May 20, 1999 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Kiwaniannes set for Forest Fest activities
les, from left, Grace Young,
LaRock, Alice Jacobson and Sy-
ready for the group's For-
events including an art,
and craft show set for 8:30 a.m.
P.m. Saturday at the former Hall-
store, 321 West Railroad. Over 20
will feature specialty items
as needlework, walking sticks,
jewelry, dried flower arrange-
and hand-woven hats in addi-
raffle items donated by vendors
and the group's special cookie mix in
glass canning jars. For the third year
the women will participate in the Paul
Bunyan Parade, this year posing as
loggers. After the parade the women
will have a duck pond for children at
Loop Field. All proceeds from the ac-
tivities of Kiwanianne of Mason
County are used to benefit children,
youth and families in the county. More
information on the club is available
from Bobble Petraitis at 426-8698.
00ommunity 00alendar
al Events
May 20
p.m., Crimson Company,
State University show
band, Shelton High School
May 21
ra. West Side Story, Shelton
Drama Department,
'a., Forest Festival Street
With Second Wind, Railroad
May 22
Lrn., Forest Festival Kiddy
Paul Bunyan Parade,
P.m., Forest Festival log-
and other activities, Loop
and Franklin streets.
Forty.Second Street, Saint
Movie Series, Saint Da-
218 North Third Street.
West Side Story, Shelton
ool Drama Department,
May 23
).m., Vintage Car Show,
North on Mountain
May 20
Shelton Toastmasters,
:" for Academic and
ce, McDonald's
Morning Star
TOPS (Take Off Pounds
1188, United Methodist
426-3727 for informa-
Hood Canal Community
ms, Mason-Ben-
Rotary Club, Ming
P.m., Mason County Inter-
Council on Ear-
Education, boardroom,
., Board of Supervisors of
Conservation District,
strict office, SE 1015
., "New Beginnings," free
support group, 121
Mason County Civil Ser-
Mason County
Parents Helping Parents,
Facility, 2412 West Rail-
rgency Medical Ser-
ason General Hospi-
Mason County Recreation
Board, Mason County
Hood Canal Lions, Union
)lympic Poets and Writers
circle), 218 North
7 p.m., Pioneer School Board,
study session, main district building.
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous
meeting, Matlock Grange Hall. For
information, 427-0947.
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
Saint David's Episcopal Church,
Third and Cedar streets.
8 p.m., Eagles, 411 First Street.
Friday, May 21
9 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly), Hood Canal Community
Church, 877-6842.
Noon, AI-Anon family group, Saint
David's Episcopal Church. Call 427-
12:30 p.m., VFW Auxiliary 1694
dessert and card party, Memorial
12:45 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate
Bridge Club, Alderbrook Inn. Call
Lillian Updyke, 898-3749, for more
7 p.m., Emotions Anonymous,
Saint David's Episcopal Church.
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
Hoodsport library.
8 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, 210
South Second.
8 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous, Ma-
son General Hospital.
Saturday, May 22
7 p.m., Q.W.I.B. (Quality World In
Balance), chemical dependency sup-
port group, Shelton United Methodist
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous
for Newcomers, 210 South Second.
8 p.m., Salty Sashayers square
dance, small hall, Mason County
Sunday, May 23
Mason County invites you to at-
tend the church of your choice.
9:30 a.m., Fishermen's Club, PUD
3 Auditorium.
9:30 a.m., Narcotics Anonymous,
Burgermaster conference room in
Shelton, 754-4433.
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
210 South Second.
Monday, May 24
Noon, Save Our County Kids
(SOCK), board meeting, Shelton Ar.
mory. Call Sue Sheldon at 427-3119
for more information.
3 p.m., Shelton City Commission,
workshop, city hall.
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
Saint David's Episcopal Church,
Third and Cedar streets.
7 p.m., Mason County Search and
Rescue Explorers Post 740, Island
Lake Fire Hall.
7 p.m., Southside School Board,
7 p.m., Mason County Singles,
PUD 3 building. For information,
7:30 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 110,
United Methodist Church.
