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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
May 20, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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May 20, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ndangered-species listing topic at meetin__gg: amber hears Babcock on salmon impact the action is authorized before it ures and actions which must be habitats and life cycles, she said. of several species of as threatened or endan- will have an effect on Ma- the speaker at the Shelton-Mason County of Commerce member- at the DaD Wop Din- audience. :abeth Babcock, Puget Coordinator for the Nation- arine Fisheries Service, that the Endangered Spe- was passed in 1973. The of Lower Puget Sound chi- and Hood Canal chum was in December. section which will affect is done here is the one Says that after the listing it to take or harm the or harm the habitat of the Babcock said. The section with habitat modifica- or degradation. WHICH cause degradation, kill the sal- or adversley affect their re- will be considered via- Babcock said. section of the act, she Says that federal agencies take actions which jeop- species adversely or af- critical habitat. Federal must consult with the Marine Fisheries Ser- get approval of any action and must insure certainty and monitoring. In wa- 3 to meet afternoons of temporary commis- 'Schedule needs, the Mason PUD 3 Commission will meetings at 3 p.m. in- the usual morning ses- end of June. Leetings are public and in the PUD office at and Cota streets. Class '79 in of S Shelton High School Class Plans its 20th reunion on at the Tyee Hotel. ever, a host of classmates ng from the organizers' who has information locate folks on the fal- ls asked to contact Tri- at 426-3707. to find Merline A1- Anderson, Helen Bent, Joseph Bolduc, Kenn Briggs, Da- Kim Brown, John Bru- an Bunks, Brad Butter- Casebier, Gene Chakos, Tammy Chap- Chapman, Don Col- na Cox, Mike Cross, Culbertson, Bob Ed- Eitner, Dwayne Es- Field, Gerald Flesh- Evans, Crystal Frassl, John Funken- Gaither, Rob Giles and Givens, Teri Glazier, Virginia Goldberg, arie Graham, Carolyn ;ary Gustafson, Bill :k, Steve Han- Hart, Brett Haskell, Brad Heinitz, Kirk Hillhouse, Connie Hoosier, Susan Jacobsen, Guy Jacques, Kathy Johnson, Ones, Karl Kim, Mary Mike Lawson, Robert Kim Frise, Kurt Lan- Lester, Mike Loud- James McCormick Jr. Bob Meacham, Robert Miller, Samuel Moore, Rod Nelson, Tracy Newell, Kit Peder- Pedi, Reuben Perrine, Gina Peterson, Teresa Pierce, Kelly Rohr, Mike Russell, John Schire- Sims, Sheryl Smith, Victor Smith, Da- n, Bonnie Strickland, ion, Tinia Tallman, Trula Watkins, Molly Weirich, ;, Shelby West, Cheryl Winter, Ginny Wolfenbarger and Ood. is funded and carried out. The NMFS will try to avoid business gridlock as much as pos- sible, she said. Part of the process, she said, will be to develop habitat conser- vation plans. In the case of timber companies/ those will involve long-term contracts which will be tailored to the necessary meas- taken. These conctracts, she said, require a lot of work and can re- main in effect for a number of years. PART OF THE process, she said, will be to look at specific fish populations and their habitat. NMFS and other agencies will make efforts to get more scientific information and to look at the Three qualities of streams and rivers, sediment, turbidity and chemical content, will be ana- lyzed in the course of those stud- ies, she said. Actions approved must take those qualities into ac- count, Babcock indicated. There is a need for long-term management plans, she said, which need to work for substance, tershed planning, she said, there is not a need for the same buffer requirements on every stream. She said the prohibitions on taking of salmon will probably not go into effect until rules are adopted. IN RESPONSE to a question from the audience, she said, her agency cannot by law do anything The TIDEWATERS Restaurant FISHING DERBY June 12 at Lake Cushman ., 877-6450 Open daily 7 a.m.