ENE E. TAYL()IL l)ocen:wd. NOTICE IS ItERb:f:Y (liVEN that lill' Ulldlq'sigllod }Ills I )(,(!n al)l)l)ialed and ]lil~ (llli)lifi,;d li,i tIIC Exi.l.utrix ill" lllo ~,s lil, ,f l]ilg(,lie IC T yhl•, do- coused~ tilal .'ill pel'sl)ns having clahns ~galnst said d('ceasod ave herel)y re- quired Ill SOl'VO lhe sliinl', dilly vori- fio(l, on the undel'signod E×ecutrlx Of ilel" li(lorney of l.el.i)l.d at lhc lid- dl'css I)(4ow stated alld file tile same with the Clerk of the said court, to- gerber with i)roof ()1' such sl~l'vi('e with- tale descrit)t,iI in flu, Colnlllninl herein, In six (6) niolltlis ill'hq' the date el ~lefendants. fils , ' I pubiicaih/n of ihis nlill(,e (,r tile ssliie will he lairrod, YOU AND EACH oF YOU, are here- Date of firs I,lu)l eat}on May 6, by sunlnllmod Io alipoal' wit}tin slxt~, 1,q65, '. " (60) days after the dale of the first faient will FLORENCE W, TIYI,OR puhlic.aihnl of this SUllilaOUS, to wit: :or [i ~ to Executrix within sixty (60) days afler llie 22nd tt|t "~ hlch GLENN E, CORREA dsy of Ap'ril• 1965, lind defend the ~rk~l lbeAttorney for Estate above entitled ac i(n in lira Super}( r nixactionBelt Building Court aforesaid and answer tile con]- 121 South Fourth Street plaint of tim lllairitfff's alld set'v(, I1 COIIV of .VOI I' IIIISWOI• upon the nndf~r- Shelion, Wlisillngton 5/6-13-20-27 4t signed attorney for Lhe plaintiff's, at .......... Iris office below stated; nud in case N(), ,9,5~1i of your failure so to do, judgnmnt 6t NOTICE OF llEARING FINAI, will be rendered against you accord.. REI)ORT AND I'ETITION FOR ing to tile denlands o£ tlle c.omplaint DINTRIIIUTION tn tiffs action which lms bess filed IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE wltll tile clerk of said Court, STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR The objecl of this set}on is to quiet MASON COUNTY title in phdntiff's to real estate ill In the MaJ.ter of tile Estale of EMMA Nhlson Comity, Washington, described L. CLANTON, Deceimed. ss follows: C. Wesley Clanton. Executor of said Lota 10 and 11 in Block 12 of Am- ] N T I I E S l ~ PI( Ill ()ll (?i) I ! l VI' ()f,, T l I I,] STATE OF %VASHi NCTCIN lcO],~ MAS()N coUNTY IN I)P, OI~ATE In the Mailer of lilo 10.~(:lh; of I']liNA ;qTACKItOUSE, l)('(:(a:.,d. NOT[('E IS lIE.RElaY CtVI,]N lhai ~riliifl'(ql Khnl)all, l~]xoculi'ix of the 10Sl:lh, of ]l]dlla ~tlt('kitl)ll,~u', d('i'(',qsed, tlil,~ filed ili th(! offh.'(' ot lla, Clel'k of .~:lid (N)lli't li IPhl:ll Rep(u'l and Pe- 1 it i()n fl,l' DiSII'iIlUl ion. a sk i ill.,: tile C(mrl hi solilo said i'epol'l. (iisll'ibute the I)l'Ol)Oi'[y it) Ill() l)('l'sI)llb; lh('l't!to entith,d an(i Ill diseharl-to lti(, l)olilhiner li:~ Ex,'cutrix alld tiult ,'4:ii(.I roll(}l,I Ill d l)elilion will lie ileal'd i)n Illo 'lib i l~' (if .luiuL 19(;5, at 10:00 o' in l l'P fol'i'llOOn ill" said day, O1' as ~()¢SIl thor,, al't(,l' ds th(' lllilthq" (}till lit' iliqll•d t till' ('lilll•t l'(h)lll of the alll.,VO-t.lltil ~(i i('litll'l, in lliP Coln'lil(iti~(' ill ~li(,it n iMasi)n C(,untY, Wasilington. :it wbi(!ll !iilne and ida('(' any l)Ill'stIll lrll(;l't,stl!(I In said Eshlle illay al)P~'ili' lin(t file i ob ieoti(lllS (h(!l'Cli) and ('()lil esl tile Sll I/le. r Ill '• I t~ IbATED (ilis 30ih da3 Apl II, 1,i6,), /,AUI~A M, WA(H~]NEP, Ch,rk of said Court By Tel,kill Vermilihm, i)epuly GLENN I,]. CORRI!]A Attornev for Estate P, ell 1]liJlding 121 Soutil IO()urth Street Sheltoa ~Vashinglon 985144 5/6-] 3-21i-27 41 U Nrr I!]1) STATES Estate, has filed with said Cow-( his ended and Corrccted Phlt of She}ton 1)I,;I'AII'I!.III~]N'I.' OF 'rile IN'rl,:l{loIt filial rel)ort slid petition for distl.Jbu- a~ r~!cord(,d in