Tuesday, May 25
8 a.m., Mason County Hospital
District 1 Commission, Mason Gener-
al Hospital.
8 a.m., Housing Authority of Ma.
son County board meeting, 900 At.
pine Way, Shelton.
11:30 a.m., Club Read, William G.
Reed Library, Shelton.
Noon, Shelton Kiwanis Club,
3 p.m., PUD 3 Commission meet-
ing, Third and Cota.
4:30 p.m., PUD 1 Board of Commi-
sioners meeting, district office in Pot-
4:30 p.m., TOPS WA 313 Shelton
(Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Shelton
United Methodist Church. Call 426-
0101 for information.
6 p.m., Teens of Shelton Society,
Burgermaster, Olympic Highway
6:30 p.m., Pioneer School Board
business meeting, main district build-
6:30 p.m., swimming for Simpson
Timber Company employees and fam-
ily, Shelton High School pool.
6:30 p.m., South Sound Rental As-
sociation, meeting at Orient Express
Restaurant. For information, call Pet-
er or Darlene Pennock at 426-2015.
7 p.m., Mason County Commis.
sion, Mason County Building I.
7 p.m., Shelton School Board, An-
gle Education Center library.
7 p.m., genealogy class by Shelton
LDS Family History Center, Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
Skokomish Tribal Center.
7 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate
Bridge Club, Alderbrook Inn. Call
Lillian Updyke, 898-3749, for more
7 p.m., Depressed Anonymous,
Pershing Room, Mason General Hos-
pital. For more info, call 427-6847.
7:30 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous,
women's group, Saint David's Episco-
pal Church, Third and Cedar streets.
7:30 p.m., Cancer Society board
meeting, Mason General Hospital.
7:30 p.m., 4-H leaders, extension
7:30 p.m., Roundtable for Scout-
ing, United Methodist Church.
8 p.m., Moose Lodge, 201 Moose
8 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, 210
South Second.
Wednesday, May 28
7 a.m., Kristmastown Kiwanis
Club, Pine Tree Inn.
7 a.m., Skookum Rotary, Mill
Creek Inn.
7 a.m., Pioneer Community Kiwa-
nis Club, Spencer Lake Resort.
6 p.m., Mason County Council on
Abuse and Neglect domestic violence
education and support group. Call
Terri at 426-0710 or 1-888-222-3664
for location.
7 p.m., Beta Zeta, home of mem-
7 p.m., Adult Children of Alcohol-
ics, McDonald's meeting room, Olym-
pic Highway North.
7:15 p.m., A1-Anon meeting (help
and hope for families of alcoholics),
Collier Building, 4th and Birch, Room
17, Shelton, basement entrance, 427-
7:30 p.m., Elks, lodge.
8 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, 210
South Second, 426-7230.
Fagan to speak to Kiwanis
Michael Fagan from the Independent Business Association
will be the speaker at the Shelton Kiwanis Club meeting set for
noon on Tuesday, May 28, at Xinh's Clam and Oyster House
located at Third and Railroad in downtown Shelton.
VFW sets officer installation
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1694 and its auxiliary will
install officers at 7 p.m. Friday, May 21, at Memorial Hall,
Second and Franklin streets in Shelton. The public is invited
to attend. Auxiliary officers for the coming year are Fay Rob-
inson, president; Midge Marshall, senior vice; Mary Chapler,
junior vice; Peggy Dittmer, treasurer; Betty Sahlin, chaplain;
Evelyn Moore, conductress; Peggy Harper, guard; Jackie
Mallon, secretary and trustee; and Josephine Sparks and Stel-
la Godwin, trustees. The Cancer Aid and Research card party
will be the same day at the hall with refreshments at noon and
card playing to follow.
The Washington State World War II memorial dedication
will be held at 12:45 p.m. Friday, May 28, near the General Ad-
ministration Building on the Capitol Campus in Olympia. On
May 31 Post 1694 will conduct Memorial Day services at 11
a.m. at the Shelton cemetery. The veterans service office will
be closed on that Monday.