-S p.m. Deb, Candy 27057North H:qhway 10L 3 miles north of Hoodsport FRIDAY N,sm PR,M= R,a $12 9s • Fresh Halibut • Prawns • Homemade Chicken-Fried Steak Come check us out- Dinners Wednesday-Sunday Locally Owned by Phil and Joni Barnett The Only Ma and Pa Atmosphere Around GREAT ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Restaurant Hours: ,, Lounge Hours: Man. & Tues. 6 a.m-2 p.m., Sun.-Tues. 11:30 a.m.-10 p.m., Wed-Sat. 6 a.m.-8 p.m., Sun. 6 am.-6 p.m. Wed:Sat. 11:30 a.m.-2 a.m. North 11880 Highway 101, Shelton * 426-3073 Available May 25 A SEVEN SPIELBERG FLM tom hanks saving private ryan ed,cr'drd bums matt damon tom the mission is a man. OLYMPIC VIDEO 2104 Olympic Hwy. N. * 426-1596 t Come enjoy food fun and the ' # Forest Festival this weeKe nd & 22 Adults and juniors only $5 • Children under 12 free with parent 5 miles south of Shelton, access via frontage road off Taylor Towne 24-hour phone 426-4707 • Roleplaying games , • • Collectible card games VA ALL STAR WARS 10% OFF Saturday, May 22 only Includes Young Je& V 426-5151 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK I I a.m.-8 p.m. Sunday.Thursday W4 10 am.Midnight Friday and Saturday IF'I ( ' ' ) 900 #A Olympic Hwy. S. :" ") Copper River Salmon $ ° Lunch $10 Dinner 877-9657 A Delicious Treat from the Land of Dairy Queen ® At participating Dairy Queen* Stores. We Treat You Right" Shelton * 221 North Ist * 426-7277 © AM D,Q. Corp./1995 Daiy Queen Iorgs are proud sponiom of me Children's Miracle @ Reg. U.S. Pat. Off., AM D.Q. Coqo. Network Telethon, llch blle local hoepltals for children. WE BAKE mYOU BAKE GREAT PIZZA $79P,o, o,,,,.s,z, [ 1 HAWAIIAN Van pizza I °"'°°" PIZZA , or bakecl plzza.,J c.°.,,°,.,...0o,, g%$999 I ORIGINAL CRUST Flgaro'* IIllen Kitchen GIANT.SIZE ,.e ira 1 PAPA S Pan Pizza I 0:,V;,; $ 99  FAVORITE ,or 11 I J Add $1 0€ baked plzzn.j.J Canadian bacon, salami, pepperoni, sausage and beef. 2121 Olympic Hwy. N. Shelton In Barkley Square 427-5366 11:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. Food stamps welcome on "You-Bake" Items. [] to regulate Indian fishing because of treaty rights. :: When the group turned to local : announcements, Jeff McHargue told the attendees the Field of /: Deams Auction, this year's cham- ber event, will be held June 18. The money raised at the auction : will go to develop the athletic fields at the Shelton Middle School. Elizabeth Babcock FOREST FESTIVAL SPECIALS & EXTENDED HOURS THIS FRIDAY & SATURDAY 405 West Railroad Shelton, WA 427-4368 OPEN FRIDAY 7 A.M.-10 P.M. Open late for Street Dance patrons OPEN SATURDAY 6:30 A.M.-6 P.M. for Fun Run, Parade and Carnival FRIDAY NIGHT AND SATURDAY FESTIVAL SPECIALS: Hamburgers, Boca Burgers, Hot Dogs, Corndogs, Popcorn, Strawberry Shortcake, Soda Pop, Coffee and Espresso. COFFEE AND DONUT SPECIAL 99 ¢ Saturday Morning, 6:30 a.m.-8:30 a.m. only RiDNBiBRB|RnRinBBBnB|B¶ ' RAFFLE , WINNERS WILL RECEIVE ONE Of THREE GIlT CERTiflCA TE5: I Lunch for two, a pound of Batdorf & Bronson coffee, | or a dozen donuts, i FILL OUT & BRING IN BY 6 P.M. SATURDAY | Name I I Address ....................................................................................................................... | Phone | I I Oakland Bay Coffee & Baking Company • 427-4368 I | 405 West Railroad Avenue • Shelton, WA 98584 | Wlnner will be notified. Need not be present tO wtn. 24-HOUR MOVIE INFO 426-1000 DALLY 1:00, 3:50, 6:50, 9:40 Presented in Dynamic Dolby e Digital Sound DAILY 1:30, 4:00, 7:00, 9:30 517 W. Franklin