Volul(1O 2 of t)lats, liar(roll of i,and Maaag'enn,nt lion, asking the Court to settle said page 19. Laud ofllel( report, dlslribute the pi'operty to 1lie Ill Clly of Shcilon, Mason (~otlnty, 7tit N.I,:. llolhidlly persons thereto eat}thud lind to dis- Was]linglon ]Porlhlnd, Oregon 91232 chaise said Executor. Said l'eport and (1%'-05196) petition will be beard on the lltil against lbe claim oftlle defendants Notice is llereby g v( n tilat the St it} day of June, 1965, at 9:30 a.m. in the and any one of tbem. of Washington' has filed application Courtroom of said Court, in the Coun- D~kVID B, SCttULTZ for patent Covering tile following-d,,s- ty Courthouse at Shelton, Washington. Attorney for Plaintiff's cribed land inn'suant to the Act of DATED THIS 6th day of May, 1965, Office & Post Office A dltress: .lnlle 21, 193,1 (,t8 Sial. 11S5; ,13 U.S.C, LAURA. M. WAGENER 422 Washington Street 871 (a)): , . . Clerk of the Superior Court Olynlpia, Washington %Villanlelte Merhlhin, )% llSalngtail Robert L. Snyder 4/22-29 5/6-13-20-27 61 T. 22 N., R. 1 A~,r.. see t6, LoIs 1, 2, 3, /~ttclV~1(3y for Execut()r• ....... |, NElL EV, SE~,~. '1'. 23 N., It. I W., 125' North 5ti, .... OF V- Llr nl, t,, s,c. 16, ,,1i. - MATERIAL ON NTATE ][,AND The at)eve lan(l~ WOVe granted to tbe ~hel'{on, Wasnlngmu 5/13-20-27 3t STATE OF WASIIINGTON. DEPART- State of ~fVn,~d~illgt(nl Ul)On adnlission '~" I~ILLMAN, MENT OF NATUP~AL RESOURCFS to the Union. Tlm is,~mance of patent N'~~(: " Bert L. Cole, Commtssi()ner of Pt/lii'i'c is nlere]y t() clesr lilh, and does not NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Umt Lands affect anyone who leay }lave secured .. 5/20-27 21 the City Planning Conunisslon (if tile Notice is hereby given that on Tues- successors ill interest. their title tin'ough the state or its ~"~"~ City of Shelton, will holds a public day, the 251h day of May, 1965, con- Any adverse clainlunts of the above- ~~ hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Tue. day, May mem!ing st ten o'clock in the forenoon described hinds must file their claims o.25, 1965 at the City Hall on lhe for of said day, at the Sllelton, District or objections lilly linle during tile lowing applications for a condittoixal Headquarters, located at Stlelton, publication or within a 30-day period exception.: County of Mason, State of Was}ling(on, ~lfh,r lhe date of last pui)iicati(nl of Met}led}st Church, Blks• 11, 12, 13, by tbe District Admiuistrator of said this notice., sueii elainl or objection Mount O!k'e Lutheran Church, per described slate land will bc sold at Office, T:tlu'eall of L~,nd BL~nagcutor. Sa,d l'ep(; "I and i. Aim ..... ~'n'lui'n ~(~D;l~O~'~.uo}'"~257~t''2n:aK'~" a }l,~lii- i,'l I w li be II >:nil ,ll tile ll(h duy l , .)~l .)8 t)UIn LIIO I l'nl o| Ilia( I illI~" " "" " " "~ ; OSl~ ~ st ' ' ) " ' " ') lit IU a Ill hi file ~:ouru- i at onlyFRIDAY, MAY 1 of cash nlon.y o,'0.,' ,., ee,'Ufiurthouse at wbici, t hae 9n, dP..=1 wl mc,ude thi ............ " C , (1 ,,,S~llLe, .-- ., vt:l ~C irom f-Sdtlms ,: any person inte,'estcA.m,~_~s SOul longeth, yea, even nd fih oDjt ~ [alllt(th fol may app( al a " m ' " ~ " " th ~ ; ~ " ' - • ? ...... ~llIlO m - . " (2 COUl'tS OI the xo an(l eonlest lne ~ "• Ma 1965 " l.or(l' my he r,.,~,~ ;CI. 7tb day of Y,-~ ..'.:,. I . • . .~ art and my flesh cri- A vERMILLIO etn out [elthe h " TECKL ' I .... • ving God (PS. i~,,.[ 0PPtCE 'PHONE .............. N u,:,,-~x ..... • " 426-6642 JOHN C. RAG~Nate I I~a:~J" ~"11 Att°l•ney' ' ~ :'-'"V" I late(] Passage-- :,, 1- ...... Pa~.~l~ir~mNQS: PHONE 426-3530 Title Insurancen .,~l~l .... I from the Ohrist?a:n ff'P ~c t, ex~ Sixelton, Wash g• 5/13-20-27 3t book ii " "' "