ESA to discuss convention
Beta Zeta Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha will gather at 7
p.m. Wednesday, May 26, at the home of Jane White to discuss
the recent convention. An installation banquet for newly elect-
ed officers is scheduled for June 2 at Steven's, 203 West Rail-
road in Shelton. Cocktails will be served at 6 p.m. with the cer-
emony at 6:30 and dinner to follow at 7.
Sashayers dance is May 22
The Salty Sashayers Square and Round Dance Club will
hold a mainstream dance Saturday, May 22, at the Mason
County Fairgrounds. Prerounds will begin at 7:30 p.m. with
dancing from 8 to 10:30. Tom Harrington will be the caller and
Carolyn and Larry Small will be the cuers. Visitors are wel-
come to attend.
Homemakers clubs to meet
The Hillcrest Homemakers will get together with the Mat-
lock club for a potluck lunch at noon Wednesday, May 26, at the
Matlock Grange. Members will meet at 11 a.m. at the park-
and-ride lot at the Dayton-Matlock exit on Highway 101 to car-
pool to the meeting. Those attending should bring "show-and-
tell" items.
GOP women to hear Sykora
Pat Sykora, elections administrative assistance with the
Mason County Auditor's Office, will explain the honored voters
celebration to the Mason County Republican Women's Club at
its meeting set for 11:30 a.m. Friday, May 28, at Alpine Way
Retirement Apartments at 900 Alpine Way off 13th Street. In
June Mason County will recognize those who have voted for 50
years or more with a special program. Lunch reservations can
be made by calling Marilyn Laubach, 426-2359, or Gwen Run-
yan, 427-0373.
Unless otherwise noted, all
events take place at the Mason
County Senior Activities Center
at 826 West Railroad Avenue.
The senior center hours are from
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The center's tele-
phone desk (426-7374) is closed
for lunch from noon till 12:30 p.m.
Adult lap swimming is set for
11:15 a.m. weekdays and noon on
Saturday at the Shelton High
School Pool.
Friday, May 21
8:30 a.m., Tai Chi class.
9 a.m., projects and line danc-
Noon, potluck lunch.
1 p.m., open craRs.
Monday, May 24
8:30 a.m., Tai Chi class.
9 a.m., line dancing.
Noon, lunch.
1 p.m., pinochle.
Tuesday, May 25
9 a.m., projects.
10 a.m., line dancing.
Noon, lunch.
Wednesday, May 26
8:30 a.m., Tai Chi class.
9 a.m., line dancing.
Noon, lunch.
6:30 p.m., pinochle, Shelton
Moose Lodge.
Thursday, May 27
9 a.m., beginning line dancing
and woodcarving.
10 a.m., intermediate line
11 a.m., blood-pressure checks.
Noon, lunch.
1 p.m., bingo.
College spotlight
nominees sought
College students are spotlight-
ed by The Journal during the
summer. Suggestions for people
to feature are always welcome.
Please call reporter Mary Duncan
at 426-4412 with names and in-
formation of how to contact a pos-
sible student.
It's Garden Planting T00me?
Cukes s Squash Celery
Broccoli Cabbage Lettuce
, Cauliflower, Artichokes Peppers
20 varieties of l-gallon tomatoes
We still have lots of
Geraniums, Herbs
Annuals Basket stuffers
N., Weekdays 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
OO Weekends I0 a.m.-5 p.m.
M.K.A. O00eabot00e
27 Calder Road
Elma * 482-3572 --.h
SHS grads to wed in November
Ann Marilyn Johnson of Shelton and Michael A.
Laffey Jr. of Colorado Springs, Colorado, will be
united in marriage on Saturday, November 6, at
Shelton's United Methodist Church. Ann, whose
parents are Al and Nancy Johnson of Shelton, is a
1988 graduate of Shelton High School and works at
Simpson Community Federal Credit Union.
Michael, whose parents are Michael and Lynda
Laffey Of Shelton, graduated from SHS in 1989 and
from Central Washington University in 1994 with
a bachelor of arts degree in public relations. He is
vice president and co-owner of High Five Sports
Marketing in Seattle and general manager of the
Rocky Mountain Thunder arena football team in
Colorado Springs.
