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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 20, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 20, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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:i¸ • , • / le:eut band at its b~eaks Th tee. ACKNOWLEDGES Wonderful contributions we as c community as a whole from Simpson Timber Com- farm or another over the L rivilege to join with the rest of wishing much more suc- re to our good friend. ROTARY CLUB OUR PRIZE JEWEL Greatest Asset the Rest of Our Com- ,Ibra we join in fond and felicitations on this ANNIVERSARY X THE RINGS ON SIMPSON'S LIFE NOW NUMBER 75 Along the way are achievements piled high in valuable contributions to its community and industry. It is no wonder those who know HAIL SIMPSON With high respect and strong affection, just as we do at PANTORiUM CLEANERS CARGO PALLETS ARE One example of how Simpson ial is playing an important role Timber Company keeps constant-in the jet cargo industry today. ly oil the lookout for new ways The comphAe pallets are the lo utilize its raw materials is result of coordinatedwork by found in the jet cargo pallets de- Simpson Boeing, and America veloped from its plywood products. Machine' & FoundlT. ~ . Developed jointly by Simpson:'s Actually the pa'ilctsarc jura- industrial sales arid research de- be Simpst)'n plywood panels cov- ered With high pressure laminate, partments, jet cargo pallet mater- ~htough plastic that helps make ........ t e pallets waterproof and impact resistant. The pallets ape sized to fit Into the ellair track of the carrying rack of a Jet freighter. The load is built directly on the pallet, which is moved into the cargo hold of the jets by a series .of ball-bearing rollers and scissors lift. PAN AMIERICA_N, using their new Air Pak system, can deliver cargo on a doorway-to-doorway basis thousands of miles away in just a few hours by carrying the same loaded pallets on connect- ins rail and truck services, The toeing jets can carry 40 tons of freight at 575 miles an hour with a maximum carg~ volume of 9,790 cubic feet. upplement g ']L ON-MA ON' C0U1W : JOURNAL The cargo pallet Is a splendid example of the opportunities open (,o ~mpson ill, industrial sales. Most Stmpsorl products fir} into homebuilding and the company is aggressively seeking new wood markets amen .......... g industrial users F-Illl 2dllCllel he .... :" ~ • " rlc~n rt,, rh ..... /:teAS the orgamza- ::,i, activity in the com- P Y" Ustrial sales department. A 8-STEp pl ......... - -- -- ~ut~ES~ ls usecl to ma~e the tJallot~ .~ ~. P2.~v. .,t*iyl°ek Plant in Portland. ;'t:tas~lie Panels are laid up, then v • spline is imbedded in the center for e • . .. xtra strength, and !!nany the Plastic faces m'e lam- zn~Leu Onto " the panels. Pallets manufactured to date have been "~°"'~"'~""~:evevU';e:r the direction of Claude •~ --.~, ". arch technical scrwces who ,va in helton • • y',ars, ~tnd E1-v Heffley, Pnl:ln?clc general fore- swing-shift Great responsibility for Slmp- son Timber Company leadership has been the lot of William G. Reed, only surviving son of Mark E. Reed. Two other sons, Sol and l%ank Reed met tragic deaths. Reed's family owns some eighty per cent of the Company, and Reed had to meet the challenges of de- ciding whether to rest comfort- ably on the laurels of the past or to surge forward in a tough, com- petitive field. Reed chose the harder path, surrounded himself with effective, knowledgeable men in all phases of timber company operations and forged ahead to keep Simpson a leader in the industry. Reed was called back fron~ duty with the Navy during' ~v'orld War II to direct the Company after the ~udden death of Frank Reed, who had been president. Since that time, Bill Reed has been president wire and now serve~ as chairman. iii i • . Sac. Kilns Made Possible - ' ................ " ...................................... Processing, Sales Of While Pine Here Upon COIlH|l'n(![ion of the new dPy kilns aL Sbelton a eotll)le of years ago, Simpson Tinlbcl' Conl- llany gaine{I tile distinction of I}e- ing the "westernnlost" lllCnlber of tile Western Pin(, Ass[)ciation along with gaining a new 1)~{}duct [to offer its {:tlstom{'i's. Simpson added IdMlo white pine as tile new pro(h|et, and harvests up lo lw{} million hoard feet {)f it in the Shoton \Vorking Circlt). Pine mum be drie{I so Simpson was unable to process this forest species until the Shelion dry kilns were installed. Until then tile com- pany sold all its pine logs, but now these logs 'tre held Imtil en- ough are aceunlulated t.o charge one or two kilns. This OCClU'S thre.e or four limes a year, according to Haxold Ahlsl{og, manager of -- __.-.--- fit' and hemh)ck sawmills division )f the company. with the new k,,ns S n, pso,, ,s This IS What Makes Our World able to process the white pine without any difficulty and there Go Around is a ready, profitable market fop this ~ood. To qualify for ~Veslern Pi~!e As- socia,tion menabership, Simpson THANKS TO SIMPSON TIMBER had to have lunfl)er graders qual- and the Sustained Yield Plan it will ified to grqde pine. To fulfill this Keep rtgn~ requirenlent the conll}any sent on spinning on a permanent schedule William Tibbitts and Jim Dougher- ty to a Canadian mill for two from now on. weeks to lellrll the nceessary tt?'ch- niques, Idaho white pine has many out- standing cilaracteristics and is es- pecially noted for w{x}dworking 132 Railroad Ave. Phone 426-4642 uses, -~~ ....... ~.~-~,.,~ ....... ~,,-~.-~,~..~.,~:.,..,----~-...- -~--- - ~- .~. ~ ! FOREST PRODU(Jrs ARE THE BACKBONE of our thriving, growing community. As world leaders in the field of forest products utilization, Simpson Timber Company richly deserves the well wishes of all of us on this 75th Anniversary NORTHWEST EVERGREEN COMPANY ..... -1 .'f" LES SHELVER~ President. ...... "" ~'~ |t x " , ..... People Throughout The Entire World Enjoy BETTER LIVING FROM TREES WE OF MASON COUNTY HAVE A PERMANENT SUPPLY OF TREES ANTEE OUR FUTURE THROUGH THE WISDOM AND FORESIGHT OF SIMPSON TIMBER COMPANY TO GUAR- We join with a grateful Community in wishing this great forest industry leader even greater achievements in the next 75 years than it has accomplished in these first 75. Where Your Deposits Are Also Building Mason County