St., Shelton J I  CHECKS r PERSONAL DIGITAL ,. ,.,,,o ...,.... WELCOME Thursday, May 20, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 25 ndangered-species listing topic at meetin__gg: amber hears Babcock on salmon impact the action is authorized before it ures and actions which must be habitats and life cycles, she said. of several species of as threatened or endan- will have an effect on Ma- the speaker at the Shelton-Mason County of Commerce member- at the DaD Wop Din- audience. :abeth Babcock, Puget Coordinator for the Nation- arine Fisheries Service, that the Endangered Spe- was passed in 1973. The of Lower Puget Sound chi- and Hood Canal chum was in December. section which will affect is done here is the one Says that after the listing it to take or harm the or harm the habitat of the Babcock said. The section with habitat modifica- or degradation. WHICH cause degradation, kill the sal- or adversley affect their re- will be considered via- Babcock said. section of the act, she Says that federal agencies take actions which jeop- species adversely or af- critical habitat. Federal must consult with the Marine Fisheries Ser- get approval of any action and must insure certainty and monitoring. In wa- 3 to meet afternoons of temporary commis- 'Schedule needs, the Mason PUD 3 Commission will meetings at 3 p.m. in- the usual morning ses- end of June. Leetings are public and in the PUD office at and Cota streets. Class '79 in of S Shelton High School Class Plans its 20th reunion on at the Tyee Hotel. ever, a host of classmates ng from the organizers' who has information locate folks on the fal- ls asked to contact Tri- at 426-3707. to find Merline A1- Anderson, Helen Bent, Joseph Bolduc, Kenn Briggs, Da- Kim Brown, John Bru- an Bunks, Brad Butter- Casebier, Gene Chakos, Tammy Chap- Chapman, Don Col- na Cox, Mike Cross, Culbertson, Bob Ed- Eitner, Dwayne Es- Field, Gerald Flesh- Evans, Crystal Frassl, John Funken- Gaither, Rob Giles and Givens, Teri Glazier, Virginia Goldberg, arie Graham, Carolyn ;ary Gustafson, Bill :k, Steve Han- Hart, Brett Haskell, Brad Heinitz, Kirk Hillhouse, Connie Hoosier, Susan Jacobsen, Guy Jacques, Kathy Johnson, Ones, Karl Kim, Mary Mike Lawson, Robert Kim Frise, Kurt Lan- Lester, Mike Loud- James McCormick Jr. Bob Meacham, Robert Miller, Samuel Moore, Rod Nelson, Tracy Newell, Kit Peder- Pedi, Reuben Perrine, Gina Peterson, Teresa Pierce, Kelly Rohr, Mike Russell, John Schire- Sims, Sheryl Smith, Victor Smith, Da- n, Bonnie Strickland, ion, Tinia Tallman, Trula Watkins, Molly Weirich, ;, Shelby West, Cheryl Winter, Ginny Wolfenbarger and Ood. is funded and carried out. The NMFS will try to avoid business gridlock as much as pos- sible, she said. Part of the process, she said, will be to develop habitat conser- vation plans. In the case of timber companies/ those will involve long-term contracts which will be tailored to the necessary meas- taken. These conctracts, she said, require a lot of work and can re- main in effect for a number of years. PART OF THE process, she said, will be to look at specific fish populations and their habitat. NMFS and other agencies will make efforts to get more scientific information and to look at the Three qualities of streams and rivers, sediment, turbidity and chemical content, will be ana- lyzed in the course of those stud- ies, she said. Actions approved must take those qualities into ac- count, Babcock indicated. There is a need for long-term management plans, she said, which need to work for substance, tershed planning, she said, there is not a need for the same buffer requirements on every stream. She said the prohibitions on taking of salmon will probably not go into effect until rules are adopted. IN RESPONSE to a question from the audience, she said, her agency cannot by law do anything The TIDEWATERS Restaurant FISHING DERBY June 12 at Lake Cushman , 877-6450 Open daily 7 a.m.