Craft bazaar, kids'
carnival, dance set
at Skokomish center
The Skokomish spring bazaar
celebrating Pudspaqub, a time of
flowering, will be held from 10
a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at the
tribal center.
Hosted by the Skokomish Cul-
ture Committee, the bazaar will
feature native artists and craft
booths. Indian tacos will be sold
and there will also be a raffle.
The children's carnival also
begins at 10 a.m. with fun and
games at minimal costs. There
will be face painting and a silent
auction too. Perpetual Motion
from Olympia will offer organized
children's activities from 2 to 4
p.m. All carnival proceeds will
benefit the Skokomish Head Start
and Childcare Facility.
The day will conclude with an
all-ages dance at 8 p.m. with mu-
sic by Getsum.
More information about the ba-
zaar and carnival is available
from Genny Rogers or Phyllis
Brisson at the tribal center, 426-
Masons announce
May meeting dates
The Free and Accepted Masons
anounce a number of meetings
slated for the month of May.
Mount Moriah Lodge 11 con-
venes its monthly stated commu-
nication at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday,
May 26, at the Masonic Temple,
19341 North Highway 101. The
meeting will also include a special
box social. The lodge meets on the
fourth Wednesday of each month.
Hood Canal Lodge 288, which
meets on the fourth Thursday of
the month, will convene its
monthly stated communication at
7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 27, at
the Masonic Temple, on State
Route 3 in Belfair.
The Union City Lodge which
also meets at the Masonic Tem-
ple, 19341 North Highway 101
holds its monthly stated commu-
nication on the second Thursday
of the month.
The District 12 Masters and
Wardens Association meets at 7
p.m. tonight at the Bremerton
Masonic Temple, 5th and Warren
streets. District 12 includes the
three local lodges.
District 12 serves a breakfast
on the last Saturday of each
month at the Bremerton temple.
This month's gathering will be at
9 a.m. May 29.
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Thursday, May 20, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7
Kiwaniannes set for Forest Fest activities
les, from left, Grace Young,
LaRock, Alice Jacobson and Sy-
ready for the group's For-
events including an art,
and craft show set for 8:30 a.m.
P.m. Saturday at the former Hall-
store, 321 West Railroad. Over 20
will feature specialty items
as needlework, walking sticks,
jewelry, dried flower arrange-
and hand-woven hats in addi-
raffle items donated by vendors
and the group's special cookie mix in
glass canning jars. For the third year
the women will participate in the Paul
Bunyan Parade, this year posing as
loggers. After the parade the women
will have a duck pond for children at
Loop Field. All proceeds from the ac-
tivities of Kiwanianne of Mason
County are used to benefit children,
youth and families in the county. More
information on the club is available
from Bobble Petraitis at 426-8698.
00ommunity 00alendar
al Events
May 20
p.m., Crimson Company,
State University show
band, Shelton High School
May 21
ra. West Side Story, Shelton
Drama Department,
'a., Forest Festival Street
With Second Wind, Railroad
May 22
Lrn., Forest Festival Kiddy
Paul Bunyan Parade,
P.m., Forest Festival log-
and other activities, Loop
and Franklin streets.
Forty.Second Street, Saint
Movie Series, Saint Da-
218 North Third Street.
West Side Story, Shelton
ool Drama Department,
May 23
).m., Vintage Car Show,
North on Mountain
May 20
Shelton Toastmasters,
:" for Academic and
ce, McDonald's
Morning Star
TOPS (Take Off Pounds
1188, United Methodist
426-3727 for informa-
Hood Canal Community
ms, Mason-Ben-
Rotary Club, Ming
P.m., Mason County Inter-
Council on Ear-
Education, boardroom,
., Board of Supervisors of
Conservation District,
strict office, SE 1015
., "New Beginnings," free
support group, 121
Mason County Civil Ser-
Mason County
Parents Helping Parents,
Facility, 2412 West Rail-
rgency Medical Ser-
ason General Hospi-
Mason County Recreation
Board, Mason County
Hood Canal Lions, Union
)lympic Poets and Writers
circle), 218 North
7 p.m., Pioneer School Board,
study session, main district building.
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous
meeting, Matlock Grange Hall. For
information, 427-0947.
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
Saint David's Episcopal Church,
Third and Cedar streets.
8 p.m., Eagles, 411 First Street.
Friday, May 21
9 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds
Sensibly), Hood Canal Community
Church, 877-6842.
Noon, AI-Anon family group, Saint
David's Episcopal Church. Call 427-
12:30 p.m., VFW Auxiliary 1694
dessert and card party, Memorial
12:45 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate
Bridge Club, Alderbrook Inn. Call
Lillian Updyke, 898-3749, for more
7 p.m., Emotions Anonymous,
Saint David's Episcopal Church.
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
Hoodsport library.
8 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, 210
South Second.
8 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous, Ma-
son General Hospital.
Saturday, May 22
7 p.m., Q.W.I.B. (Quality World In
Balance), chemical dependency sup-
port group, Shelton United Methodist
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous
for Newcomers, 210 South Second.
8 p.m., Salty Sashayers square
dance, small hall, Mason County
Sunday, May 23
Mason County invites you to at-
tend the church of your choice.
9:30 a.m., Fishermen's Club, PUD
3 Auditorium.
9:30 a.m., Narcotics Anonymous,
Burgermaster conference room in
Shelton, 754-4433.
7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
210 South Second.
Monday, May 24
Noon, Save Our County Kids
(SOCK), board meeting, Shelton Ar.
mory. Call Sue Sheldon at 427-3119
for more information.
3 p.m., Shelton City Commission,
workshop, city hall.
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
Saint David's Episcopal Church,
Third and Cedar streets.
7 p.m., Mason County Search and
Rescue Explorers Post 740, Island
Lake Fire Hall.
7 p.m., Southside School Board,
7 p.m., Mason County Singles,
PUD 3 building. For information,
7:30 p.m., Boy Scout Troop 110,
United Methodist Church.
Tuesday, May 25
8 a.m., Mason County Hospital
District 1 Commission, Mason Gener-
al Hospital.
8 a.m., Housing Authority of Ma.
son County board meeting, 900 At.
pine Way, Shelton.
11:30 a.m., Club Read, William G.
Reed Library, Shelton.
Noon, Shelton Kiwanis Club,
3 p.m., PUD 3 Commission meet-
ing, Third and Cota.
4:30 p.m., PUD 1 Board of Commi-
sioners meeting, district office in Pot-
4:30 p.m., TOPS WA 313 Shelton
(Take Off Pounds Sensibly), Shelton
United Methodist Church. Call 426-
0101 for information.
6 p.m., Teens of Shelton Society,
Burgermaster, Olympic Highway
6:30 p.m., Pioneer School Board
business meeting, main district build-
6:30 p.m., swimming for Simpson
Timber Company employees and fam-
ily, Shelton High School pool.
6:30 p.m., South Sound Rental As-
sociation, meeting at Orient Express
Restaurant. For information, call Pet-
er or Darlene Pennock at 426-2015.
7 p.m., Mason County Commis.
sion, Mason County Building I.
7 p.m., Shelton School Board, An-
gle Education Center library.
7 p.m., genealogy class by Shelton
LDS Family History Center, Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous,
Skokomish Tribal Center.
7 p.m., Alderbrook Duplicate
Bridge Club, Alderbrook Inn. Call
Lillian Updyke, 898-3749, for more
7 p.m., Depressed Anonymous,
Pershing Room, Mason General Hos-
pital. For more info, call 427-6847.
7:30 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous,
women's group, Saint David's Episco-
pal Church, Third and Cedar streets.
7:30 p.m., Cancer Society board
meeting, Mason General Hospital.
7:30 p.m., 4-H leaders, extension
7:30 p.m., Roundtable for Scout-
ing, United Methodist Church.
8 p.m., Moose Lodge, 201 Moose
8 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, 210
South Second.