-S p.m. Deb, Candy 27057North H:qhway 10L 3 miles north of Hoodsport FRIDAY N,sm PR,M= R,B $12 9s • Fresh Halibut • Prawns • Homemade Chicken-Fried Steak Come check us out- Dinners Wednesday-Sunday Locally Owned by Phil and Joni Barnett The Only Ma and Pa Atmosphere Around GREAT ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Restaurant Hours: ,, Lounge Hours: Man. & Tues. 6 a.m-2 p.m., Sun.-Tues. 11:30 a.m.-10 p.m., Wed-Sat. 6 a.m.-8 p.m., Sun. 6 am.-6 p.m. Wed:Sat. 11:30 a.m.-2 a.m. North 11880 Highway 101, Shelton * 426-3073 Available May 25 A SEVEN SPIELBERG FLM tom hanks saving private ryan ed,cr'drd bums matt damon tom the mission is a man. OLYMPIC VIDEO 2104 Olympic Hwy. N. * 426-1596 t Come enjoy food fun and the ' # Forest Festival this weeKe nd & 22 Adults and juniors only $5 • Children under 12 free with parent 5 miles south of Shelton, access via frontage road off Taylor Towne 24-hour phone 426-4707 • Roleplaying games , • • Collectible card games VA ALL STAR WARS 10% OFF Saturday, May 22 only Includes Young Je& V 426-5151 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK I I a.m.-8 p.m. Sunday.Thursday W4 10 am.Midnight Friday and Saturday IF'I ( ' ' ) 900 #A Olympic Hwy. S. :" ") Copper River Salmon $ ° Lunch $1%0 Dinner 877-9657 A Delicious Treat from the Land of Dairy Queen ® At participating Dairy Queen* Stores. We Treat You Right" Shelton * 221 North Ist * 426-7277 © AM D,Q. Corp./1995 Daiy Queen Iores are proud sponiom of me Children's Miracle @ Reg. U.S. Pat. Off., AM D.Q. Coqo. Network Telethon, llch blle local hoepltals for children. WE BAKE mYOU BAKE GREAT PIZZA $79P,o, o,,,,.s,z, [ 1 HAWAIIAN Van pizza I °"'°°" PIZZA , or bakecl plzza.,J c.°..,°..,...0o,, g%$999 I ORIGINAL CRUST Flgaro'* Ilallen Kitchen GIANT.SIZE ,.e ira 1 PAPA S Pan Pizza I 0:,V;,; $ 99  FAVORITE ,or 11 I J Add $1 0€ baked plzzn,j.J Canadian bacon, salami, pepperoni, sausage and beef. 2121 Olympic Hwy. N. Shelton In Barkley Square 427-5366 11:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. Food stamps welcome on "You-Bake" Items. [] to regulate Indian fishing because of treaty rights. :: When the group turned to local : announcements, Jeff McHargue told the attendees the Field of /: Deams Auction, this year's cham- ber event, will be held June 18. The money raised at the auction : will go to develop the athletic fields at the Shelton Middle School. Elizabeth Babcock FOREST FESTIVAL SPECIALS & EXTENDED HOURS THIS FRIDAY & SATURDAY 405 West Railroad Shelton, WA 427-4368 OPEN FRIDAY 7 A.M.-10 P.M. Open late for Street Dance patrons OPEN SATURDAY 6:30 A.M.-6 P.M. for Fun Run, Parade and Carnival FRIDAY NIGHT AND SATURDAY FESTIVAL SPECIALS: Hamburgers, Boca Burgers, Hot Dogs, Corndogs, Popcorn, Strawberry Shortcake, Soda Pop, Coffee and Espresso. COFFEE AND DONUT SPECIAL 99 ¢ Saturday Morning, 6:30 a.m.-8:30 a.m. only RiDNBiBRB|RnRinBBBnB|B¶ ' RAFFLE , WINNERS WILL RECEIVE ONE Of THREE GIlT CERTiflCA TE5: I Lunch for two, a pound of Batdorf & Bronson coffee, | or a dozen donuts, i FILL OUT & BRING IN BY 6 P.M. SATURDAY | Name I I Address ....................................................................................................................... | Phone | I I Oakland Bay Coffee & Baking Company • 427-4368 I | 405 West Railroad Avenue • Shelton, WA 98584 | Wlnner will be notified. Need not be present tO wtn. 24-HOUR MOVIE INFO 426-1000 DALLY 1:00, 3:50, 6:50, 9:40 Presented in Dynamic Dolby e Digital Sound DAILY 1:30, 4:00, 7:00, 9:30 517 W. Franklin St., Shelton J I  CHECKS r PERSONAL DIGITAL ,. ,.,,,o ...,.... WELCOME Thursday, May 20, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 25