Wednesday, May 28
7 a.m., Kristmastown Kiwanis
Club, Pine Tree Inn.
7 a.m., Skookum Rotary, Mill
Creek Inn.
7 a.m., Pioneer Community Kiwa-
nis Club, Spencer Lake Resort.
6 p.m., Mason County Council on
Abuse and Neglect domestic violence
education and support group. Call
Terri at 426-0710 or 1-888-222-3664
for location.
7 p.m., Beta Zeta, home of mem-
7 p.m., Adult Children of Alcohol-
ics, McDonald's meeting room, Olym-
pic Highway North.
7:15 p.m., A1-Anon meeting (help
and hope for families of alcoholics),
Collier Building, 4th and Birch, Room
17, Shelton, basement entrance, 427-
7:30 p.m., Elks, lodge.
8 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, 210
South Second, 426-7230.
Fagan to speak to Kiwanis
Michael Fagan from the Independent Business Association
will be the speaker at the Shelton Kiwanis Club meeting set for
noon on Tuesday, May 28, at Xinh's Clam and Oyster House
located at Third and Railroad in downtown Shelton.
VFW sets officer installation
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1694 and its auxiliary will
install officers at 7 p.m. Friday, May 21, at Memorial Hall,
Second and Franklin streets in Shelton. The public is invited
to attend. Auxiliary officers for the coming year are Fay Rob-
inson, president; Midge Marshall, senior vice; Mary Chapler,
junior vice; Peggy Dittmer, treasurer; Betty Sahlin, chaplain;
Evelyn Moore, conductress; Peggy Harper, guard; Jackie
Mallon, secretary and trustee; and Josephine Sparks and Stel-
la Godwin, trustees. The Cancer Aid and Research card party
will be the same day at the hall with refreshments at noon and
card playing to follow.
The Washington State World War II memorial dedication
will be held at 12:45 p.m. Friday, May 28, near the General Ad-
ministration Building on the Capitol Campus in Olympia. On
May 31 Post 1694 will conduct Memorial Day services at 11
a.m. at the Shelton cemetery. The veterans service office will
be closed on that Monday.
ESA to discuss convention
Beta Zeta Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha will gather at 7
p.m. Wednesday, May 26, at the home of Jane White to discuss
the recent convention. An installation banquet for newly elect-
ed officers is scheduled for June 2 at Steven's, 203 West Rail-
road in Shelton. Cocktails will be served at 6 p.m. with the cer-
emony at 6:30 and dinner to follow at 7.
Sashayers dance is May 22
The Salty Sashayers Square and Round Dance Club will
hold a mainstream dance Saturday, May 22, at the Mason
County Fairgrounds. Prerounds will begin at 7:30 p.m. with
dancing from 8 to 10:30. Tom Harrington will be the caller and
Carolyn and Larry Small will be the cuers. Visitors are wel-
come to attend.
Homemakers clubs to meet
The Hillcrest Homemakers will get together with the Mat-
lock club for a potluck lunch at noon Wednesday, May 26, at the
Matlock Grange. Members will meet at 11 a.m. at the park-
and-ride lot at the Dayton-Matlock exit on Highway 101 to car-
pool to the meeting. Those attending should bring "show-and-
tell" items.
GOP women to hear Sykora
Pat Sykora, elections administrative assistance with the
Mason County Auditor's Office, will explain the honored voters
celebration to the Mason County Republican Women's Club at
its meeting set for 11:30 a.m. Friday, May 28, at Alpine Way
Retirement Apartments at 900 Alpine Way off 13th Street. In
June Mason County will recognize those who have voted for 50
years or more with a special program. Lunch reservations can
be made by calling Marilyn Laubach, 426-2359, or Gwen Run-
yan, 427-0373.
Unless otherwise noted, all
events take place at the Mason
County Senior Activities Center
at 826 West Railroad Avenue.
The senior center hours are from
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The center's tele-
phone desk (426-7374) is closed
for lunch from noon till 12:30 p.m.
Adult lap swimming is set for
11:15 a.m. weekdays and noon on
Saturday at the Shelton High
School Pool.
Friday, May 21
8:30 a.m., Tai Chi class.
9 a.m., projects and line danc-
Noon, potluck lunch.
1 p.m., open craRs.
Monday, May 24
8:30 a.m., Tai Chi class.
9 a.m., line dancing.
Noon, lunch.
1 p.m., pinochle.
Tuesday, May 25
9 a.m., projects.
10 a.m., line dancing.
Noon, lunch.
Wednesday, May 26
8:30 a.m., Tai Chi class.
9 a.m., line dancing.
Noon, lunch.
6:30 p.m., pinochle, Shelton
Moose Lodge.
Thursday, May 27
9 a.m., beginning line dancing
and woodcarving.
10 a.m., intermediate line
11 a.m., blood-pressure checks.
Noon, lunch.
1 p.m., bingo.
College spotlight
nominees sought
College students are spotlight-
ed by The Journal during the
summer. Suggestions for people
to feature are always welcome.
Please call reporter Mary Duncan
at 426-4412 with names and in-
formation of how to contact a pos-
sible student.
It's Garden Planting T00me?
Cukes s Squash Celery
Broccoli Cabbage Lettuce
, Cauliflower, Artichokes Peppers
20 varieties of l-gallon tomatoes
We still have lots of
Geraniums, Herbs
Annuals Basket stuffers
N., Weekdays 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
OO Weekends I0 a.m.-5 p.m.
M.K.A. O00eabot00e
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SHS grads to wed in November
Ann Marilyn Johnson of Shelton and Michael A.
Laffey Jr. of Colorado Springs, Colorado, will be
united in marriage on Saturday, November 6, at
Shelton's United Methodist Church. Ann, whose
parents are Al and Nancy Johnson of Shelton, is a
1988 graduate of Shelton High School and works at
Simpson Community Federal Credit Union.
Michael, whose parents are Michael and Lynda
Laffey Of Shelton, graduated from SHS in 1989 and
from Central Washington University in 1994 with
a bachelor of arts degree in public relations. He is
vice president and co-owner of High Five Sports
Marketing in Seattle and general manager of the
Rocky Mountain Thunder arena football team in
Colorado Springs.
Craft bazaar, kids'
carnival, dance set
at Skokomish center
The Skokomish spring bazaar
celebrating Pudspaqub, a time of
flowering, will be held from 10
a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at the
tribal center.
Hosted by the Skokomish Cul-
ture Committee, the bazaar will
feature native artists and craft
booths. Indian tacos will be sold
and there will also be a raffle.
The children's carnival also
begins at 10 a.m. with fun and
games at minimal costs. There
will be face painting and a silent
auction too. Perpetual Motion
from Olympia will offer organized
children's activities from 2 to 4
p.m. All carnival proceeds will
benefit the Skokomish Head Start
and Childcare Facility.
The day will conclude with an
all-ages dance at 8 p.m. with mu-
sic by Getsum.
More information about the ba-
zaar and carnival is available
from Genny Rogers or Phyllis
Brisson at the tribal center, 426-
Masons announce
May meeting dates
The Free and Accepted Masons
anounce a number of meetings
slated for the month of May.
Mount Moriah Lodge 11 con-
venes its monthly stated commu-
nication at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday,
May 26, at the Masonic Temple,
19341 North Highway 101. The
meeting will also include a special
box social. The lodge meets on the
fourth Wednesday of each month.
Hood Canal Lodge 288, which
meets on the fourth Thursday of
the month, will convene its
monthly stated communication at
7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 27, at
the Masonic Temple, on State
Route 3 in Belfair.
The Union City Lodge which
also meets at the Masonic Tem-
ple, 19341 North Highway 101
holds its monthly stated commu-
nication on the second Thursday
of the month.
The District 12 Masters and
Wardens Association meets at 7
p.m. tonight at the Bremerton
Masonic Temple, 5th and Warren
streets. District 12 includes the
three local lodges.
District 12 serves a breakfast
on the last Saturday of each
month at the Bremerton temple.
This month's gathering will be at
9 a.m. May 29.
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Thursday, May 20, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7